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File: 116 KB, 1200x869, unabomber-ted-kaczynski-feature-1012208660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13926347 No.13926347[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He was right about everything but the revolution.

It will never happen, the only hope for humanity returning to primitive life is an apocalypse level event like meteors bombarding the Earth. Even if you convinced everyone in America to change, the rest of the world would just conquer them and bring back technology. You'd have to get the whole world to simultaneously agree and that will never happen. What you can do is enjoy nature while it's still here and keep the knowledge alive for future generations. Go out alone into the wilderness as much as you can, as often as you can. Learn how to survive in it and pass the knowledge on. Maybe one day people will return to the wilderness, but it won't be because they chose to go.

>> No.13926358

>Even if you convinced everyone in America to change, the rest of the world would just conquer them and bring back technology
You do realize that the purpose of communism was to spread it across the world so it could then dissolve and turn into a stateless, classless, moneyless society right?

>> No.13926362

And it never happened because communism is a cowardly pipe dream.

>Everyone will just be nice to each other and work together and no one will have more than anyone else and we'll all just share and be nice and not be mean ok?
Are you 5 years old?

>> No.13926369

communism didn't happen in a vacuum.
It was inspired by the paris commune in which the workers revolted and took over the factories and ran commune democratically while it lasted.
It was then put down by the military.
And that's when the idea that a state was needed to protect the workers from being put down by the military arose.

>> No.13926378

So what

>> No.13926387

The end goal of communism is the end of production.
That is no more factories are made, just commodities.
Its like putting technological progress to a grinding halt.

>> No.13926389

Oh fuck off you fucking idiot.

THAT'S your point? Go back to your macbook and starbucks.

>> No.13926401

I use linux and drink instant coffee...

>> No.13926498

we just read him for the dish out i.e the way he btfos whatever he criticizes
same as guenon

>> No.13926596

Imagine getting psychologically tortured by the CIA and then spending the rest of your life in solitary confinement after going insane

>> No.13927220
File: 113 KB, 382x449, 1565612962242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine getting psychologically tortured by your peers and then spending the rest of your life in solitary confinement in your room after going insane
h-ha yeah i-imagine

>> No.13927267

do realize just HOW right??


>> No.13927310
File: 102 KB, 1600x900, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13927785

its happening now


>> No.13927829

>the workers revolted
The armed national guard revolted against a French military previously disarmed by Prussia. "The workers" did fuck all but obey and carry on living.

>> No.13927834

Slit your wrists

>> No.13927846
File: 16 KB, 333x499, antitech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont understand how societies evolve. read his latest book, this is not about convincing the majority. an anti tech revolution is not a democratic process.

>> No.13927847

>drink instant coffee

Enjoy your stomach and intestinal problems when you hit 30

>> No.13928921

>instant coffee

>> No.13929192

>apocalypse level event like meteors bombarding the Earth
>people end up living with nature again
>food shortages are nil, depression is non existent
>communities tighten bonds and give people meaning
> 2000 years later
>aw shit, here we go again

>> No.13929229

Name one world wide revolt in human history.

It will never happen.

>> No.13929247

Better that than what we have now

>> No.13929312

What are the chances of a monarch being anti tech and not being a burgerpunk ceo? The only chance of a government in Ted's vision would occur would be if ultra orthodox jews or fundamentalist mormons or amish took dictatorial power wherein they make up the majority population.

>> No.13929665

>right about anything
Good joke. He and his philosophy belong in the "queer theory" section, and you are a queer for agreeing with him.

>> No.13929772


this video is from today

you still dont believe that an anti tech revolution is possible?


>> No.13929781

Yes because the *will* would never be there to bring it about. Just because revolution is possible (it isn't, those kids are going to be turned into pavement pizza as soon as there's a big enough distraction) does not mean any ideas can run with it. Anti-tech is the denial of the skinner box, people like the skinner box.

>> No.13929793

The UK had riots like that, after a week things went back to normal.

