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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 213 KB, 1280x1024, 1238312781638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13943226 No.13943226 [Reply] [Original]

Monthly Reading For October: Quantum Thief

>> No.13943257

first for sanderhack a fag, there's no difference between Tor publishing and Qidian webnovels, and Sarah is fat.
Yeah, it was the best book of the last 3~ years IMO. I shilled it a little a while before. The setting was not really the point but I suppose the parallel of the empire's downfall is fitting.
Birdboi was active on discord last time I checked. I also think I know his reddit account.
Crowley is based and exactly what you are looking for (though not really a clear-cut allegory).
The story and the setting are still much better than most fantasy being released today. I feel entertained while reading it, and whatever smut he puts in is just an added bonus.

>> No.13943263
File: 169 KB, 1339x2005, Amalthea 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture has already been used for the OP.
I don't like this picture.

>> No.13943268
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>and Sarah is fat
How dare you?!

>> No.13943274
File: 540 KB, 1080x1385, IMG_20191005_231229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are you plebs reading that does not include fantasy shit?

>> No.13943277

Did you really wait until a new thread to post this so everyone would see it?

It hasn't been.
Show me otherwise.

>> No.13943282

When I finished typing it, a new thread was already up
She weighs more than her makeup

>> No.13943284
File: 155 KB, 856x700, godform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My god (heh), how I hate this stupid gay godform avatar image shit. My hatred of this kind of iconography is not merely related to this "modern alien" sort of treatment; it extends in all directions, and especially to the classical Christian forms, of which pic related is an example. Nor would I excuse the iconoclasts: Islam is also false, and should also be destroyed. Fuck the Holy Spirit, Fuck the Holy Spirit, Fuck the Holy Spirit. Fuck Allah, Fuck Mohammed, fuck the dead kike on a stick. Fuck Buddha, Fuck Ahura-Mazda, fuck Shiva, fuck Joseph Smith, fuck that cool Naruto picture which shows a braindead genital Godform floating through the sky (Vulpes something or other), Fuck every human being who ever imagines a god, would that I could murder every single one of your for your stupidity so that there only exist a world of chinese bugmen and white men, with a few other whites. And then we would finally have a world worth living in.

Also fuck Canticle for Lebowitz.

>> No.13943285

I don't read

>> No.13943289

Reading a napolean biography that is quite interesting

>> No.13943290

Turns out someone made a new thread hours earlier before this one.
I didn't see it though and apparently no one posted in it.

>> No.13943296

>It hasn't been.
Yes it was.

>Show me otherwise.
I really can't be bothered. I was just stating it, not attacking you personally.

>> No.13943309
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>She weighs more than her makeup
Don't we all?

>I don't read

I am also reading mostly non-fiction these past few weeks. I was in need of QUALITY.

>> No.13943327

Your taste in images continues to deteriorate.

>> No.13943415

sanderfag a hack

>> No.13943421

I am not really into fantasy but it seems that most, if not all, of the authors in door stopper fantasy genre (with hojillion installments) are really bad.

>> No.13943448
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Taste in fiction is subjective for most people. People dislike authors like Sanderson not because he is that bad but because his writing is formulaic. Fiction is basically like television or cinema now as far as big "AAA" authors and publishers go. Its the same thing over and over with a new coat of paint. Obviously not all people fall under this category but many, including Sanderson, do. Many people turned to self published works or just lesser know or as big authors to find something they like to read. Many people also curse the success authors like Sanderson have because it means that its okay to write like him. Authors and publishers chase the money. As and independent reader, voting with your wallet does not work because the masses are gonna buy what they are told to buy. It always has been this way and it will continue to be this way too. Similarly people curse Martin for poisoning Fantasy with specific writing style and story directions. Surprisingly Sci-fi does not seem to be troubled as much. Probably because it does not have as big of a market share as fantasy does in comparison. Certain high profile authors excluded of course.

>> No.13943464

Sci-fi is not troubled as much because the brainlet scifi "nerds" have been contained by a number of shitty tv series/movies such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica and similar.
Meanwhile the normalfags who like fantasy are actually reading. Martin, Sanderson, Tolkien, etc.

>> No.13943472

What would the opposite of that be reading in Fantasy?

>> No.13943528

A number of possibilities:
1) The old good fag: Peake, Dunsany, MacDonal, etc.
2) The unapologetic smut reader: Daniel Black, Randi Darren, MSE, etc.
3) The fag who reads only self-published stuff: Will Wight, Nelson Cherreta, etc.
4) The guy who reads standard fantasy, but actually has something in his skull: K.J Parker, Miles Cameron, etc.

>> No.13943534

Chartanon pls

>> No.13943589

What a fucking stupid thread already. Fuck underage and FUCK newfags. What are you reading, anons?

I am readying Software by Rudy Rucker. I am as yet undecided on reading the rest of the tetrad.

Guy who has been keeping /sffg/ alive for years. Do you think this is worth it? It is nice having a place where we are undoubtedly the only people discussing a certain book, or discussing it without any filters. but look at the trade-off.

>> No.13943594

It isn't worth it.

>> No.13943595
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>Sci-fi is not troubled as much because the brainlet scifi "nerds" have been contained by a number of shitty tv series/movies such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica and similar.
Might as well call it reading fantasy still. Most of the hit TV shows are space opera/fantasy with such a thin veneer of scientific jargon the paint is starting to peel off.
Fucking Americans reading and watching absolute dog shit. And Chinks are somehow even worse. We need a superpower with appreciation for proper literature.

>> No.13943611
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>What are you reading, anons?
Azure DevOps documentation while trying to cram Grafana somewhere in there.
And while I am not working, I am reading Shadows Over Baker Street on my phone while commuting, like a complete pleb.
It's an anthology of Sherlock Holmes/Mythos mash-up stories and the quality goes from OK to meh. Gayman Neil actually has an interesting story there.

>> No.13943854

I'm reading Fall of Light by Erikson for the second time now, first time was about 3 years ago, I guess it has some good things and some bad things.
Not sure what to read next, was thinking of reading some more books by Zelazny since I really liked Amber, any recommendations? Lord of Light?

>> No.13943899

>ocd autistic puts 3 links and one previous thread
I wonder what will happen when mega is down, or people don't want to use it....

>> No.13943933

>It hasn't been
When I was a thread slave slave I used it a few times. See the 4chan numbering of the pic? I had it named "god are you there" or some such, and used it some religious sffg edition.

>> No.13943947
File: 342 KB, 500x850, monthly reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting on time for once.

