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13933178 No.13933178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what books should i read if im a fat fuck?

>> No.13933188

Join a gym first, being obese is the first song that you’re not disciplined enough to read and focus greatly on a task on hand, if you fail to become healthy
>because food is so good and I like eating and eating like a nasty fucking cunt
Just kill yourself if you fail to harness discipline within your soul, vermin, you make me ill.

>> No.13933189

Starting strength but skip the nutrition section

>> No.13933192

nothing. start working out and eating right. reading is worthless when your noggin is too full of fat, clogging up your capacity to reflect.
t. loser who lost but gained all

>> No.13933202

You eat because it's your preferred form of comfort. Some are druggies, some are alcoholics, some are addicted to socialising.

You eat when you're sad, you eat when you're happy, you eat because civilisation has robbed you of real responsibility and independence.

If you had to spend all day hunting your food you wouldn't be fat. Don't blame yourself, blame civilisation.

>> No.13933210

DON'T! Reading burns more calories than sleeping bro. It's going to drain you of your energy!
Irony aside, this is just not true. I hate exercising. I hate fat people as much as the next guy, and it is definitely a sign of laziness, but being un-disciplined is no obstacle if you actually enjoy reading. I'm incredibly undisciplined (although not fat) but still manage to read anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours daily.

>> No.13933229

Put that same effort into the gym, and more, reading a "great" book is one thing, but being a "one trick pony" is common sign of mental illness, I play tennis, I’m in a chess club, I work out, and I myself still have time for reading, and enjoy great literature like the next intelligent individual, Jack of all trades, master of all, you’ll meet people everywhere, great ones too, but you have to stop overeating, you probably have anxiety problems too. I wish you all the best fren.

>> No.13933233

Any of them, its not like your fat ass is going anywhere

>> No.13933235

Adding to what I said too, pick up an instrument, I’m currently learning guitar, practice mathematics, in whatever time you want to, keep the mind wanting to solve, and at the end of the day, relax mate, take it hard, because all you’ve been doing is taking it easy.
-and /thread

>> No.13933241

I'm actually borderline underweight. I'm still losing weight. I want to go vegan but idk how I would sustain it. Even with eating meat I'm barely surviving.

>> No.13933250

Everything George RR Martin ever wrote. You're kindred spirits.

>> No.13933255

Nah don’t go vegan mate, it’s bullocks, just have a balanced diet

>> No.13933259
File: 24 KB, 620x465, teddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely based and redpilled opinion. I'm proud to share /lit/ with such enlightened geniuses. Unironically.

>> No.13933266
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Pic related. It fuvking worked for me but then you have to follow a manteinance diet or You'll get fucking fat again even faster.
>Join a gym first
No, retard. Joining a gym without having started to lose weight either won't do jack shit (because he won't be able to do the kind and quantity of exercise that would make him lose weight) or will actively hurt him (Because he'll try to do It anyway). First you start a diet THEN you join a gym.
>Just kill yourself if you fail to harness discipline within your soul, vermin
There But for the Grace of God we both go, conceited asshole.
>reading is worthless when your noggin is too full of fat
Harsh red pill, But litteraly as true as autogynophylia and women's womb absorbing their past lovers's DNA. Fat nerds are dumb because their brain is clogged with fat. If You know someone whos fat and smart; know that He's smart DESPITE being fat and that he could be doing 100 times better.
>You eat because it's your preferred form of comfort. Some are druggies, some are alcoholics, some are addicted to socialising.
Other harsh redpill, and absolutely True.
Have an article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/2197074/
You want another harsh redpill?
It's all y(our) fault. We trained our brain to expect a quick serotonine fix every time we're stressed. We gave it what it wanted and it built a chemical prison around our stress relieving mechanisms. If We hadnt been WEAK in the past we would never have gotten fat. I'm almost out of it now, I reprogrammed my fucking brain but it took 6 years.

>> No.13933274

this, but with a caveat.
in such a scenario where we cannot find ourselves in danger of starvation, we must create an artificial one. with some control, we can create for ourselves the necessary environment of isolation from abundance. we just have to take steps to exert that control. yes, it's difficult. no it's not impossible. it really is a matter of patience and effort. but so too is it effort to stuff that food down your gullet day after day, to live with the soul crushing self hatred you inevitably feel as a result. your HEART WORKS HARDER JUST SITTING THERE.

>> No.13933324
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This is both litteraly true and surprisingly deep

>> No.13933595

I'm a fat fuck I like a roast duck
I'm a fat fuck I like a roast duck
I'm a fat fuck I like a roast duck

>> No.13933613

Just read the nutritional information of the shit you buy

>> No.13933659

the back of cereal boxes

>> No.13933681

the /fit/ sticky

>> No.13933698

Anon it wasn't fun the first time.

>> No.13933876


>> No.13933911

You're right, why? Why isn't it fun? Can't it be fun? Can't we all just laugh?
It's all that is left for us anyway. The satisfation of laughing at this absurd universe.

>> No.13933953

what if youre dead

>> No.13934001


if you literally stop eating processed foods you will stop being fat. nothing that has been thru more than like a cutting and washing step, something along those lines. not even meat grinding. obviously this removes sugar and anything with 'ingredients'

from my limited experience in getting people off processed foods ENTIRELY it is literally impossible to remain fat. buy an eat anything you want under that parameter (you'll see that your eating patterns will begin to vary) and the weight will literally melt off