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13938152 No.13938152 [Reply] [Original]

Just ordered this.
What am I in for?

>> No.13938162

>Jews want to bring down the white man by importing loads of Muslims into Europe and America. Oh and by the way Muslims hate Jews way more than they hate whites but let’s not talk about that.

>> No.13938170

Why does it matter that Muslims hate Jews when the Muslims are in Europe and Jews in US and the Middle East? That works out pretty well for the Jews.

>> No.13938188

>yeah bro why does it matter. All of Europe will become Muslim, and Muslims are the sworn enemies of Jews. Muslims will gain power in every region and Europe will consequently stop supporting Israel. It’s all part of the Jewish plot see?

>> No.13938191

I think they plan to turn muslims into westerners and good consumer goym. Now that will probably backfire, the Jew can't see it in his greed.

>> No.13938208

he just tries to use evolutionary psychology to explain the disproportionate involvement of jewish people in cultural, intellectual, and political movements

>> No.13938211

Sounds based

>> No.13938215

An explanation for the “every single time” phenomenon

>> No.13938226

This is why it’s impossible to have a discourse about anything with neo nazis. You don’t want to explore truth or peoples motivations, you just want to set up conspiracy theories where it’s us vs the enemy. I’ll admit it’s attractive and makes for very good propaganda but its not useful for getting at the truth.

The truth is the refugee crisis had nothing to do with the “Jewish plot”. It’s just a natural consequence of liberal thinking (utilitarianism, egalitarianism, capitalism, etc) which was invented by whites not Jews. This thinking says that if someone is fleeing from war/is a refugee they should be accepted and sheltered. In fact hospitality and caring for refugees goes back to Christianity and even further back to Greek mythology when Philemon and Baucis were rewarded for giving shelter to two gods disguised as ragamuffins, whereas the people who didn’t accept them were punished.

Now I’m not trying to justify it I’m just explaining where the idea to let them in comes from.

>> No.13938232

It’s not a “Jewish” plot. The refugee crisis exists independently of “the Jews” (which isn’t actually all Jews). “The jews” (the people who run media and NGOs) are just taking advantage of the refugee crisis for their own geopolitical aims.

>> No.13938233

Muslims are of no threat to anyone save some terrorist attacks, most of them in their own countries. Jews use them simply as 'useful idiots' as they do not see them ever organising again like that of the old empires. Also there will probably never be an European country turned 100% muslim without any white people. The Jews realize this and the result will almost certainly be the mixing of the population and the eradication of any national identity. A mixed race population without a national identity is weaker and easier to manipulate.

>> No.13938250

Well I'm a bit of a nazi or at least a fan of national socialism and I don't really disagree with you that much.
There is definitely a bunch of rich Jews and ANGLOS in financially powerful positions exploiting western hospitality. However it's entirely white europeans to blame for letting this happen in the first place. The degeneration of the white race came from within and began a long long time ago.
If there were to be a solution, it would begin with reclaiming our lost barbaric intolerant ways and embracing xenophobia.

>> No.13938260

Learn history you retard. The only people who are a threat to Israel are the Muslims.

>> No.13938261

A work that has already been btfo'd by nathan cofnas.

>> No.13938269


>> No.13938272

you are an idiotic bigot, who refuses to see people as they are and instead you project stereotypes onto them, only people who claim this conspiracy shit are always leftists themselves.

>> No.13938283

Not a very credible threat with the US on their side and all.

>> No.13938288

>The only people who are a threat to Israel are the Muslims.
Blatantly wrong. In all white societies with a strong national identity and homogeneity Jews have been treated poorly.

>> No.13938307

Except that social egalitarianism and the equality of people has been highly influenced by Jews all throughout history(socialism, communism, democracy). And modern capitalism was literally created by the Jews. ( creation of public credit, securities, bonds,installments)

>> No.13938332

> Western civilization is good and worth preserving because it's uncorrupt and civilized.
> So let's turn it into a corrupted violent lawless barbarous shithole

>> No.13938334

Macdonald addresses this very point. Tolerance of outgroups as a high moral good, feelings of moral superiority, and intense moral policing are all WASP traits, and are ultimately the traits that led to the WASP elite being overshadowed in the upper echelons (mostly by Jews) as the inevitable consequences of this unfolded.
This culturally Protestant moral paradigm still has enough of a hold in the USA that there are enough gentiles willing to preach and enforce its doctrine, but Jews allying with it is for different reasons entirely. WASP moralism is universalist anti-ethnocentrism; Jewish ethics are very ethnocentric. This is what Macdonald's work is about, which you would know if you had read it instead of complaining about muh nazis.

>> No.13938340

You have no idea what you are talking about. Democracy goes back to the Greeks, and modern liberalism was invented by mainly French and Anglo philosophers, implemented by Napoleon and the American revolutionists. Just read more man.
Did I say Jews or Israel?