>> No.13943948

He didn't post the link, the stupid fagget.
And the op looks better than this current shit.

>> No.13943958

>armour covering the diaphragm and shoulders but not the left and right breast, the two most likely places to get stabbed on your upper torso

>> No.13943972

Not me, I never read, nor will I ever read mse, i loathe Miles Cameron, and never got the kj Parker book I wanted to try. I also never liked peake, and didn't try those other 2 dinosaurs.

>> No.13943988

>i loathe Miles Cameron
I bet you're guy who is constantly mad about the Red Knight not raping Amicia aren't you, or just the general lack of rape.

>> No.13943989

K.J.Parker is great. Though I'm less of a fan of his more recent standalone novels his previous trilogies are god-tier.

>> No.13943993

Hard scifi is what killed the scifi genre faggot. Only autistic STEM professionals throw hissy fits when a writer doesn't write scifi with actually within bounds scientific theory. And they don't have the buying power of the masses.
What you cunts don't seem to understand is that the technology was written in a book, and somebody made it a reality, not the other way round.

>> No.13944020

>Hard scifi is what killed the scifi genre
Totally agree, the golden age was a disaster and modern autists are even worse
>you cunts don't seem to understand
The majority of people here probably agree with you
You are taking what the anon said out of context. I am not sure what he meant, but he didn't say he was angry at scientification being wrong. I interpreted it as him saying what I think myself: attempts at scientificism are wrong in the first place.

>> No.13944027
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>Guy who has been keeping /sffg/ alive for years. Do you think this is worth it? It is nice having a place where we are undoubtedly the only people discussing a certain book, or discussing it without any filters. but look at the trade-off.
I don't know. The reason I stopped religiously making new threads and keeping the archive in order was because I cared, but recently I don't really care anymore. A lot of the people who used to actually read something so you could argue about it have left. We just have memers who don't read and post the same shit over and over again, or ask leading questions about a book so they can pretend that they read it.

I knew I always shit on the dinos for reading just old books, but at least they read "new" things to bring to the general. Not the same shit ad nauseam.

>> No.13944031

>but not the left and right breast, the two most likely places to get stabbed on your upper torso
But how will the boys notice her breasts?

>> No.13944034
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Don't be such a redditor.
It's unbecoming for a man.

Hard scifi is the genre butt pirate. If I want to read about FTL space ships powered by unicorn farts, I'll let you know.

To quote one great man, with an even greater hair:

>> No.13944051
File: 491 KB, 1600x1137, Not Approved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the lack of GRI Miles Cameron hater, along with the dual faith system. There are a few other Miles Cameron haters in here.

>> No.13944255

Science fiction is literally an oxymoron.
You are a bona fide retard if you put down a scifi book because it doesn't have enough '''''''science''''''' for you.

>> No.13944278
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>> No.13944281

Why does she look younger than she did 30 years ago?

>> No.13944368

Anons saw pics of her pregnant, and right after birth, and started the Sarah J Fatass meme.

>> No.13944387

Then why are you here?

>> No.13944441

>then follow young Mat whenever he calls, to dance with Jak o’ the Shadows.
this is fucking great. Rand and Mat is my only salvation to this shitfest of book filled with bitches

>> No.13944451

I too wish 4chan weren't a fucking joke anymore and I wish any remotely tolerable civil forum existed.

>> No.13944538

Advances in makeup.

>> No.13944596

I'm searching through the mega but there are too many. Is there any rec for technology against magic novels?

>> No.13944623

is Inherit The Stars worth reading? i hear the series jumps off a cliff after a couple books, but Hyperion does the same thing and i liked the first book anyhow.

>> No.13944918

Did you read other Simmons' ? I started Ilium/Olympos years ago and don't remember where I left off pretty sure the last passage I read was a woman killing Caliban in an orbital station or something, do you know in which book this happens?

>> No.13944951
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It's a pretty good meme. It rhymes and all.
If you are going to write that kind of trash, the least you can do is be easy on the eyes. Not like Brandon or Patrick.

To make fun of you.

>> No.13945026
File: 267 KB, 360x450, Susan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>witnesses her entire family being killed in a train crash and isn't allowed to follow them into heaven because shes a slut
Kids books used to brutal

>> No.13945058

The only thing in Miles Cameron's skull will be my cock

>> No.13945373

There's rape in Cold Iron though.

>> No.13945375 [DELETED] 

Stfu, you schizo /pol/tard.

>> No.13945397

>I'm the lack of GRI Miles Cameron hater
You're on /li/, can't you make an effort ffs?

>> No.13945403
File: 432 KB, 728x784, Buggy D Clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay fellas. Here are the current backlog-y contents of my Kindle:
>Shade's First Rule (litRPG shit, I'm one chapter in)
>Sailing to Byzantium
>Blindsight (the reread urge is STRONG)
>Coiling Dragon Book 5 (~50% through)
>Reborn: Apocalypse (some litRPG shit)
>Desolate Era (52%)
>Diaspora (not sure I'm in the mindset reading something with that stature atm)
>Confessions of a Crap Artist
>The Galactic Mage
>We Can Build You (17%, only PKD story I didn't care for, should delete)
>Dr. Futurity
>Another Fine Myth
>Winemaker of the North (probably litRPG shit)
>Star Maker
>This Immortal
>Ascension (some part 1of4 I downloaded off a /sffg/ rec, Idk what it is)
>some other misc stuff
what do I read
this doesn't count my amazon wishlist I use for even more potential backloggery

>> No.13945407

He certainly raped my will to live with such a shit book

>> No.13945415

You make an effort

>> No.13945421

Imagine if all the Miles Cameron haters are in fact Miles Cameron marketing his book with a big brain strategy

>> No.13945434

Actually imagine if I was Miles Cameron revealing my master plan as joke so no one suspects that it is, in fact, true.

>> No.13945444

It's working, i just downloaded Tyrant

>> No.13945485

His historical fiction is decent, if still littered with mummy issues.

>> No.13945494
File: 49 KB, 550x391, CS-Lewis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes Tolkien and JK Rowling seethe

>> No.13945500

Punctuation isn't an option.

>> No.13945537
File: 1.70 MB, 2103x3000, weeb_shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let's do an impromptu triage anon.Let's get the best bang for your buck.
>Shade's First Rule
>Reborn: Apocalypse
>Winemaker of the North
litRPG can safely be ignored on account of general abysmal quality.

>Coiling Dragon Book
>Desolate Era
Same as above for chinkshit.

>Another Fine Myth
More by the numbers fantasy and who needs that.

