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13926951 No.13926951[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any decent leftist critiques of political correctness? Feminism? I want to engage for the benefit of the working class but I simply can not deal with the draconian social climate of leftist communities. So I avoid them.

>> No.13926960


A great read

>> No.13926964

i absolutely agree with you my friend FUCK that shit. unfortunately the only person I have seen who has been outspoken about it is zizek lol so I just stick and develop my own thoughts about the whole thing

>> No.13926977

There’s plenty of critiques of liberal PC and “third wave feminism” culture. I just do it on my own.

>> No.13926986

Uhmmmm its called being a decent human being sweetie, you should try it some time

>> No.13927051

Pretty basic I guess but it's a take I feel for, thanks anon.
Zizek is a bit too rambly to me in the videos, are his books less spammy?
Writing off all PC culture as entirely liberal feels like shifting the blame a bit, lots of PC warriors make use of leftist concepts and rhetoric. The worst ones tend to identify as socialist or similar. Leftist orgs are completely infested.

>> No.13927076

So you want a pure white male socialist critique. I see now.

>> No.13927077

It’s really sad that they’re more concerned about bourgeois polite speech than combatting austerity, empowering working people, etc.

>> No.13927079

I feel you there, senpai. I'm a social science graduate student. Thirteen or so years ago, I used to be involved with some left-wing political organizations and groups. I did study sessions with a university chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists and went to Chicago with a handful of hardcore communists. Back in those days--and they really weren't that long ago--the focus was all on working-class empowerment as well as socio-economic arguments and justifications. Everyone would get assigned readings and print-outs, which would be vigorously discussed and debated.

Shit was probably kinda pseud, but it was very /lit/-centric and educational.

Last year, I went to another YDS meeting, just for the sake of it. There were a lot more students present--probably because of Bernie--but Jesus, was it different. Girls making a point of showing off their hairy legs and pits. Half the crowd was trannies and fags with pink hair. All the discussion was focused on LGBT+ and race shit. I took my free ice cream and got the fuck out.

And, to top it all off, everyone was instructed to asking whoever was sitting next to them for their preferred pronouns. FFS. While I do believe that faggots should have rights and black people shouldn't receive disproportionately long prison sentences, I don't understand why this shit is always at the core of modern liberal debate.

>> No.13927093

Justin Murphy has some podcast, also search for unwoke left or antiwoke left

>> No.13927104
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The Poverty of Feminism
Basically all of the talking points the alt-right uses were stated much better almost 50 years ago by a leftist. Much deeper arguments as well: Chads, sexual desire, rape fantasy, anti-abortion, loss of being, urbanisation, female manipulation, organisation as a racket, etc.
Probably the best criticism of feminism there is.

>To the chat-up we must oppose true encounter, to “voyeuristic” stares, the expression of desire and communication. The enemy is not men and their desires. The pickup is an immediate product of the city, anonymity, solitude, the destruction of the possibilities of encounter. The instigator himself uses defensive attitudes, false self-assurance and a false disdain of women.

>The predatory male, and in the extreme the rapist, is a nuisance or a danger. But embarrassment or injury are above all rooted in all the misery and solitude of the victims. They are provocations, injurious responses painfully felt because they cannot fulfill, a caricature of the hope of something else. If the rapist were Tarzan, perhaps he would be forgiven. But the kerb crawler rarely has the appearance or the manners of a Prince Charming. His “prey” sees her own misery reflected in his.

>> No.13927123

I really liked his podcast with angela nagle.

>> No.13927130

Also, around the turn of the century there was something of a last spark of old leftist thought. I can't remember any specific titles, nor how good they were, but look up post-left anarchism and insurrectionism. They had some critiques of identity politics in general. Likely primitivism as well.
The anarcho-liberals began their attack on these types of people and basically took over the left (likely with a lot of help from glownigs, see Aufhebengate):
This is one:

Also read Camatte's criticism of rackets and organisations.

>> No.13927137

If you're talking about this in the left now you are 30 years late. There's no salvaging it, anyone on the left with an understanding of these problems either left or drifted into obscurity/lunacy.

