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13941534 No.13941534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I effectively castrated myself, pychologically. I haven't asked a girl out for almost 5 years now.
Books to fix this? Freud?

>> No.13941570

Same. I’m 25. Haven’t had any non-platonic contact with a female in close to 5 years when I last fucked my ex girlfriend who ended up cheating on me.

>> No.13941579

I haven't had platonic contact with a female since I was born and I don't feel like I'm missing out on much

>> No.13941580

honestly, why fix it?

>> No.13941588

because I want to FUCK A GIRL. Why is that so hard to understand? Do you even have a dick? DUMBASS

>> No.13941596

dude just get an escort

>> No.13941598

Don't trick yourself into thinking anything has changed. You haven't had a girl for a while. Who cares? If you really tried you would get one. You're just not trying. It's not a psychological castration it's you being a lazy fuck. If you want a girlfriend, be proactive. Go out and put yourself in a situation to meet girls in a situation where you can talk and make a connection.

The only thing Freud would likely say about this is that you are fetishising the idea that you've become impotent and you're degrading yourself or you want a strong woman to mother you and force the relationship on you so you have no responsibility. Some trash like that. Useless really.

>> No.13941660

>it's you being a lazy fuck

Books to fix this?

>> No.13941681
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>> No.13941958

maybe this is your problem, being an insufferable whiny little prick with a short temper?

>> No.13941989

So does any beast of the field. But you have a highly developed brain and you neglect the use of its faculty of reason by deciding to follow a passion. The man that lives like a dog shall die one.

>> No.13942000

Let him that has learned to hunt and to defend its flanks and rear, be trained like a dog, and if he does not deserve the name dog, he will at least be able to be a better animal.

>> No.13942203
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I don't know what to do. I'm 6'5 with a handsome face (I'm mixed though). I want to be a chad and fuck women left and right. I want to have power over other people. I want others to envy me.

Yet, I just don't have the personality to. I might as well kms.

>> No.13942227


>> No.13942243

>i want to be a degenerate scumbag, but i just can't!
>woe is me!

>> No.13942244
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Here's what you do:
>Get /lit/. Read as much of the canon as you can. At the VERY least read the narrative books of the Bible, some Shakespeare, some Chaucer, Don Quixote, at least one of Homer's epics, and at least the Inferno (preferably you'll have read these in their entirety, but just the most influential ones will do in a pinch).
>START getting /fit/. If you're a fat slob, go on a cut for a month at 1500 calories a day. If you're a stick, start a bulk at 2700 calories a day with at least 150 grams of protein at 35 grams per hour at the most.
>Go to a bar near you with a book. Preferably a Penguin Classics release. Sit at the bar. Go on a Friday or Saturday around four or five.
>Fucking read your book. Read intently. Don't take peeks at women, don't nervously play with your phone, fucking read.
>Women will sit by you. Mostly because the book says 'this guy won't annoy me', but also because it adds an air of mystery.
>They'll probably talk to you, ask you about the book. This is your opening.
I read at bars all the time and it happens every single time. Sometimes you get an old guy instead of a girl, but that's fun too because they've often read the text and can give you some rigorous discussion. I wish I knew this trick in college, because now that I'm engaged it's pretty much worthless.

>> No.13942250

What defines your standards via which you claim something to be degenerate?

>> No.13942260

books won't fix that you dumb fuck. fucking a prostitute will

>> No.13942261
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>> No.13942270

I'm past the point of being able to believe in God. I wish I could

>> No.13942278

then just kill yourself and make the process quicker if you really think that's true

>> No.13942279

what the fuck, an actual incel

bro women are not worth it, look into prostate orgasms, a proper one will cut off your need for sex for like a week

>> No.13942286

Sucks to be you loser

>> No.13942288

Not the anon you're talking too but how do you start believing in god?

