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13911763 No.13911763 [Reply] [Original]

Was he a talmudist?

>Marx's father Heinrich, whose original name was Hirschel ha-Levi, was the son of a rabbi and the descendant of talmudic scholars for many generations. Hirschel's brother was chief rabbi of Trier. Heinrich Marx married Henrietta Pressburg, who originated in Hungary and whose father became a rabbi in Nijmegen, Holland. Heinrich received a secular education, obtained a law degree, detached himself from his family and eventually also from his religion

To me it seems absurd, that people try to deny the Talmudic or Judaic elements of his works, despite "Das Kapital" reads like a talmudic critique of the goyim/heathen nations power structures.

It is more than clear to any neutral observer that his ideas had their origins in the Talmud.

>> No.13911785

you know the Talmud was translated right? you wont find much mysticism in there.

>> No.13911788

In terms of style, Marx's Das Kapital mirrors the polemic works of Christian theologians and Western philosophers/political thinkers much more closley than it could attempt to evoke the spirit of any kind of Talmudic tradition.
Marx does not once ever claim that the power relations, ideology, or exploitation were not present in his ancestral Jewish culture, nor did he attempt to ever claim that the Jews held any special virtues or qualities which could somehow be intrinsically tied to socialism.

>> No.13911820


and also, read "the pursuit of the millennium " by norman cohn. Marxim was just a secular Christian Millennialism.

>> No.13911870
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This is simply untrue. Even the veritable metaphysics of the eternal revolution is in
mind, and above all, in the instinct of the Jew, such as history has constituted them, this strife, which is a powerful means of dissolution and is working to secure the Chosen People and the coming of the Messianic Age.

One has to be illiterate, naive or biased if he cannot see how even the very 'revolution' has it's very origins in Jewish messianism.

>> No.13911888
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>in the instinct of the Jew,

>> No.13911909

It certainly is an instinct. Tribal instinct. Zion is the end goal of judaism and jewish tribalism in general.

You can't separate Zionism from Judaism.

It is perhaps the only example in world history, that a nation dispersed upon the earth for almost 2000 years has been able to retain the idea of 'Zion' intact: only to establish it again in 1917 with the Balfour Declaration.

Nations fall, Zion remains.

>> No.13911934


read a book


>> No.13911945

The genetic makeup doesn't matter: of course the Khazars, Moors and others influenced the genetic makeup of the modern Jews.

It is the oral tradition, Talmud and the concept of Zion that matters: it is like a virus that keeps mutating

Are you perhaps implying that zionism does not exist in this world?

>> No.13911959

Define "talmudism" without circularizing.

>> No.13911964

zionism is just "jewish" nationalism. just like France or Germany didn't existed before nationalism neither did Israel or Zionism. there is nothing exceptional about Jewish nationalism or settler colonialism.

>> No.13911988

>neither did Israel or Zionism.

Talmud began during the Babylonian captivity, the written form. Are you implying that Judaism did not exist prior or after that?

Are you perhaps trying to say that zionism, or jewish nationalism, developed independent of the considerations of Talmud, and despite of it? Delusional, ignorant and quite honestly, comical.

There is no other example in history for such nationalism spawning for 2 millenniums intact.

>> No.13912006


>> No.13912036
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>year of our lord 2019
>still using dated bio essentialist and ethnic determinism as a basis your worldview

>> No.13912055

maybe it has to do with the book they all read that tells them about their given land rather than fucking "instinct" lmao. occams razor anon

>> No.13912084
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its not a tribal instinct, jews were privileged amongst heathens throughout the christian and islamic world because of their relation to the abrahamic faiths. Over the centuries poor jews were pogromed or assimilated, only wealthy, learned jews could afford to whizz around to where ever was safest for them and maintain their roots. Come the 19th century most european jews, like educated christians, were beginning to leave behind religion. A few pogroms and a holocaust later and they don't feel safe in Europe so they move to a spiritually and culturally barren land and cultivate it and make it the envy of the rest of the world. After they had brough America the arts they decided it was time to move on and settled in israel, to the disappointment of the people who already lived there. Whilst the rest of Americas white population began to merge into a single entity (so the anglo-saxon could support irish fighters in newly desegregated boxing matches that the physically weak, albeit mentally superior, Germanic man could not hope to win) the jew was left to marinate in tribalism because everytime another white person would tell a jew that they probably didn't need their own newspapers the jew would invariably report every single friend and relative, distant or otherwise, that had been near a concentration camp.

>> No.13912095 [DELETED] 

read Marx's On the Jewish Question
>Once society has succeeded in abolishing the empirical essence of Judaism – huckstering and its
preconditions – the Jew will have become impossible, because his consciousness no longer has an
object, because the subjective basis of Judaism, practical need, has been humanized, and because
the conflict between man‟s individual-sensuous existence and his species-existence has been
>The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism.

>> No.13912099

This is laughable view of history that tries to display Jew as the victim: while in truth Talmud teaches them to keep separate from the goyim.

Even the very 'ghettos' were established by the rules of the Talmud.

The goyim/heathen nations never forced the Jews to some certain parts of the city and to dwell there in the 'jewish quarter': those quarters were established because Talmud clearly states that a Jew may only sell property next to his to another jew.

>> No.13912102

>There is no other example in history for such nationalism spawning for 2 millenniums intact.

this is just Zionist mythology. listen to the lecture i posted. you can also read his book, im sure you can find it online somewhere.

there were no Jewish nationalism before modernity. you should understand what nationalism actually is.


>> No.13912111

>after they had brough America the arts
Literally what in the fuck anon

>> No.13912112

read Marx's On the Jewish Question
>Once society has succeeded in abolishing the empirical essence of Judaism – huckstering and its preconditions – the Jew will have become impossible, because his consciousness no longer has an object, because the subjective basis of Judaism, practical need, has been humanized, and because the conflict between man‟s individual-sensuous existence and his species-existence has been abolished.
>The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism.

>> No.13912116
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People have their instincts.

>> No.13912120

Is Judaism with all its resentment just circumcision cope?
>Boo hoo I was malformed and separated when I could not separate myself from the rest of existence!

>> No.13912124

animals have instincts you fuckhead, people have history.

>> No.13912133

Are you perhaps trying to separate concepts such as: Judaism, Jewish Nationalism, Talmudism, Zionism, the State of Israel

Do you treat them all as separate concepts: better yet: do you treat Marxism, Judaism and Talmudism as separate manifestations? I personally cannot see where one begins and one ends.

>> No.13912161

It's clearly both, just as we are human and animal.

>> No.13912177

before modernity Judaism was a religion, like Islam, like Christianity. you wouldn't say "the christian nation" would you? that's becouse its a religion. well, that was how it was with Judaism. you were a jew if practiced it. how can a person practice his Nationalism, his Frenchness, his Americaness? well, the answer as the escapologists of Nationalism tell us is by practicing the same costumes, the same 'culture, speaking the same language.

but Judaism does not fall under those criterion. becouse you dont have to speak Hebrew to be a jew, jews practice different costumes (the costumes of the place they live in), they have different cultures... so Judaism is not a Nationality

>> No.13912202

and what about jews that were bankers? you now, not all jews were marxists.. you can still find plenty of banker jews, just like you can find a boatload of jewish marxists. so which one is the proper manifestation of the "one ends"? the bankers or the marxists?

honestly i suspect that the world is very confusing to you and you dont have the means to think thing over so you resort to mysticism

>> No.13912204

>but Judaism does not fall under those criterion. becouse you dont have to speak Hebrew to be a jew, jews practice different costumes (the costumes of the place they live in), they have different cultures... so Judaism is not a Nationality

Answer me this: could such loosely connected 'idea' of Jewish identity (without a hint of nationalism) survived for over 1900 or 1850 years without Talmud or oral tradition?

Just simple yes or no.

>> No.13912225

yes. religions survive becouse people practice them. Christianity is 2000 years old, people practice it. that's all. i dont get what you looking for? you think Marx would have endorsed Zionism? no, becouse he was a Marxist...

>> No.13912264

Is this what a redpill operation on unemployed humanities BAs looks like?

>> No.13912298

yes, however they're clearly not sending their best.

>> No.13912513

No, he was a self-hating faggot; hating on his Jewish heritage was just the cream of the crop since he hated his "privilege" as well.
Which by common sense, "privilege" is just the collective efforts of your ancestors for the well being of the future generations.

>> No.13912544

Its more than just that. Zionism's end goal is one world government with Jews at the helm.

>> No.13912579

what about you mom's helm? think about that kiddo. she need some love too that hound dog, her means also require caring for. organic means are still means you know. dont worry about jews kid, think of you mom and the means. the salaries, everyday people walking around, living theirs lives without realizing.. without thinking things over. 24/7 baby dont sleep get that money son, think about your parents and the means.

>> No.13912623

To my knowledge, he was born, baptised, and raised christian. So you think he was a crypto-talmudist? Going to the mass, but studying secretly the talmud on the side? Like the Marranos?
In any case, you can study talmud, and revert talmud against talmud. Like he reverted Hegel against Hegel. Talmudism is about exchange value, interest rates for the goyim, no Karl Marx work. There is also his first work, on the jewish question. Writing a book which criticize jews, but still being a hidden jew agent. That's bizare.
In the end, Das Kapital is not about making the jews powerful, but a criticism of the Capitalist mode of production.
You know, it happens people get out of their ethnicity. Like Spinoza did.

>> No.13912702

I believed in this crap too. I've read the controversy of Zion (Douglas Reed).
In the end, Das Kapital does not talk about this. Das Kapital was a criticism of the Capital.
After reading him, i believe Marx was a good guy. Always wanting to defend the living condition of the working class.
Capitalism has a far greater nefast effect on the world than jews.
Yes some people can be genetically more agressive, and prone to treachery and manipulation. But in the end, what matters, is the mode of production. There is no jews in China. Chinese workers are still exploited.
What about his efforts to make a better world for the future generations? Only a self hating faggot like him could have written such masterpieces. It's hard to believe all is right with the world when you were born with a sliver spoon in your mouth like him. Todays billionaire kids just get overdosed. He studied history, law, economics, and wrote to do something about it.

>> No.13912730

Beyond retarded post.

>> No.13912745

>The genetic makeup doesn't matter:
Genetics determine everything. In-group selection pressures are what made jews the inbred parasitic psychopaths we see today.

>> No.13912761

>its not a tribal instinct
Says the jew who instinctually defends his tribe with excuses and fake history and fabricated tales of oppression.


>> No.13912782

Try to keep up. This is what is commonly referred to as the Kosher Sandwich. Turn on any news channel and you'll likely see a Democrat and Republican who are both jews arguing two seemingly opposing positions, both of which are good for jews.

>> No.13912881

>brought America the arts
Try to hide it just a little more, for christ sake

>> No.13912911

Yeah well. Conspiracy is good. At least you are not a normie. What you don't understand is that wage labor, exploitation, private property and it's abuse, Capital accumulation, are not jewish, and would happend approximatively the same in a world without jews. Capitalism, in it's very nature, exploits. Jews are Capitalism vanguard. They are not the cause of exploitation. It's not Jew who create Capitalism, but Capitalism who creates jews. (And exchange value, before Capitalism, jews were always merchants since the beginning.

