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13934527 No.13934527 [Reply] [Original]

The kingdom of heaven grows and spreads in the soul out of nothing, providing everything. It is like a birch seed, the very smallest of seeds, which, when it grows up, becomes greater than all other trees, and the birds of heaven build their nests in it.

The people living in darkness, in the shadow of death, saw the light of life, and he who furnished that light of truth does no violence nor harm to men, but he is meek and gentle. He, in order to bring the truth into the world, neither disputes nor shouts; his voice is never raised. He will not break a straw and will not blow out the smallest light. And all the hope of men is in his teaching.


>> No.13936070
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>> No.13937428

>The people living in darkness, in the shadow of death, saw the light of life, and he who furnished that light of truth does no violence nor harm to men, but he is meek and gentle. He, in order to bring the truth into the world, neither disputes nor shouts; his voice is never raised. He will not break a straw and will not blow out the smallest light. And all the hope of men is in his teaching.
Beautiful passage but ignores Jesus driving the moneylenders out of the temple with a whip, for instance.

>> No.13937430

Die, christcucks!

>> No.13937674

I think the Cleansing of the Temple is often misinterpreted. The phrasing is very vague. Did he actually use the whip? Did he use it on the animals? On the moneylenders? Or on both? Personally, I think it is fair to say that you should interpret any text in a benevolent and honest way. Given the character of Jesus, it seems implausible that he would use force to drive out the moneylenders. It is espacially implausible, since nothing further is said about the incident. One would think that Jesus, the guy from the mount, literally whipping people out of a temple would cause a certain buzz among the evangelists.

And lastly: even if Jesus did use force: I dont care for Jesus, I care for the Sermon on the Mount, the Word.

>> No.13937999

Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to ‘set[a] a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’

>> No.13938003

Cringey fedora tipper

>> No.13938106

If you had read a little in the new testament, you would know what these words mean - and that they don't mean what you insinuate. Jesus teaches to live in the spirit, and the spirit is unconditional love. If you live in the spirit (big love), you love each soul; if you dont live in the spirit, you love your friend because you are friends with him, your mother because she is your mother and so on (small love). True love is big love, unconditional love. Small love means: I love my parents, my friends, my neighbours, my country. Big love means: I love each soul that was, is, and will be, no matter what. To teach a man to love in this big way is like cutting his head of and piercing his heart. It is a death and a rebirth.

>> No.13938277
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>And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.

>> No.13938333

The psalm from which the line "The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up" is taken, talks about the hardships that befall an innocent person who tries to live according to God's rule. Jesus made many enemies the day he cleansed the temple, which was in grave disorder, and those enemies will someday eat him up and destroy him; but it is better to suffer and die than to disobey God. Could you explain what your point is? I dont see it.

>> No.13938513

Christ was consumed by zeal as he cleansed the temple.

>> No.13938573

"Because for thy sake I have borne reproach; shame hath covered my face.
I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother's children.
For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me."

Being consumed by zeal means following God's law even if you suffer for it. Cleansing the temple was the act of a person with a one-pointed-mind, the mind of a true believer. I see where youre coming from, but I think you are wrong if you think the Cleansing of the Temple is an example for Jesus being violent. It is an example of leaving your body behind, caring only about and for the spirit.

>> No.13939030

>Given the character of Jesus, it seems implausible that he would use force to drive out the moneylenders.
You don't know Jesus, then.

>> No.13939068

Could you explain yourself, please?

>> No.13939081

Fantastic thread

>> No.13939098

That is not for you to say