Here is what stops me
>the only interpretation I can somewhat agree on is the Jungian archetype giving validity to God
>dont actually believe in the Resurrection then
>basically JBP beliefs as far as I can tell
>when i think about it religion only seems nice because it seems helpful to my life but deep down i dont think its true
>will probably need a spiritual event to change my mind

>> No.13942289

>tfw literary no place in your area with people willing to talk to strangers. The only reason people ever go to the bar is to drink their brain out or dance themselves naked with their chads and lesbos

>> No.13942293

you have to take up some kind of hobby which people do in groups

>> No.13942298


>> No.13942302

Walk into a store you’ve never been in, and likely won’t need to visit again. If a girl is at the register, buy something and say exactly, “This might sound a bit crazy, but I think I’m in love. Would you like to go out for lunch sometime?”
After doing exactly that a few times, if you haven’t gotten a positive response experiment with some new lines. The important thing is to start talking to girls, even if it’s off a script.

>> No.13942303

are you baptized?

>> No.13942315

>This might sound a bit crazy, but I think I’m in love.
hahahaha someone will actually do this

>> No.13942332

Yes actually, why do you ask

>> No.13942418
File: 136 KB, 700x438, miraculous medal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, if you're baptized then that means God will be continually calling out to you to come back to Him. if you have the desire to believe, but are still being held back for whatever reason, it's probably because you're baptized. you literally belong to God no matter what you do when you're baptized. you see it constantly in hardcore lefties who always complain about how they "can't shake their religious upbringing." i read a great article about this dumb bitch who basically complained about how she was raised super religiously and now she keeps having worries that she isn't raising her kid right. oh shit, it just popped in to my head what the title was:
yeah just read this and tell me God isn't calling out to her lmao. i mean she doesn't respond very well, but you'd think someone so militantly atheist would be able to actually forget about God, but they never can.

also, you probably won't believe this, but demons are real. demons are also probably fucking with you right now. demons are also terrified of Mary and anything that brings to mind Mary, so i recommend buying pic related and wearing it for a while. its not even a situation where you have to do any believing whatsoever, God isn't gonna see you wearing it and magically grant you powers, the thing is that just the image of Mary is enough to ward off demons. so even if you start wearing it completely unbelievingly, you will start to notice less temptations, less negative emotions, less uncharitable thoughts, etc. because the demons will basically be afraid of it. even if it sounds completely crazy, just try it, you have nothing to lose except maybe 20-60 dollars depending on what kind you buy. even just get a shitty aluminum one for 5 bucks or something if you're broke. now, the demons are going to tell you not to get one. they're going to say shit like "this guy is insane, don't even humor him." but just humor me, anon. just go order one right now. they might tell you "don't do it, you'll just feel ridiculous." but just do it, no one will see but you. if genuinely want to be able to believe in God, just do it. you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. the only legitimate excuse not to try it is if you really don't want to believe in God at all. but if even a shred of you wants to believe just try it. go order one right now and prove to me that you did it. post a screenshot of the receipt on amazon.

>> No.13942455

i wish you weren't fucking with me my friend

>> No.13942495
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i'm literally wearing one right now. just go buy it, or fuck, make a wishlist and i'll buy one for you.
you literally cannot give me one good reason not to

>> No.13942549

I was mostly joking on my first post, but now I'm serious: suck my dick, faggot

>> No.13942566

You don't need a book, you need to have a wank and stop worrying about dumb things

>> No.13942583

What if I've never been baptized

>> No.13942584
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>you need to have a wank

>> No.13942586

then you're gonna need to put in some more initiative. also the medal will still work no matter for whom.

>> No.13942593

I'm 23, never fucked a girl. I've hooked up with more than I can count and I even got one to feel me up while I fingered her but my cock has never touched a vagina. I've never been on a date that I caused by asking a girl out. Either the girl asked me out or someone arranged it. Whenever I make the first move and ask for a girl's number it never works out. Wat means?