>> No.13912913

The chutzpah on these kikes.

>> No.13912965

What the fuck are you talking about? This is how crazy people sound when they believe that "capitalism" is some sentient organism acting in its own interests.

>"capitalism" does x
>"capitalism" exploits y

What a nutty thing to believe.

>would happend approximatively the same in a world without jews.

"Capitalism" doesn't manifest in the same way everywhere because people are not the same. And the problem isn't "capitalism," the problem is the people running western institutions in their own tribal interests, and those people are jews.

>> No.13912965,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13913003
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>What about his efforts to make a better world for the future generations? Only a self hating faggot like him could have written such masterpieces. It's hard to believe all is right with the world when you were born with a sliver spoon in your mouth like him. Todays billionaire kids just get overdosed. He studied history, law, economics, and wrote to do something about it.
Well, true that.
Forgot to differentiate the self-hating individuals of the past to the current ones, as I happen to know a lot about the self-hating Chicanos in the U.S. and their obnoxious behavior given am on the way to U.S. citizenship and previously was a Mexican national.

>> No.13913024

Enjoy it for now, because you're going back later, beaner. Now get the fuck off this board.

>> No.13913034

Hmmmm Heinrich Marx detached himself from his religion, according to your own post. Marx drifted even further. Sorry OP, you’re just wrong. There is nothing Talmudic about his work.

Take your meds.

>> No.13913035

You've got it at the exact opposite. Which is good since you only need to revert your thoughts on Capitalism and jews in order to understand.
>capitalism" is some sentient organism acting in its own interests.
Exactly this.

>> No.13913068

Embracing your retardation, nice. Is your table oppressing the carpet too?? Lmfao.

>> No.13913125
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Not if I am much more educated than most of you inbreds who refuse to get a degree on the 21st century.
I'll NTR you and impregnate your wife-sister-daughter soon, anon-kun.

>> No.13913141


I always think about this, i think we are just means now, we are a medium for the system, it
But when we think that way [capitalism is some sentient organism acting in its own interests] we just endorse the system, we are people, and there's people that does bad things to (each) other.
If you think that way you're just taking away all responsibility

>> No.13913150

No, you stinky squatamalan, you are going back.

>> No.13913166

>If you think that way you're just taking away all responsibility
Everyone is responsible. In the end, it's the workers who reproduce the Capital with their labor. The solution is to abolish the Capital.

>> No.13913208

Of course, that's what i said. Just don't go aroud spouting stupid concepts

>> No.13913215

Marx characterizes jews as building the foundations for bourgeois civil society in his pamphlet on the jewish question. He calls them a bunch of dirty materialists.
Though, Marx himself was a materialist that wanted to fulfill the possibilities of a civilized society through abolishing the political state, but it is as jewish as it is insofar as its jewish quality is an inheritance from bourgeois thought, which Marx's whole project was a critique of.

>The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism.
Bourgeois emancipation is the emancipation of society from its bourgeois character.

>> No.13913219

Actually the solution is to abolish wage-labor.

>> No.13913223

>Is your table oppressing the carpet too??
A table oppressing a carpet doesn't create profit. Jew are not the only entities wanting more profit. Basically, most humans do want more money. More profit is a way to make more money. And often there is not other choice, like if there is much competition in a particular market. You have to make more profit in order to survive. Some really want a lot more, whatever the cost. In each race. Only exceptional humans, willing to take themselves of the system, and accepting to live in very humble conditions, are out of the system, and not interested in money.

>> No.13913225

is this fascist or zionist i cant tell

>> No.13913233

Why do commies always want to abolish wage labor instead of starting worker-owned companies.

>> No.13913238

It's less about taking away responsibility and more about jews using the narrative of "capitalism as sentient entity" as cover for their actions. The results of "capitalism" depend on who is running the institutions that control the inputs of it. Since globalist jews are running those institutions, we have a global capitalist system that benefits them and other nonwhite groups like the beaners and pajeets and chinks bumrushing white countries and making more money and enjoying more resources than would ever have been possible in their own nations. The main people getting fucked over are whites, because those jews at the top view whites as their enemy.

To understand anything you have to take it out of abstractions. It's about people, human difference, and an evolutionary struggle for power and resources.

>> No.13913249

Worker-owned companies have the problem that they're too ethical. This cuts into profit margins and makes them unable to compete against immense multinational corporations that would shoot their personnel if it made them profit.
See, this is where you fail.
Europe and the USA benefit MASSIVELY of the natural resources they have acquired in other countries through force. If anything, whites are the ones who have been destroying every other race on the Earth.

>> No.13913256

they were privileged because of their use of usury, even modern jews don't deny this anymore. The idea that usury "wasn't" a condemnable practice is now the idea they are trying to spread, ayn rand and such.

>> No.13913260

Capitalism alienates people. As for exchange value. Worker owned companies would have difficulties to compete in the Capitalist market with Chineese companies were wage workers are working 12 hours a day without holidays like drones.
In any case, with mechanization, Capitalism only has a few decades left. About time.

>> No.13913261

Marx wanted to use the proles to overthrow the bourgeoisie so jews could take power. But since he was literally reliant on and consorting with the gentile bourgeoisie, he had to conceal his intentions a little.

"On the Jewish Question" is Marx advocating for jews to be allowed into German institutions by arguing "we're just like you, goyim."

Marx was a tribal advocate and jewish agent first, don't be fooled.

>> No.13913267

Only capitalism bases social existence on the extraction and reproduction of surplus-value, for capital reinvestment. Surplus-value is the origin of profit, but it is not the same as profit. In fact, most companies in the forefront of their industries hemorrhage money at massive losses in profit.

Because wage-labor is the basis for the unfreedom in bourgeois civil-commercial society. Instead of the continual perfection of individual human ability, instead the maximization of time-efficiency is directed towards the reproduction and expansion of capital as an end-in-itself. A capitalist co-operative nonetheless involves the same problem. Besides, mass proletarianization has ensured that even management treats themselves as employees of the corporate body, so that posing exploitation in those terms just repeats the bourgeois revolution of leveling of privilege into equality, rather than actually overcoming how bourgeois social relations comes into contradiction with the industrial forces of production.

>> No.13913270

>this is where you fail
Not failing anywhere, bro. That's zog. And White people are the only people who care about the environment.

>> No.13913274

>It's less about taking away responsibility and more about jews using the narrative of "capitalism as sentient entity" as cover for their actions
You lack reading comprehension even for your own posts

>> No.13913275

makes sense
But wouldnt this at least remove the 'exploitation' since they would all get the profits equally?

>> No.13913279

>Capitalism alienates people.
Global jewish capitalism alienates white people.

>> No.13913288

Not an argument. You want to try again, or is some phantom menace stopping you?

>> No.13913296

>you must disprove that da jooz are behind it all or i'm right

>> No.13913300
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How dishonest. What white companies do is simply go to third world countries and acquire all the resources by force. And since it's unregulated (laissez faire), they can poison the water and the land all they want. When resources run out, they simply leave and let someone else clean up their mess.

>> No.13913316

Those are not "white" companies you fucking moron. They are entities controlled by jewish finance that behave according to the rules and inputs decided by jews on Wall Street and jews running the Federal Reserve system.

>> No.13913322

Of course only jews exploit the working class. :s Profit in it's very essence, aka non paid labor, is jewish :s

>> No.13913324

Okay you're stupid
>taking away resposibility
>using the narrative as a cover

>> No.13913325

No, because exploitation is based on the relation of wage-labor to capital, which takes the form of private property through the capitalists' appropriation of the surplus-value of productive labor, but is not necessarily the case. The capitalist is only the embodiment of capital, proprietary ownership is not necessary. In fact, nearly half of capitalist enterprises are joint-stock companies where management does not even have to own the enterprise.

Again, the problem with capitalism is that it prevents the full realization of human freedom, not because of inequality. The demand for equality is bourgeois.

>> No.13913343

>In fact, nearly half of capitalist enterprises are joint-stock companies where management does not even have to own the enterprise.
But this is still normal 'exploitation' because the profits are going to the owners, who are not the workers, the fact that the managers are also just proles in this equation doesn't change that. I thought that was the kernel of the term, that the labor of the workers was not fully recompensed. If the workers get all the profits where is the exploitation?

>> No.13913351

why do white nationalist have an pitiful excuse for just about everything?

>> No.13913353

You need to form actual arguments and write like normal people do if you want to be taken seriously here. If you are incapable of that, you need to leave the thread.

>> No.13913359

Are you really so dumb that you don't know which institutions hold the levers of power are in your own nation?

>> No.13913360

You think you are teaching us something? I've known this shit for about 15 years.
Kill all the jews, the system will stay about the same, and some other will take their place. Free-masons, Satanist, Atheist, even Evangelical Christian, whatever. Now, you can understand this, or stay in your jew is responsible for all bad things mentality.

>> No.13913370

Why would the system stay the same if it's being run by different people with different interests? Does "capitalism" in Honduras function the same as it does in Norway?

You need to think these things out a little before weighing in.

>> No.13913382

>Does "capitalism" in Honduras function the same as it does in Norway?
Exactly. The aim of Capitalism in Honduras is to make profit by extracting wealth from wage labor. Same in Norway. Whether they change some little things here and there doesn't change the fact that the core of Capitalism is always this. Private property, wage labor, extracting profit, surplus labor, from wage workers. Always the same shit, whatever the color of the skin or religion is.

>> No.13913390

>that the labor of the workers was not fully recompensed
Marx explicitly rejects this proposition in the Critique of the Gotha Program. It's utterly incoherent.
The problem with capitalism is its conditions of unfreedom, where the individual is subordinated into a social process above him that does not allow him to fully realize himself as an individual. This comes about through industrialization, the emergence of industrial capital and wage-labor in their modern form, throwing into contradiction markets and the division of labor as the basis for the infinite perfectibility of the capacities of humanity. Communism, as a dialectical movement, sought to overcome the dominion of society over the individual through a fundamental transformation of society, could abolish "society" and replace it with the free association of individuals.

Again, the managers of joint-stock companies do not necessarily have to own portions of the company's stock to manage, on any level. They are "owners" insofar as they are moments in the movement of capital. If the problem isn't the form in which a social relation materializes, but just a problem of oppression, then the solution would be entirely within the horizons of bourgeois liberalism - which is merely getting rid of the special privileges of the few so that everyone could be equal.

>> No.13913398

Marx's parents converted to Christianity, although evidently, Karl Marx himself left the faith, and did not practice Judaism, either.

>> No.13913419

>The problem with capitalism is its conditions of unfreedom, where the individual is subordinated into a social process above him that does not allow him to fully realize himself as an individual. This comes about through industrialization,
Was the individual not always subordinated to such a process though, the farmer, the artisan, whatever? And how could a social/economic system exist that didn't create structures 'above' the individual that he was beholden to?

