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/lit/ - Literature

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13941724 No.13941724[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

With the death of ∞ chan many Christians have been forced to migrate to boards like: /pol/, /lit/ and /his/. The increase in /christ/ian posting has been very evident in the last couple of months for anyone paying attention. At any given time there are multiple threads on either board that are well off topic. This is not only an issue for the people who like to see less clutter, but for the Christian posters as well. A /christ/ian board would make it easier for Christians to have the discourse going on in one place, ensuring less off topic on other boards and create cohesion amongst the Christians.

Christianity is surely relevant enough to warrant such board. This hypothetical board would welcome all denominations to take part in discourse and would pertain to all matters of the Christian faith and tradition. Ignoring this proposal will NOT solve the problem at hand, the flooding will continue and eventually you will have to act accordingly.

Thanks for your consideration

>> No.13941727

i agree.

>> No.13941739

no, we need a philosophy and theology board.

>> No.13941746

>Philosophy, Theology & Spirituality board
Most of /x/ is spirituality anyway. /x/ can go back to being about spooky things while the spirituality posts go to the new board. This board will easily be as active as lit, his, and x are, and will clear a bunch of off-topic posts from the other boards. The mods have been putting this off for too long.

>> No.13941750

>Philosophy, Theology & Spirituality board
Between /pol/, /lit/ and /his/ Christianity accounts for 95% of threads. There's literally not one reason to not have it be a Christian board

>> No.13941771

It would also be a good idea if they banned ALL phoneposting and banned anyone that has cookies from reddit. They wont do this though, it would affect the ad revenue they get.

>> No.13941773
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Did I do good?

>> No.13941774

>Christianity accounts for 95% of threads
Quick scan of the catalog, see three christian threads, four if you count the catholic thread.

>> No.13941779

>four if you count the catholic thread.
you trying to be funny? I meant 95% of the theological threads between /pol/, /lit/ and /his/

>> No.13941782

I'm not him but you phrased your original post very poorly

>> No.13941786

>I'm not him but you phrased your original post very poorly
did you miss the green text in my post? even a 5 year old could tell what I was talking about

>> No.13941795

>I meant 95% of the theological threads
Well say what you mean. That would be a slower board than /diy/. Show your christian values and share.

>> No.13941802

>even a 5 year old could tell what I was talking about
Five year olds are good at guessing games.

>> No.13941810

Only stipulation is it has to be a board for all religions, as it's hilarious to watch all the variants of nutcases fight it out.

>> No.13942031
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>> No.13942044

It would end up like cripplechan where butthurt Roman Catholics ban all the Reformed Christians.

>> No.13942051

>Reformed Christians
Not Christianity.

>> No.13942056

I agree. /christian/ was a great board and the best argument for 8ch's continued existence. Even if the atheistposters here hate us, it'd make it so they wouldn't have to see our threads unless they wanted to.

Yep. Be sure to get the Brothers Karamazov too.

>> No.13942059


>> No.13942100
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the only way is to spam until the jannies complain to the admins and the admins complain to zuckerberg so he finally gives us the christianity containment baord we deserve. inevitably, there would only be catholics and it would become a massive catholic echo chamber which would eventually bleed into the other boards just like /pol/. it would be glorious. if God wills it, it shall be done!

>> No.13942113

>last couple months
post-2016 4chan is full of christian larpers
it's kind of depressing. when I hang out at the Catholic fellowship on campus I hear undergrads unironically spout newfag /pol/ memes irl.

>> No.13942196

>I come from eight channel my autism will be superior
>of course /lit/ will easily fold
>I won't find myself arguing over the copyright of early Irish Christian works with someone who has read more of Saint Columba than I have and more of Saint Anselm than is decent
Kek, you know this board begged mods for a philosophy humanities and general history board for years, and then argued they would not use /his/ because all those things came under the heading of "books"?

>> No.13942201


>> No.13942207

Nah baby you're just crossfaded near the Warhammer books again

>> No.13942219

>post-2016 4chan is full of christian larpers
They are not really allowed on the christian web, due to their rather unchristian behavior. They started showing up before 2016, we get a surge after every time any large media network does a report on the evils that is the extreme right haven of 4chan.

