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/lit/ - Literature

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13922721 No.13922721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You still regret that when other people were having fun at parties and hanging out you were the one who never socialized and just read books?

>> No.13922726

No, because I read masterpieces.

>> No.13922736

I only go to clubs when I have bottle service and vip access
Why should I go to some poorfag party with no Moët and poorfag art hoe girls
I don’t want any stains on my la martina polo

>> No.13922762

I'm actually thankful I did the opposite approach: partied for years, got in a committed relationship, was in a band for years, blah blah blah. Now, I think I'm retreating into solitude to commit to literature and mastery of various arts I aspire towards. Honestly, partying is rarely more than group escapism and vapid conversations with alcohol poured on. I was never a pussy crusher, so that could partly be why I don't get fulfillment from them, anymore. Books and hookers from here on out, boys.

>> No.13922768


>> No.13922797

I didnt read books, just played vidya and browsed message boards

>> No.13922801

Absolutely not. My youth was filled with meaning, excitement and joy. Theirs was filled with hedonism and misery.

>> No.13922806

>A band
Ok mate I guess marching bands count

>> No.13922808

You can have both

>> No.13922823

Done lots of both. Socialising is essentially for women, teenagers, faggots, man-children, the mentally ill, and other various low-iq attention-seekers. You're not missing out.

>> No.13922829
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I try to remind myself that we’re all trapped in a decomposing cage of flesh and bone, with a million desires whirling around us at all times like sirens attempting to draw us from our vessel. That these desires are nothing but the conjured demons of economics, society, and evolution and while they promise fulfillment they will only use you to their own ends, increasing their strength over you, leaving you a slave and a broken human. The world of phenomena is a test, projected by the noumena, and to conquer it you must conquer yourself.

Although I might try to convince myself that life has some external value, after a night drinking with “friends” or a sexual encounter with woman, it quickly becomes apparent that most friends are not worth having, and that woman’s sexual desires are so perverse and banal that their even having desired you bears the weight of a bad conscience. What man does not discrace himself by submitting to a woman’s desires? He becomes a fool, a brute, a scoundrel, a cuckhold, all at once— and looses himself in the process. What man benefits from society? He devoured his life’s work to the machinations of warfare and industry, he trampled the earth, he becomes bound up in stories told to gullible children, he is sold slavery and like an idiot wears his chains with pride.

Service originates in the Latin word”Servi”, meaning slave. That’s what society, friends, woman ask from you, your slavery.

There are two things in life worth their weight in gold: freedom and silence. How many men exchange these treasures for paper? Or for a soft touch of flesh? Or for some false sense of phenomenal meaning to disguise their nouminal emptiness?
In English, the familiar for of “you”, “thou”, has long since died from the language. For those lonely men in Anglo countries seeking company, this should be (with honest reflection) enough proof that you will never find it. We live in a civilizational world-spirit which lacks even the words to express friendship, closeness.

In books, there is the peace of forming a genuine connection with another person. If you cannot read, write. If you cannot write, read. If you are still lonely, hire a whore; it is less demeaning and less expensive than going to clubs. Logos is the breaking free of the soul from the flesh, embrace this and turn your eyes from the treachery of desire.

>> No.13922838

Tell us more. I have done some socialising but I just can't get why people love it so much.

>> No.13922898

Put down the Auden, anon.

>> No.13922916

Eh I did that in my early twenties so im good. 27+ house party and club goers are depressing

>> No.13922927

What does it matter now whether you did those or not in the past?
If you read books & gained knowledge, that positively influences the present. If you partied and whatnot, it does not influence the present at all. Actually, since you lose time from positively-influencing activities, it is negatively-influencing.

>> No.13922943

This is real redpill

>> No.13922957
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I've lived both lives. Reading alone is much more enjoyable. Parties are nothing but places of impotent despair, regardless of how happy people seem.

>> No.13922965

Did you write this? That was good prose

>> No.13922967

I've been to enough parties to know that I don't have any fun in them.

If anything, I regret having spent as much time as I did on normalfag activities.