>> No.13927152
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Either the CIA made identity politics to destroy the left or it was just happened as a consequence of critical theory...
Probably critical theory desu

>> No.13927159

How does a creature this pathetic still bother to exist?

>> No.13927168

socialism is white man's ideology, dumb rostie, Marx was an incel.

>> No.13927189

A bit of both.
As an example, back in the anti-globalization protests there was a demonstration in Ottawa around 2002-2003. It ended up on the steps of parliament, which was pretty shit and liberal, but even worse were the 'black bloc' girls shouting 'THIS IS PRIVILEGE!'. Just another form of liberalism, and it was then I realized it was over.
I will also note the similarities to what happened in Germany, the likely connections of stay-behind units to the anti-German socialists. Setting up false oppositions is deeply connected to liberal foundational law.
And Aufhebengate made it clear that glownigs were deeply entrenched in marxist academia.

>> No.13927192

Welcome to the logical outcome of your intellectual traditions

>> No.13927209

Leftists have always been about hyperfocused critique... No? Probably also leftists are more often than not being urbanites with little roots to the working class so its easier to be caught up in dumb shit they keep seeing the inherently sensationalist media bring up. Its atomization gone rampant thats trying to reconfigure itself into a collectivist ideal but just cant shed the idea of those who are "different" in one way or another. All these do gooders want to be the cog in the perfect machine but a machine only needs so many parts and the mishapend ones dont help at all.

Source: My Ass

>> No.13927218

Mark Fisher's essay is foundational for 'anti-idpol' type Marxism, surprised no one's mentioned it

>> No.13927222

Modern liberalism is not about the working class. If they cared about the working class, they would push for a culture that leads to stronger families and healthier lifestyles to the working class.

Take a look at this

>A former classmate from Yale recently told me “monogamy is kind of outdated” and not good for society. So I asked her what her background is and if she planned to marry.
>She said she comes from an affluent family and works at a well-known technology company. Yes, she personally intends to have a monogamous marriage — but quickly added that marriage shouldn’t have to be for everyone.
>She was raised by a traditional family. She planned on having a traditional family. But she maintained that traditional families are old-fashioned and society should “evolve” beyond them.


>One example of luxury belief is that all family structures are equal. This is not true. Evidence is clear that families with two married parents are the most beneficial for young children. And yet, affluent, educated people raised by two married parents are more likely than others to believe monogamy is outdated, marriage is a sham or that all families are the same.
>Relaxed attitudes about marriage trickle down to the working class and the poor. In the 1960s, marriage rates between upper-class and lower-class Americans were nearly identical. But during this time, affluent Americans loosened social norms, expressing skepticism about marriage and monogamy.
>This luxury belief contributed to the erosion of the family. Today, the marriage rates of affluent Americans are nearly the same as they were in the 1960s. But working-class people are far less likely to get married. Furthermore, out-of-wedlock birthrates are more than 10 times higher than they were in 1960, mostly among the poor and working class. Affluent people seldom have kids out of wedlock but are more likely than others to express the luxury belief that doing so is of no consequence.

>> No.13927231

Here's a video noam chomsky btfo post modernists

>> No.13927864

I don't know how in the hell you inferred this from what I wrote. You seem cancerous.
Me also.
It's sad, how did shit turn out like this?
I can see what you mean. It's sad how leftists has completely alienated their movement from actual working class culture (especially in the US it seems). Also the whole excusing dysfunctional behavior referring to systematic oppression. Transgenderism comes to mind.
Thank you for your suggestions, seems like good material.

>> No.13927990

I am fine with sjwism ie. race stuff, animal liberation, lgbt, feminism, etc as long as they dont split off themselves from uniting towards the common goal of abolishing capitalism and liberating workers. Don't let neoliberal identitarianism taint your views of that stuff and go cuckervative on us OP.

>> No.13928018

Exiting the vampire castle by Mark fisher

>> No.13928076

feminists vs trans w

>> No.13928167


The nu-left groups, is the totalitarian sublimation and discussion-protectionism of racism and homophobia.

