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13928684 No.13928684[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My sister just said all philosophy is worthless because it’s “made up”
How do I BTFO this

>> No.13928694

too late anon she embarrassed you

>> No.13928700

Fuck her.

>> No.13928705

I responded by saying “that’s a philosophical statement so you are calling your own statement worthless” but felt it was weak

>> No.13928740

eh, not terrible

>> No.13928749

You can't, she's right. What you must do is find her copy of Les états multiples de l'être written by Abd al-Wāḥid Yaḥyá and read it yourself.

>> No.13928756

She’s right though

>> No.13928762

Isnt anti philosophy a philosophy?

>> No.13928763

Based. This is exactly what you do to Postmodern nihilists and their lemmings.

>> No.13928869

Ask how she defines worth

>> No.13928910

Imagine thinking this is a good comeback. Lol.

>> No.13928989

He doesn't think it's a good comeback. He thinks it's weak. I'm imagining the scenario in which one would think it's a good comeback for you right now though, and it sucks. Don't make me think about that shit again, retard.

>> No.13928997

Either of you got a better one

>> No.13929014

Your sister is dumb, so you shouldn't have tried to reason with her. It just made you look like a chump. I would have said something pompous and silly like "You must trascend."

>> No.13929025

>Hurr durr I'm a prole and anything that isn't pushing a wheelbarrow 8-4 is made up mumbo-jumbo!!!
Why do people do this?

>> No.13929027

Just appeal to authority and tell her she is uneducated and clearly not the right person make such a blanket statement.

>> No.13929033

>tfw sister is majoring in philosophy
>still a virgin in her 19
At least I'm not the most autistic person in my family.

>> No.13929089

You don’t just to get to say “X is stupid” because you’re too stupid to hnderstand the methodology.

>> No.13929207

You need to add some concise explanations of how epistemology works. These types are retarded and don't understand the significance of "it's a philosophical statement" They think there is a hard distinction between their hylic scientism and pseud sophistry with nothing in between and no shared qualities. It might be good to mention how "the scientific method" has its foundations in logical truths. They have been marketed a caricature of philosophy that is essentially the antithesis of the caricature of materialist scientific "reality" they have also been conditioned to believe. Make sure to make her feel really fucking dumb for not understanding the scope of things. Humility is what midwits lack, they will parrot platitudes about open mindedness and rationality but they only ever act on whims. Make them question if they really are stupid. Assert that they don't actually understand any of the pop-science they believe in and that it's often dumbed down to the point of being inaccurate so non-scientists can get the gist of it so they are just making an appeal to authority which their own shitty education pushes as a bad meme. Obviously don't do all of this at once, make sure a particular point sticks with them each time.

>> No.13929239
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Ask her why it’s inherently better for something to exist in “concrete” reality than as an idea. If she even opens her mouth to give an answer she’s engaging in philosophy and by default proving herself wrong. But she probably wont say anything because shes retarded and shallow.

>> No.13929255



>> No.13929311

Everything is 'made up', nothing is 'real', in the material sense. The world is illusory. Your sister is based Vedantist.

>> No.13929338

Tell her to dilate

>> No.13929349
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Your sister is worthless because she is a philosophical zombie.

>> No.13929364

well, rape the bitch and when she cries foul, tell her that morality is a philosophical concept and it's worthless

>> No.13929657

>still a virgin in her 19
And that's a good thing. She's not a whore. Do you want a whore relative?

>> No.13929666

Like this:
"Nice philosophy"

>> No.13929681
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she's right

>> No.13930312

Well, why don't you solve her virginity?

>> No.13930456

Make something up.

This never has the effect you think it does, anon.

>> No.13930478


>> No.13930627

>sister is barely 20
>has a baby
You don't know how luck you are, boy.

>> No.13930647

And we have a winner!!!

>> No.13930662

So is 90% of the human experience. Doesn't make it any less "real" just because it's immaterial.

>> No.13930675

remind her she is not immune to ideology

>> No.13930700

give me her instagram right now thank you very much

>> No.13930713

The attractiveness level rises as virginity is retained in females. In males it’s the inverse.

>> No.13930718


>> No.13930771

virgin females prefer virgin males. Virgins don't have to rationalize that the first time "isn't special" like discarded concubines have to. It's not as special when the guy isn't a virgin because it's a one sided experience. it's also all relative to the attractiveness of the virgin. Remember if he's ugly he's your stalker, but if he's hot he's your secret admirer.

>> No.13930789

>It's not as special when the guy isn't a virgin
Bs. Sex is two, it is our first time

>> No.13930795

She's right, philosophy is for pussies too frightened to go outside

>> No.13930808

>it is our first time
maximum over cope.

"In her first passion, a woman loves her lover, in all the others all she loves is love"

>> No.13930829

Ridiculous. Plenty of virgins losing it had a terrible first time.
The same person could have had lots of sex and then gets with someone who gives it to them so good it “feels like the first time”
t. Madonna

>> No.13930845

>Oh, it might be made up, but does that make it worthless?
Then give her a knowing smile.