>> No.13913427

>The aim of Capitalism
You simply aren't using basic logic here. Does your couch aim to give you comfort, or did the people who designed it do that?

Think, you idiot, capitalism is nothing more than a tool that is used differently by different people.

>some little things here and there
Oh yeah right. No, these are big things that create big variations in the amount of corruption, stability, and social security obtained from resources gained through capitalist practices.

Capitalism is a spook. It is a fundamental aspect of human relations about which criticism in the abstract means absolutely nothing, because it is PEOPLE who determine what it means and whom any particular set of capitalistic practices will benefit.

You sound like a total moron blaming "capitalism."

>> No.13913465

The Talmud specifically instructs Jews to not only separate themselves from other goyim, but also to hold other Jews to be above non-Jews. This is in keeping with a Jew’s view that the goyim are animals in everything except appearance. It’s no wonder that in urban environments that they segregate themselves, because it becomes exceedingly uncomfortable, at least if you’re not surrounded by your own tribe, to deal with people you deem as lesser than you. Not all Jews believe in this, and some not to this exact intensity, but to say it’s not a prevailing attitude is insulting my intelligence.

>> No.13913500

You think you are a genius, when i thought exactly like you 5 years ago?
So genius, when Jew Capitalist exploits white christians, it's bad, but when white christians owners of the means of production exploits other white christian workers, it's good?
No it's not people who are good or bad you dim-wit. Capitalism are the rules. People play by the rules. There is no bad jewish poker player, and a good one christian poker player. There is no bad monopoly game jewish player, and a good one christian monopoly player. There is no bad jewish doped professional athlete, and a good christian professional athlete. The good christian boxer, and the bad jewish boxer. Of course in your mind, the jewish boxer cheat more often.
Capitalism is the rules. The game. Everybody play by the rules. Jews are good at this game, but they don't make the rules. That's it. You are a fucking retard to think that with white christian central banks, everything would be fine, and a fucking retard to think that profit wouldn't corrupt white christians, oh shit, white christian are corrupted as hell already, by Capitalism. Did you know that the Vatican is Satanist?
Btw, you obviously haven't read Marx, so fuck off.

>> No.13913509

Marx couldn't read Hebrew and was raised secular. The notion that he was a 'Talmudist' has no basis in his actual historical biography, and is as ridiculous a notion as calling special relativity 'Jewish science'.

>> No.13913521


>> No.13913524

And by the way, before i left, because it's useless, meditate on this: it's not the jews who make exchange value, but exchange value who make the jews.

>> No.13913588

Why'd you link this? You're aware Gosling's character in the movie, based on a real guy, is Jewish, right?

>> No.13913614

You are not ahead of anything, bro, and there is a 0% chance you had any conception of what I'm telling you 5 years ago, since you don't now.

>when Jew Capitalist exploits white christians, it's bad, but when white christians owners of the means of production exploits other white christian workers, it's good?
Any and every system is about incentives, and in particular *who* is creating the incentives on which a system runs. In your hypothetical scenario, is a system run by an alien race of jews more likely to implement politicies to prevent such exploitation than one run by white Christians?

The answer is obvious, but your own fictitious and simplified dichotomy of good and bad is a great metaphor for your retarded monocapitalism machine theory.

You don't understand how the world actually works so you invent this scenario in your head where there is some malevolent machine running the world and that people are just pawns with no influence over it, when all you have to do is look up the ethnic makeup of who is running the institutions that actually control that system to realize it is set up to benefit one tribe and their global interests.

You live in a fantasy world, and you are clearly not very intelligent going by the countless errors you made in trying to get out a self-styled explanation of "capitalism" that is nothing more than gibberish.

>> No.13913633

I just like the clip because he gets so worked up about 'matter and meaning being in question' lol

>> No.13913648

Capitalism has an internal logic you dim wit, an internal logic. It is to make profit. MAKE PROFIT retard. Jews, christians, chineese, japanese, blacks, whatever.
>You are not ahead of anything, bro, and there is a 0% chance you had any conception of what I'm telling you 5 years ago, since you don't now.
Oh i've read the controversy of Zion. And the secret of the federal reserve. And currency war. And i've read and watched Pierre Hillard a lot. I think i know probably better than you.

Exploitation is consubstantial to Capitalism you toddle. Without exploitation, there is no profit. Since all companies compete with each other, those who exploit less disappear. That's why currently China is taking over the US economically. Because they exploit their workers (with their consent mostly) more than the US exploit US workers. By the way, Chineese mentality exploit the workers more than jews. I would unironically prefer to have a jewish boss as a worker, than a chineese. They are ruthless in their exploitation of the working class. And if the job is not not fast enough, they fire the workers. Go watch american factory.

>> No.13913676

Don't waste your time arguing with that retard. It's 2019, no one reasonably intelligent believes Jews run the economy. This edgelord is part of a small and irrelevant minority, unless you live in Hungary or something.

>> No.13913707

Yes i agree. I was like him until 2015. But today, there are lot's of material regarding what is Marx about. Maybe he doesn't have someone talking about Marx in his native langage. He didn't read Marx for sure. That's pretty retarded anyway. Talking about Marx without having read it.

>> No.13913742

>Talking about Marx without having read it
That's probably 95% of all conversations about him, especially since Marxism and Neo-marxism became bogeymen words for /pol/tards

>> No.13913750

B-but I've read the Black Book of Communism, and know that Mao is personally and wholly responsible for the death of 65 million people!

>> No.13913751

epic satire comrade

>> No.13913763

>internal logic
This is just getting sad.

Like people making "profits" off goods is new lol. You're embarrassing yourself, bro.

Try to follow along:

>Exploitation is consubstantial to Capitalism
No, exploitation is consubstantial to humanity, and what you call "capitalism" is merely a tool that humans use to varying degrees and for various purposes, one out of many of those purposes being to exploit other people in order to obtain resources. But that's just how nature works, everything in the world is tool some use toward those ends.

But again, whether one group is more disposed toward the exploitation of others, or has less empathy for out-groups, or is generally less moral in nature, depends on the nature of the *people* in question, and when given the ability to control the institutions that determine how the *tool* of "capitalism functions and whom it benefits, will create different systemic outcomes.

The above is common sense. There is absolutely zero logic in your assertion that "capitalism" is exploiting people on its own. That is kooky af, amigo.

>> No.13913805
File: 375 KB, 867x1000, greek assemblywomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is more than clear to any neutral observer that his ideas had their origins in the Talmud.
i'm gonna have to stop you right there friend

>> No.13913828

the existence of this play is genuinely very amusing

>> No.13913837

>The above is common sense. There is absolutely >zero logic in your assertion that "capitalism" is >exploiting people on its own. That is kooky af, >amigo.
Of course, if you don't know about the concepts of necessary labor, and surplus labor, you can't understand. You would have had to have read Marx for thIs.

>> No.13913838

First of all, that anon is referring to exploitation of labor or natural resources, not exploitation in general. Humanity has not exploited labor for the overwhelming majority of its evolutionary history, nor has it exploited natural resources *for the purpose of economic growth* over most of its evolutionary history. Exploitation is not consubstantial (an unnecessarily wieldy piece of jargon) to humanity. To suggest so is to ignore about 150,000 years of anatomical modernity, and about 40,000 of behavioral modernity.

Though profit itself is not very new, people making profits from the use of privately owned means of production is very new, and that special case of profit-making is what drives the capitalist system.

The fact that you're using all this facile talk of ingroups and outgroups suggests you a) haven't read Marx, and b) have been paying too much attention to people like Jordan Peterson, who also are very unfamiliar with Marx or Marxism.

The notion that capitalism can exploit people 'on its own' is incoherent -- the idea is that capitalism structurally promotes the exploitation of labor through private ownership of the means of production and the profit motive.

>> No.13913846

People are allowed to disagree with marx you know

>> No.13913855

Yeah, but they should familiarize themselves with his work before doing so. There's no need to even read primary sources.

>> No.13913930

I've read plenty of Marx; he was a subversive kike whose sole interest was creating this fake, abstract reality people like yourself can't seem to see out of.

>Humanity has not exploited labor for the overwhelming majority of its evolutionary history

This is so ridiculously untrue. As if slavers and pimps are a result of modern capitalism.

>nor has it exploited natural resources *for the purpose of economic growth* over most of its evolutionary history

How could you or anyone else possibly believe this and have the gall to assert such an obvious untruth?

>The notion that capitalism can exploit people 'on its own' is incoherent -- the idea is that capitalism structurally promotes the exploitation of labor through private ownership of the means of production and the profit motive.

Take your head out of your ass. You have been intellectually swindled by a jew to frame a worldview in nonsensical abstractions *precisely* so you won't notice the embedded alien race manipulating your society and currently running the institutions that control the results of capitalistic practices.

Even jews don't promote this anti-capitalist mumbo jumbo anymore, because they are in control of those institutions now and have no reason to. Those processes are now working in their group interests, instead of those of whites.

Thinking in abstractions laid out by your own enemy has retarded your thought processes. This is about people, not abstract ideologies or systems. Period.

>> No.13913981

>slavers and pimps

Slavery and prostitution are extremely rare in hunter-gatherer societies (i.e. the overwhelming part of our human history) due to a lack of economic surpluses at that time. Surpluses are, surprise, exaggerated to comical and unprecedented proportions under capitalism.

>no natural resource exploitation

Natural resource exploitation such as ore extraction is recent in human history. If you're referring to, say, hunting as exploitation of natural resources, we're talking about different things. Exploiting natural resources, in common usage, means using said resources for the purposes of economic growth -- something that is very recent on an evolutionary scale.

I should reiterate here that I'm not, nor did I, suggest that these are purely products of capitalism. I only said exploitation is NOT consubstantial to humanity, and that capitalism encourages these forms of exploitation more intensely than previous systems such as mercantilism or feudalism.

>Intellectually swindled by a jew
How is 'capitalism' a nonsensical abstraction? It's been used meaningfully for hundreds of years by people both in favor of it and against it. Abstractions are useful, as anyone who has ever studied anything seriously will immediately tell you. Physics don't begin by studying specific balls and specific flat surfaces, they study perfect spheres on infinite frictionless planes. Any form of inquiry proceeds by abstraction because studying only particulars is not only impossible, but fails to tell us almost anything scientifically interesting about a subject.

No need to even engage with that stuff.

>> No.13914071

All of these things have existed in various forms throughout history. Not even "capitalism" is new. What you're trying to convey simply relates to how human societies function and the tools those societies use to obtain power and resources, for personal and group gain, and what you call "capitalism" is nothing more than just that: a tool.

>capitalism encourages these forms of exploitation more intensely
"Capitalism" does no such thing. It is not alive, it does not have have interests, it's not doing anything.

White people OTOH have produced technology that has allowed for more functional institutions to arise and more dynamic tools that can be used to attain capital and use and exploit resources for personal or group benefit, but capitalism is still not doing anything, people are.

Try to get that through your head.

>Abstractions are useful
Only white people think in these large-scale, abstract terms. Jews as an embedded alien race have exploited that aspect of our nature and used it to divert attention away from the fact that they too are competing for power and resources, and are collectively working against our interests, but no other group thinks in these large-scale, abstract terms or develops these complex, abstract systems of organization or ways of explaining phenomena.

