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/lit/ - Literature

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13936212 No.13936212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>so tell me about your favorite book anon

>> No.13936218

I quite enjoyed war and peace, what about yourself?

>> No.13936225

Fuck you fucking cunt, to don’t even care about me anyway, anyways I see the fucking pain in your eyes, walk with me, stop wait, tell me something, stop what happened that night, what? YES FUCK DID YOU NOT HEAR ME 123. Run girl trick pony, hmm is that your pussy, the cunt of the smell of your cunt is getting me in a mood where I want to eat the cunt.

>> No.13936231

I could kill this woman with a single strike. It's amazing how much better men are than women.

>> No.13936235

Well, it's Anna Karenina. Oh, you read it too? Did you also cry when Levin proposed?

>> No.13936247

Her eyes stood at me as I stood within them. Watch. Whither. Falter. Why I asked? Because you are man. You do this because you are man. Suffering is the man. Anger is the man. Dance and falter, man. Is this choice? Perhaps, man. But you will follow, man. As you always have. As you always will. Then I reject man. That's foolishness then. Nothing can reject its nature. Now go. Run. Sprint. Falter. Die. I dined in her eyes that night. And later in the evening I looked into them. I saw nothing.

>> No.13936253

You have to earn the privilege to discuss literature with me, inferior female.

>> No.13936258

this board more than almost any other seems to have a lot of girl issues.

>> No.13936262

I don't remember that part very well to be honest. One thing that is still fresh in my mind is levin working on his estate and contemplating the spiritual aspect of hard work.

>> No.13936265

>"my favorite... book? Gosh there are so many."
>looks around room*
>"I quite like the.. umm... Pointy Elbows by Joe Wood."

>> No.13936267 [DELETED] 

Does anyone else think that they could probably kill girls like this with a single hand? Like boom right?

>> No.13936271

The chapters where they harvest the wheat are utterly sublime

>> No.13936272


>> No.13936274

Really? It is the most memorable part of the book for me.

>> No.13936285

Is that the scene where they're communicating through the first letters of every word? The premise was honestly retarded but Tolstoy executed so well I didn't think about it until afterwards.

>> No.13936317

Yes, it's been 3 years I believe, I'm kind of embarrassed at how little I remember. Must reread it.

>> No.13936329

Madam I appreciate you agreeing to meet me here, I know after last time you had reason enough to deny me. It’s just...when I see bare flesh on a woman I tend to lose myself. Even now, looking at your elbows push against your supple flesh, I can hardly contain myself. You see my elbow fetish, you are the cause of it. You alone. None compare. The way the bone juts against flesh, that soft transition from concave to convex, unmatched. What was that? Of course of course, my favorite book. Venus in Furs madam, Venus in furs. Think of me as your Severin if you so please. Now as I was saying, about your elbows...

>> No.13936335

Nigger of the Narcissus

>> No.13936336

This girl will walk on clouds for most of her life

>> No.13936356
File: 20 KB, 306x406, houseofleaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielewski.

It was my introduction to contemporary postmodern literature and a gift from my older brother. I first became interested in writing through horror literature like Lovecraft and King when I was in high school, so the offbeat horror of HoL really caught my eye. The spin on the classic 'false document' trope was rather inventive too, being a book about a 'book' about a documentary. Really, though, I think Danielewski's variation of prose to create pacing and play with the reader's mind is my favorite part. The constant use of footnotes and displaced text creates a strain on the reader that almost feels as though its meant to mimic the delve into insanity of the narrators.

Anybody else like Danielewski? I've not read any of his other books, but I've heard that I would like the Fifty Year Sword, and his seven part novel seems rather intriguing as a concept.

>> No.13936358

underrated post

>> No.13936376
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yeah, that's the one

>> No.13936378
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>> No.13936449

Venetian Blinds by Art Vandelay.

>> No.13936499

This right here is why Tolstoy is superior to Dosto

>> No.13936528
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I will not be deceived.

>> No.13936596

HoL is also my absolute favorite, though people I have recommended it to have not been able to get through it. My aunt tried and ended up not finishing, she said it gave her a headache and made her wonder if I thought in the way the book is written, which I realize isn’t too far off. It’s definitely inspired me to try my hand at writing horror. I would love to read more of his work, thinking about getting the first volume of The Familiar or Only Revolutions tomorrow; as well as another horror novel.

>> No.13936756

she looks like she needs a nap desu

>> No.13936762

it successfully makes new from the same old we're all so familiar with. now get your elbows off the table.

>> No.13936786

>No no, coffee, need coffee.

>It’s not your table, anon.
>What’s it called and how does it do that?

>> No.13936796

i refuse to continue this conversation with someone so lacking in etiquette. goodbye.