>> No.13942598

But I don't belong to your god so why would I put in initiative? I'm a free agent, I don't see why I should commit to your god he can't even keep a civilization together

>> No.13942670

because He's the only true God. don't expect me to explain why, though. i wish i could, but i'm not well-read enough to convince you, sorry. :(

>> No.13942677

State mandated asian gfs would fix this.

>> No.13942679

When I was baptized, my old god kept calling back to me. Hes the only one who did anything for me. Desert gods belong in the desert apparently, the abrahamic god was a no-show.

>> No.13942686

more like your old demons kept calling back to you

>> No.13942697

Everything is a demon to the acolytes of the abrahamic god. Funny that.

>> No.13942928

Sincerely pray to God to give you a sign

>> No.13942953

praying and begging to "god" isn't going to do jack shit.

Get creative, find an outlet. once you can admire your own creativity, you'll realize god was with you all along.

If you don't believe me, think about the differences in creativity between the archetypes of atheists and theists.

>> No.13942984

So have sex you fucking prissy bitch

>> No.13943004

Calm down, Elliott

>> No.13943018


So this is why this board is so full of lefties: you are all a bunch of moneyless virgins. I'll keep that in mind next time I refute your silly ideas about 'wage slavery'.

t. chadbertarian who just asked a girl out and got a positive response as usual, and I am not even attractive by 4chan standards

>> No.13943027

Ok but what do you say to them?

>> No.13943049

Learn to live forever:

>> No.13943223

Good evening miss
Can I massage your feet or perhaps sniff a sole while I masturbate?
Why thank you.


>> No.13943245
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hopefully, you'll come around

>> No.13943246

how is it possible that you can't get a girlfriend?
like,,, even the girls you wouldn't want for some reason won't date you? that shit's sad lol

>> No.13943330

Go to church

>> No.13943354

So the retarded normalfaggy song of Hey I just met you and this is crazy is correct you say?

>> No.13943357

A good way for OP to get actually castrated

>> No.13943361

I havent done that for 11 years. I think there comes a time when you just cant do it anymore. I think I am too unattractive to women. I am short so that may be it but who knows. Most women are already in relationships or married and it makes no sense to try getting them. What if she leaves her partner and comes to you? Then you know she is probably not that loyal anyway.

t. 29yo

>> No.13943373

Have you tried men?
A brotherly mateship with heavy petting might fit your needs.

>> No.13943387

I dont understand the implication that someone being single for longer time = gay.

>> No.13943392

im convinced like a significant portion of people on this forum are actually hypogonadal if not borderline hypogonadal

>> No.13943399

same anon... i feel oppressed by women
freud is pretty effective yeah, read three essays on the theory of sexuality. also maybe nietzsche, since he is the perennial anti-feminist.
also maybe just go hit on chicks, i'm going to try to overcome my fears and just hit on chicks again soon

>> No.13943400


You shouldn't have sex, not only because your ugly, but because you're undeserving. In other words, you're entirely materialistic.

>> No.13943403

Is all the effort worth it just for sex though? It is not that easy to get into stable relationship with woman that was not fucked by 50 other men before.

>> No.13943419

Day 10,507: I have managed to avoid the female menace for another year. The power grows within me but I must remain vigilant.

>> No.13943434
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>It is the natural instinct of man, as testified by the young & uncorrupted, to repugn the female gender. Girls are stinky and [...]

>> No.13943440

>thas rite - take the advice from the one who feels oppressed by women.
Do the opposite of what he says - Like do not read any Freud or Neitzche ever and your chance of not being like this anon is much improved.

>> No.13943445

>Is all the effort worth it just for sex though? It is not that easy to get into stable relationship with woman that was not fucked by 50 other men before.
yeah it's sad these days, um i guess maybe just try to fuck a lot of women too. just look for sex don't look for love. also if the bitch is pretty why does it matter how many men she has fucked?