>No need to even engage with that stuff.
Then you will continue to not understand what's going on in the world.

>> No.13914125

>"Capitalism" does no such thing. It is not alive, it does not have have interests, it's not doing anything.
So no more profit. Let's say less profit. Because it's better for the employees. What, China don't give a fuck, and will continue to extract more profit off it's worker? Shit, my factory closed because it's not competitive anymore. Sure Capitalism is not doing anything. It's not trying to put every worker on the planet in competition in order to extract the maximum profit for them. Sure anon, it's just a tool! If we want, it could be different! Without the jews, no exploitation! The logic of mass immigration in order to decrease the demand of work won't exist anymore! Disappear magically! Relative and absolute surplus value will dissapear! Same for surplus labor, without jews, Poof! No more surplus labor. I don't know where the profit will came from, probably some magical place the jews are hiding from us. Damn jews. Without them, we could use the formidable tool of Capitalism like we want! Make something wonderful out of it!

>> No.13914155

Capitalism has empirically caused the greatest reductions in poverty the world has ever seen. That’s to say nothing about Marx’s intentions. Good or bad as they might’ve been, the results were more poverty and misery rather than less.

>> No.13914175

See, you're forced to strawman and throw a pussyfit because you know your argument is total bullshit. It's a fictional story in your head about an enemy that doesn't exist, that isn't even real, and nothing more.

I understand, though. It's a lot easier to blame some abstract system and buy into a fantasy that pretends inanimate entities are exploiting people equally than it is to look behind the curtain and acknowledge that the people controlling your institutions and feeding you these lies are your real enemy, a racial enemy, and that that's ultimately what it all boils down to: nature. Not abstractions or figments of your imagination or a cooked up competition of ideologies, but the raw nature of people fighting for power, resources, status, and wealth, and using various tools to attain those things.

I don't blame you one bit, fella. The truth isn't pretty, and you've spent a lot of time thinking you could get to it some other way.

>> No.13914181
File: 21 KB, 850x338, The-rate-of-surplus-value.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exploitation has exploded with Capitalism. Our generation is way more exploited than our grandfather. The rate of surplus value, which materialize exploitation, is increasing with time.

>> No.13914194

Nice job ignoring all my points about exploitation not being present for the vast majority of human history.

>Only white people think about things abstractly
Okay, retard. Except I'm not white, and there have clearly been many scientists and mathematicians who aren't.

>> No.13914201

Also, see >>13914181

This is absolutely correct, and Marx himself says so constantly in his writings. There is no contradiction between believing this and being an anticapitalist in 2019, or in 1850 for that matter.

>> No.13914208

Okay i'm definitively out. You fucking retard. If jews weren't the central bankers, other would immediately take their place. White sociopaths, most likely, free-mason, Russians oligarchs, even some chinks. You really are weak minded to think that white aren't capable of exploiting other whites. Which they currently do, of course, because if you didn't know, numb nuts, a lot of people in the finance, industry and even in the central bank system are goyims. Isn't Rockefeller goyim? Wasn't Morgan a christian before converting to judaism?

>> No.13914215

>my points about exploitation not being present for the vast majority of human history
Exploitation is a part of nature, so you're either deluded or dumb. But you let the cat out of the bag here, which explains why you are seemingly just making up lies:
>I'm not white
Enough said. And as you nonwhite you shouldn't be on this board btw.

>> No.13914230

You're the one who shouldn't be on the board. You're an actual anti-intellectual. Everything you do is to restrict knowledge, to sum everything into easily digested models like "muh Jews", while holding all the details to yourself just so you can rule over a retarded underclass.
Do you really think we can't see past your dishonesty, your lies, your bad faith?
And the best part is that you aren't even White. You're a mongrelized american, a cartoon of a man.

>> No.13914234

>If jews weren't the central bankers, other would immediately take their place.

Keep adding to that fantasy, friend. It's just capitalism alone, doing it all itself, and no change would make a difference. I'm sure that puts you at ease, doesn't it?

>You really are weak minded to think that white aren't capable of exploiting other whites

These strawmans stem from your inability to face reality. You are forced to lie to yourself and about others.

>> No.13914236

How can a farmer, working alone on his farm with his family, exploit or is exploited by someone? When you participate in an open source project, who exploits who? Who exploited the hunter gatherers?

>> No.13914241

all interaction is violence you pleb

>> No.13914242

You are in no position to call others anti-intellectual when you write like a 9th grader and aren't even white. You do not belong here, we are not discussing your culture or intellectual traditions, so it's strongly recommended you leave.

>> No.13914248

Well, that's true. Killing all Whites would end the hegemony of capitalism over the world, since they're the ones who've provided all the ideological basis for it, while also running a great majority of industries.
Bet you wouldn't like that now, would you?
I'm not even the other guy, mongrel. But sure, keep trying. Maybe you'll be able to think for once in your life.

>> No.13914258

>all interaction is violence you pleb

>> No.13914266

He's acting in bad faith, he's already decided exploitation is part of "human nature" and clearly has no interest in any other point of view.

>> No.13914270

Are you serious? This is what I'm saying about you living in a fantasy world, in part by not understanding that you don't get to invent hypothetical scenarios and create outlier examples to negate others' positions. This is indicative of your general failure itt as a result of your inability to see beyond made-up abstractions.

>> No.13914273

I suspect you're just baiting him, but it should be made clear that killing all white people would not end capitalism in any way, and is something only an insane person would ever think is appropriate or argue for.

>> No.13914276

>Well, that's true. Killing all Whites would end the hegemony of capitalism over the world, since they're the ones who've provided all the ideological basis for it,
You are as dumb as him. Killing all whites, and all jews, won't stop Capitalism.

>> No.13914279

>all the ideological basis for it
You can't even speak English, nonwhite. Leave, please, you're embarrassing yourself.

They're all white ... right lol. Just like the dude at the top of the thread, Marx, huh?

>> No.13914280

Hunter-gatherers are not an 'outlier example', you idiot. They comprise literally the majority of humans to ever have lived.

Neither self-sufficient, isolated subsistence farmers nor open-source contributors are hypothetical scenarios.

>> No.13914282
File: 881 KB, 1700x2151, Hegel_by_Schlesinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Marx ultimately is is Hegel's unwitting puppet from beyond the grave. Marx thought he could remove the transcendent from Hegel's dialectic; what he ultimately did, instead, was find a way for Hegel's great Spirit to enter directly into history.

Socialism/Communism is nothing more than the ongoing manifestations of the Spirit that Hegel was attempting to summon. Why do you think so many communists treat it like a religion? Because it practically is one, and that's because it's what Hegel intended from the start.

>> No.13914291

>killing all white people would not end capitalism in any way

It actually probably would, since whites are the only racial group capable of building the institutions and technology necessary to allow for the growth "capitalism" relies on.

>> No.13914299

Farmers are not a hunter gatherers. You are really not helping yourself.

>> No.13914302

>Independant farmer, open source project, hunter gatherers
Maybe zoomer people like you should stick playing fortnight, and stick to /pol and Hitler speeches. If you were on /pol, you would fit with the landscape. But you are on /lit. People here are required to have a minimum of culture, and at least having read the book, which you shouldn't have, obvsoulsy, since you don't even know the basics of Marxist economy.

>> No.13914309

Just because I'm an ESL doesn't mean I'm non-white. Of course, you're an American, so you don't understand the meaning of nuance. Everything is just an homogeneous set to you, isn't it?

>> No.13914311

They have selected for ethnocentrism.

>> No.13914318
File: 88 KB, 1250x1132, GC2999_84-IMS-en_AU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of course, you're an American, so you don't understand the meaning of nuance.
>Everything is just an homogeneous set to you

>> No.13914336

I've never posted on pol and have been there fewer than 5 times. But you still can't write a grammatically correct sentence.

Really sad and dumb fucks who buy into this jewish garbage. Jews don't even promote it anymore because capitalism is giving them more power than they could ever have imagined, yet you morons still think it's real or even remotely relevant. The useful idiot personified.

>> No.13914344

Okay. There was a nonwhite here earlier. No idea what you're trying to convey though, brother.

>> No.13914355

Do you have no reading comprehension at all? Where did I say anything about farmers being hunter gatherers? Seriously, go back and look.

>> No.13914367

Actually, no, because with shit technology, the rate of profit is actually higher. Shitholes have prooven that they can be Capitalist. Have you ever been in the third world? Mechanization is killing Capitalism.

>> No.13914383

LOL, they aren't doing that on their own, bro. It's white cat ladies working for jewish NGOs and IMF loans that prop that up. "Capitalism" is just a generic term, it has always existed in some form.

>> No.13914390

I was clearly talking about your hypothetical farmer scenario. You were the one being dishonest by ignoring that and trying to pick up some cheap points because I've been trouncing you.

>> No.13914473

Marx lived his entire life in subconscious resistance to his religious origins. His later product was his lifelong personal refutation of it. He was iron-willed about his atheism, wrote an entire monograph about Jews that some consider anti-semetic, and was known for being an original thinker. Back then people had different sensibilities about this issue, and a far more acute stance about it.

Abrahamic religions are all about ownership in one way or another, perhaps best exemplified by the metaphor of a flock and its Shepherd. The religions grew under nomadic conditions, with the exodus of the Jews, the repression of Christianity and its subsequent scattering and oppression by the Romans, and later by Muhammad's journey establishing the House of Islam.

The entire articulation of Marxism as presented by Marx as a total negation of these religious tendencies, assert the belief that they were of a lesser stage in sociological evolution, and treat them as mere propaganda in service of the hierarchical class system.

Historical materialism eliminates the spiritual side of life completely, and considers only the industrial component of civilization as the key factor in its behavior.

Engels even had the gall to call it scientific socialism, in that indefinable spiritual or supernatural factors were excluded as a matter of course.

>> No.13914482

What hypothetical farmer scenario? An isolated subsistence farmer? That has existed at many points in history, and is obviously distinct from the hunter-gatherer lifestyle, who proliferated through most of human history. Both have existed and are not hypothetical -- the former is relatively rare, the latter the norm up until about 10-15,000 years ago.

>> No.13914507

>The entire articulation of Marxism as presented by Marx as a total negation of these religious tendencies, assert the belief that they were of a lesser stage in sociological evolution, and treat them as mere propaganda in service of the hierarchical class system.
Indeed, the entire critique of marxism is aimed at the owners of the means of production, while it could be said that the talmud is more about the sheep-- God stands in relation to Humanity (or the Jews depending how you look at it) in the same relation that the owner of the means of production stands in relation to the laborer.

In this analogy, then, the Abrahamic tradition has never been about a critique of God, but more of an instruction manual for how we, God's sheep, should behave.

In contrast Marxist, Leninist, Maoist, and ever other descendant of this ideological lineage is all about the critique of this God, that shepherd, the controller, as embodied in the organization of capitalist industrial society and the feudal system as either the Divine Right of Kings or the Invisible Hand of the Market.