>> No.13930846

>Ridiculous. Plenty of virgins losing it had a terrible first time.
Only from a sex as commodity perspective. Early ejaculation because of excitement and attraction is good. Sex is banal for whoremongers and their concubines. It's glorified masturbation. The brain is the most important sexual organ, the orgasm itself can't compare.

>> No.13930848

Tell her you've always thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Then lean in for the kiss

>> No.13930858
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Tell her she is worthless and is just a made up mistake by your parents!

>> No.13930889

Introduce me to your sister immediately

>> No.13930899

>virgin females prefer virgin males
I wish

>> No.13930901

You can't because that's their philosophy.

>> No.13930936

This is retarded. Plenty of people lose their virginity to people they don't really care about. Plus, I didn't orgasm my first time at all. My dick was a noodle because of the stress.
I do agree with your overall point tho. Relationships > hookups, every time.
Virginity is a sign that you're unable to get laid (obviously), and that's a sign you've got some kind of problem (for example, the 'tism). Thanks to old gender dynamics female virgins get to pretend they're virgin because they're just so sweet and innocent, but men don't have that fallback.

>> No.13930941

underage. Your prose exposes you.

>> No.13930943

The reply of the cornered rat. If I were underaged, it would only prove me more of a chad, and you more of a virgin. Alas, I have the worldly experience of a twenty-one year old.

>> No.13930946


>> No.13930950


>> No.13930964

>thinks being "21" isn't underage
This is why you are eternally underage. Go back, you won't be taken seriously here.

>> No.13930972

When I was fifteen and had barely read a book in my life I posted here. You all took me seriously then. I was undetectable from the rest of you, and that is the lowest condemnation.

>> No.13930981
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No one has actually had sex for at least the last 200 years; few know this.

>> No.13931101

Just have sex with your sister already

>> No.13931165
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>sister is 14

>> No.13931189

my bad bro

>> No.13931194

Yeah, well, that’s just your opinion.
(exactly what my exes have said)

>> No.13931373

Yeah, well, the jerk store called- they're running out of you!

>> No.13931395

What is this chump even trying to say?

>> No.13931436

>philosophers create abstract models to explain the world in the best way they know how
>the only proof is by comparing it to their own experience with some input from others
>there is no way to confirm any of it is true, you just find a system that validates itself
I don't know how people are satisfied with the results of such a process, even if something looks correct in theory it so often comes out to feel arbitrary and detached from reality

>> No.13931488

I read one book on the ego and damn I see it everywhere am I not wrong in thinking this is an ego driven post, for what recognition do you seek? For the men in masks to accept your answer as if this community was really what matters?

>> No.13931542

She's clearly too based for you.

>> No.13931621
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I was talking with my mom's friend about Nietzsche and she said he probably went insane because he "thought too much"

>> No.13931708

your sister sounds cool

>> No.13931732

I can vouch for this. The 89 year old spinster next door is one fine piece to be sure.

>> No.13931739

does she read fiction?

>> No.13931748

Probably true tho

>> No.13932035

>being a dumb frogposter
You're not blowing anyone TFO

>> No.13932044
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Kek. You are awesome

>> No.13932045
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>> No.13932051

who the hell wrote this?

>> No.13932059

Trying to deny sex is real sounds like some Lacan gobbledygook to me.

>> No.13932068

Morality is more biological than philosophical.

>> No.13932165

How did you find your computer through all the weed fog bro

>> No.13932196

He wasn't normal.

>> No.13932211

It made you furious :3

>> No.13932217

Jesus, where do you live?

>> No.13932283

because they're dumb people with dumb friends and retarded colleagues

>> No.13932296

Should have raped her right on the spot, she would have understood.

>> No.13932298


>> No.13932301

Some of the most normal, well-adjusted seeming women I’ve met are still virgins at 20, 21. Don’t give her a hard time for it.

>> No.13932392
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aHAhaHA good one anon ;))

>> No.13932473

this. what the fuck is wrong with that poster

>> No.13932506

California, Shartland

>> No.13932519

Seriously it's how it should be, girls shouldn't be losing their virginity when they are 14, 15, 16. They should be losing it when they get married, preferably arranged by their parents.

>> No.13932522

Touch her tits, see her reaction and then rape her

>> No.13932524



>> No.13932647

story please

>> No.13932740

Blame your parents for raising at least two pathetic failures.

>> No.13932771

Pure distilled red pill here.
We are in the presence of Royalty.

>> No.13932775

>still a virgin in her 19
If you lose virginity before 30 you lose out on the magical powers retard.

>> No.13932792

Do it. Redeem yourself. Redeem her. Make It look like an accident, take the kid for yourself If she's female. Raise her, groom her. You know You must. Endogamy is the key towards the Holy Grail of our Sacred Descendance. Redeem Your sister by begetting a line of Kings with her daughter.

>> No.13932797

You can't, she's right and you've been BTFO'd eternally lmao

>> No.13932801

Biology is just applied chemistry, which is just applied physics, which is just applied mathematics, which in turn is nothing but applied philosphy.

>> No.13932815

Some time ago they would have lost it usually once they first start to bleed at like 13 to their husband.

>> No.13932902

All of society is "made up"