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13931965 No.13931965 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.13931972

Not that much actual serotonin I'm afraid.

>> No.13933991

wouldnt want to burn out my receptors right

>> No.13934314
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>burn out my receptors right

>> No.13934320

Un Houellebecq mineur.

>> No.13934330

>reading houellebecq in english

>> No.13934340

Le truc est parfaitement traduisible - ne sois pas ridicule.

>> No.13934396

It's not his best. He tries to portray a man who's virility and will to live have been sedated by an antydepressant. It's just him travelling through France without a real objective, remembering his past as he meets people from those days and describing what he sees from the pov of a detached observer.
There are some of his classic tropes and themes: bestiality, really mild racist remarks, misogyny, the ubiquitous case of pedophilia, ethnic food, social commentary .

I don't know if I wat to recommend it, maybe if you really like Houellebecq.
I think he lost his edge, he's dull.

>> No.13934414

What are your favorite books by him and why?

>> No.13934519

I love Huysmans, he pays him homage suitably in this one. I also read it at a time when François's character was really relatable to me.
I'd argue this is his best. There's everything he became famous for . It's quite a rollercoaster, shifts in tone fast and abruptly, it's provocative and humorous.
> H.P. Lovecraft. Against the World against life
I just think Houellebec is the best person to interpret Lovecraft's view of the world.

I also appreciated Extension du domaine de la lutte and wathever

>> No.13934586


>> No.13934589

this one out in english yet?

>> No.13934790

yes for a few days now

>> No.13934912

I'm reading Whatever and find the inconsistent writing style to be grating. IDK if it's the translation or just one of his weaker books. What did you think about it anon?

>> No.13934965

I get that people don't like it. It's definitely a "bumpy" read especially if you don't have much sympathy for the protagonist.
I liked it for being basicaaly an entertaining 100 pages book to read in an afternoon.

I would recommend you jump directly into Atomised.

>> No.13935006

If it's anything like this trash then you're in for pages of the main characters delivering monologues to clumsily expose the author's philosophy, interspersed with titillating sex scenes to keep you interested.

>> No.13935011
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