>> No.13914689

>It is perhaps the only example in world history, that a nation dispersed upon the earth for almost 2000 years has been able to retain the idea of 'Zion' intact: only to establish it again in 1917 with the Balfour Declaration.
>Nations fall, Zion remains.
I swear you bastards push me further and further into converting with these posts.

>> No.13914942
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I personally cannot decide
>1) Marxism happened DESPITE of Judaism, Talmudism. The communist revolutions that followed after it, even though they had lots of Jews as their main driving forces, were simply coincidental. The oppressed working class narrative of Marx is real.

Traditionalist/perennialist view of the matter:
>2) Marx's theories were clearly a subversive document constructed by Jewish revolutionary spirit in a similar manner as the subversive ideas of historical antecedents, such as the Reformation, Humanism, the naturalism and individualism of the Renaissance, and the philosophy of Descartes played to the cause of Enlightenment and the French Revolution.
>Like those ideas mentioned above act as a kind of secular religion of modern democracy: the ideas put forth by Marx were also adopted as religious elements by many Jewish revolutionaries that have been and still are among the promoters of modern disorder in its more radical cultural expressions, whether political or social. From a civilization led by spiritual leaders and by a sacred regality, a shift occurred to civilizations led by mere warrior aristocracies; the latter were eventually replaced by the civilization of the Third Estate. The last stage is the collectivist civilization of the Fourth Estate. When we reflect carefully on things, modern Judaism as a power (quite apart from the concomitant, widespread, and instinctive action of individual Jewish thinkers and writers) is inseparable from capitalism and finance, which fall within the civilization of the Third Estate.

Fourth Estate, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (automation) will decide the outcome, perhaps some sort of infra-human existence with universal basic income, nevertheless it is coming and perhaps both Marxism/Capitalist expressions will be main current may turn against both of these groups, as if they were residues to be liquidated once and for all.

Guénon was truly right with his observation, that it was not the factory owners who enslaved us (or the working class), but the machines itself that have enslaved us. Marx does not recognize the Spirit of Man: because it mainly was talmudist, subversive doctrine that only played to the advent of the Fourth Estate.

>The phrase Fourth Industrial Revolution was first introduced by Klaus Schwab, the executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, in a 2015 article in Foreign Affairs

>> No.13914970

>hates money, property, and capitalism

yeah sure sounds like a jew to me.

>> No.13915475


t. Jew

>> No.13915902
File: 11 KB, 300x243, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so the anglo-saxon could support irish fighters in newly desegregated boxing matches that the physically weak, albeit mentally superior, Germanic man could not hope to win

how are you this stupid?

>> No.13916271

You unironically don't know what Capitalism is. Do you realize that you are making a fool of yourself?

>> No.13916332

>Guénon was truly right with his observation, that it was not the factory owners who enslaved us (or the working class), but the machines itself that have enslaved us.
Yet profit goes to the owners of the means of production, when the cuck worker struggle in his little flat with his family.
> Marx does not recognize the Spirit of Man: because it mainly was talmudist, subversive doctrine that only played to the advent of the Fourth Estate.
Great, the Spirit of Man, tell that to chineese Foxconn workers working 12 hours a day for $2.50 an hour. If you don't care about the working class, just say it.

>> No.13916369

>It is more than clear to any neutral observer that his ideas had their origins in the Talmud.
Such a claim would need backing and you have none. I could just as easily (and more convincingly) argue that Marx's thorough materialism would have horrified any talmudist. The idea that economic relations determines everything else, and not the other way around, implies among others things that student devoted to the talmud are complicit of the workers' exploitation.

>> No.13916384

You don't understand much about the history of zionism, that much is clear. Zionism is originally a 19th-century political, essentially atheistic movements stepped in the 19th-century European notions about nationality and territory. Many religious Jews were against it, and to this day you'll find that the most orthodox don't have much sympathy for it, no matter how much they might like (or dislike) Israel as an actual country.

>> No.13916409

You're very close to arguing that any political position is good for the Jews (because let's face it, there have been Jews on every political position, even fascism and antisemitism).

>> No.13916444

He thinks that this little jew conspiracy determines the destiny of the whole world. He seriously has no clue how things work, and my guess is that he never traveled alone in third world countries. No life experience except YT videos.

>> No.13916480

The Jews are one of the less genetically homogenous recognizable group in the world. There are blacks Jews, Indians Jews, Nepalese Jews and Chinese Jews. A good proportion of them are mixed with Europeans, another is mixed with Arabs and Berbers. It's nonsensical to talk about genetic selection for ethnocentrism in that case.

>> No.13916611

That would be impossible because Marx quite literally hated the other Jews. If anything like others say he has christian millenarian tendencies. There is also a fanaticism to an ideology in Marx, thats quite unlike Judaism, because the Jews focused on internal critique to bring about Messianic. Marx on the other hand believes the Messianic time and peoples is already here with working class and revolution. McDonald in his book culture of critique ignores how many christian elements are in socialism. While some secular jews like Adorno and Marcuse do have something jewy about their critique of goyim society as "enlightenment", this is absent in Marx because he was really dogmatic in what he believed in like the Puritans or Calvinists.

>> No.13916628

Jews are not individualistic or idealistic like white people; their prevailing/only ideology is doing what's best for jews, full stop. Jews will thus take up any position or adopt any ideology, and subvert and transform it in a way that ensures the best possible result for jews.

>> No.13916678

Untrue, and wrong framing. Jews are the most inbred population in the world, but have adapted to living as a parasite off of others, so one of the behaviors they engage is crypsis, which involves pilfering DNA from the host. A certain % of less tribally conscious jews will naturally breed out, but on the whole jews are genetically half Italian, going back to when they subverted the Roman Empire, and half semitic from their desert origins.

>> No.13916703

>Marx quite literally hated the other Jews.
No, he didn't. Marx was an advocate for his tribe through and through, like all jews are. He just made some comments here and there to disguise that or critique the tactics of other jews to encourage reform, as those tactics had a negative impact on jews' ability to convince the goyim they deserved equal rights in nations like Germany, in which jews could not operate freely yet.

>> No.13916709

Did you read the part about African and Chinese Jews being a thing? Did you even understand what you read, and what you wrote, or is your brain on autopilot?

>but on the whole jews are genetically half Italian
Okay I'm out of this apethread.

>> No.13916710

>Wants to remove the state, classes and money
>/pol/ turns it around to say he wants to create a zionist state and classes of jewish people that exploits others and takes their money

At what point do we just start ignoring retards?

>> No.13916738

Jewishness is based on genetics; jews are a race. The Africans claiming to be jews are not allowed into Israel and the Chinese jews are a very old and insignificant population. And jews on the whole are genetically half Italian, this is a fact. Look it up.

>> No.13916820

That's borderline schizo. And again, comes from someone who most likely hasn't read Marx.

>> No.13916822

its literally Hegel

>> No.13916846

That's just how it is, bud. If you disagree with something you have to make a counter-argument, and ad homs are not a substitute for one.

>> No.13916895

(...) And also view the jew as genetically unique people, the source of evil, ignorant of the fact that white and yellow race can be just as bad if the material condition requires it. He thinks that the people, mostly jews, use economy as "tools" (lol), and that it's the people who use economy as they like, to achieve their goals, and not the opposite, aka the economy modelling behavior and creating bad behaviors. He is basically as dumb as Captain america, naively thinking there are good people, and bad people, when in fact there is only power struggle between technological poles, drawing their power from mostly production output, and people inside these poles being powerless beings accomplishing the fate of the Capital aka increasing productivity, thus profit, constantly.

>> No.13916914

Wow, I really affected you, didn't I? You come back in inventing strawmans again and are afraid to counter me directly. Very pathetic behavior.

>> No.13916927

> The Africans claiming to be jews are not allowed into Israel
Now we're entering stratospheric level of bait, I must commend you for your persistence.
The Mossad designed an entire operation to bring back thousands of black Ethiopian Jews to Israel:

>The operation, named after the biblical figure Moses, was a cooperative effort between the Israel Defense Forces, the Central Intelligence Agency, the United States embassy in Khartoum, mercenaries, and Sudanese state security forces.
>Beginning November 21, 1984, it involved the air transport by Trans European Airways of some 8,000 Ethiopian Jews from Sudan via Brussels to Israel, ending January 5, 1985.

As a matter of personal aneceote, my uncle happens to know a black Congolese Jew, my parents even met him. He's called Pinhas Kotko-Shaday, you can google him, he was the socialist candidate in a recent Congolese presidential race. He's currently living in Jerusalem, so he was certainly allowed in Israel.

>> No.13916932


Just wanted to say how happy I am to see people listening to me. I am so damn proud of this generation and looking forward to the future now.

Putting an entire generation of intellectuals out of work was not exactly a high-IQ move. Now the best minds of the planet are out in the wild spewing red pills with no competition but a bunch of Brandeis rejects.

Say whatever you want, as long as you say the title The Controversy of Zion

>> No.13916974

Personal anecdotes are not a substitute for the larger reality of the situation. These "African jews" are sterilized by the Israeli state:

>After Years of Denying it, Israel Finally Admits to Sterilizing Black Ethiopian Jewish Immigrants Without their Knowledge


Enacts policy quarantining them:

>Israeli Policy Keeps Black African Jews From Their Families


And regularly deports them. Nobody cares about your personal anecdotes.

>> No.13916998

Marx wasn't a talmudic scholar he was a naturalist literary figure like Balzac but instead of basing his stories in sociology he based them in economic theory

>> No.13917021

You can't create an equivalency between the open nature of whites and the subversive nature of jews and take the latter at face value. To understand Marx, you must understand the nature of the jew and how this nature differs from that of whites.

>> No.13917039

seek help

>> No.13917076

communism is inherently a jewish practice

it was created, implimented, & run by Jews throughout history
and was designed to place jewish lords above everyone else who acted as a slave class for their whims & desires. Marx was an elite so of course he would make/design a system that would benefit the elite class under the guise of a for all equality. for when everyoen is equal and 1 takes advantage of the others, they hold all the power

>> No.13917205

>Communism is inherently a jewish practice
Indeed. But what whites who understand the JQ should try to in turn understand is that Marx and his fellow jews were promoting communism and bottom-up class conflict/revolution *because* the European aristocracy was still in control of the land and the means of production.

Communism represented a jewish strategy to ride the proles into power and unseat the European aristocracy by indoctrinating the lower classes with a victim mentality similar to that of jewish Christianity and the minority/feminist victim complex jews are pushing currently.

It's the same group strategy jews have used throughout the ages to weaken the elite host group so jews can assume that role and take power, it just takes different forms at different points in time.

>> No.13917294

But you didn't make any yourself. Or are we to take your baseless assertion as facts? One of you two clearly read Marx; the other not. Guess who you are.

>communism is inherently a jewish practice

Yeah that's why it spread like wildfire in asia.