>> No.13922982

I partied a lot in college, every weekend and usually once or twice in the week two. I didn’t come to 4chan until after college. I’m a loser now but OK with it.
If you’re still in school don’t come to this place bro, go out and have fun

>> No.13923011
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It’s too late, it’s already taken ahold of my soul at this point. I’ve forgotten what it’s like to have tangible friendships and I’m still not sure if I miss it.

>> No.13923015

I'm kind of over the circlejerking people do over how great it is to free yourself from physics desires and to live for "tee higher pleasures".

At the end of the day we're all still meatsacks with physical needs and desires. Trying to distance that from yourself is denying your own existence.

>> No.13923019

>Service originates in the Latin word”Servi”, meaning slave. That’s what society, friends, woman ask from you, your slavery.
How old are you? 16?

>> No.13923035

I’m sure you meant put down the Kant and Schopenhauer?

>> No.13923042

This is your brain on materialism

>> No.13923063

Yes, they are renowned for their use of AngloSaxon backformations and latent homosexuality. However did I get them confused with Auden, when he's never been known to place pop cliches alongside philosophical ramblings about an age of industrialised anxiety, and anon was clearly talking about hedgehogs and Hume.

>> No.13923064

Why don't you just stick your brain in a jar and enjoy your "enlightened thought".

>> No.13923084


american post

>> No.13923158

Didn’t read lol

>> No.13923168

Jars don't exist. I'm being both ironic and serious.

>> No.13923194

>Jars don't exist.

Which just proves that all thought is derived from our sensory experience in the physical world and your Logos can't come up with ****.

>> No.13923211

>In books, there is the peace of forming a genuine connection with another person.
That's merely another aesthetic trap. To connect with people is to act on your love towards them; there is no other way to attain closeness. And you can express your love alone just as well as when surrounded by peole, when fucking a thot just as well as when writing a book. And what's even wrong with women? Theirs sexual desires are indeed perverse and banal, but aren't yours too? Mine are certainly are. And is writing a book even a higher act than acting on your sexual desires? Stop pretending your longing for knowledge and intellectual beauty is not merely another vehicle of society and evolution.

>> No.13923221

I did neither

>> No.13923233
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Based and redpilled

>> No.13923330

According to Mark Fisher, the excessive partying among young people (students in particular) is an expression of a general, shared depression, which is in itself caused by reflexive impotence. While usually anhedonia is a major symptom of depression, this aspect is replaced by unbridled hedonia, which is socially acceptable and serves the same purpose: to drown out feelings, in particular the feeling that it is impossible to change the world and the system that one lives in.

Not partying is a sign of emotional equilibrium. I regret nothing. There is nothing to regret.

>> No.13923374

my life has been just a constant series of failures that i dont even care anymore
if i did or if i didnt im gonna regret it anyway

>> No.13923416

The mind is immaterial
This seethes the hedonist

>> No.13923521

>The mind is dependent on the physical for it's existence.
>Accepting this fact destroys the logic that those that believe in Logos based their existence off of.
>This creates a paradox.
>The hedonist goes and enjoys himself.

At least the hedonist is honest about his desires and acts truthfully, whereas someone dedicated solely to higher principles has to ignore reality.

Anywho, it's not about denying all that's pleasurable, and it's not about losing yourself you pleasure either. Greeks were all about moderation.

We exist. Stuff is fun. Don't hurt yourself over it.

>> No.13923535

ok, virgin

>> No.13923549

Does anyone actually believe this shit?

>> No.13923582

Testosterone is the hormone of socializing, basedboy

>> No.13923597

what a load of cope

>> No.13923606

>t. brainlet hedonists

>> No.13923623


>> No.13923631

People who get depressed about this are weak-souled. They’re literally just weak-souled. I always feel an inexpressible contempt whenever I see stuff on /lit/ like, “Ever get sad you can’t just be a 7 foot tall chad with a 9-inch long dick instead of just reading?” or “People who read and write are just trying to escape the pain that they’re not super popular.”