Since the nu-left do not advocate to implement traditional leftist or marxist policies that could improve their society, and predetermine all conservative beliefs to be heretical. Are more akin to a theocratic group with the infallible diety being the act of virtue signalling within the prevailing social media zeitgeist. These people are not on the existing political left-right spectrum.


Because you re-attended what was previously a left leaning group, doesn't mean that its self labeling as left leaning means that is what it remains. Therefore you didn't actually attend a left-wing group. The remaining right-wing, is indulgent is labeling these groups as left-wing because, obviously it makes it much easier for them to look better on a political spectrum. And the PC theocracy loves self labeling as left-wing, because it fits in the current social media moral binary of associating good/evil with left/right, which adds another layer to what the PC brigade fundamentally want - a blanket protection from reality.

>> No.13928175

People are put off by the authoritarianism most leftists showcase through their policing of speech, whether through legislation, corporate policies, cancel culture or social media witch hunts. Leftists trying to codify and enforce appropriate speech and opinions through oppressive institutional powers will only serve to turn the working class against leftism. It's an artificial and oppressive tolerance between demographics that inevitably lead to increased tensions. In the end people will rather side with someone saying nigger with an authority against them than with someone crying about it with an authority behind them.

>> No.13928191

If anything marxists are the cancer trying to promote themselves infiltrating organizations that address real liberal issues with attainable goals.

>> No.13928226

>The nu-left are destroying the left with idpol
>No they weren't leftists you saw they were right wingers!
Mate obscurantism does us no good, this is an issue on the left we need to face. Some of it is genuine right wing liberalism I agree, but some of it isn't though. Displacing the problem onto others absolves us of taking any action/making any criticism. Socialism, like any aspect of discourse, isn't fixed. What constitutes 'socialism' can be stolen from us - it's a question of power dynamics and hegemony. If we don't expel these types, they'll BECOME 'socialism'. We unfortunately don't have a divine right to the title, there's others that have their own plans - we need to fight for it and dominate the conversation. By simultaneously ceding the right of these people to call themselves 'socialists' mostly unopposed, but occasionally calling them liberals, wreckers, etc., from the sidelines and denying they're socialists whatsoever, we risk making ourselves look foolish. Forming a new hegemony isn't just a case of beating the right, it's a case of leading the left as well.

>> No.13928249

I have been complaining about how SJWs are delegitamizing important leftist talking points for years. Instead of trying to reclaim the left, most people just see this shit and turn into alt-right stormfags/neo-reactionaries.

>Zizek is a bit too rambly to me in the videos, are his books less spammy?
I love the way he keeps going on tangents and is visibly trying to get back to the point but yes, his books are far less rambling. I would recommend starting with How to Read Lacan (unrelated to the topic of this thread but short and a great read) if you've never read one of his books before.

>> No.13928252

I thought all leftist perspectives where derived from empathic and altruistic sentiments, therefore political correctness is an intrinsic part of it? It would seem contradictory to take a traditionally left attitude in every aspect outside social interaction.

>> No.13928265

>empathic and altruistic sentiments

>> No.13928300

Lmao lefties like this always talk a big game and then some black dude says nah fuck off and they walk away with their tail between their legs

>> No.13928469
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>> No.13928499

Just watch some youtube videos from Vaush

>> No.13928506

Leftists live in the weirdest fucking bubble

>> No.13928520

>political correctness
just watch Real Time with Bill Maher
just take the 2nd wave pill

>> No.13928524


>> No.13928532

So basically you know the capitalist class are brutalizing most of the world but you can't commit to destroying them unless people stop being mean to you for being sexist? Peak liberalism.

>> No.13928552

Just shoot all the people you don't like. Who for you seem to be people who "don't benefit the working class". Jeeze.

>> No.13928586

communism as it is, is an anti white male ideology.
gays against straight white males.
women against straight white males.
blacks against against straight white males.
Why would any sane straight white male join is beyond me.
>>So basically you know the capitalist class are brutalizing most of the world
I don't give a crap about the rest of the world.
China and India are doing just fine under capitalism taking our jobs.
If you want a successful leftist movement it has to be
1.not against straight white males.
2.for the benefit of the working class people of the nation.