>> No.13917305

>>Israeli Policy Keeps Black African Jews From Their Families
Holy shit you really think you are teaching us new stuff.
Look, antisemitism was fashionable and cool until around 2015. Now you are just a dumb cunt pretending he detain forbidden and dangerous knowledge, when in fact you are just a fucking early 20s who don't know how things work. You just got the internet a few months ago? We don't say this because we are jews friends, but because that's objectively what you are.
Oh don't worry, i know the nature of the jews better than you, you are still a dumb fuck.
Another stupidity. Ever heard of the Huterrites? Of course not.

Look, if you wrote all this like 10 years ago, it would be very cool and thrilling. In 2019, you are just embarrassing yourself.
>Marx was an elite
Nothing to add...
> for when everyoen is equal and 1 takes advantage of the others, they hold all the power
Someone 10 times more interesting than you in this thread just wrote that Marxism was about freedom, not equality, and that equality was a bourgeois category.
>Communism represented a jewish strategy to ride the proles into power and unseat the European aristocracy by indoctrinating the lower classes with a victim mentality similar to that of jewish Christianity and the minority/feminist victim complex jews are pushing currently.
Yeah like the European aristocracy wasn't already Capitalist during the french revolution. Dumb fuck.

>> No.13917344

Your ignorance is embarrassing.

>Yeah that's why it spread like wildfire in asia.
Jews spearheaded the spread of communism in China. This has been written about extensively. Jews brag about their role in it, too. Straight from the horse's mouth:


>> No.13917374

Mao was already communist in the 1930s when he was doing guerillas in China. Guess he had a jew who perverted him, in the far end of China countryside, in his youth with 100% Chinamen alongside him.

>> No.13917395


"Antisemitism" is a natural and healthy response to jewish behavior. When you use this fake term unironically, your opinion is immediately discarded.

People should read this jew's post and see the venom and tribal delusion that is present. What you're witnessing is how inbred, tribal jews respond to criticism of their tribe. It is a tribal reaction you are seeing here.

Because it's not about objectivity or ideology to the jew; to the jew, objective truth and ideology are filtered automatically through a lens that qualifies such things based on the jewish mantra: "is it good for the jews?"

The above highlights a key difference between individualistic, ideological Europeans, and an inbred tribal race like jews.

>> No.13917448

As i told you, you think you possess some secret knowledge. We were exactly were you are, long before you. And if we answer you, it's only because we think you are salvable. Not from hatred or antisemitism. From stupidity.

>> No.13917489

You literally can't even write coherently and have been thoroughly embarrassed itt. You are in no position to claim higher ground here, you're just sticking around because you can't move past the butthurt you received, and that's sad. Accept the lump and bow out, for your own sake.

>> No.13917496

>he was a subversive kike whose sole interest was creating this fake, abstract reality people like yourself can't seem to see out of.
Nah, those are hayek and friedman
Funny how alt righters never make any mention of them in their antisemitic tirades, its almost as if they are a bunch of useful idiots defending the interests of the status quo

>> No.13917517

Far right is indeed completely cucked by Capitalism. They are in denial.

>> No.13917527

So you think the people who expose jewish power are defending the status quo? What alternate reality are you living in?

>> No.13917547

>exposing jewish power
>while not actually mentioning the jews that are responsible for the state of the world today

>> No.13917569

You're not making sense, chap. Starting to sound like the low IQ Boogeyman-Capitalism theorist itt.

>> No.13917623

>literally cooked up the most stereotypical jewish "greed is good" ideology
>N-nah those jews are actually alright g-guys
How many shekels do they pay you to shill, anon?

>> No.13917772

You are confused. I don't think greed is good and no jew is 'alright' in my book. I want every last one quarantined in the Levant.

>> No.13918568

I don't know maybe, just maybe, it goes like this, nigger tier: there is no jewish conspiracy, brainlet tier: there is a jewish conspiracy, guy who understands, there is no jewish conspiracy.
>low IQ Boogeyman-Capitalism
That sounds exactly like you are projecting. You are the one who cannot conceive a world without boogeyman. By the way IQ means nothing if you can't use it properly. Little jerk.

>> No.13918684

Jews conspire openly. When goyim point out how jews conspire, jews project their actions onto goyim using term "conspiracy theory." High IQ Aryan men see through this tactic, nigger-tier you repeats the jewish talking point.

>> No.13918716

It's not conspiracies which makes history, but history which creates, at one point, conspiracy. Franz Ferdinand was murdered in 1914, starting WWI, but it was obvious that without this event, WWI would have happened anyway. Too much interests at stake. The bagdad bahn, the military complex, the finance which needed more growth. If it wasn't Franz Ferdinand, it would have been a sunken ship, or a crossed border by a patrol, whatever. It's historical and material necessities which creates conspiracies, and not the other way round.
>High IQ Aryan men see through this tactic, nigger-tier you repeats the jewish talking point.
By the way you little piece of shit, i repeat i was exactly were you are now, exactly, a few years back. So what happened, did my IQ dropped? I don't like jews, but i don't like fartard right like you either. You are the same piece of shit, supposedly you are free, but you validate wage labor. You validate parasitism. In a way, you are some sort of jew. You sure you haven't in your stinky blood some jew DNA?

>> No.13918921

>It's historical and material necessities which creates conspiracies

No, it's people who do. And until you accept that everything is determined by people, and not by phantom abstractions and inanimate entities, you are going get wrecked like you did itt by people like me, who are on a much higher level than you.

>fartard right
My destruction of your Boogeyman-Capitalism Theory yesterday should have given you tools to infer that I don't identify with abstractions like you do. I am a white man.

>In a way, you are some sort of jew
What a world you live in where things can be whatever you want them to be, where systems are controlled through inertia and "internal logic," and where reality can be stragetically avoided! The imagination you must have lol.

>> No.13919007

You really have no shame. You ignore all those concept, historical materialism, the basics of Capitalism, necessary labor, surplus labor, you don't even know that German was communist (German tribes) before the 5/6 century CE, yet you talk like you know it all. You refute our arguments with you subjective point of view, not backed by any thinker at all. Or perhaps you think you are smart enough to not have to read?
>What a world you live in where things can be whatever you want them to be,
This is exactly what you are. An idealist-tard. As opposed to us historical materialists. History is the fruit of the production of our material conditions of living. Not some delirium about shaping the world we want to be just with ideas. Royalists, national socialists, socialists, republicans, democrats, even political parties in Israel, haven't you already realized that it is the same things, the same mode of production organized around wage labor and privae property of the means of production, with profit going to the owners of the means of production, but with a different color? Only the flag change. The name of the party. Some speech and ideas spout in a political campaign. That's it. The core of our living is organized around wage labor, private property of the means of production, and profit. Whether it's natsoc colors, Chineese, even bolshevik (State Capitalism) doesn't change that if you are a worker, the alarm ring at 6:30, and you have to take the bus/subway/car, to go to work, making profit for the owners of the means of production. You want a different flag? A different name for some political party? Think that will change something? You can only hope.

>> No.13919011

History is made by people acting in their material self-interest.
Marxists don't believe in a bunch of capitalists sitting in a room, creating grand conspiracies to exploit the proles and warm the globe. That would be extremely anti-materialistic. Ultimately, even the capitalists themselves are at the mercy of material forces. Capital is an automatic subject that sits irrespective of gender, race, or ethical standpoint. The consciousness of men is determined by their material life, not the other way around. Identities, social norms, cultures, philosophical outlooks, ideologies, religions, and peoples have been created and destroyed over time, in accordance with the whims of the ruling class. Read The German Ideology.

>> No.13919015

>You refute our arguments with you subjective point of view, not backed by any thinker at all.
Are you serious lol. You're mad at him for arguing with you instead of namedropping people?

>> No.13919030

>The consciousness of men is determined by their material life, not the other way around. I
They influence each other. Culture, biology, material conditions, they make complex webs of feedback loops.

>> No.13919036

No, the problem is that he is completely ignorant. He said some retarded shit like communist is jewish in it's nature. What about the Huterrites? What about the german tribes, what about hunter gatherers? At one point, i would prefer him to argue with right wing thinkers like Evola or Guenon. Because it seems this guy haven't read at all. Even regarding anti-jew literature, it seems i've read 5 times more content as him. By the way, we are in /lit, so it's a normal thing to use authors to back our point of view. Seems he don't know any.

>> No.13919044

Yeah, sure, but in the end, if you have to wake up at 6:30 AM to work a shit job as an exploited wage worker, it's not because of biology, or even culture. It's because of the mode of production.

>> No.13919053

>What about the german tribes, what about hunter gatherers?
Calling these communist in the same way as communism would apply to an industrial nation-state seems like conflating two extremely different things.

>> No.13919061

They shared the field, the farm animals, the farming instrument. They worked together and shared the production. What are they?

>> No.13919063

If you take a survey of such workers they are going to differ in how they view many things, because of their culture and individual biology. It was what you said about material conditions being the determinant of consciousness I disagree with. And the modes of production are themselves created by new technological and social forms that are created by culture and biology.

>> No.13919074

A man might also have lent his bow to another under the condition that he gave him a bit of what he caught. You wouldn't call that capitalism though would you?

Many of these tribes, the nomadic pastoral ones especially, gained many of their resources by slaughtering other tribes around them. That was how the indo-europeans first expanded.

>> No.13919104

Biology is a materialistic condition. Culture is just a formalization of the necessity of the mode of production. The Islamic Quran didn't appear between two fortnite games in 2019, or even in the Roman empire. It appear in the fucking desert, when a few men had most of the ressources, and needed to veil the women, in order to avoid being killed. Same for french revolution. It didn't appear in the middle of dark ages, but in 1789, when Capitalism was gaining more power. Culture emerges from the necessity of production. E.G: Mass immigration culture didn't emerge in the dark age as well, during feudalism, but currently, in the end of the 20th century and the begining of the 21th century, when capitalism needed more cheap worker, in order to dump wages, said differently, decrease the demand of labor. Cutlture, ideologies, have inertia. Like today, Muhammad is still followed. But it is a joke. Todays necessity of the production dictate culture like mass migration mostly, and LGBT (hormonal treatment, gender surgery, creating a diversion from class struggle).

>> No.13919120

Production emerges from culture and biology too, people have to invent the new forms.

>> No.13919130

I have read more Marx than anyone posting itt, but the reality here is that not only are you not 5 years ahead of me, but that I'm 10 years ahead of you. You are some kid who discovered Marxism last year, and have wasted so much time convincing yourself that the stated concepts are real, that me shattering your worldview with the ease that I did has clearly left you shook and confused.

You desperately want to believe this:

>Royalists, national socialists, socialists, republicans, democrats, even political parties in Israel, haven't you already realized that it is the same things, the same mode of production organized around wage labor and privae property of the means of production, with profit going to the owners of the means of production, but with a different color?

This abstract structure of political organization is something you're so convinced of, and have spent so much time reading about and believing is real, that me telling you it isn't real, explaining what the forces behind the contradictions you can't face really are, and defining simply how nature and human difference are actually the culprits of the current orderly design instead of the sentient capitalist machine you have forced yourself to believe is behind it all, I imagine, is an intellectual step too high for you to even see the top of.