It would have to be a combined theology/philosophy board, it would just get boring otherwise.

>> No.13942228

>theology/philosophy board
Yeah we could really get into the history of the scholastic period and organise the various discussions by date instead of author like we have to do now.

>> No.13942236

*Roman Catholics

>> No.13942265

You can't say that, if you do the Syriacs send envoys and we have to start being ecumenical again. Just don't specify, it's not like orthodox Catholics have time for internets

>> No.13942273

nah, it would have to be just christianity. you can't lump philosophy and religion together and you can't lump christianity in with fucking buddhism and the other gay ass religions. i mean, prefereably it would just be /cath/ but even if its just 4/christian/ the prots will eventually get btfo'd forever anyway

>> No.13942316

There are endless christian websites that fill the need for such single mindedness. What makes 4chan great is that the boards are areas of general commonality, there is not a sub forum/subredit for everything resulting in isolation. Theology and philosophy go hand in hand and can never truly be separated.

>> No.13942347

the problem is that the board wouldn't even be about religion though. no one wants a christian board so they can discuss anselm's arguments, they want to just discuss general religious practices, or even christian feels. at the very least you need a /religion/

>> No.13942348

Any 'Christian' board would just end up as /pol/ version 2 and you know it. Instead we should add flags to this board so we can see where all the LARPers are coming from.

>> No.13942390

I know it wouldn't be about religion, that is my point, it would just be any number of christian forums shoe horned onto 4chan, that is not what 4chan is. If that is what you want there are a multitude of other sites that offer that. 4chan does not create those echo chambers, it forces you to deal with those that think otherwise because topics are grouped into broad categories, this combined with anonymity and a relatively small user base are what makes 4chan unique.

/lit/ should be a slow board, discussion of such topics is inherently slow, philosophy and theology should be their own board at this point, discussion of these topics have grown while literature has remained more or less stable. It is time for them to be split off.

>> No.13942397
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>With the death of ∞ chan many Christians have been forced to migrate
>to boards like: /pol/

>> No.13942407

>to boards like: /pol/
∞ chan christians would fit in fairly well there, I would suspect. Certainly better than here.

>> No.13942458 [DELETED] 

I meant Catholic as in all who confess the Nicene Creed.

>> No.13942463

>anselm's arguments, they want to just discuss general religious practices
Anselm argues for accepting religious practice over publicising doctrine, you illiterate scum.

>> No.13942467

They should make a /su-christian-perenialist/ containment board. Am I missing something else?

>> No.13942472

>gets called out
>starts being ecumenical
This is how we end up with High Anglicans and other roaming Catholics and even the occasional Wodehouse fan who's read the books and not just watched the Stephen Fry series.

>> No.13942478

This and guenonian posting should be mandatory to make them all seethe.

>> No.13942479

The Huxleyites won't wear it.

>> No.13942485

/his/ needs to be renamed to /hum/ as humanities general.

>> No.13942487

That horse is dead, we need a new one to beat if we're going to convince the mods to create /Pol/3.2

>> No.13942488

Right, they need to bait the philosofags.

>> No.13942490

So you can turn it into a nice corrupt little catholic hugbox? Your pagan blood religion has a million of safe spaces online

>> No.13942496

To many LARPagans

>> No.13942499

No, two weeks in they'd convince /tv/ to run a Ken Russell retrospective and invite /mu/ over to discuss the use of Blake and hallucinogens in Jim Morrison's work because the Catholic LARPers of a Jansenist upbringing refuse to read Church texts or history.

>> No.13942502

i was just making an example, chill out.

>> No.13942504

/lit/'s already a Catholic board. It's what happens when your parents baptise you and pay for a classical education only to have you turn too fatty for the priesthood in your teens: you get bookish.

>> No.13942506

>We need a /christ/ian board
Just rebrand this one as Philosophy. Look at the Catalog. How many threads truly are about Literature? (literature as the artistry with language)

>> No.13942509

You're making a poorly read example of yourself on a lit board, about a topic you chose to write on.

>> No.13942512

90% of the christians on 4chan actually have christian values and would feel terrible about a containment board being made for them. There are only a fraction of a percentage of such pseudo christians on 4chan as there are bronies, they do not deserve a containment board. Most of them (us) would welcome a philosophy/theology board.

