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/lit/ - Literature

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1392939 No.1392939 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/. can anyone recommend me some good modern poets. inb4 poetry isn't literature, no shit.

anyways, looking for recommendations of good modern poets or poetry anthologies. recently i've really been enjoying dark depressing themes, but anything will do. whatever you'd like to share

>> No.1392952

self bump for help. come on /lit/

>> No.1392958

I'm interested as well, but honestly, I think you're picking the wrong time for this thread. /lit/ is slow enough during peak hours, and poetry is sort of underrepresented here anyway. At this time of night... well, good luck.

>> No.1392960

>dark depressing themes,

Hmmm... I know a few that fit that description:


>> No.1392964

poetry isn't literature? wtf are you talking about?

>> No.1392966

just an fyi
poetry is considered literature when it is part of a body of works from a certain culture. ex: english literature has poetry as well as prose

>> No.1392967

pretty shocking that it's slow enough to take this long for any replies. i don't know /lit/ though so i don't know what's usual and what isn't. even took this long for a troll to rear his ugly head >>1392960

i'm sure i am pathetically late, and she isn't necessarily modern, but i recently was introduced to Sylvia Plath who I am really enjoying, so if you are in fact interested as well, and haven't heard of her, you might enjoy her.

>> No.1392973


sorry, i lurk /mu/ mostly, and they are super sticklers for categorization, and literature has a stigma of novels in my experience, and that's completely wrong, but i then expanded it to just mean lengthy text.


anyways, rather than correcting definitions, recommendations would be much more appreciated

>> No.1392977

mebbe dylan thomas

>> No.1392981

pretty inspirational if you ask me

>> No.1392982

Dylan motherfucking Thomas for sure. Ginsberg, TS Elliot, Bukowski and ee cummings are worth a read too.

>> No.1392983

I'm not really sure how "modern" you're looking, but there's a National Book Award for Poetry for a reason.

>> No.1392984

will check them out, thanks guys

nighty night

>> No.1392994

Bob Hicok
Robert Bly
Robert Hass
Billy Collins