You have no soul if you think like that. You’re just another weak-minded castrated automaton, a bellwether with herd mentality, someone who wants to be part of the crowd. You think these people are fulfilled? Really think again. The person with the most meaning in their life is the one able to deeply think and feel apart from the crowd, without having to have a slut next to them to snort coke off their asshole just so they can get a quick rush of joy.

>> No.13923638

>t. low-T incel

>> No.13923651
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>and just read books
I haven't read regularly since I was 12. I missed parties to play WoW and Minecraft.

>> No.13923663

Jokes on you I don't even read.

>> No.13923666

truly the lowest for of existence. please remove yourself from the gene pool

>> No.13923670

Sorry, Satan, but you won't get me to commit the unforgivable sin that easily.

>> No.13923688

oh, you don't have to an hero. just please don't reproduce. I know that you couldn't if you tried but just to be sure, never go near a woman again.

>> No.13923690

No, because when I go to parties now or bars I just despise it.

>> No.13923723

Spiritual avarice is ''materialism'' too, anon.

>> No.13923749

No, I still dislike being around other people.

>> No.13923796
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no, i used to be a normie, and it was much more soul-sucking and boring than being a cyborg who rarely goes out

>> No.13923861

>You still regret
Never had an ounce of regret in the first place.

>> No.13923863

Metaphysics >>>> parties

>> No.13923869

The Form of Parties is realer than the parties themselves

>> No.13923870

Why do people like socializing? Am I just autistic? I can't hang out with people just for fun, solitary activities are way more fun. I can if I like the people but I almost never like other people.

>> No.13923992
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>tfw I socialise, hang out and go to parties, as well as reading lots
It’s not hard to be smart and also not a total loser you faggot

>> No.13924091

I got super drunk and partied once, had to piss 7 times in the night, danced with some stranger awkwardly, and the whole time I thought "this isn't for me." Glad I never lived that life and stained my soul with further sin

>> No.13924102

Parties get old after a while, and for someone who was brought up in a home where there was constant drinking and addiction its not something I glamorize.

Books all the way

>> No.13924108
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I know this feel anon.

>> No.13924119

You’re a schizoid

>> No.13924179
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i can't really drink because i don't produce necessary enzymes to break alcohol down, so im not missing out much in that regard. most parties are a drag for me anyways.

>> No.13924196

SCCCCCCHHZZZZIIIOOOODDD, shit bait though, you are joking right?

>> No.13924219

Is it that unbelievable. I don't think I'm shizoid. I can enjoy things and I value connecting meaningfully with people. I just realized I can't and don't want to with most people

>> No.13924231

Fair enough, I myself do spend most of my time by myself, one thing I can’t stand is music being blasted in public places, stores and restaurants,

>> No.13924270
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I have never been to a party. I've never been invited to one, either. I have no inclination for them. Why would I regret not partying?
The loneliness on the other hand is much harder to deal with, but I can barely stand most people so it's inevitable. I'm convinced that this is the case for most, they can just deal with their discomfort better than I can. All the people I talk to regularly are from the internet, and I sincerely doubt I'd talk to them at all if they were more than words on a screen.
It's just books and anime and alcoholism until I kill myself. It could be much worse, I don't know what I'd do if I had been born before the modern era.

>> No.13924289

Frankly I regret not reading more
I never got much out of getting shitfaced, I feel like for me it's impossible to make a lasting connection with anyone while inebriated

>> No.13924299

Either be stuck in a madhouse or be a well adjusted valued member of your community, married with a dozen+ children and a plot of land to call your own

>> No.13924301

You'd probably be fine if you just had one person. Like a true friend or a gf you love.