>> No.13942520

Catholics make a point of not reading the Bible. Not a soul on /lit/ subscribes to works based salvation.

>> No.13942521

We should rename it Rhetoric as a shibboleth for those who know the traditional departments of a university. It'll totally not attract people who think it means fancy words.

>> No.13942533
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>tfw my mom wanted to send me to a catholic school after middle school but i didn't want to go because i wouldn't have any friends there
>ftw she forced me to go to a technical high school anyway
>tfw traded a catholic education for blue collar wagecucking

>> No.13942537

my point was that not everyone who is a christian is going to study theology and a board for christians specifically shouldn't revolve around theology, but around Christ.

>> No.13942544

There's a significant minority of Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu discussion. An all-round religion board makes sense.

>> No.13942555

You only need to subscribe to works based damnation to realise what /lit/ reads is deeply Catholic in its heathenism. I mean, did you think we read ISoLT for its rampant heterosexuality and happy ending? /lit/ makes a point of recommending the KJV for English literature and the Douay Rheims for religious study: something which could only come from those knowingly awaiting Grace they could not deserve.

>> No.13942557

But they should be exposed to theology, that is fundamentally 4chan. If you want an echo chamber, there are plenty of such places on the web.

>> No.13942560

That's just Protestant nonsense. Fanfiction is banned here.

>> No.13942571

No one is protesting anyone by believing unto the Lord. You are the only one protesting anything, and you’re protesting the Word of God.

>> No.13942575

Is that the word of God as edited in the 1600s or in the 300s?

>> No.13942579

The Word of God is immutable and has always existed. Catholics of course will dispute this.

>> No.13942580

its not like you wouldn't be allowed to post about theology.
i'm catholic. my point is that if the board is just theology/philosophy, you would get banned for threads like "how do i go to a latin Mass" or "how was Mass this sunday" and stuff like that, so if its just general christianity, you can have those types of threads and theology threads.

>> No.13942591

>read Tolkien, Lewis, and Chesterton
>practice Latin by reading the Vulgate
>still a spiritually dead materialist

Why is the world so dead and empty?

>> No.13942597

have you tried dosto?

>> No.13942600

Probably because the protestants think a few books dropped off because it was cheaper to print that way.
>, so if its just general christianity, you can have those types of threads and theology threads.
You really do believe the people who read Anselm are going to migrate to talk to the people who don't know when Mass is? It'd be a rape. And I mean that with less ambiguity than when Alcuin used it to address the Bishop of Salzberg.

>> No.13942604

>Why is the world so dead and empty
Read Waugh if you really want to know

>> No.13942610

You do realize that people that believe unto the Lord aren’t protestants, right? Just because belief in God conflicts with catholicism doesn’t mean they are protesting your religious sect.

>> No.13942611

You mean a Religion & Spirituality board? Yeah, I suppose so.

/lit/ - should remain the go-to to discuss books and philosophy.
/his/ - should remain the go-to to discuss history, archaeology, and anthropology.
/x/ - should remain the go-to to discuss the supernatural and folklore.
/rs/ - should become the go-to to discuss religion, spirituality, the occult, and mysticism.

This way, the former two boards will be cleaned up and become more scientific, as they should be, while the latter two boards will serve as containment boards for the non-scientific garbage currently flooding the former two boards.

>> No.13942618

Neither common use nor a prescriptivist stance on the English language supports the idea you understand the words "Protestant" or "Catholic" in any of their senses or historical use. I suggest a dictionary.

>> No.13942621

>the latter two boards will serve as containment boards for the non-scientific garbage currently flooding the former two boards.
/x/ is never going to take scifigen off our hands, it's a pipe dream

>> No.13942622

>its not like you wouldn't be allowed to post about theology.
Theology from a christian standpoint is different from theology from a general standpoint. /christ/ on 4chan would be no different than /mlp/, do you really want to be that?

>> No.13942623

Of course.

Waugh is on my to-read list.

>> No.13942624

An illiterate catholic, unsurprising

>> No.13942633

>protesting Martin Luther's words is protesting the word of God
Are you high or trying to make protestants look dumb and cultish?