>> No.13928619

Egoism is literally a leftist ideology dickhead. The violent overthrow of the capitalist class has nothing to do with altruism or empathy, it's not letting yourself and the value you create as a worker be exploited by a small minority of people

>> No.13928643

Communism isn't anti-straight white male, you just think not being allowed to rule the roost and have everyone beneath you is anti-straight white male, which reveals your petite-bourgeoisie mindset.

>China and India are doing just fine under capitalism taking our jobs.
Poor first wolders having their jobs exported abroad so third worders can work 16 hours a day for almost nothing so first worlders can cheap luxury items. Look it can't all just be about straight white male workers; straight white male workers have to give something back as well.

>> No.13928651

I think communists/lefties over blow the the whole capitalist exploitation of labor thing.

>> No.13928677


>> No.13928741

>can't commit to destroying them unless people stop being mean to you for being sexist
Yeah those Twitter mobs cancelling people for not bending over backwards to make everything about fucking trannies are really destroying the bourgeoisie eh? Read Fisher, you fucking reddit dickhead. I live in an area that's 98% white, according to the census anyway, I think OUR socialism might reasonably need to offer something to those 'straight white males' you love bitching about, as well as other races and genders and whatnot. Or are you just going to dismiss every criticism of the left's current, failed 'model', i.e. social media bullshit as racist sexist whatever? Every socialist movement that's DOING anything really revolutionary recognises the need to get past this shit:

>> No.13928769

>white male
>you just think not being allowed to rule the roost...
in their own countries. how dare they

>> No.13928780

k well good luck fighting your revolutionary war with your xirples of colour

>> No.13928817

Petite-bourgeois to the core. I don't give a fuck about twitter liberals nor do I give a fuck about Fisher and his pop culture nonsense, I'm a marxist-leninist-maoist. Straight white males aren't owed anything, they owe every other group in the USA, as a mass, for the years of oppression they've dealt them. Criticise away, I have critisisms of online "communists" (these people aren't communists, Contrapoints, Phisophytube and these other people are NOT communists, they are liberals).

The USA isn't "their country", white people in the USA are settlers. They're not the principle proletariat, black and indigenous people are. Indigenous people because white settlers tried and are trying to eradicate them to steal their land, and black people because everything the USA has is built from black labour exploitation.

>> No.13928834

>Straight white males aren't owed anything, they owe every other group in the USA
anon, you realize the position of the "swm" is the product of material conditions, right? you can't be a Marxist and simply blame a class, you need to identify the root of the issue (i.e. the structures of the means of production)

>> No.13928835

>The USA isn't "their country", white people in the USA are settlers. They're not the principle proletariat, black and indigenous people are. Indigenous people because white settlers tried and are trying to eradicate them to steal their land, and black people because everything the USA has is built from black labour exploitation.
holy fuck you're retarded.

None of those Natives were the first people on 'their' lands, they all fought wars and conquered each other. Blacks and Natives are Lumpenproles for the most part not proles. Black people did not even vaguely build everything in the US, fucking ludicrous statement.

>> No.13928848

>Indigenous people because white settlers tried and are trying to eradicate them
when did Marx ever say that the proletariat was a product of cultural genocide? anon have you ever read Marx?

>> No.13928882

Just go shoot up a bank already Jesus Christ, your ilk are insufferable faggots.

>> No.13928908

Yes it is the material conditions. I'm not blaming swm as individuals, I'm pointing at individual swm and saying "YOU ARE PERSONALLY EVIL!" You have to look at whiteness and gender as systems that operate in capitalism and the structures that it forms, and whiteness as a structure developed to create a caste society. That doesn't mean individual whites in the USA can't be exploited or live in poverty, it means they have a material benefit from the structures that oppress none swm and they need to struggle against that.

Yes it was their land. The land belongs to those who work it. Whether or not native americans fought each other, they had their lands and they built their lands and laboured on them, and then america bulldozed it and imported its own proletariat as slaves from Africa to build their new country. The USA would not exist without black labour. Trillions upon trillions of dollars of labour in exchange value has been stolen from black people, first through actual slavery, and second in "legal slavery" in prisons.