>> No.13919131

>A man might also have lent his bow to another under the condition that he gave him a bit of what he caught.
That's bullshit. No exchange value inside the tribe. The kill was shared among all the tribesman. I've already seen this bow argument. In the primitive tribe, every adult can built a bow. So bow weren't something rare. Nothing was rare by the way, since no stocks. Yes tribes were slaughtering each other. That's not the point. Nomadic pastoral is already not hunter gatherer. No nomadic pastoral before 12000 BCE.

>> No.13919138

>The kill was shared among all the tribesman.
This is simply not a universal truth. People shared more with their immediate family and various forms of trade, including prostitution, are present in hunter gatherer societies.

>> No.13919158

Let's say you are right, what are you going to do? Because you know that Capitalism is race mixing everybody, and this has nothing to do with culture of biology, but the necessity of production. Have you seen american factory the documentary? Why did a chineese factory bought an american company on american soil, having american and chineese worker working together inside the factory? Is it culture? Biology? I think you are the stupid fuck, thinking you can change things with you tiny force of will, when the forces and production requirements are a thousand time stronger than you "ideology", whatever it is.

>> No.13919161

Marxists like you are completely out of touch and have no concept of how nature actually works. The whole framing you've been indoctrinated with through this jewish ideology, where there is a group of "capitalists," not influenced by millennia of selection pressures or deeply rooted racial identities or tribal interests, but by some phantom machine that has a mind of its own, is sad and delusional.

>> No.13919168

Why does Japan barely let in immigrants, why do Israel have birthright for Ashkenazis?

>> No.13919173
File: 53 KB, 250x281, louis-blanc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a proponent of Louis Blanc's ideas.
His idea was simple.
Have the government help fund worker coops.
That's it.
It's something that could be implemented within the democratic framework.
Now I know what you're going to say.
Back when he said it europe was at an early stage of capitalism.
But, I believe that with proper funding coops could outcompete their capitalist counterparts.
It probably won't happen though because the status quo knows this.

>> No.13919174

>People shared more with their immediate family and various forms of trade, including prostitution, are present in hunter gatherer societies.
In hunter gatherer society, there were extended families. About prostitution, i've read quite a bit of material about hunterer gatherer, including about sexuality (sexual life of primitive people by Hans Fehlinger), never heard about prostitution.

>> No.13919181

That would have been a good argument about Japan, and even myself, i thought that it was a good argument for culture/ ideology against materialism, but guess what? Japan just open it's borders a few months ago. They will flood japan with migrants in the years to come. They've just resisted longer that's all.

>> No.13919194

>Capitalism is race mixing everybody,
"Capitalism" is not doing anything, dude. It's not alive, it's not real. Jews are making race-mixing propaganda and promoting mass immigration. People, a specific people working for a specific racial agenda, not "capitalism."

>Why did a chineese factory bought an american company on american soil, having american and chineese worker working together inside the factory?

Because PEOPLE allowed them to.

>you can change things with you tiny force of will

A strong group of white men, acting on will, can and will remove the current jewish ruling class, dismantle the judeo-global capitalist system, and erect a new system that works in our interests.

>> No.13919199


>> No.13919221

We really don't know if that will happen to japan. And what about Israel, what can that be except culture?

>> No.13919230

>Capitalism" is not doing anything, dude. It's not alive, it's not real.
Here comes the jewish conspiracy is behind all of it brainlet. Listen brainlet: Cheaper labor = more profit. Mass immigration = more offer of labor, reduce the demand of labor on the labor market, thus cheaper labor. Economy 101. And it's not even Marxist economy. Even an honest classical economist will say that more immigration equals lower wages. It's even applied in China Currently, who want to dump Chineese wages with immigration from other poor Asian countries.

>> No.13919238

>"Capitalism" is not doing anything, dude. It's not alive, it's not real.
>Behind every social ill there´s an evil witch, we burn the witch and everything will be perfect!

>> No.13919247

Jews at least exist as material individuals, 'capitalism' is not an agent

>> No.13919260

Israel will also fall from Capitalism logic. They already import a lot of Palestinian workers, and it will cause race mixing. Have you been in Israel? I have. No exactly a white or even jewish country. Arab muslims everywhere. Way more diversity in Israel than let's say in Hungary or Poland. In the end, i'll admit that a strong culture and a strong will can help resist Capitalism, but it's only delaying the inevitable. Either you change the mode of production, very fast, or you are dead as a white ethnicity. Since you are retard, and cannot even comprehend that Capitalism is your worst enemy, you are already dead.

>> No.13919275

>jewish conspiracy
Yawn. This doesn't work anymore, give it up.

>Cheaper labor = more profit. Mass immigration = more offer of labor, reduce the demand of labor on the labor market, thus cheaper labor.

Uh huh, fascinating. You're so smart, man. We're all very impressed.

Back to reality: many types of circumstances can arise and be reversed, and many types incentives and disincentives introduced, through policies enacted by *people*.

>> No.13919278

I didn't say perfect, I said better for white people.

>> No.13919281

there a billion white people still but thanks for laying out your hatred for whites and desire to see them go extinct

>> No.13919295

Your body exists as a collective of material cells. (you) are not an agent.

>> No.13919298

>many types of circumstances can arise and be reversed, and many types incentives and disincentives introduced, through policies enacted by *people*.
There is no incentives anymore fucktard. In case you didn't notices, from your rich kid nest (because i'm convinced that you are a rich kid in an ivory tower). The system is reaching it's limits. It will be very clear in the 2020s. Mass immigration is the last tool available to dump wages in order to make just a little more profit.

>> No.13919309

I just gave you the solution for white mono-ethnicity retard. Is there diversity in Huterrites communist societies, you Mongoloid?

>> No.13919311

If you want to use logic that weak then we can call Jews a giant hivemind acting as one entity too.

Not every group of similar things constitutes a higher order entity

>> No.13919333

"Higher order entity" doesn't mean shit. Issue is that certain systems can promote certain behaviours. The system of "you" makes your cells shitpost on Bulgarian dog spinning, the system of "Jews" promotes global action agains Iran and the system of capitalism promotes deteritorializing.

>> No.13919340

Incentives and policies are what created the current system, and different incentives and policies are what will end or replace it. And mass immigration is a tool to replace whites, which is why it's happening in white countries only. Creating an underclass of low IQ muds that's easier for jews to rule over is a secondary benefit.

>> No.13919348

>And mass immigration is a tool to replace whites, which is why it's happening in white countries only.
Sure, if you ignore those 4 million Syrians in Turkey.

>> No.13919353

>Creating an underclass of low IQ muds that's easier for jews to rule over is a secondary benefit.
>Turns out that underclass are highly violent and anti-semitic arabs
Are Jews cartoon villains that always end up comically shooting themselves?

>> No.13919364

The ones displaced by wars for Israel who reside in camps and have no chance of obtaining citizenship?

Jews have always been the main force pushing for mass immigration into white countries. Just a fact, ace.

>> No.13919390

So jews are stronger that profit? If i am the CEO of a company, and shareholders pressure me for more profit, this or they fire me, and i hire immigrants in order to dump the wages and make more profit, are jews strong arming me?

>> No.13919392

>he system of "Jews" promotes global action agains Iran
among other things

>> No.13919424

>The ones displaced by wars for Israel who reside in camps and have no chance of obtaining citizenship?
Yes and the one million in Jordan. They are empirical evidence contrary to your theory.

>> No.13919426

>Just a fact
Keep parroting that if you want. I'm afraid it won't make it true, though.

>> No.13919448

Jews have been lobbying for nonwhite immigration into white countries for over a century and were behind the Hart-Cellar act. Jewish-run NGOs resettle nonwhites in white countries en masse. Jewish groups like the ADL attack white immigration restrictionists as "white supreemists" and threaten countries like Iceland if they don't open their doors to nonwhite immigration. Every company is playing by rules and incentives set up by jewish-run Wall Street and create the conditions that force companies to compete for the cheapest labor.

It's jews all the way around.

>> No.13919468

No they aren't. They were people uprooted by jewish wars and to further the Oded Yinon Plan. This is about people acting in their own interests, not capitalism.

Facts, bro. Keep denying reality.

>> No.13919480

>Holy shit you really think you are teaching us new stuff.
You refuse to acknowledge his point.

>> No.13919491

> Every company is playing by rules and incentives set up by jewish-run Wall Street and create the conditions that force companies to compete for the cheapest labor.
>It's jews all the way around.

I wonder what would happen without the jews then, since with the "jewish west", and it's "jew" mass immigration, we already aren't competitive with China.
Or maybe, US companies are struggling to the death with Chineese one, and mass immigration is their last hope. Maybe the market, and the prices of production, which are influenced by labor price, itself influenced by mass immigration, are responsible for mass immigration. In a market based economy, the cheaper production wins. Mass immigration helps production to be cheaper. China already has an ultra cheap production, the best value/money production in the world. They work efficiently 12 hours a day for about $2.50 an hour. How can the west compete with this? Under Capitalism rules, it can't.

>> No.13919525

What point? I have a jewish friend, he doesn't want to go to Israel, because there are too much arabs there. Only someone who has never been in Israel can affirm without shame that Israel is a strictly pure ethno State. 17% of Israelis are Arabs. And they have higher fertility than jews. If you add Capitalism to this, and it's need for cheap labor, Israel is cucked in the next decades. Jew or not Jew.

>> No.13919538

It had nothing to do with "capitalism," it has to do with who is running the institutions. Jews being those people, it's important to understand that they are a gypsy race that has never run anything or built functional institutions on their own. As a parasitic race that lives off usury in other people's countries, they are quite literally incapable of such things, so when they have been able to attain power they have squandered it almost immediately.

Jews took over the Soviet Union in 1917 and were getting purged by the 40s and 50s because of their horrid stewardship. The same is going to happen in the west in the coming decades because jews are barbaric, backward vagabonds who lack the faculties necessary to maintain functional institutions.

>> No.13919545

>No they aren't.
Yes they are. There has been a mass migration that targetted a "nonwhite" country. You said that mass migrations are exclusive to "white" countries.

Hence you are wrong. Sorry...ace

>> No.13919562

Israel is most definitely an ethnostate, a legally defined state for racial jews. There are so many disenfranchised arabs there because jews ganked the land a mere 70 years ago. But jews have been quite literally exterminating them slowly ever since and will continue to.

>> No.13919575

Turkey has historically been a white country, and the upper classes are of Aryan stock. But your example still doesn't count, and only reaffirms my point.

>> No.13919580

Jew were created by exchange value. They are the elite merchant race. Exchange value needed a race of merchant, there you had the jews. From Babylon to Alexandria, to Amsterdam, London, New York, they always were the merchant race. If the world weren't organized around exchange value, they wouldn't even exist. It's not the jews who create exchange value, it's exchange value which created the jews.

>> No.13919594

>But jews have been quite literally exterminating them slowly ever since and will continue to.
So they need to make a choice between cheap arab labor for more profit and race purity. My guess is that they'll choose profit over race purity. Your guess is that they'll choose race purity over profit. We'll see who is right.