I would also skip all the PKD sprinkled in that list of yours, on account of my own preferences.
Also Blindsight. If you want something along those lines I would recommend Being No One by Thomas Metzinger.

>The Galactic Mage
>Star Maker
>This Immortal
>and all that other crap
These all sound rather unappealing and/or boring, not to mention dated (as in the case of Egan's stuff).
Which really leaves you with one option:
"And therefore I have sailed the seas and come
To the holy city of Byzantium."

To wit, your list is awash in a sea of poo, to quote Johnny Knoxville.
Get some standards you disgusting weeb.

>> No.13945548
File: 17 KB, 656x368, dark elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw being a webnovel fag guarantees you'll never actually finish anything.

Fatter jennifer lawrence is probably a nice person but that bench seat of glass posting anon has made me hate her.

>> No.13945569

>Like all Irish people who meet in England, we ended by criticisms on the invincible flippancy and dullness of the Anglo-Saxon race.

>> No.13945574

What does the D mean, cosmerefag?

>> No.13945575
File: 590 KB, 1836x2294, b8957b827fe4daaf266db98f09b87279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let yourself be influenced by the losers posting here anon.
There's some autist on /v that is 24/7, day in, day out, shitting on Cyberpunk 2077, so much so, he's getting banned on sight but that did not stop me from pre-ordering the game.
Losers are to be made fun of, not listened to.

>> No.13945606

You sound gay as fuck mate

>> No.13945611

Okay, I am making fun of you now.

>> No.13945622

Nobody knows, it's a middle name that plot centric characters of one piece all share.

>> No.13945629

You're not doing a very good job gayboi

>> No.13945646

You're doing a splendid one yourself so why try.

>> No.13945667

You're a fag regardless of who you are

>> No.13945748

>make a scene where these male channelers slaughtering everyone like a blender
>suddenly, next noo, they are as meek as sheep
what the fuck is this bullshit
Dumai's well was so good but what the fuck is this?

>> No.13945777

Jordan was a cuck and the series is cuck propaganda

>> No.13945796

I know the celestial dragons fear the D, and luffy had D in his name, but I haven't read one poop in a year plus, so I thought Buggy was gonna spill.

>> No.13945839

>keeping the archive in order
What does that even mean?

>> No.13945866

I am just skimming most of the parts. Most of the dialogues are so full exclamation marks and women being cunts while the men are so gentle as fucking and saintly compared to them.

>> No.13945943

It means "The"

>> No.13946003

its still unknown, but I think there's a good chance it stands for Devil given that the main villains call themselves "celestials" and that devil fruits are central to the plot

really, a more important question is what the straw hat's purpose is, and why Im has that huge one

>> No.13946051

I've gotten around to reading Way of Kings. It's not that bad, but it's not always the most intriguing.

I'm probably going to move onto Awake in the Night Land after this is done.

>> No.13946084
File: 2.78 MB, 1280x720, 1447039091677.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's the Xana of /sffg/?

>> No.13946311

Let's all form a pact to never post in this thread again in solidarity with the forgotten ideals of the past.

>> No.13946412
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>> No.13946422

i hole hardedly recommmend eragorn to any one looking for a tolken-esk fantasy series

>> No.13946463
File: 2.54 MB, 1997x832, 74599823_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I can't find any modern fantasy with some grand sense of adventure and satisfying story arc for the protagonist. Everyone wants to be either overcomplicated with attempts at fantasy politics and intrigue ore just over the top grimderp
like that Abercrombie guy were everything HAS to be depressing because "this isn't your grandma's fantasy!" or some shit like that.

>> No.13946488

Unironically young adult fantasy. Just start on amazon and use the "customers that viewed this" section to search

>> No.13946502

I really like book 2 of Hyperion. Have about an hour left of book 3. I liked the beginning, the middle was a giant slog when you are just following around Endymion and the girl, and the end is shaping up. Definitely less enjoyable because of the journey than the first two books.

>> No.13946522


>> No.13946712

It's probably related to the name of the D. Kingdom, if not the very same but I'm not sure of why the name itself would still be too revealing to tell.


>> No.13946721

this >>13946488
Beside the prose itself being far simpler and less researched, in terms of what they do the best of yaf ins't that inferior to its more "adult" counterpart.

>> No.13946761

read Eragon

>> No.13946789
File: 28 KB, 304x499, 51KBvFTuokL._SX302_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading pic related, definitely GRI approved

>> No.13946796
File: 18 KB, 228x158, 20191005_150434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of a fantasy book that is just under 70,000 words? I feel like it's maybe a bit short, but is there really anything bad in being concise? No need to add some filler to make it longer, I think.

>> No.13946840

it depends how you feel about it anon. Read the story for yourself. If segments of the story flow by too quickly, you can add filler. If they don't, shave stuff down. Do what feels right

>> No.13946850 [DELETED] 

Well, it really depends of what the author is going for no? Word count is pretty irrelevant as long as the author can convey whatever it is he want to convey efficiently in those words.

>> No.13946860

Well, it really depends of what the author is going for no? Word count is pretty irrelevant as long as the author can convey whatever it is he wants to convey efficiently in those words.

>> No.13946884

The previous threads. You could go to any thread and have the chronological thread before and after listed. Not so now.

>> No.13946885

Yeah, I've personally never thought less of a book or story for it being shorter, it just leaves me wanting more sometimes. I'm asking because I am writing one myself, and want to know what other readers think. There have been a lot of cool shorter stories, and I think bringing a halt to a story can be somewhat jarring and annoying for a reader, and often times it is for me. Side stories can be cool, too, though.

>> No.13946886
File: 640 KB, 1920x956, Buggy-kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>D is a symbol for the half-moon, not a letter
>Usopp will feed Black Kabuto a Devil Fruit
>Zoro is literally half-asleep
>Dragon will be the one to topple WG (Imu), not Luffy, through the insane amount of Inherited Will (Imu is Dragon's endgame, deal with it)
>Devil Fruits originated from the Shandoran forest
>Monster Point is an Awakened Zoan form
>Usopp may die
>Blackbeard is a type of 'fake' D.
>Dragon has the strongest CoC of anyone currently living
>Crocodile was a Revolutionary
>Zoro can only Asura thanks to his cursed sword
>Rayleigh was the strongest swordsman before Mihawk
>Yoru itself is just a hilt and the blade is pure haki

>> No.13946910

the fuck?

>> No.13946914

Just use Warosu
If someone is only looking once a month or less they probably only care about the most recent thread anyway

>> No.13946951

Look buddy, my minor OCD demanded it, okay?
I had to do it.