>> No.13924329

Honestly not at all

>> No.13924349

>go out and regret it
>stay at home and regret it as well

>> No.13924394

no, i've not had the ability to socialise or make the "connection" necessary with someone to become friends to the point where i'm asked out to parties or we enjoy each other's shared company since i was very young, so there's nothing to regret, had i felt like i could make friends i'd have made them, i certainly don't derive enjoyment from being this way

>> No.13924440

I’m crying

>> No.13924488
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>that feeling when you look up all the people who were popular and endlessly happy in college
>all the sprightly young men and women who lived to socialize, party, and wear nice fashionable clothes
>it's only been 6 or 7 years
>they're all miserable 30ish pre-boomers
>some are still desperately clinging to their "I'll be 20 years old forever! I swear!! I'm still cool and hip!!!" self-conception
>pathetic hipster fags making social media posts to their apathetic families and college acquaintances who increasingly forget they are, announcing that they're going on a trip to Venice!!!! with my besties!!!! I'm 30 and still somehow not an adult!!!
>others have become complete automata, just functions of their jobs
>unmarried post-wall women
>balding childless men
>mfw all these formerly popular happy normies will continue to wither up and experience living death for decades to come
>mfw many of the post-wall women will not have children and are already being driven insane by this thought
>mfw their families are ashamed of them for being overly contented underachievers who peaked at 23
>mfw i was a schizophrenic autistic retard in college
>mfw i'm now happy and can talk to plato in my soul at will
>mfw my inner life will only get richer and richer as i acquire more knowledge
>mfw the wages of normiehood is watching netflix alone for decades
>mfw the normies reap what they have sown


>> No.13924491

I regret not being with you. :(

>> No.13924496

>other people
hate em all

>> No.13924499

>can talk to plato in my soul at will
top kek. lost

>> No.13924528

You sound like you have a 108 IQ

>> No.13924570

YA and crypto books don't count faggot

>> No.13924630
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>> No.13924635

well read people are fun

>> No.13924638

Nice projection with no basis retard
Guess you need some way to cope with having no friends

>> No.13924644

But plato said it is better to strengthen your human soul and let it reign over your animalistic side, so that the best can rule over the weakest. If I give in to sex and drugs I feed the chimera and weaken my inner human and inner lion. Or is this just MASSIVE ANCIENT COPE?

>> No.13924650

I don't care I just want to put a bullet in my brain

>> No.13924671
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Never was invited to parties and I don't necessarily regret not socializing either bc I couldn't stand most of the people around me. What do I regret is that I'm a 19m with neither friends nor a promising future. All I have is this fucking part time job at a warehouse. I get along with my coworkers but I don't connect with them on a deeper level at all. I'm desperately trying to find my replica. I wanna find somebody that reflects my own self and make them my friend. It sucks to see all of those people at your age having friends and a promising future and you're just laying in your bed reading manga, watching pretentious films you don't even even have the energy to watch or jerking off to feet porn. Even books have become boring lately. I stopped reading the sailor who fell from grace with the sea even though I kinda like it I just can't bring myself to read it all the way through. There are so many other books I'd rather read, so many anime to watch and so many vidya to play, so many albums to listen to but I just can't bring myself to do all of these things. Can't believe I dropped out of college for this shit. I'm just half-assing my whole life away and idk why. Maybe I'm just realizing that doing all of this shit will give me nothing but temporary pleasure. On one hand I tell myself that I don't need much to be happy but on the other I'm a miserable faggot who gets depressed at the dream of having friends. Not sure what to do from here on out. I wanna go to film school next year but even that seems like a reach bc they require 2 self-directed short films and a fucking 8-week long internship. And even if I do get in I have no idea if I actually wanna do this, like I love films but making films is all about communicating with your partners which to be frank I fucking suck at. Life is so tiring bros. It's jeromes dream for the night, gonna cry myself to sleep or whatever.

>> No.13924696

Go to uni, anon.
Also, what country are you from?

>> No.13924710


>> No.13924719

Also I can't go to uni because I don't have the degree they're requiring. I only have "Fachabitur" which is like A-levels but it only qualifies you for some colleges

>> No.13924739

This got me f.am

>> No.13924757

What a coincidence, I worked at a warehouse (and later at a supermarket) in Germany and it was one of the dullest experiences of my life. I know exactly what you're describing, it's monotonous and unrewarding. Please don't stop at this level, you will regret it! Geh zu einer FH und mach danach dein Master an einer Uni, wenn du willst.