>> No.13942662

>You really do believe the people who read Anselm are going to migrate to talk to the people who don't know when Mass is?
ummm yeah, don't you want people to be converted?

>> No.13942675

>converting people with words
No, and you probably don't want people who would convert others with Anselm's words to hang out near you unless you're addicted to rage, in which case you would be using them to your own means and quite likely leading them to the devil and not to God Who they could hear on their own anyway

>> No.13942688

>christian sects bitching about who is right
Yeah, /christ/ would not work, it needs to be theology and philosophy. /christ/ would just be bitching about minutiae.

>> No.13942712

>/lit/ should be a slow board, discussion of such topics is inherently slow, philosophy and theology should be their own board at this point, discussion of these topics have grown while literature has remained more or less stable. It is time for them to be split off.

People have been saying this for years. When /his/ was first created, people thought that might be it.

I'd support a new board, simply to get all the philosophy/religion poseurs off /lit/. These people think because they discovered some theological text a month ago that now they're some kind of holy warrior.

>> No.13942724

Only if it was actually a Christian board for all who hold to the Nicene Creed. So basically a board for everyone who isn't Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, "Oneness" Pentecostals and whatever others who deny the Nicene Creed.

>> No.13942731

This is the kind of thing you'd get if any Christian board was actually created. At least half the board would be internecine fights.

>> No.13942743

How? The Nicene Creed has been the standard of what makes someone a Christian for forever.
It isn't our fault if some 19th century cults call themselves Christian when they are not.

>> No.13942747

>Any 'Christian' board would just end up as /pol/ version 2
Have you ever been to /his/? They call that place "/pol/ with dates." Even here on /lit/, most people would rather discuss /pol/ and /r9k/ topics than discuss books. The political topics and incel posts all get dozens of replies easily, while the posts about books which use paragraphs and require some amount of reading experience all get ignored. Creating a religion board may relieve a lot of the traffic from uneducated users off of /his/ and /lit/.

>> No.13942758
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What the hell happen to this site.
Fuck off retard

>> No.13942780

>most people would rather discuss /pol/ and /r9k/ topics than discuss books
That is not true at all. The problem is that the lit crowd is slow, the good lit threads get bumped off long before they are done. /lit/ was a slow board and then philosophy and theology threads came in and filled a slow board with quickly moving threads. We just don't stand a chance.

>> No.13942790

The Ethiopians aren't going to tell us where the Ark of the Covenant is no matter how much we suck up to them.

>> No.13942804

Another problem is the lack of mods. Theology doesn't belong here period. Philosophy doesn't belong here unless the discussion is focused on a specific piece of literature. If we had any mods at all to give bans to off-topic posters then we would have more on-topic posts. The only reason they use this place as a dumping ground for religion and their strawman philosophy bait posts is because they aren't getting punished for it.

>> No.13942820

I’ve yet to seen one argument that explains why Catholicism triumphs Orthodoxy

>> No.13942828

Part of it, but the board should take some blame, most threads/post that I bother to report get removed, but I do not bother to report most, considering most that I do report do get removed, I suspect the majority of this board does not bother reporting either. We really need to make a real effort to report EVERYTHING off topic and keep a thread advocating for a philosophy/theology board going at all times.

>> No.13942850

I have taken a ton of effort to report in the past. When I report things, it either takes 16+ hours for the post to get removed, or the post never gets removed at all. If reporting actually works I would do it. But it literally does nothing. I've wasted too much time reporting low quality and off topic posts.

>> No.13942890

>Another problem is the lack of mods.
A bigger problem is how easily baited some idiot new fags are. They think because they respond and bump stupid posts that the front page should be people spoonfeeding them esoteric texts and giving them backpats.

>> No.13942897

I think it is just more an issue that they do not delete threads/posts that only get one or two reports, they view them as most are OK with them so they are OK. We all need to get diligent about reporting or it is useless. Historically new boards got created because people became very vocal about it, not because off topic chatter that everyone largely ignores got out of hand.

>> No.13942906

I think this is a big part of it, threads do not get deleted once they get to a certain size unless they are far off topic or are blatant rule violations.

