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/lit/ - Literature

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13921820 No.13921820 [Reply] [Original]

Post your last three books read and get a book recommendation. I start

>The Foundations of Leninism by Joseph Stalin
>Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Friedrich Engels
>Un Homme qui Dort by Georges Perec

>> No.13921845

Stalin might not have been inconsistent but that's precisely why communism is a failure.
If your system leads to Stalin, then its not a good system.

>> No.13921852

Reminder that the Soviet Union was illegally dissolved and people who lived under it report that it was better than current liberal democracy that pervades Eastern Europe

>> No.13921854
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>Stalin made mistakes
>Therefore communism bad
Seething capitalcuck

>> No.13921873

Is your pic supposed to convince me that communism isn't a blight on the planet and that everyone that's unironically a commie should be hanged?

>> No.13921892

thomas sowell - basic economics

here's my three, from most to least recent
>infinite jest
>gravity's rainbow
>how to lie with statistics

>> No.13921893

>The sailor who fell from the grace of sea
>No longer human
>The gambler

>> No.13921922
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The Last Man (Mary Shelley)
Tales from the Perilous Realm (J.R.R. Tolkien)
J.R.R. Tolkien a biography (Humphrey Carpenter)

>> No.13921924

Harry Potter
Heart of Darkness

>> No.13921925

>Modern Man in Search of a Soul - Carl Jung
>The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Richard Flanagan
>The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Matsuo Bashō

>> No.13921942

>The Picture of Dorian Gray
>The Idiot
>Pet Semetary

>> No.13921949

>harry potter
why are you making me do this noo

>> No.13921952

If you're thinking communism would be good because you'd be able to become an author think again.
Under communism you're only allowed to do socialist realism.
This goes for everything.
Your philosophy better not contradict the state and neither your writing "comrades"

>> No.13921975

The Master and Margarita, The Gambler, and some of Orwell’s essays.

>> No.13921982

These are the last three books I've completed.
>The Sorrows of Young Werther
>100 Years of Solitude
The last three books I've read were.
>Love in the Time of Cholera.

>> No.13922011

>Magick Without Tears by Aleister Crowley
>Magick in Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley
>The Vision and the Voice by Aleister Crowley

>> No.13922024

>Brave New World
>Roadside Picnic
>A canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.13922033

1. The Mindbody prescription - MD Sarno
2. Digital Minimalism - Cal Newport
3. The Subtle art of not giving a fuck - Mark Manson

>> No.13922037
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>> No.13922588

You might like JG Ballard's High Rise, or really any of his 70s stuff.

>> No.13922597
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oh wait

>> No.13922609

Based my friend. Try Eagleton's (or Foley's if you want something more modern) intro to Marxist literary theory to trigger the faggot pseudy aesthetes that infest this board.

>> No.13922623

American Psycho
Picture of Dorian Gray

I'm trying to get more classics I should've read years ago under my belt

>> No.13922652

>American Psycho
Try DeLillo
>Dracula, Dorian
Jekyll & Hyde, Heart of Darkness, Dubliners

>> No.13922671


Naked Lunch by William Burroughs
Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

The three books I last read:

2666- Roberto Bolaño
Death on the Installment Plan- Louis Ferdinand Celine
White Light- Rudy Rucker

>> No.13922677

>pet sematary
>one of us is lying
>the sweetness at the bottom of the pie

>> No.13922690

Napoleon: A Life by Andrew Roberts
Windup Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
1491 by Charles C Mann

>> No.13922703

i just got socialism utopian and scientific is it worth bumping up in my reading list?

>> No.13922711

Taipei by Tao Lin
Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata
Crackling Mountain and Other Stories by Osamu Dazai

>> No.13923594

The Molotov Ribbentrop Pact was the literal gayest political agreement ever made. "You" and the Nazis were butt buddies content to divide the world between the two of you. The only reason you aren't still jerking each other off is because Hitler was a retard who renegged on the agreement.

>> No.13923603

Why didn't the Soviets just let the Baltic states go?
Why did those Latvians and Lithuanians deserve to die in '91?

>> No.13923645

>Troilus & Criseyde
>The Complete Poems of Andrew Marvell
>The Iliad

>> No.13923693

>Lenin & Zinoviev: Socialism and War
>Bukharin: Imperialism and World Economy
>Freud: Inhibition, Symptom, and Fear

>Il Programma Comunista: Dialogue with Stalin

>Marx: Capital

>> No.13923728

>>The Foundations of Leninism by Joseph Stalin
>>Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Friedrich Engels


read the grundrisse and capital. anti-duhring and dialectics of nature if you REALLY need engels in your life. three volume set of marx's political writings (now single volume by verso) also interesting.

>> No.13923738

Why should I care about the evaluations made by some fag on 4chan of the USSR's ww2 era realpolitik

>> No.13923795
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>Sophocles - Oedipus Rex
>Sophocles - Antigone
>Sophocles - Philoctetes

>> No.13923798

Meanwhile liberal democracy has brought us Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, and if you do remember, a little fella named Adolf Hitler.
>Communism inevitably leads to tyranny and a betrayed revolution by its nature
>Dude you can't just claim capitalism inevitably leads to total wealth inequality and wage depreciation, ideas arent that simple
You can't event stay consistent in your bullshit

>> No.13923843
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Wealth inequality is the natural order of things

>> No.13923850

Wagie cope

>> No.13923873

>th-this is just how things are you know
>Feudalism is natural, how could it work differently
>How could we possibly grow a community larger than our tribe
>Permanent houses? We roam, that is the way of things
>Theys mastahs and wes slaves, how could wes be the mastahs

>> No.13923886

woah you HATE BOTH THE SOVIET AND THE NAZIs, I should go to you for all your politically unique takes on the world

>> No.13923887

>Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
>The French Revolution by Christopher Hibbert
>Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy

>> No.13923892

This statement does not conflict with socialism.

>> No.13923895

> the handmaids take
> fear and loathing in Las Vegas
> no longer human
I know I’m a pleb, that’s why I’m in this thread

>> No.13923902

don't give a shit about what faggots on /lit/ say about your taste

>> No.13923986

>the testaments
>embracing defeat
>red mars

>> No.13925275

>thomas sowell - basic economics
Does this book specifically attack marxism at all or is it an ultra basic overview of economics? I skimmed through it and it seemed useless.


Capital is pretty dense, I'd need a lot of other reading before I tried to get into it.

Nausea by Sartre

>> No.13925342


The Battle for Spain The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 by Anthony Beevor
This Kind of War by T.R. Fehrenbach
Know My Name by Chanel Miller

>> No.13925352

Embracing Defeat was one of the first serious history books I ever read. It's still one of the best.

You might be interested in Tony Judt's Postwar, which is about the reconstruction of Europe after WW2.

>> No.13925414

Jean Laterguy, The Centurions
Chris Kyle, American Sniper
Karl Marlantes, Matterhorn

>> No.13926213


>Yevgeny Zamyatin - We

My last three:

>John Williams - Stoner
>Philip k. Dick - Ubik
>Don DeLillo - Cosmopolis

>> No.13926216
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lol OP epic

>> No.13926266

>maugham - razors edge
>murakami - wind up bird
>céline - journey to the end

>> No.13926337

basic economics is a meme book that talks about mainstream economics' shortcomings, but also goes into detail how government interventions just keep making things worse
it's no road to serfdom, but it did open my my eyes in some parts