>> No.13938342
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No it's not worth preserving, absolutely not. We need a literal violent shithole so that we can start again from a clean plate with less people and people of higher quality. That's why I said I'm only a fan of natsoc. A literal neo-nazi is delusional and thinks there's somehing to preserve.

>> No.13938347

having your name put on some list, somewhere

>> No.13938354

Again, learn history. Hospitality as a virtue and tolerance of out groups is nothing new. At the least it goes back to Christ (see the Good Samaritan and other teachings) and even further back to Ancient Rome. I gave the example from Greek mythology where the gods rewarded hospitality to strangers.

>> No.13938360

>these few examples prove it has always been the highest virtue
>muh jewish sect aka cuckstianity
Honestly embarassing

>> No.13938373

Right, there is nothing new under the sun,. Everyone knows the story of Rome. That definitely doesn't mean that the story of this current paradigm isn't worth telling. Pretending Jews have no influence, that there is no ethnocentric nepotism, or any sense of ethnic resentment, is just kind of stupid, frankly.

>> No.13938377

Highest virtue? What? Anyway I thought your conspiracy theory didn’t include Jews from antiquity but only modern Jews, but since you think that it does you’re literally ancient aliens tier and there’s no point debating with you.

>> No.13938378

You're wrong, Big Gay is much more powerful than Islam is by far. This process is already mostly complete.

>> No.13938381

Jews have disproportionate influence because of their IQs and their culture is quite tribal too. That doesn’t mean I buy into your conspiracy theory.

>> No.13938382

Read Nietzsche's Antichrist, especially the sections on Paul.
Interestingly though, Gibbon points out in Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire that the Romans proper disliked the Jews within their jurisdiction because they were too introverted and not cosmopolitan enough.

>> No.13938387

That they have influence and are ethnocentric is the theory, you absolute mongoloid. Even pointing this out to a Jew will get you called an anti-semite.

>> No.13938389

The retardation itt is mind-blowing

>> No.13938391

Well it's not like the genetic characteristics of a race can change that much in a couple thousand years so ancient jews count
Yes, the Jews are racial aliens and ancient too. Check out the list of expulsions and exoduses of Jews during history. It's quite lengthy

>> No.13938399
File: 9 KB, 186x271, lobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i recommend pic related

also i am about to get
israels sacred terror - livia rokach
special relationship between west germany and israel - lily gardner feldman
Jewish Terrorism in Israel (Columbia Studies in Terrorism and Irregular Warfare) - ami pedahzur
ben gurions spy - sabthai zeveth (lavon affair)

i've got couple other interesting titles which i havent read cover to cover

>> No.13938404

>democracy goes back to the Greeks
I said influenced not created. And democracy as a tool of egalitarianism is very effective. Democracy repudiates the aristocratic principle of Nature and substitutes for the eternal
right of might and strength, the dead weight of sheer numbers. And denies there's any difference between them.
>modern liberalism was invented by mainly French and Anglo philosophers
Again, where did I say that this wasn't the case? The only thing you got wrong was saying that modern liberalism was created by them. Modern liberalism as in the liberalism of 20th and 21st century isn't the same as the one that originated in the 18th century. That liberalism emerged from the cultural rebellion against the current absolutionist and aristocratic feudalistic system, where common people were treated as lesser just because of their status even though they could be mentally on the same level as the aristocrats had they had the same opportunities. That is meant by the liberalism of that age. The economic(capitalism) and social liberalism of today is wholly different from the former and has been heavily influenced by Jews.
>Did I say Jews or Israel?
There are more Jews living abroad then in Israel and are highly internationalist than zionistic.

>> No.13938430

Either you're a retard or trolling, because the conspiracy theory is that Jews are tribal and have disproportionate influence. Also the claim that Jews have had no influence in immigration into white countries, no influence in the individualization of society, no influence in the promotion of things that have been morally unethical throughout the whole of western i.e. white thought is ludicrous.

>> No.13938436

Make sure to read the other books as well.

>> No.13938442
File: 951 KB, 695x2075, EA554DF5-F7A7-4DF2-B8FF-7F11B88B5B20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at this article published in the New York Times yesterday. Lol

>> No.13938463

Most hospitable nations usually are also the most homogeneous, because it's about guests, not nigger immigrants fucking your wife.

>> No.13938474

The theory is that they are shadow puppeteers working to bring down the white man by pushing leftist policy and immigration, which serves as a way to break down the homogenous fabric of their “host nation” until it eventually crumbles and the Jews seize supreme power, in so many words.

When I say Jews have influence I mean they are, because of their good genetics, prominent members in society. Doctors, businessmen, land owners, writers, bankers, scientists, wealthy people, etc. This way they can exert influence. But don’t get excited, upper class white people have 1000x the influence that Jews have because they are a much bigger group.

And when I say they are tribal I mean because of their religious roots they are more likely to have in group preferences. But again this is not much different to how yellow people or Irish people or Italians or blacks are.