>> No.13919630

>Turkey and Jordan are white
lmao, why are zhidposters always choking on their own cocks so hard?

>> No.13919649

Okay, dude. Guess I'll give you points for originality.

I didn't mention Jordan. Are you aware of the history of Turkey? Apparently not.

>> No.13919687

>I didn't mention Jordan.
They have higher fraction of Syrians than any other country.

>Are you aware of the history of Turkey? Apparently not.
We are not talking about history, mon ami. btw if Turkey is white, then you are OK with the Turks in Germany?

>> No.13919739

Syrians don't count, bro. Sorry. Not the same thing. And since they were displaced by jewish wars, you really shot yourself in the foot on that one if you were arguing capitalism, and not jews, are why they're in limbo.

And no, I'm not okay with Turks anywhere outside of Turkey, which got invaded by arabs long ago. Even if the elite has high European admixture, what's done is done. Russians can take care of it if they want to.

>> No.13919751

>Syrians don't count, bro.
You've just lifted a stone from my heart friend. Through that Muslims immigrants are bad, but since they don't count everything is OK, well apart from the niggers of course.

>> No.13920094

There is only one other race that matters and needs me to be dealt with. Returning the rest of the 3rd world hordes to their homelands will be a cakewalk after that.

>> No.13920513

>A strong group of white men, acting on will, can and will remove the current jewish ruling class, dismantle the judeo-global capitalist system, and erect a new system that works in our interests.
Did you type this with your dick in your hand? Race-Coomerism is sad, anon. Jewish people are people, not Shepards of the white flock.

>> No.13920720

>Jewish people are people
False. They are parasites that subvert and try to destroy the cultures and societies of others, they have been kicked out of everywhere they've ever been, and they are about to be kicked out again.

>> No.13921470
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>After they had brough America the arts


>> No.13922529

There is a notion or principle in judaism called tikkun olam that tells jews they are saving the world and spreading goodness, when in reality their history is a long record of them destroying everything in their path.

Think of jews as cult of 5th cousins who have been brainwashed with messages like the above for centuries. They are sick people.

>> No.13923856

Jews are a metaphor for something else.

>> No.13923965


Jews Demand Open Borders for USA, But Use DNA to Keep Israel Racially Pure

Mark Zuckerberg: Immigration Reform One of the 'Biggest Civil Rights Issues of Our Time'

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg eyes political push on immigration

Jews Unite Behind Push for Immigration Reform

Senator Feinstein to Homeland Security: Stop Enforcing Immigration Law

Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review

Jewish Groups Praise Immigration Reform Proposals

Jews Unite Behind Push for Immigration Reform

A Malicious Duo - Two Laws that Destroyed America's Culture

A Malicious Duo: Part Two - Two More Laws that Destroyed America's Culture

Stephen Steinlight, Head of American Jewish Congress: The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography

Obama administration using housing department in effort to diversify neighborhoods

>> No.13923985


>On Jews, Capitalism and Banking

Former head of Israel’s central bank a contender for Federal Reserve post

Rothschild seeks to buy U.S. fund of funds business

Hebrew Free Loan Society

Stan Fischer saved Israel’s economy. Can he save America’s?


SAC Capital hit with criminal charges

Who Controls Goldman Sachs?

Goldman Sachs’ Blankfein on Banking: ‘Doing God’s Work’

Bernanke: Federal Reserve caused Great Depression

Greece Hires Goldman Sachs, Rothschild to Help Economy

The Nazis Gave Rothschild Bankers the Boot

House Of Rothschild: No One Can Understand What Has Happened To The Planet Without Reading This

Rothschild who crashed to earth: How the bank dynasty heir's City reputation is in tatters after a £700m investment scheme blew up in his face

>> No.13923995


Frank Vanderlip
Paul Warburg
Henry P Davison
Benjamin Strong
Dwight Morrow
A Piatt Andrew
Nelson Aldrich
Who did these men represent? The East Coast Morgan Banking Establishment, The Chicago Rockefeller Banking Establishment, and the German Jewish Banking Establishment (which is actually international, but German in origin). Chemical Bank, National City Bank, First National Bank, JP Morgan & Co., Guaranty Trust, New York Insurance Co., and others were the primary shareholders following the private auction of Federal Reserve shares.
The Morgan Crew were tight with London Bankers as JP Morgan’s father was tightly associated with George Peabody, a wealthy London banker. Mayer Rothschild paid Peabody to be a social protégé to help gain acceptance into London high society. Thus there's a chain of relations from Mayer Rothschild to JP Morgan's father Junius. London / New York Connection. Also known as the Anglo-American Alliance used to drag the USA into WWI (protip: JP Morgan was awarded monopoly underwriting of French and British treasury notes for the first years of the war!).
The Rockefeller Crew was tight with the Kuhn-Loeb Banking House, The Warburg’s, The Schiff’s, and the Kahn’s; a bunch of intermarried Jewish German bankers. The German connection financed much of the railroad construction which was used to give rebates to Standard Oil. Kuhn-Loeb and Schiff men served on Standard Oil-owned railroad director boards. Tight knit relationship between the Chicago and Germany establishment (Rockefeller is a German name). Rockefellers did not want to enter the war but were weaker politically at this point than Morgan’s.
During the New Deal, much of the Morgan financial/Railroad Empire crumbled and was subsumed into the Rockefeller financial/Railroad Empire. Rockefellers gained yet cooperated with Morgan’s, indicating that they have maintained ties with the English establishment. Today the Fed belongs almost entirely to the Rockefeller financial establishment.

>> No.13924010


What about the Frankfurt School, the creator of Cultural Marxism out of the ashes of Marxism, the great cultural destroyer of the last half of the century? What about its founders?
Early members of the Frankfurt School were:
Max Horkheimer, the only son of a wealthy orthodox Jewish family.
Theodor W. Adorno, son of an assimilated Jew.
Herbert Marcuse, his family was Jewish.
Friedrich Pollock, his family was Jewish.
Erich Fromm, the only child of Orthodox Jewish parents.
Otto Kirchheimer. a German lawyer of Jewish ancestry and political scientist of the Frankfurt School.
Leo Lowenthal, born in Frankfurt as the son of assimilated Jews
Franz Leopold Neumann, German-Jewish left-wing political activist, Marxist theorist and labor lawyer.

>> No.13924851

Based redpill-dispenser poster.

>> No.13925216

>Jews are a metaphor for something else
And that something else would be...

>> No.13925247

keep blaming jews not capitalism you thick goys. the koch brothers and ford did more to destroy american culture and tradition than any person in american history. just keep working for pennies while the billionaires tell you to blame poor people and foreign boogeymen.

Juan from Guatemala and Ongo Bongo from Somalia are the reason America is in decline.

>> No.13925306

>blame these vague categories any people can technically belong to instead of the actual people running shit.
Never gonna get it.

>> No.13925888


>> No.13925927

>antisemit get btfo
>keep screaming about jews regardless
>ahah we won! Redpill for everyone!

Why are antisemits so quick to disregard reality and assert their feeling as truth? Isn't that jewish?

>What about the Frankfurt School, the creator of Cultural Marxism out of the ashes of Marxism, the great cultural destroyer of the last half of the century? What about its founders?
Lmao is this a joke?
Hell Hitler had a far more negative effect on germany's culture and killed millions of white and what was he? A jew? No, white.

>but muh banking
Most banks in ameria are owned or were created by non-jews I don't even know why this meme exist outside of antisemit being retarded cowards afraid of every mysterious economic forces.

>> No.13925949

>owned or were created by
Little difference there. Jews run every major bank through the Fed. Take your philosemitism or judaism back to r*ddit.

>> No.13926770

>Hell Hitler had a far more negative effect on germany's culture and killed millions of white and what was he? A jew? No, white.
In fact, he was (a jew). Go check. But that doesn't mean that the German disaster wouldn't have happened anyway.

>> No.13927597

>Hitler was a Jew
That's a meme claim that gained traction for obvious reasons but never had any serious supporting evidence.

>> No.13929102

He is Rotschild's blood. He is the first Tavistock institute success.

>> No.13929208

Stale meme, rabbi. You didn't get the memo?

>> No.13929631
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real question here

why the FUCK do the mods keep up the marx/marxism threads when they are populated by braindead morons, but the MOMENT I start making long serious posts the thread suddenly gets deleted

>> No.13929699
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>> No.13930408


>> No.13930440

why did you bump this thread faggot?
Anyways marxism is literarily the answer to all the problems facing america.
The student debt, the healthcare, the big banks controlling everything, the no vacations, the long working hours, the shitty wages, the alienation, the h1b workers taking the jobs...
But you fags are stuck with muh karl marx is a talmudist so its pointless to argue.

>> No.13930486

>marxism is literarily the answer to all the problems facing america.
Sure thing, shabbos goy.

>> No.13931441

Nice trips kike

>> No.13931485

Capitalism and communism are just two sides of the same shekel.

>> No.13931557

>not *nglos

>> No.13931743

>The main people getting fucked over are whites
I keep forgetting that whites are the victims and every other story of oppression is just a Jewish trick. god am I stupid or what?

>> No.13931744

cope harder whitey

>> No.13931771

>When goyim point
imagine referring to yourself as a goyim. How does it feel to be such a fucking shvartzah?

>> No.13931785

Keep yapping, kike. Just remember this chutzpah is why you get the boot time and again.

>> No.13931811

How interesting! Tell me, are the buildings built Jewish as well? Is the air kosher there? Do fallen object behave in accordance to Jewish physics? How is the height measured? In chutzpah or schlock?

>> No.13932188

Official list of people who have seen the code or left the simulation:

Mel Gibson
Eric Nylund (author of Halo: The Fall of Reach)
Alex Jones
Elon Musk (after hitting blunt)
Tim Allen
Gok Wan
All BNB admins
Bill Cosby
The writers of Stargate: SG1
Saddam Hussein
Robert Pattinson
Kelsey Grammer
Gary Lightbody (Snow Patrol)
Ean Griffiths
John Carmack
Mark Kozelek
Richard Nixon
Kanye West
Zezima (Runescape)
Eddie from That's So Raven
Martin Clunes (from TV's Doc Martin)
Lil B
John Linneman (DF Retro)
Tom Myers
The cast of Mad TV
Dave Chappelle
Gary Busey (mind was scrambled by the code)
Ryan Gosling

There are more out there, but this is the best list we have so far. Keep searching, my brothers.

>> No.13933965


Daily reminder that you don't have enough time or money to slide every thread on every board on every site.

>> No.13934928


>> No.13934960

>The goyim/heathen nations never forced the Jews to some certain parts of the city
yes they did. look up the fucking origin of the word ghetto.

>> No.13935431

No it's not. Your fucking ancestors were communists. Whether you like it or not. Educate yourself. >>13934960
To be fair, no. The jew did that to themselves by forcing jews to sell estate property to other jews. This created ghettos.

>> No.13936609


>> No.13936675

Yes, the man who said true Jewish liberation was the liberation of society from Jews, was a Talmudist.

>> No.13937931

"Antisemitism" requires semitism.