The prolateriat are those who have nothing to lose, because they are the ones willing to make revolution. Whites do have something to lose, clearly since they put up all kinds of resistance and betray the proletariat over something as minor as being told not be racist or sexist. They can't even give up using a few words for the sake of revolution, what makes you think they're going to lay down their lives? White people can be revolutionary, but they need to struggle against their white-settler consciousness.

>> No.13928929

I'm surprised you can't just articulate your own critiques. Do you really need some third party lefty approved critique? You need to be told how to think?

>> No.13928947

>calling everyone and anyone a petit-bourgeois
Spoken like a true MLM. Half of you people don't even have the balls to support the actual real China that exists, as opposed to the one mouldering in history books. Anyway, I'm not a fucking American, and I don't give a shit about your gay messed up country, so blather your shit to someone else. Moan about Fisher all you want, your language reeks of the vampire castle.

>> No.13928970


>> No.13928980

A petite-bourgeois mindset is when you act like bourgeoisie without being one. I support China against imperialism, I don't support China's disgusting abuse of its own workers, its revisionism is so far-gone its not even revisionism anymore, its just capitalism, I don't support billionaires in the party and I don't support their colonialist endeavors in Africa and Asia. If you're not an American, Canadian, New Zealander or Australian then forget what I said about settlers, I'm not american either, I'm European. But even so, if you're a white in Europe, you have to be especially aware of proletarian internationalism, since Europe is still an imperialist power.

>> No.13928996

>The USA isn't "their country", white people in the USA are settlers.
if they conquered it, it's theirs. indigenous people were allowed to stay because they were conquered by a semi-benevolent population
>everything the USA has is built from black labour exploitation.
importation of black slaves was a mistake. it was evil and black people offered little benefit at an enormous cost. they should either be granted, and moved to, their own land within the US as the indigenous population was, or be assisted in resettling on the land of their ancestors. and white americans would greatly improve their country by limiting all non-white immigration to strictly immigration through marriage. crime would plummet; labourers would be in a far better bargaining position; culture, education and happiness would flourish; and its cities would eventually be habitable again

>> No.13929020
File: 164 KB, 684x676, nazbol_pepe_by_comradepepe-da66byy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current communist party is gay asf and is filled with revisionist scum.
Somebody start a nazbol third party.
I'm sure it'll get some funding.

>> No.13929022

>if they conquered it, it's theirs
And when indigenous people take it back off settlers by force, it'll be theirs. Indigenous people were allowed to "stay" because they were allying with black people and it was dangerous to the bourgeoisie, so they just put them on token reservations to stop them revolting.

Nah, black and indigenous people should overthrow the settler complex, along with any whites who want to help them, and the rest can go to their graves along with the KKK and the police.

>> No.13929023

>The prolateriat are those who have nothing to lose, because they are the ones willing to make revolution
not according to Marx; the proletariat is a very specific class which only develops under wage capitalism

>> No.13929046

>I'm European
Then why talk like an American(!) Drop the shit about settlers and let them sort out their own issues. It's patronising to the extreme to try and solve poc's issues for them. It stinks of saviourism. You serve internationalism (an abused term if ever there was one in Marxist thought) by building your OWN socialism, and working outwards from there.
>China capitalist
Typical. Has it occurred to you that there's competing modes of production in China, one capitalist, one socialist? Exactly as Lenin described in Tax in Kind? I wonder if you can point me to a socialist country that didn't have need to 'abuse' (by doing its best to raise their standard of living and not see the state overthrown and plunged into ruin I guess) its own workers to get itself out of the pit of imperial encirclement.

>> No.13929105

In a technical definition and European context yes, proletarians are industrial workers. But this is kind of ignoring the *content* of the proletarian: proletarian is a relationship first and foremost with the bourgeoisie. The African slaves were not exploited by explicit slave master patricians as in classical society, but the bourgeois class.

>Then why talk like an American(!)
Because it was safe to assume you were an american. And yeah let them sort out their own issues, all of use should focus on work in our country, but that doesn't mean be ignorant. We still have to practice proletarians internationalism, which is supporting the proletarians of other nations in any way we can.

>one capitalist, one socialist
There is no socialism in China. Just because the government owns some companies doesn't mean its socialism. Socialist countries are countries that are actively moving toward communism. There's only two paths and China is on the capitalist path.