>> No.13936798

don ave one

>> No.13936809

I dislike restricting myself to having a single favourite book. There's so much out there and so much variety between books that liking one above every other seems a bit restrictive to me. How would I even articulate why I think one book is better than every other? I do like certain books more than I like others, but saying that I have a favourite does a disservice to everything else I've read, in my opinion.

That isn't to say that you shouldn't have a favourite book, by all means go right ahead. This is only my opinion, and I just prefer to like all books equally.

>> No.13936814

>Autism *sips*

>> No.13936821

I have the same issue when introducing the book to any of my peers or friends. Two have tried so far but neither have been able to make it through. I'd always thought HoL was very conducive to getting sucked in without realizing it.

I'm surprised Danielewski isn't brought up alongside other big postmodernists like DFW and Pynchon more often. I've not yet read Pynchon, but my limited experience with DFW and other postmodernists certainly seems to point out their similarities. Maybe House of Leaves just hasn't gotten enough exposure.

>> No.13936822

begone thot
i am trying to make a shitpost here

>> No.13936840
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I enjoy the works of Professor Taleb.

>> No.13936842

are you slavic, anon?

>> No.13936848

>why am I so depressed I sleep at least six hours a night

>> No.13936850

Why do you ask?

>> No.13936902

Didn't you post Udar in the other thread? I have an old t-shirt that says that.
My ex bought it for me when......ahh...fuck it...don't answer. Enjoy your night.

>> No.13936944
File: 29 KB, 459x612, 9141E934-F8E6-4A87-BD00-80593A0E58C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, that. This “yдap” is what came out of translating “bump” into Russian. It says it means “hit” though. Which is a funny acronym for this Ukrainian boxer’s party.

>> No.13936956

y-you too!

>> No.13936964

it's about a dude who fucks but he hates living because he got raped as a kid

>> No.13936984

No Longer Human?

>> No.13936988
File: 73 KB, 524x468, EC4751EC-C9FD-4662-AFA6-98649189A7E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was very much sucked in, more so than any other book I’ve ever read. I think the writing style is just hit or miss for most, people expect a typical story but the book turns into more than just that and really does capture a feeling of descending into insanity. I’ve tried with brother as well and he says he is reading it but I don’t think it got him.

I’m not so well-versed in postmodernists myself, Danielewski was my introduction to it. I’m very eager to read more if you have any suggestions though. I was brought up on mostly school literature and, while I did enjoy it, nothing has ever gripped me like HoL did and I would love to explore.

>> No.13936989

*scoffs* i prefer to refer to it by its original japanese title, ningen shikkaku, m'lady

>> No.13937011

House of Leaves made me realize the power of books. I read before that, but the experience of reading that book was like none other I've ever had. I did a report on in my freshman year of high school where we had to connect themes from a book to a film. I chose HoL and Aliens. Talked a lot about the suspense and fear of the unknown that they both use. I went way overboard with the paper though because I was still in that Johnny Truant sort of mindset when I was writing it and wasn't as formal as I could have been with it.

I've gotten several people to read HoL in my life so far. I lost track of how many times I've had to buy another copy. Should read it now - it's been years - and see how my perspective has changed.

I really loved the Johnny Truant portion of the book and connected with his obvious mental illness and alienation from the world around me. Especially towards the end when he's really gone. I don't know if it's sad or not but I think that was the first time I truly related with a character as person. Great book.

I've tried to read some of MZD's other stuff and it hasn't done a lot for me. Maybe now I'd be better equipped for it. House of Leaves definitely seems to be his most accessible book (although I haven't tried The Familiar).

I tried ready Only Revolutions and while I LOVE the concept the idea of making it into an epic poem didn't connect with me at the time. I'm the kind of reader that's bothered if I don't know what I'm reading, as in I want to have a version of what the author is saying that I can at least interpret, and a lot of that book is made up references (many of them historical). Which is cool. I can tell he did a lot of work on it. That's another one I want to pick back up, because I've read reviews of people who thought it was great and seemed sincere. Anyone read it?

>> No.13937045

I lood down thoughtfully, gently raise my head and stare seductively into her eyes and say very slowly 'whale book'

>> No.13937564

Probably my favorite part of the book tbqh. I was literally on the verge of crying on the train while reading this part.

>> No.13937581

She can kill you with those elbows

>> No.13937582

If I do, will you please let me fuck your mouth?

>> No.13937703
File: 52 KB, 774x767, 995C52D0-7C13-430F-B556-62EA4699D046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this took a a turn from where i thought it was going and it was riveting

>> No.13937708

I like Mason & Dixon, I cried at the end.

>> No.13937712

looks like michel

>> No.13937747

she'd be muay thai championship on first try, if she used those bad boys

>> No.13937910


>> No.13938531


If you're going to shitpost like this, at least have the decency to refrain from butchering the English language.