>> No.13946965

That's entirely understandable.

>> No.13946966

Will Lindon be fucked by Northstrider in Wintersteel?

>> No.13946985

>crocodile was a woman

>> No.13947015

They’re gonna go on a cute dinner date and eat dragons together.

>> No.13947038

Northstrider has hunger madra too... so...
He will give Lindon a monarch level hunger madra for his arm

>> No.13947050

No way fag, he'd explode. An Overlord or maybe Sage level arm, sure. Maaaaybe possible Herald under some bizaare circumstance.

>> No.13947052

Northstrider is no homo
Lindon on the other hand...

>> No.13947154
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Underrated books

>> No.13947190

give me a summary

>> No.13947240

>women can join the special forces

>> No.13947252

Why is that /lit/ of all of board has /a/ grammar, /v/ argumentation skills and /pol/ content? I'm starting to regret coming here.

>> No.13947266

Fuck off then.

>> No.13947270


>> No.13947367

Please respond.

I read a few more chapters into Shade's First Rule. Typical power-fantasy: MC is punished by a corrupt Priest who reincarnates him not as an intended Mage but as a lower-class Worker, all for the sins of his parents with the benefit of meeting the goddess Uru in between reincarnation transition and receiving the all-mysterious ~Hidden Class~. I'm all for power-fantasy fuck-the-system wank but I feel it'll take a while to get to it. Almost an entire chapter between MC and the nurse who helped rez him had too many ROSY CHEEKS from both ends.

The more I read this shit, the more I'm willing to believe it is true.

>> No.13947420

Can you list the power levels?
Aren't sage and monarchs the same thing?

>> No.13947459

>Why does a rather slow board have overlap from the most active boards?

>> No.13947468

Copper -> Iron -> Jade -> Low/High/True Gold -> Under/Overlord -> Archlord (or secret sidequest into Sage) -> Herald -> Monarch

>> No.13947490

Imma try that Shade's First Rule when it's out on audio.

>> No.13947492

So an Archlord is a sage?
So why do they refer to Mercy's Mom as a Sage one time, then a Monarch?

>> No.13947515

Northstrider will bash his face in because Lindon looks like he wants to fight.

>> No.13947529

Yes, a Sage is a special Archlord.
Show me the exact quote.

>> No.13947562

Different anon

>trying to find a quote in a physical book
Good luck

>trying to find a quote in an audio book
HA HA, yeah, no.

>trying to find a quote in an ebook
Extremely easy

Seems that a lot of anons listen to audiobooks for this sort of thing.

>> No.13947586

Against Democracy
Been reading quite a bit of libertarian authors for some reason.

>> No.13947719

>he doesn't do have physicals, audibles, and digitals of every book he reads
absolute pleb

>> No.13947741

/sffg/, I need to write but my body is rejecting it. What doeth I

>> No.13947765
File: 245 KB, 1155x735, space crab with gunz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Neal Asher's stuff so god damn much.
It's totally fucking retarded fun.

>> No.13947948
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Based. How do you like it?
This is on my reading list. I strongly recommend reading Bryan Caplan's books : The Myth of the Rational Voter and The Case Against Education.

Hoppe's book Democracy the God that Failed is also good, but I think it's a little overhyped despite being a fan.

>> No.13948017


>> No.13948105

1 hour later. still not writing.

why is this shit so hard?

>> No.13948194

Because of your personal circumstances

>> No.13948436

I don't want to write, I just like world building. I won't ever share it like some DnD faggotry though.
Is that autistic?

>> No.13948508

Seems more like schizoid to me.

>> No.13948530

Fuck the prador.
>tfw no qt AI gf that runs high level emotional emulation to love
Why live?

>> No.13948572

read Majipoor

>> No.13948717

I like Bakker, but he needs a stronger editor. His books should be roughly half their length. The Great Ordeal was especially terrible about this with the section with the Quya.

>> No.13948747

Apparently, boys, we have someone who doesn't believe in the captain, and our slog of slogs.

>> No.13948798

What book should I check out if I liked Ender's Game?

>> No.13948846
File: 518 KB, 1375x1364, euron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's Euron's role in TWOW? Is he just going to nerf the Reach's population and farming capacity before getting taken out by Aegon or is he up to more magical shit?

>> No.13948873

that shit is never coming out dude, also fuck Urine

>> No.13948918

I reckon we're getting TWOW in 2020/2021 because the fat man isn't working on anything else now the show's finally over but a Dream of Spring will stay as a dream

>> No.13948943

>isn't working on anything else
Clearly you don't know his actual schedule as he's said he's working on a ton of different stuff and always will be.

>> No.13948975

*releases another Fire and Blood*
nothing personnel, kid

>> No.13949132

I'm trying to listen to this podcast about Red Mars, and this dude just said he would unironically cast Idris Elba as Frank Chalmers in order to increase diversity. Fucking humanities PhDs. The worst part is, I feel like I have to keep watching, because these numbnuts somehow managed to get an interview with the author. Why is life like this.

>> No.13949266

>Asha'man, kill
Damn, I hope there are more like this. This has been a tiring read. Please tell me more of this instead of Nynaeve cursing, Elayne nagging, and Egwene being always right.

I just want more Punished Rand or Trickster Mat.

>> No.13949382

Good job bookanon

>> No.13949405

>this dude just said he would cast POC actor as MC in order to increase diversity.

These people are everywhere, provided they too are not black/brown then it's just them trying to boast and impress upon others how progressive they are.

>> No.13949408

Wait what

>> No.13949413

>teleports behind you and release another 5 Wildcards anthologies

>> No.13949466
File: 299 KB, 1080x849, 1534770543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more, anon.

>> No.13949672

Mom is a monarch. It's the aunt who is a sage. They are always revered to as such.
Maybe you mixed up on some occasion? The edgy striper names sure make it a little hard.

>> No.13949859

im by no means a real scifi lover, but here's my short story idea (maybe there are existing texts with this scenario?)
humans are punished for rebellion, a spieceswide crime or whatever, and exiled onto the most hostile forgotten planet to meet their death. a demostrative execution goes perfectly, reminding other serfs for centuries, until one day humans come back as colonisers.
might have a good touch of humor ("our prison was so small and worthless every civil conflict failed in its embryo phase"), but mostly an ode to human revengeful viability

>> No.13949904


>> No.13949906

Currently reading "cities in flight", "Earthman, Come Home" is a long piece of shit. Any of the other books is good, or I will waste my life with them?