>by doing its best to raise their standard of living and not see the state overthrown and plunged into ruin I guess
What, by making its people work for foreign companies for 16 hours a day for a pittance so said foreign capitalists (and their own capitalists) can get rich? No, no socialist country has ever done that, nor could they.

>> No.13929113

>Yes it was their land. The land belongs to those who work it. Whether or not native americans fought each other, they had their lands and they built their lands and laboured on them, and then america bulldozed it and imported its own proletariat as slaves from Africa to build their new country. The USA would not exist without black labour. Trillions upon trillions of dollars of labour in exchange value has been stolen from black people, first through actual slavery, and second in "legal slavery" in prisons.
Most of the US economy, even when there were slaves, was capitalist.

Black people did not do shit

>> No.13929130

>What, by making its people work for foreign companies for 16 hours a day for a pittance so said foreign capitalists (and their own capitalists) can get rich?
Anon people in China currently have a problem with running sweat shops because they've literately run out of peasants.
They're rich, you're clueless.

>> No.13929148

Capitalism can still have slavery. And yes, slavery built the USA. Without African slaves the USA wouldn't be shit and all the white settlers would have been kicked of the continent by indigenous people in short order. Well they wouldn't have been kicked off because without slavery they wouldn't have been able to settle it in the first place.

That's the worst excuse I've ever heard. The USSR had peasant turned into proletarians, they didn't do that. China under Mao had peasants turning into proletarians, Maoist China didn't do that.

>> No.13929150

Identitarianism, LGBT, Feminism are all explicitly designed to fracture and compartmentalize larger cohesive groups. It's classic divide & conquer. If your goal is unification of the working class, you should be staunchly against these ideologies. You are fine with playing the rigged game handed to you directly by the establishment and surprised that it will result in your defeat.

>> No.13929182

State owned and planned enterprises directed by a bureaucratic caste (not class) that work to blunt the law of value and work against the profit motive are socialist mate. The reason I call China socialist despite the existence of competing forms is because of which one exercises dominance - political and, yes, economic. Socialism - of a preliminary kind absolutely, but one that actually EXISTS. And thus, one that won't be perfect. There's two paths sure, but they aren't straight, clear paths. They twist and turn. As to your 'foreign capitalists' (etc) snark, I implore you to stop being idealist. The USSR had the NEP. Cuba and NK are allowing markets. You might find that reality distasteful, but real world economic formations are messy, and will contain things like that. Or are/were none of them socialist either? A society that emerges 'not as it has developed on its own foundations, but, on the contrary, just as it emerges from capitalist society' remember? Regardless, I can only repeat that you need to focus on your local conditions before you practice any kind of 'internationalism' that's worth anything whatsoever.

>> No.13929213

When it comes to political correctness that is actually a -very- recent shift to the left wing. In previous decades it was overly sensitive Christian soccer moms who wanted to ban everything they found offensive and lefties trolling the shit out of them.

Basically most of 2000s era comedy and edgy internet shit was lefties doing it just to make people angry. In a famous example, Everybody Draw Mohammed Day was organized and participated in by lefties, for example, but is considered by the modern far left to be the internet equivalent of Kristallnacht.

Never thought I'd see the day where the Christian pearl-clutchers of my youth would become the major free speech advocates.

>> No.13929222
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remember, you're in clown world timeline.

>> No.13929233

No they're not and China isn't against the law of profit. They have a fucking stock market. There's "not being perfect" and then there's capitalism, which China is. Of course there's class struggle in socialism, but China isn't struggling because the capitalists have basically won. The NEP was a temporary measure so the USSR industrialized, it lasted 10 years and then was abolished. The socialist revolution happened in China 70 years ago, how long exactly is their "NEP" going to last? There is no actually existing socialism today. People just want to cling on to this idea that NK, Cuba, Vietnam, China ect are socialist because they don't want to face the reality that marxism is in the weakest position its been since before WW1. You can't delude yourself, otherwise we'll never have revolution. We can't have a country that has billionaires in its party, exploits its worker terribly for foreign capital and its own capital, is practicing imperialism and colonialism in Africa and doesn't give a fuck about international proletarianism (selling weapons to Duerte to use against the New People's Army in the Philippines) and just sit there and say "yep, this is socialism. If there was a revolution in your country, would you want your socialism to look like China? Foreign capitalists working you to the bone? The government killing strikers and being imperialist? Horrible living conditions for most people while a privileged group of party princes have mansions? I doubt it. Socialism is for the people, by the people and each according to their contribution. No one person contributes enough to justify them being a billionaire.

