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13941326 No.13941326 [Reply] [Original]

Now that we only have a few months left of the 2010s if you're not a pedantic Redditor, what have been the best books this decade? Have there been any good books?
For fiction at least I can't think of any big books of this decade in the same way as 2666, Mason & Dixon and unironically Infinite Jest, Blood Meridian and GR. The closest things I can think of are The Pale King (which I don't think counts as 2010s for obvious reasons), My Struggle (started before the 2010s and finished a year into them, but this is probably my best nominee) and Lincoln in the Bardo (I was really stretching although this book is great). I haven't read The Goldfinch but from what I've heard that could maybe be a nominee, but again this is a massive stretch.

>> No.13941420

There's big gaps in my 2010s reading - e.g. haven't read Lincoln in the Bardo or The Goldfinch yet.

Of the ones I've read, I liked these:
James Salter - All That Is
James Ellroy - Perfidia, This Storm
Javier Marias - The Infatuations
Emilie de Turckheim - Heloise is Bald
Graham Swift - Mothering Sunday
Lawrence Osborne - Only to Sleep
Javier Montes - The Hotel Life
Anthony Quinn - Eureka
Gerald Murnane - A Season on Earth (not really a 2010s book as it it was written in the 1970s, but the second half wasn't published till this decade)

>> No.13942008
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>Now that we only have a few months left of the 2010s

>> No.13942049

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra (2014)
The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra II: Miami (2015)
The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra 3: Tokyo Drift (2015)
The Secret in the Basement (2015)
Hypersphere (2016)
Pictures of DFW; or, C:\Users\Anon\Pictures\DFW (2016)
Dreamscape; or, My Diary Desu (2017)
L'anomie ou le tumulte des tapirs (2018)
Liveblog (2019)

>> No.13942444

>The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra (2014)
>The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra II: Miami (2015)
>The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra 3: Tokyo Drift (2015)

Shit, were those that long ago? What about that trash Kolsti book?

>> No.13942475

That's published together with Tokyo Drift, but I decided not to include it.