In short, I have a problem with nepotism and Jewish racism, but I don’t buy into your conspiracy theory.
It’s a retarded framing. “Jewish influence in white thought.” Thought is thought; there are many Jews, like Marx, who are completely against capitalism and modern liberalism. There are also many whites, like the philosophers who founded liberalism (Locke, Mill, Hume, Rousseau, etc.) who are for it. Similarly there are many whites who are against it. There’s no use grouping “white thought” as opposed to “Jewish thought” because these two terms have no descriptive power.
If you just mean Jews have contributed a lot to western philosophy then I agree.

>> No.13938489

>the Jews seize supreme power
They already have seized it, what we have now is the result. How can you not see it. Jews own all the banks. Countries are in debt to these banks. Jews own the media and influence the leaders. Therefore they have ultimate power.

>> No.13938499

>pushing leftist policy and immigration, which serves as a way to break down the homogenous fabric of their “host nation” until it eventually crumbles and the Jews seize supreme power, in so many words.
the last bit is hyperbole but imagine thinking this is roughly not what is happening. you can paraphrase this to spin it in a positive light and it's exactly what much of the frankfurt school's writings were about, and exactly the aims of many ngo's.
>When I say Jews have influence I mean they are, because of their good genetics, prominent members in society. Doctors, businessmen, land owners, writers, bankers, scientists, wealthy people, etc.
some of them actually do have good genes, like ashkenazim from central europe who actually compose the elite international jewish class. many others are lowlife hucksters operating in a mob-like manner, utilizing ethnic networking to funnel system money into their scam businesses (fake construction projects, housing aid programs, nursing homes/rehab centers etc) not unlike the italian mafias of old, t. live in jew york and see this shit all the time. this latter group are actually where many of the negative stereotypes about jews arise from. it's just shameless talmudry.
>But don’t get excited, upper class white people have 1000x the influence that Jews have because they are a much bigger group.
this is just wrong. half of the billionaires in the USA are jewish, and most prominent media outlets are owned and operated by jews.

>> No.13938502

so you agree with MacDonald
filthy antisemite

>> No.13938833

Thanks. Seems interesting.

>> No.13938859

I think it's obvious just from the fact that white people have been taught to hate and condemn themselves all over the West. If you can make a people do that you can make them do pretty much anything.

>> No.13939167
File: 252 KB, 1754x664, Steinlight 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will discover facts about the Jews. This quote from S. Steinlight, former Director of National Affairs (domestic policy) of the American Jewish Commitee, contained in his paper "The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography". When Jews write about us for a Jewish audience it can be VERY revealing... ;-)

>> No.13939199
File: 196 KB, 1754x498, Steinlight Typical Jewish-American Childhood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steinlight on growing up Jewish-American...

>> No.13939665

I don't like Jews, but white people are not winning any friends with how they pick everyone as enemies or patronize others as abused pets. There is a lot of haughtiness and arrogance from modern Westerners, and this idea that they are more empathetic on average is bullshit. They are just better at maintaining the air of friendliness, but it's not hard to expose due to hypocrisies and inability to follow up on promises. Minorities are accepted to do the jobs they won't or slave away endlessly aiming for higher-income jobs. Even educated minorities are not treated with respect since race and global image are valued more than an individual's credentials and hard work. In the modern era, global image and politicized agendas are seen before the individual's merits or accomplishments. Making connections as an educated minority is neigh impossible unless East Asian or white.
I don't agree with either the left or right, I think it's artificial bullshit. How difficult is it to put aside biases revolving around international politics and just see the individual first and foremost?
I really blame it on egalitarianism. A druggie, pothead, or whatever, whether white or not, does not deserve as much respect as someone who earned a good degree, white or not. Racism is just a way to avoid the brutal reality and importance of class, and class is everything. It makes me sad how I know I had literal nobles in my ancestry, but now I am intermingling among cold, ruthless rabble.

>> No.13939802
File: 136 KB, 676x913, 1560450435138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Western Civilization isn't worth preservation
>On a board that reads primarily from the Western Canon
>Cherrypicked image
What a fucking idiot lmao

>> No.13939830

>Minorities are accepted to do the jobs they won't or slave away endlessly aiming for higher-income jobs.
Stopped reading here. You almost knew what you were talking about, too. If you think that white people don't want to work on farms, or that there is something stopping minorities from climbing the corporate ladder, you clearly haven't gone outside since birth.

>> No.13939882

I mean to say *expected*.
Also, I agree that there are a lot of poor white people stuck in dead-end jobs, one of which is my friend. I wasn't being precise in my manner of typing, I apologize. What I mean is summed up here concisely:
"How difficult is it to put aside biases revolving around international politics and just see the individual's merit and credentials first and foremost?"
Both the far-left and far-right have this issue.

>> No.13939888


>> No.13939950

Yeah, but disproportionate doesn't mean undeserving, which pretty much anyone reading it seems to confuse.