>> No.13950002

sometimes i go on reddit r/fantasy and other fantasy book subreddits purposely just to find opinions that i find exceptionally egregious simply because I know it will annoy me... yes i am ashamed you don't have to laugh at me...

>> No.13950024

Nah you're fucked

>> No.13950047

Anon....I...I'm sorry.

You will only get more Egwene being right and everyone wrong

>> No.13950055

It's not her aunt, it's her niece. And the uncle Herald is her brother.
Also the mix ups were in the previous books, not this recent one.

>> No.13950066

A planet called treason mixed with two other books I can't recall.

>> No.13950088
File: 114 KB, 800x572, 56782356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw into grimderp fantasy and despise classical adventure fantasy
I'm not ashamed

>> No.13950099

That kid looks like a school shooter

>> No.13950108
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>> No.13950112

They call him Bobo and he's finnish. No idea how old he's supposed to be these days, but he loves ham, kebab and pineapple pizza

>> No.13950140


>> No.13950365

What are you queers talking about? Better not be anime.

>> No.13950422

Or because, you know, he wants Dross for himself after spending an eternity trying to make one only for lindon to end up with it.

Cradle. It's mostly anime. The only missing ingredient is harem. Soon, though.

>> No.13950459

Mercy will never, EVER be part of the harem.

>> No.13950476

Then there will be no harem at all. Except if you count the blood clone as her own separate person, but I don't.

Why do you think that, though? I too doubt there will be a harem. Wight just doesn't have enough balls to do it. The fandom is almost entirely composed of normalfags that would screech at it.

>> No.13950571

Lurk more, newfag.

Dross cannot be removed from Lindon.

>> No.13950581

Not from lindon alive. Maybe from his corpse. Of course, Wight could always bullshit some solution that made sure lindon kept living afterwards, but I doubt it.

>> No.13950610

tfw the greatest fantasy series of all time will never be perfected because the writer is too much of a pussy to do a harem

>> No.13950749

I've been here since july

>> No.13950853

I just bought it on a whim. You better not let me down.

>> No.13950871

I've been here since 2010

>> No.13950905

>Rand's epiphany above dragonmount
From all the shitness this is. This was worth it.
But anyone who rereads this is retarded.
who would go through all of the suffering of reading this again.

>> No.13950914

Well William D Arand new harem shit is out today.
I wanted kobold pussy getting stuffed and breed.
Fuck Arand. I wanted to abstain from breeding (and sex in general), but reading about that short stack taking all that dick makes me want to go and continuously breed a midget.

Is this how Japan gets their abstainers to multiple? Pump out a bunch of fetish porn that makes you want to breed?

>> No.13950952

Anyone read rules free vrmmo?
I have a book idea. The protagonist in that series is an incubus who could impregnate any female species with one load if he so chooses. What if I have my book be about a guy who traveled to Japan and was possessed by an incubus, because he was born with a weak spirit the incubus was easily able to take root. The book will be about this outsider charming and impregnating every female he could lay his eyes on. Even 50 something old women one month away feom menopause. He will single handedly double Japan's population count.

>> No.13950970

I'll be honest, I had given up hope that good fantasy was still being written. A friend of mine convinced me to try Stormlight Archives, and I wanted to see what /lit/ thought of it, before jumping in. I see that people here don't like Sanderson or his work, and I read the reasons why.

Are there any fantasy novels that you lot can recommend? Preferably ones that were written more "recently"?

>> No.13950993

Is there a date for the release of Winds of Winter yet?

>> No.13950999

Chronicles of Amber

>> No.13951004

Yeah, the main character will be killed off in Book 7 of 12.

Both of you are newfags and should an hero.

>> No.13951007
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Reposting this because it got good convo last time.

>> No.13951019

Reminds me of Malazan

>> No.13951030

2 years after GURM dies Sanderson will finish it

>> No.13951035
File: 28 KB, 480x314, litrpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I've seen it mentioned here a few times. About your idea, read the warlock series by Rosier. His excuse to go out impregnating females is better than yours, but he chickens out and doesn't go as far as he could have. Warning though, Rosier has terrible grammar.

>> No.13951074
File: 772 KB, 1000x4000, Suggestion Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can give you my V2 chart if you want ... Really need to work on v3. A lot of shit in that has to be taken out because the author shit the ned later on.

>> No.13951093

Here as in lit.. I was on 4chen since 2008.
It's aaawwwright though.

>> No.13951199

if I liked amber, what should i read next from Zelazny?

>> No.13951214

Amber again

>> No.13951219

if I already re-read it once this year, what should I read next?

>> No.13951244

To be honest. You can skimmed the whole series and STILL feel beautiful when Rand's goes Jesus Reborn

>> No.13951365


>> No.13951387

>I realized my taste was actually bad
Congrats on being self-aware

>> No.13951414

>you must like and stay one way for all of existence
>being human isn't evolving and bettering oneself
>read and like the same shit till you die

>> No.13951499
File: 1023 KB, 245x270, uhhhhhstop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post again.....

>> No.13951511

Well, originally it was by the end of 2015. So....

>> No.13951592

I certainly wouldn't mind seeing your V2 Chart if you don't mind. Are there any particular spots where your taste has changed? I'm surprised to see SA book 2 on there, considering the previous posts in the thread. Is it one that's aged poorly?

Not finding a great synopsis, but considering your other reply, it sounds like you really do highly recommend it. I'll give it a shot.

>> No.13951637

Well Worldcon is only about half a year away and this spring he told the world to lock him up if he's not done by then.

>> No.13951663

Amber again

>> No.13951670

of course, it'll take the whole world to move that fat fuck to a cell

>> No.13951756

>Damn, I hope there are more like this
There isn't, everything after book 6 gets worse an worse

>> No.13951804
File: 51 KB, 333x499, DE1FE4E4-F796-488E-B126-2A80CC365F0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you live with yourself knowing you slept on the defining fantasy book of its generation?

Sanderson fags please kill yourself before replying.

>> No.13951828

Jack of Shadows
Dilvish the Damned

>> No.13951830

So how is Will Pancho better?
Sell it to me anon.

>> No.13951832

I'm not ready for another reread man, maybe in a couple of months, but I saw that there were some Amber short stories somewhere. Are they good?

>> No.13951859

If you truly like Sanderson and you’re not just baiting, then I’ll be honest with you and just say skip this. You won’t like it. Totally not for you.

But if I’m going full shill, I’d describe this as a fantasy Blood Meridian. A sincere treatise on violence, isolation, masculinity and mental illness as filtered through the fantasy genre. Is it saying anything people outside the genre haven’t said before? Probably not. But for a genre that thinks Abercrombie and Mark Lawrence have something profound to say about violence, it’s nothing short of groundbreaking.