>> No.13924771
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You can do both. I did a lot of drinking and partying at the end of high school and into college. I still had a lot of periods of loneliness though, and it took a lot of therapy and reflection to get to a more stable place. There's not much of a nostalgia for it, like you guys might feel depressed about "what could have been" but the reality is that these isolated moments of fun are often forgotten just like the rest of your memories. And they don't act as a magic shield against the infection of loneliness.

That being said I wouldn't take any of it back. Also I'm getting into reading now which is why I'm here, because as much partying and fun I had in college now it's been a year and I have literally no one, because I've been through a breakup. I think this is just the nature of social life, sometimes it's high tide sometimes it's low tide and that's ok.

>> No.13924773

Based as fuck
Also based

>> No.13924821
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I'm not actually planning to do this warehouse job for much longer, it's just a minijob. I actually don't mind the dullness of it, there isn't much happening and I don't have to be communicative by force, which I highly appreciate. The options for me are pretty limited with a fachabitur which is why I can't decide what I want to study. There's only a handful of studiengänge here in Dresden, I'd probably have to move out if i want a career that fits me. I tried computer science (Medieninformatik) at the HTW Dresden and dropped out this february not even finishing the first semester. Courses were too hard and I lacked the passion to actually study for the finals. Film school interests me because it's the only field I think I'll like and I have expertise in.
I learned from the 6 months of NEETdom that I don't wanna keep living this consumptious life full of junk food and entertainment. The issue is that I just don't know where to go. I feel pressured bc at my age you're supposed to prosper - you're supposed to have all of these friends and live a wild life and what not. I'm like the complete opposite of that right now.
Ich weiß nicht genau wieso aber ich fühle mich irgendwie gezwungen Deutschland zu verlassen. Hier ist nichts was mich großartig am Leben hält, abgesehen von meiner Familie. Dresden ist ziemlich altbacken, traditionell und langweilig. Das zeigte sich auch in der Landtagswahl. Ich würde voll gerne in Amerika oder vielleicht sogar Japan studieren, nur fehlt mir dafür das nötige Kapital.

>> No.13924838

you can manage both. it can be difficult, but it is absolutely possible to lead a life that contains both of these ways of living. it all depends on whether you want to live both ways or not. Which is more important to you? Follow that path

>> No.13924861

Jesus, you roasted the poor lad. And I laughed at his expense.

>> No.13924881

>There are two things in life worth their weight in gold: freedom and silence.
only part that I agree with

>> No.13924901

Maybe STEM isn't for you, anon. I can relate to what you're describing.
I went to an international German school and am doing my STEM bachelor in Germany. I made a couple of friends, but then I changed my major, so I don't see them as much. I end up meeting up with the group of people who went to my former school, but we don't have many common interests. The only thing keeping me motivated is the idea of finally finishing uni.

>> No.13924906

It's really easy to balk at some of Fisher's ideas, especially the one laid out in anons post here, but I do really think he got at the core of the general malaise affecting the "youth" of today. He saw them as completely resigned, always plugged in, fully unable to let go of the constant stream of entertainment around them. If you're a young person in today's world, how are you meant to feel about the future of the planet? Can you really be blamed for looking for a constant out? For resorting to 4chan, twitter, reading, partying, whatever, to distract you from that which makes you disillusioned with the world? Climate change is worsening faster than expected, its harder than ever to find a decent job, even if you've spent the thousands and thousands it costs to earn a degree-- all life prospects seem, without question, dismal (maybe the worst they've been in the history of the human race, but certainly far worse than the previous few generations). So no, while constant partying is not morally bankrupt, viewing it as a symptom of despair is something I find completely acceptable

>> No.13924913

The true Brahmin doesn't believe in 'life'

>> No.13924919

cringe and gnosticpilled

video game haters confirmed enemies of Christ

>> No.13925572

I started doing animation because I wanted to direct films but was to autistic to deal with people

>> No.13925587

>You still regret that when other people were having fun at parties and hanging out you were the one who never socialized and just read books?
no take the stoic pill.