>> No.13943452

i fuck hot chicks anon i just feel oppressed by women in general because of feminism

>> No.13943471

I dont want to just have sex. I can use my hand instead and not spend too much time chasing pretty faces. Either I get a normal longlasting relationship or I am just going to stop caring about women.

>> No.13943488

try dating sites, also if you have friends who could hook you up with someone. most people are normal and stay in relationships for 1-7 years. if you have a job, a car, and a place you'll be alright. you don't have to participate in hook-up culture.

>> No.13943509
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>going to a bar to read
This is the ultimate attentionwhoring level.

>> No.13943511

t. autistic beta male

>> No.13943765

>i'm hungry. books to fix this?
Not all problems can be solved by reading you fucking cripple. It's time to get out of the house, take a vacation in mexico or some shit.

>> No.13943783

>If you really tried you would get one. You're just not trying.
Yes. Yes, that's the reason...

>> No.13943798


>> No.13943817

I guess the implication being the only sexual organs you've fondled for years have been dicks and balls.

>> No.13943826

I am right wing as fuck and not “conservative” right wing either

>> No.13943863

I never said Im a virgin I just had didnt have any relationship or sex in a long time.

>> No.13943894


>how we doing today, ladies? lookin good!

>> No.13943904


God is just anything beyond that we don't understand. Don't overthink it. Close your eyes and speak to whatever may be out there. The act of prayer is balm in and of itself -- maybe there is a "god," maybe there isn't. The point is to supplicate the unknown and ask for strength from whatever forces we don't understand, of which there are undoubtedly many. Humble yourself. You could also think of it as "fate," or a "universal energy," the "oneness of all things." Just open your heart to the possible.

>> No.13943943

>I haven't asked a girl out in years
>Books to fix this?
Just start asking girls out...

>> No.13943975


>> No.13944005

I have a different problem. I have plenty of female friends but I never asked a girl out. And I am not in the friend zone or anything, I genuinely enjoy the company of my female friends even just as friends, I don't orbit them just in the hope to have sex or anything like that. In fact the problem is that I don't know how to have a real relationship with another human being. I want to find my ideal of love, to have someone that's the most important person for me and to share everything with them and vice versa, but I never learned how to practically do that, how to ask a girl out, what to do, etc. Sometimes I think I will never be able to understand these things.

>> No.13944012
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Im leftwing and have a blond blue eyed gf.

>> No.13944032

there is a specific board (r9k) for sad sacks where you can bitch and moan all you want

>> No.13944358
File: 133 KB, 640x853, 1567622639772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the chaste christfags on this board should commit to their values and make sure that the earth doens't witness their offspring. Hopefully we'll have less insufferabgle faggots like you, then.

>> No.13944382

reminder to hide incel posts

>> No.13944529

is bursting into tears sometimes when hearing about god and the faith him calling me?

>> No.13944544

Mmmm... private boot good. Public boot baaaad. Lick private, spit on public.

>> No.13944570

>not lefty
pick one

>> No.13944585


>> No.13944641

Are you me? Except I'm not 25 yet. But I can see that's my future

>> No.13944652


But why?

>> No.13944690

The robots lost /r9k/ to the normies and trannies a few years back.

>> No.13945012

Having a passion is not mutually exclusive with getting laid. Being a coping faggot is though.

>> No.13945017

The irony of this post.

>> No.13945028

6/10 advice, as good of a place to start as any.

>> No.13945032


>> No.13945359

They'll come to you. They'll ask "Hey, what are you reading?" Just talk about it and try to end with a question "Have you read it?", etc.

>> No.13945392

Fucking normalfags pretending to be weird so they can be special snowflakes. I'm a 25 year-old virgin and I've never asked a girl out or had a gf.
>Oh man, I'm so special, doesn't it suck? Pay attention to how special I am! Come into my thread and comment on how weird I am! :3

>> No.13945409

Damn dude a positive response thats so sick dude.

>> No.13945436

But you're doing the same thing

>> No.13945445

I didn't make a thread, and my point is that 5 years is nothing