>> No.13929792

Is this Hong Kong? What does it have to do with antitech revolution

>> No.13929817

>. Even if you convinced everyone in America to change, the rest of the world would just conquer them and bring back technology.
extremely low IQ post. You don't understand how interconnected everything is. You really think he didn't account for such a basic observation? Actually read his work you vapid techie.

>ever thinking the masses weren't getting dragged in kicking and screaming.

After a collapse they won't be another technological revolution, the resources to make it the optimal strategy are already depleted. Ironically it's the primitives who will BTFO of people trying to start another industrial revolution. He explains this though self-propagating systems and short term initiatives of humanity.

>> No.13929839

>the resources to make it the optimal strategy are already depleted
Big and based if true. Make sure to vote republican and burn all those pesky remaining fossil fuels up.

>> No.13929841
File: 11 KB, 477x268, MV5BYzZlMGU1MGYtOTUyZi00NDYyLThhYzYtNTkzMzVhYzdhNmUxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTkxNjUyNQ@@._V1_UX477_CR0,0,477,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys destroy technology there won't be any sexbots.

>> No.13929848

Without modernity, there would be real women.

>> No.13929862

>the resources to make it the optimal strategy are already depleted
Coal, steel, silicon, oil?

>> No.13929863

Yeah but those suck

>> No.13929891


look, you guys dont even understand what our Uncle was saying ffs. TECHNOLOGY IS A TOTAL PHENOMENON IS SOCIETY. this means that ANY revolt is an anti tech revolt, as long as it a revolt, i.e DISORDER its already antitech, even if tomorrow some tranny feminists will demand 2 foot dildos and will block highways to get it IT ALREADY INVOLVED THE TECH SYSTEM. why? becouse highways are the artery lines of the system. ANY conflict within society is detrimental to technology, its not like a party needs to be explicitly "anti tech" its enough that a "party" will actually be constituted. a "party" is already a group that pulls itself out of the system. you think people in Somalia went "oh, fuck all this technology, lets just destroy it!" obviously not, Somalia had conflicts so intense between fractions that huge parts of Somalia are effectively pre-modern

so any disturbance is an anti tech disturbance, provided that it is in fact constituting a disturbance!

Yellow Vests, Hong Kong, "antifa", whatever. all "errors" are the system errors. all chaos is chaos WITHIN the system.

and guess what? since the Menif was published there is shit load more chaos in the system. meaning that the system is getting sicker by the year

>> No.13929898

Yes. Extraction is too difficult without existing technology in the first place. He goes into this further in anti-tech revolution. After the collapse their will never be another industrial revolution. People generally overestimate how "primitive" live would be aswell, especially considering how long the scavenging age would be. In 10,000 years "quality of live" would still be more modern than the high middle ages.

>> No.13929931

Correct. He recommends some small anti-tech group to wait for an opportunity unrelated to tech and use it to take out the electrical grids and fuck up the shipping routes for a few months. It's a domino effect that will lead to the collapse not libtards tying themselves to fucking trees to convince people to "just tear it all down lol" he constantly emphasizes keeping the movement small and cutting out any liberals who will subvert it and aren't actually interested in anything happening.

>> No.13929942

based goonan was right about everything. mother earth should basically become a museum to keep shit lindy, while humanity should expand out into the stars

>> No.13929946

>accelerationism larpers
Enough damage has already be done. The revolution doesn't need little victories to create the illusion that something is getting done it needs to sink the ship. No more campaigning for low flow toilets and electric cars, the whole things needs to collapse.

>> No.13929953

>vapid technophiles and their infantile gundam fantasties
Never gonna happen because it will never be the optimal strategy.

>> No.13929968

Extraction of coal and iron is "too difficult"? I don't think teddy had much of a clue about this stuff.

>> No.13929981

yes. but i wouldn't rule out "tree huggers " as being non dangerous to the system. "tree huggers" also can constitute a "party". in fact all "partisans" are "errors" within the system, whatever their ideology actually is. they can be neo-communists, fascists, it doesn't matter becouse at this stage of technological development ideology has become obsolete.