>> No.13925590

Thats how I am. If you haven’t read “The Divided Self” by RD Laing, you should. Unless it hinders you in your daily life it’s not a disorder, just a personality.

>> No.13925598

Hey anon, I have an idea for a film you could make
its a comedy though, would you be interested (its going to be a shitty idea)

>> No.13925607

Sometimes. But its the meaningful relationships that count. Emerson said something along the lines of "to have made one person breathe a little easier because of you is to have succeeded." Also, you never know what people are going through. Many suicides have led "perfect lives" before ending it.

>> No.13925923

I feel that way about one of the people I've met online.

>> No.13926371

By coincidence, I had my first romantic relationship at 14-15, and that apparently prevented me from ever feeling as though I was missing out on something afterwards.

>> No.13926390

No. I get very little pleasure out of that shit. I'm glad I've got a few really close friends and have had a blast shitposting and enjoying my hobbies. Regrets are for the weak.

>> No.13926399

This is one of the most blatant copes I've seen for "I don't read" on this board.

>> No.13926409

I used to a lot of partying and it really isn't all that great. I despise the sort of people I used to hang out with.

>> No.13926533

It's more shit and degenerate than you think. Whenever you read or here about degeneracy you think about them all being well rounded attractive beings. But they're mostly disgusting trash. Sex and parties are significant experiences in life, sure, but think of it as a check mark, and not salvation

>> No.13927497

Im STILL thinking about GR...

>> No.13927502
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>> No.13928053

The existence of societies allow for important work to be done, but if you can't conceptualize what that important work is this world devolves into meaningless absurdities, of course, there are absurdities present in society no matter the external value you create, yet it becomes possible to suffer the repulsivity of this world through there being value to live for. That is a benefit man can gain from society. Although, it is all still madness. . .

>> No.13928068

No because I've found out in the past year that parties are very overrated

>> No.13928080

You sound like you care about iq

>> No.13928134

dam straight

>> No.13928236
File: 112 KB, 1200x900, GOAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we're too early to see the world reach it's potential through civilization creating technology

>Our brains are still hunter-gatherers from 100,000 years ago, when our ceaseless hunger for material was a boon for survival

>we are still toddlers in terms being truly civilized, we are still waging war, we coldly reject the livelihood of our fellow man if they are not of our "tribe" or are of no benefit to us

>mfw every single one of us in this thread will turn to dust and mud in the end.

>the majority of this thread are pampered upper to middle class people who never truly experienced hardship we have all our basic needs met but our modern tasks slowly degrade us, numb us, isolate us.

Fuck you got mine
Fuck you till I got mine
I want to make a world a better place when I die, but instead here I am posting on an anonymous message board with people who are legitimately good people but the world has place or value for them

>> No.13928242

22 and I already regret it. I'm a social outcast, never talked romantically to a woman or held hands with her. Idk for how many more years I'll manage, hopefully I'll find something fulfilling as I grow

>> No.13928272
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As an Irish anon to Gernan
I thought I'd never someone could be so similar to my own fucked up life

>mfw in final year of college so close to finishing nutrition degree
>mfw diagnosed depression and anxiety makes it impossible to study and live life like a normal person

>> No.13928273
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No. What the heck is all that fugacious cumbrain shit worth? I'd rather learn something every day

>> No.13928276

I laughed; sounds like a cope but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
Careful anon—I was convinced I was schizoid for Almost 2 years before realizing it was a sort of repressed AVPD all along.

>> No.13928308

Nobody thinks about parties of their youth when they reminisce the good times. You haven't missed out on anything.

>> No.13928319

When you see parties in films, for example, remember that those scenes are just fantasy written by people who want to experience something like that. No teen / college parties are like that.

>> No.13928330

Yeah. Its like wanting to get into a car chase or be the joker. Of course movies are going to show an idealized version of something.