>> No.13951874

The ones written after he died? Haven't read them but I haven't heard anything good about them.
If your talking about the other 5 books with his son as the protagonist. They're good but not as good as the books of Corwin.

>> No.13951912
File: 170 KB, 1080x1350, ccentino_66800825_444284586422328_3218063606966009608_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I do not like Sanderson in particular and fantasy in general but I like to keep an open mind.

>A sincere treatise on violence, isolation, masculinity and mental illness as filtered through the fantasy genre.
You are coming on way too strong man. But then again this is actually being called "grimdark".
You know what? I am going to read it and then most likely make fun of you.
Thanks for the rec.

>> No.13951927

Revenge kino

>> No.13951941

oh, I didn't know they were written after he died. I read the Merlin ones each time I was doing the Amber re-read, they did seem a bit worse off than the first 5, but the magic part was pretty cool.

>> No.13951944

>asks me to sell him on it
>explain why I like it and what I think sets it apart in 4 sentences
>hey man you’re coming on too strong
Would you prefer some mealy mouthed, weak ass explanation? I dunno man, it’s kinda good, you might think it’s okay or something, but you know, maybe not. There’s magic and stuff. If you like (insert shitty popular thing) you’ll probably like it.

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.13951952

This guy fucks

>> No.13951987

>lewdposter is a tsundere

>> No.13952009

Fuck, I can smell your Dorito stained fingers from here.

>> No.13952854
File: 14 KB, 550x281, b7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some books

>> No.13952947

Grim Company has aliens that genocide the elves
That's a spoiler by the way

>> No.13952964
File: 503 KB, 1920x1080, Rome1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go fuck yourself.
Oh come on nigga, don't be like that. Fantasy Blood Meridian? Chances are it's going to rather disappointing, as most fantasy is.
But I am going to pick it up not on account of it's quality (or lack thereof) but because you took the time and effort to recommend it. Obviously you feel strongly about this novel and I gotta respect that.

Don't be such a weeb, you're a grown man.

>> No.13952986
File: 453 KB, 1200x1200, SB3IbnjC8nE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't get all this negativity towards elves.

>> No.13952989

Around elves
watch yourselves

>> No.13952994

Anata wa sugoi baka desu ne

>> No.13952996
File: 538 KB, 1200x1200, DtGjD59GOQk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes you might be sexually accosted and we can't have that.

>> No.13953004
File: 108 KB, 675x900, true-sneaky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you rec Throne of Glass to unsuspecting anons.

>> No.13953013

Fair enough. I did come off as a bit of a sensitive sissy.

>> No.13953016
File: 1.80 MB, 2000x3000, Modern Fantasy Recs V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was just a suggestion chart. This is the V2 of modern fantasy I was talking about. It has been a few years since this was updated, and a lot of stuff needs to be changed / added.

>> No.13953028

Nah, you just cared. I'll take that kind of recommendation over raving reviews on Amazon or Goodreads.

>> No.13953062

Anyone who reccomends Trudi Canavan hasn't read Trudi Canavan.

>> No.13953068

>lip implants
>breasts implants
>hip implants
>possible ass implants
I guess as a fag that likes hard scifi, you would give your cummies to a female that had been butchered and put back together with science.

>> No.13953075

Does that chink ouch sneaky's back pussy?

>> No.13953086

No love for K. J. Parker?

>> No.13953114

Not even attractive. Also stop posting 3dpd pic.

>> No.13953153

Her new stuff is shit. I tried book one of that millennial series shit and it was horrible. Too YA, but black magician and age of five was good gri approved

the faggot doesn't put out books that people actually want to read in audiobook form.

>> No.13953215
File: 6 KB, 288x175, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to write a novel but all my novel ideas are fantasy. Should I just become an hero?

>> No.13953385

Write and make money or nothing other than the knowledge that you've written a book.

>> No.13953485

Andrew Roberts?

>> No.13953500

Part of the problem with hard sci fi is that it's dominated by jingoistic military worshippers who have some incredibly fucking weird social attitudes. idk how can anyone can read John Ringo or David Weber's recent stuff and not think those guys are psychotic out of touch dickheads.

>> No.13953532

>fantasy Blood Meridian.
so it's a continuous stream of thoughts that are like shit?

>> No.13953541


>> No.13953546




>> No.13953575

The middle link was lulzy, thanks

>> No.13953603

Masters of Rome chad

>> No.13953615

Wow, big guy. That contrarian opinion makes you interesting.

>> No.13953791
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>> No.13953804
File: 66 KB, 382x600, 5AA9E99C-D7EE-4D2A-91EF-9A1F82D52B2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this. It’s dark but not grimdark. Certainly falls in epic

>> No.13953829

I can’t read a book with swords like that

>> No.13953850

>literally judging a book by the cover

>> No.13953910

His swing shift book was the worst one of his I read. I think he is running out of ideas to put males into a harem. I mean he had that protagonist fucking animals and zombies last time.

>> No.13953911

Audiobooks aren't "reading".

>> No.13953924

>doors of his face, lamps of his mouth, fire of my loins

>> No.13953932

Someone is reading it to me, like comfy campfire stories back in the old country.

>> No.13953938

Being nostalgic for something you never experienced is very silly.

>> No.13953967

Very little of what we do isn't 'silly'.

>> No.13954239

What are you fags reading?

>> No.13954254

I judge every fantasy book by its cover and first sentence

>> No.13954258

>What are some books
About hating elves? Try Michael-Scott Earle's Destroyer. I think it's his most /sffg/-compatible work and it definitely scratches that elf-genocide itch.

>> No.13954286

/sffg/, I don't consider myself religious in any way, but today I received a sign from a higher power.

After almost a year of bitching about how I'm not writing anything and trying and failing to find a solution that worked, my therapist advised me to ask two of my friends, a fellow YA author and an aspiring cartoonist, to get together after work and start a writing group.

we had our first meeting today /sffg/, and while things went off the rails, we had the kind of once-in-a-lifetime chance encounter that convinced me we're going to succeed. 10 minutes before we were due to start, 30 feet from our meeting location at barnes and noble, we were interrupted by a book signing by Rebecca Sugar

afterwards I came home, and I immediately beat my word goal.

Assassin's apprentice at the moment. It's leagues better than the liveship crap, but it doesn't feel like anything special.

anon, drop the distain. We're on an anime tiddy image board. There's no room for pretension here

>> No.13954310

Shade's First Rule - ~20% through, probably going to keep going until something happens.
Reborn: Apocalypse - ~15%, too long for a first book with its current pacing. Standard litRPG where MC goes back in time, keeping his memories, to ideally fix things. The writing is tolerable but it is very much an RPG in text form.