>> No.13942967

lol retard

>> No.13942972

There is not a significant number of Christian threads and these threads rarely get large reply counts
>it would make it easier for Christians
The small amount of utility for a small amount of posters would not be worth a new board

>> No.13943039

The set up of the site means the only way the front page does not relate to the main topic of the board is if the users do not relate to the main topic of the board. Mods don't need to come into it apart from spammers and raids which happen very rarely, so long as users only engage with good content. Telling someone off for having content you don't like is not engaging with good content, though idiots believe they're saving the place when they bump a dead argument from page 9. If you genuinely cannot ignore two idiots having a back and forth on off topic shit for a book, you're metastatic cancer, the kind that moves the patient to stage 4 terminal diagnosis.

>> No.13943055

>Why is the world so dead and empty?
Because his reign is not from this world.

>> No.13943068

I tried many times to ask for a religion board on /qa/ (Which is the correct place to put suggestions). It always gets shot down by fedora tipping faggots.

>> No.13943083

I think it says somewhere in the sticky or FAQ that the IRC is better for talking to mods, if you want to try that.
The fedora tipping faggots probably only browse /a/ and haven't had to deal with the off-topic religion posts plaguing multiple boards.

>> No.13943121

>implying I won't be on /lit/, /sp/ and /fit/ evangelizing anyway

nice try satan

>> No.13943310
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Containment boards don't work.
When cripplechan's /Christian/ board was up you still posted here. Even now /pol/'s Christian general is up, yet you still post here. It is impossible to contain a group whose raison d'être is to spread their retarded ideology as widely as possible; Why do you think /pol/ and /r9k/ spill so much? It is why creating a /christian/ board here would just allow the cancer to metastasise and spread more virulently than before.
The only thing you LARPers need, is to fuck off.

>> No.13943317

I don't think /Christian/ would work here. 4chan is too popular and there would be constant floods, shitposting and raids. The only reason it worked on 8ch was because all the 13 year olds from /s4s/ thought they'd get a knock on the door from the feds for going on that website

>> No.13943318

>It is impossible to contain a group whose raison d'être is to spread their retarded ideology as widely as possible
It worked with the bronies.

>> No.13943325

That's only because fluttershy is the real Jesus.

>> No.13943335

Come on, post a pony so we can report you.

>> No.13943339
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Never going to happen. The time of new boards are over. The current state is to remain until the end of furchins.

>> No.13943341

Hiroshimamoot literally schismed the website just so he could get more ad revenue on 4channel
Don't say that the status quo shall remain.

>> No.13943348

Then create one you christcuck.


>> No.13943365

why are christards always so entitled?
would rather have a board dedicated to the hellenic gods

>> No.13943367

I dont see any indication or reason to believe otherwise. It seems to me this is a containment, frozen state relic of the times that is just milked and kept in one place. It doesnt show any sings of passion or active direction anymore since moot left.

>> No.13943369 [SPOILER] 
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Best pony

>> No.13943374

This would most certainly be based.

>> No.13943385

>would rather have a board dedicated to the hellenic gods


>> No.13943390

/christian/ was an echochamber of the worst kind. Any and all kind of criticism would be censored from it, making it little more than a discussion board on how much people agree with each other. If you're that triggered by people who disagree wuth you, if you're that fragile against opposing points of views, you really don't deserve a seperate board on here. No, instead you should rot on here, be endlessly mocked for the clownesque version of Christianity you hold on to, and be aware that you deserve every second of ridicule that comes your way. /christian/s are literally the most pathetic bunch of people any of the chans ever managed to produce. I sincerely hope you faggots stay exiled for the rest of your detestable life

>> No.13943405

Fucking this

>> No.13943409

>clownesque version of Christianity
that's a pleonasm

>> No.13943417

This has been discussed here often in the last few years. If there was such a board it would have to be about religion in general. And that's a recipe for creating one of the most cancerous and polarized places on the internet. Imagine it:

>christfags constantly shitting on mudslimes
>mudslimes constantly advocating their autistic holy war
>buddhists shitting on hindus and the other way around
>various sects memed as 'the true faith' and retards who don't get the meme unironically converting
>zero constructive discussion and a future recruiting hotspot for ISIS

Honestly, just ignore /christ/tards, the problem is that we give them too much attention.