>> No.13929988

>has no understanding of scale

>> No.13929990

okay guys its time for a short history lesson

>> No.13929991

>Whereas repression has, within cybernetic capitalism, the role of warding off events, prediction is its corollary, insofar as it aims to eliminate all uncertainty connected to all possible futures. That’s the gamble of statistics technologies. Whereas the technologies of the Providential State were focused on the forecasting of risks, whether probabilized or not, the technologies of cybernetic capitalism aim to multiply the domains of responsibility/authority. Risk-based discourse is the motor for the deployment of the cybernetic hypothesis; it is first distributed diffusely so as then to be internalized. Because risks are much more accepted when those that are exposed to them have the impression that they’ve chosen to take them on, when they feel responsible, and most of all when they have the feeling that they control them and are themselves the masters of such risks. But, as one expert admits, “zero risk” is a non-existent situation: “the idea of risk weakens causal bonds, but in so doing it does not make them disappear. On the contrary; it multiplies them. ...To consider danger in terms of risk is necessarily to admit that one can never absolutely protect oneself against it: one may manage it, tame it, but never annihilate it.” It is in its permanence in the system that risk is an ideal tool for affirming new forms of power, to the benefit of the growing stranglehold of devices on collectives and individuals. It eliminates everything that is at stake in conflicts by obligatorily bringing individuals together around the management of threats that are supposed to concern all of them in the same way. The argument that THEY would like to make us buy is as follows: the more security there is, the more concomitant production of insecurity there must be. And if you think that insecurity grows as prediction becomes more and more infallible, you yourself must be afraid of the risks. And if you’re afraid of the risks, if you don’t trust the system to completely control the whole of your life, your fear risks becoming contagious and presenting the system with a very real risk of defiance. In other words, to fear risks is already to represent a risk for society. The imperative of commodity circulation upon which cybernetic capitalism rests morphs into a general phobia, a fantasy of self-destruction. The control society is a paranoid society, which easily explains the proliferation of conspiracy theories within it. Each individual is thus subjectivized, within cybernetic capitalism, as a Risk Dividual, as some enemy or another [a “whatever enemy”] of the balanced society.


>> No.13930002

>yes. but i wouldn't rule out "tree huggers " as being non dangerous to the system.
I wasn't suggesting they couldn't be, just that any damage would be serendipitous and they would subvert the integrity of any actual anti-tech goals.

>> No.13930012




>> No.13930064

Don't I? I know how much stuff did Nazis produced without global market.

>> No.13930129

Conpletely agree
Tbh I think we should thank Ted for the naturepill and try to enjoy it for ourselves
Whenever I feel like doing something to sedate myself I think of Ted on his cell and stop

>> No.13930143

anprim bs, are you seriously such a ludist hippie?

>> No.13930377

> global market.
You don't even understand the question. Resources being depleted doesn't mean some isn't accessible using primitive mining anymore, it means they aren't abundant enough to be a viable strategy to just start an industrial revolution.

>> No.13930407

What resources aren't abundant enough?

>> No.13930444


>> No.13930659

uncle ted has convinced me that just because youre good at math does not mean youre good at logic.

>> No.13931474

Before internet bombing was the best way to get your manifesto read.
Today, he would just vent on his personal blog.

>> No.13932131

whats wrong with instant coffee

>> No.13932175


The communist manifesto and Capital were both written before the Paris Commune

>> No.13932247

What sets him apart from other white male manifesto murderers? It's just attention whoring with explosives and guns.

>> No.13932262

What he wrote you fucking eunuch

>> No.13932263

If it was worth giving a shit about he wouldn't have had trouble publishing it.

>> No.13932287

That's a fucking idiotic opinion.

You get people to take you seriously by practicing what you preach. Write all the books you want, no one will care unless you demand their attention with violence.

>> No.13932853

And the more savage the bloodshed the more serious the message? Fair enough, I'll start reading Dabiq right away.

>> No.13932860

That's silly anon, use to much violence and no one will care what your message is.

>> No.13932868

Rise of the bourgeoisie against the world