>> No.13954350

How do I find an agent for my fantasyish book? Assume for the sake of discussion that I do somehow drag my ass into actually completing it.

>> No.13954359

Guide to Literary Agents 2019
Writer's Market 2019
Novel & Short Story Writer's Market 2019

and similar

>> No.13954361

I just like my fucking periods and commas.

>> No.13954363

It's not reading. It's listening. I don't have anything against it.

>> No.13954372

>all those percents
Why are you reading so many at the same time?

>> No.13954375

Every time the brothers tease Croacker with the Lady I laugh my ass off.
>Arent you glad your waifu turned out to be real, huh croacker?

Cheeky cunts.

>> No.13954380
File: 90 KB, 500x500, 61ZEuT8dq9L._SL500_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost didn't read this because I didn't like the author's first book but I'm a sucker for nautical fantasy and I'm glad I did.

It absolutely engrossed me from start to finish so even though most of the story beats were incredibly obvious (the biggest problem with the author's first novel) it didn't take me out of the book at all.

>> No.13954381

>Reborn: Apocalypse - ~15%, too long for a first book with its current pacing. Standard litRPG where MC goes back in time, keeping his memories, to ideally fix things. The writing is tolerable but it is very much an RPG in text form.
>to ideally fix things
So a litrpg version of Daniel Black? Is there magical engineering so far?

>> No.13954383

Lawrence doesnt say shit about violence

>> No.13954387

Only 3 with percents.
The first two are extremely lengthy, and the last one has been on my Kindle for months. I'll delete it.

>> No.13954403

Sounds like a threat to me

>> No.13954462

Not bait I legit am new to scifi:

Are there so many women scifi authors winning awards because of muh quotas? Or, are there just more women writing scifi or something

>> No.13954472

If you mean the Hugos, it's entirely fan voting. $50 membership required to vote.

>> No.13954476

I think that was the point.

>> No.13954490

Congrats Flavorful Cooking Anon,

>> No.13954491

there's way more women both writing and reading than men, most awards look like a pretty accurate representation of the gender balance of genre fiction.
That doesn't mean they're not picking weak books because they fit some ideal (lady astronauts sucked and won the hugo) but claiming quotas/political voting doesn't really reflect the situation.

>> No.13954497
File: 207 KB, 1077x360, numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you get those stats

just found this from quick google

>> No.13954513

Women have a different perspective so a lot of it may seem novel and better, as opposed to constant retreads of the same material from men. Same for fiction from minority groups.

>> No.13954524


>> No.13954529
File: 66 KB, 662x1000, NBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking a break from sff, and reading about a real life degenerate.

>> No.13954538

The funny thing about this is that it shows that women mostly only write in what will sell the best and make them the most money whereas men voluntarily consign themselves to that which that doesn't sell well and makes even less money.

>> No.13954543

In other words, in terms of practicality, pragmatism, and rationality, women writers are far superior.

>> No.13954552

>I mean he had that protagonist fucking animals and zombies last time.
Monster girls are good, fuck you. I want a cute goatgirl wife.

>> No.13954559

It's a gateway to bestiality.

>> No.13954583

I just found out that wen spencer has a patreon. Does every author have a patreon these days?
What about butcher, Sanderson and hobb?

>> No.13954589

Top tier authors don't need extra income from doing the stuff a patreon would include.

>> No.13954603

>he doesn't want to give mares cummies like Mr Hands.

>> No.13954610

A lot of these self pubbed authors are making 3k extra a month on patreon.

>> No.13954621

>writing is a pragmatic choice of labor for financial gain.

>> No.13954642

It's relative.

>> No.13954646


Also, that would draw away money from the authors doing this and would be seen as unfair, amog

>> No.13954652

I forgot to turn off autopost and mistyped.
Doesn't really matter though.

>> No.13954858
File: 322 KB, 362x418, 1547030322183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This series is basically definitive proof that conservatives are incapable of writing fantasy novels.

>> No.13954883

>reading authors that have the name terry

>> No.13954888

I've never liked terry goodkind much

>> No.13954896

Nah, it's just definitive proof that you don't like an overt and blatant conservative agenda. Certainly a lot of other people like them. I don't personally like them.

>> No.13954915

>read wandering inn
>author masturbates over her perfect chess players and mma fighter. Every. Single. Chance. She. Gets.

>> No.13955033

I continue to be unable to stop looking at stuff.
Too much effort to mention it all.

What I Looked At Today

>>13943268 Throne of Glass - Sara J. Maas
Got around to looking at this after all the meme'ing. Will not read.

>>13946789 Incest And The Medieval Imagination - Elizabeth Archibald
It seems entirely boring and very informative.

>>13951804 The Burning Isle - Will Panzo
May read.

>>13954258 Destroyer - Michael-Scott Earle
Didn't interest me at all.

>>13954380 The Bone Ships - RJ Barker
Probably not. I think I may have a bias against anything nautical.

>>13953804 The Shadow of What Was Lost - James Islington
It would seem that this is a derivative work that I'm unable to read. Mostly because it seems derivative of Wheel of Time and when I tried to read that well over a decade ago, probably close to two decades ago, I read only a little bit and knew that I would never read any more of it. How do I do know that it's deritivative of WoT then? I don't. It just really seems like it is.

Children of Blood and Bone - Tomi Adeyemi
Probably not, but I understand why others would like it. Wiki says it may eventually be a movie. May watch that.

The Black Tides of Heaven - J.Y. Yang
I didn't like the writing style.

Gamechanger - L.X. Beckett
Seems like it would be annoying and interesting, but I think the annoyance would win out. I'll have to think it over, but likely won't read it.

The Quantum Thief - Hannu Rajaniemi
I didn't look at this today. I almost want to read it, but not quite. I don't know why.

May eventually get around to looking at these. Already been meaning to for some of them. It just hasn't happened.

and various other not SFF related books

My "backlog" of books I've looked at a little bit and maybe will read in the future will probably remain in the several 100s forever.

What I Read Today

The Tang Dynasty Underwater Pyramid - Walter Jon Williams
Meh. Mostly because it was mostly set-up and quickly dismissed with what the title name. Would have been ok if I liked the set-up.

Folding Beijing - Hao Jingfang
I've never liked a rotational sleep society story and this isn't an exception.
I realize it's intended to be allegorical about injustice,inequality, and heroic parental sacrifice, which I can appreciate, but it just didn't work for me. Certain people will find themselves quite upset about the subplot.