>> No.13929240

>And when indigenous people take it back off settlers by force, it'll be theirs.
>Nah, black and indigenous people should overthrow the settler complex, along with any whites who want to help them
if they can they should. but even if they had the will they obviously don't have the mind, numbers, courage, weapons, technology, or strength to do it. the prior indigenous population had its best chance 1500s and 1600s. unfortunately they failed to protect their land.
white populations and cultures will continue to be destroyed by immigration caused by white guilt, ideologically compromised universities, and by the greed of politicians and corporate executives

>> No.13929271

>against the law of profit
You mean value. And I said BLUNTED.
>stock market
Works differently to Western ones, read up on it.
>because the capitalists have basically won
Assertion. You've no idea who's 'won'.
>it lasted 10 years
Until the 50s when market reforms ere reintroduced. Rightly or wrongly, this objectively happened.
>No socialism
This is the crux of it. You'll never see socialism. You don't want to.
>socialism is for the people, by the people and each according to their contribution
Platitudes. Idealist.

>> No.13929277

Black and indigenous people have been struggling against the US for 500 years, since its inception.

>white populations and cultures will continue to be destroyed by immigration caused by white guilt
Good. Fuck America, its a genocide masquerading as a nation.

>> No.13929290

>Good. Fuck America, its a genocide masquerading as a nation.
america's existence is what allowed the continued existence of your people post-ww2

>> No.13929301

You're practicing metaphysics. You can't have a stock market in socialism. I don't give a fuck what mental gymnastics the CPC is putting out to justify it.

>Until the 50s when market reforms ere reintroduced
Yes, when the USSR became revisionist and sowed the seeds of its transition back into capitalism.

What Britain?

>> No.13929314

>What Britain?

>> No.13929321

>Good. Fuck America, its a genocide masquerading as a nation.
You aren't very familiar with human history if you think this is unique to America. By your logic everyone on earth basically has carte blanche to just wantonly murder everyone else because every people have committed atrocities. I have a suspicion for some reason that you only apply this logic to white people though.

>> No.13929330

this is the best and funniest comment I've read on 4chan today

>> No.13929344

how is Fisher's 'exiting the vampire castle' anti-idpol?

>> No.13929360

>And when indigenous people take it back off settlers by force, it'll be theirs.
what up, red injun here, and I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you lel

>> No.13929388

Yes mate - it's TRANSITION. So what was it? I recommend Szymanski's work on the late USSR, which China resembles in several respects. Your idealism re what can and can't 'happen' 'in' socialism (a TRANSITION) is just that.

>> No.13929473

Everybody Draw Mohammed Day was organized and participated in by *liberals and libertarians, not "legties"

>> No.13929487
File: 6 KB, 220x158, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a marxist-leninist-maoist

Grow up you dense nigger

>> No.13929636

Rejects call out culture and guilt-based moralism?

>> No.13930209

This was an awesome read anon. Not OP, but well-done

>> No.13930492

Glad you got something out of it. These people have their issues, but it was a significant piece at the time

>> No.13930554

He was a husband and a father of several.

Anonymous is cancerous, I just gave a knee jerk reaction. Pardon if I offended, but you offend the throngs of baby lefties still making their way out of the *well meaning* left-liberal ideals. It takes time and patient education to make a liberal a socialist. Even more time with right liberals. They still think they’re conservative

They don’t. Perhaps you have a nice job, or no need for one. Your sort needs to get a close look at why there are homeless people and empty houses in the wealthiest nation on earth/in history, and why they’re engaged in several unending wars

>> No.13930682

So, was there any relevant rebuttal to either pieces, or were they just ignored?