Gunpowder God - H. Beam Piper
This is a Paratime story. I like them. Eventually I'll read all of them. Involves transdimensional travel. This one is particular is a "modern day man (1964) is transported to alternate Earth of much less technology and uses his skills to do well." It's not really isekai because the alternate Earth advanced race has a machine that lets them travel to any other Earth at will and exploit them for resources.

Watchcrab - Neal Asher
I haven't read any of his novels yet. I have looked at them briefly and they seem worthwhile though.

>> No.13955055

It’s literally no different than his cat girls and dragon girls from wild wastes.

>> No.13955060

I forgot to mention that I was a different anon.

>> No.13955066

is armored saint sjw bullshit?

>> No.13955073

Also, I was half-joking.
I have looked at Wild Wastes though and posted about what I thought about it.

>> No.13955076


>> No.13955078


>> No.13955082

I don't know. When I looked at it, it seemed like it might be alright, but "sjw bullshit" doesn't matter to me.

>> No.13955105

weak. it should, because it rules. i was getting so fed up with SF before i came across books with well-written lesbians

>> No.13955110

Why do some people really get off on the whole catgir, wolfgirl and foxgirl thing. I've literally never understood what extra appeal they have compared to a normal female human character.

>> No.13955119
File: 1.63 MB, 2500x3210, 1569917202076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys went overboard with those stupid fantasy authors and the memes. Turned me off for two years. Fuck, reddit and tumblr were far better sources of good new sci-fi.

It took leaving to realize just how frozen this place has become.

>> No.13955122
File: 667 KB, 1600x1200, 1458709464103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unclear about what you've typed.
I can't tell if you've misunderstood me and I've misunderstood you.
To rephrase: I'm indifferent about sjw stuff.

Are you the "social justice paladin" and/or the anon who was posting gideon the ninth?

It's just a little bit of taboo/transgression to spice stuff up. Pic related.

>> No.13955129

Why did you come back and when will you be leaving?

>> No.13955131

>Why did you come back
to call you a cracker


>> No.13955134

Well you see, with monster girls, the monster is on the outside.

>> No.13955137

I can't help but be disappointed at your meme response, even though I really shouldn't be,

>> No.13955148
File: 12 KB, 383x303, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme response
When is the last time someone called you a cracker? I mean really, here I go trying to extend a tennis racket to you honkies and this is what I get.

>> No.13955152


>We travelled all the way back through time... to call yuh a cracker.

>> No.13955169

no. but it's coming up on my list. but i heard all the lesbians in it get killed, which sounds bummer

im currently reading animorphs because i saw tweets about the author having a transgender daughter, and i had a dream i found a boxset of it. But i was wondering if people had any other suggestions because it turns out reading ya sucks. so far i've read leckie and le guin, but butler literally didn't have any gays

>> No.13955171
File: 290 KB, 1368x855, kauai-tulsi-gabbard-member-of-congress-votetulsicom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quoting television isn't a meme answer, however...

>when will you be leaving?
That's got a lot of wear on it. I wouldn't drive my family on it.

pic unrelated

>> No.13955179

Gamechanger - L.X. Beckett is another case of my trying to read a novel from an author who had a short story I liked. In this case, "Freezing Rain, a Chance of Falling" from the July/August 2018 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. It's even in the same universe. I don't know what it is, but it happens a lot that I don't like the novels of short fiction writers I like. Maybe I just have entirely different standards and that messes it up. Or maybe I was just wrong in the first place.

>> No.13955184

I recently read and liked this short story and features a lesbian romance. A Season of Broken Dolls - Caitlin R. Kiernan

>> No.13955191

Yeah but its not his focus and never was, he writes mostly about morality with Jorg. With Jalan the focus is more on violence but at its core it what it means fight.

>> No.13955194

Why are all Black Company covers just so damn generic.

>> No.13955201

New thread

>> No.13955204

You could always just read anthologies such as:
Best Lesbian Romance [year]
Women of the Bite: Lesbian Vampire Erotica
Best Lesbian Erotica [year]

I haven't read the above.
I don't remember if anything would interest you from the two Alien Sex anthologies that I read. Though, they would be more properly called Alienated Sex. Also more about relationships than actual sex.

I've read a fair bit of LGBT fiction that I've liked or thought was okay, though not intentionally. The titles don't really come to mind though. I really ought to have categorized stuff better.

Looking through my calibre library of stuff accumulated, I see Queer Universes: Sexualities in Science Fiction. Might talk about stuff you'd be interested in that.

>> No.13955207

I was going to make one within a few hours, but you doing so is entirely fine with me. Seems you decided not to change much about it.

>> No.13955215

>Seems you decided not to change much about it
Mostly because I'm in a hurry. And I posted because we've had some problems with the thread dying lately. I'd probably make some changes if I had the time but I'm not interested in participating in some OP war so I only added the previous threads because I sometimes use that particular feature.

>> No.13955220

>some problems with the thread dying
If you mean how sometimes I wouldn't post a new thread until after it was archived, that was intentional.

>sometimes use that particular feature.
Just use warosu

>> No.13955228

Not that anon. But I'm giving this a shot. It was spammed enough times to get my attention. Turns spam works.

>> No.13955236

Unironically Red queen war

>> No.13955241

Doesn't look it's been spammed to me and seems almost every single post about it has been negative. If you really like Wheel of Time, then maybe.

>> No.13955258

>Just use warosu
I'm not interested in either visiting another website or clicking 10 times just to visit threads that are still in the 4chan archive.

>> No.13955261

Well I didn't know what the book was just yesterday. And now I've witnessed it from 3 separate sources. So that's spam enough for me.
I'm not saying it like I'm annoyed. Just being cheeky, anon.

>> No.13955273

3 separate sources? As in 2 sources other than 4chan?

>> No.13955296

I don't know. I thought I saw it here twice, and then once elsewhere. But maybe I just checked this thread twice without realizing.
Well, way to suck the fun out of that one, anon.

>> No.13955488 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13955858

>What's Euron's role in TWOW?
Nobody knows, especially not GRRM.
You realize the dude just makes shit up as he goes along?
He has no actual plan for the series, which is why his trilogy is now at least 7 books long.

>I reckon we're getting TWOW in 2020/2021
Unlikely, but even if that should happen I guarantee you that he will again be unable to pull anything together and it will just be another book that puts the series no closer to a finish than the first one.

>> No.13956555

Yet this thread remains