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13916329 No.13916329 [Reply] [Original]

>I have the answers to life, buy my book!
>*Chugs painkillers and anti-depressants*

>> No.13916334

He doesn't believe anything he says because he's just an establishment shill who was put there to be a gatekeeper and the double life he leads is destroying him internally.

>> No.13916335

Capital is literally killing this man. Zizek won in retrospect.

>> No.13916342

>pet a stray cat

>> No.13916345


He's too cowardly for Uncle Ted though.

>> No.13916348 [DELETED] 

Juden Peterstein is a faggot establishment kike. He cares little for the fate of the white race (he's pretty anti white) and isn't redpilled on the inferiority of niggers. His "sort yourself out" shtick is the death of the West. Whites need to group together against the niggers.

>> No.13916350

Ever heard the expression "If you don't know how to do it, teach others how to"?

>> No.13916351

Zizek retroactively refuted him, he simply couldn't contend with post-modern-neo-marxist-lacanian-psychoanalysis.

>> No.13916353


[insert ted quote image about academics]

>> No.13916356

It's hilarious that these people consider themselves champions of truth simply because they keep getting no-platformed and kicked out off websites. Get this through your skull dumbass, nobody is trying to censor your freedom of speech, it's just that they don't want to listen to you.

>> No.13916357

Every self-help "guru" ever.

>> No.13916371

But Peterson never claimed that. It's almost as if you haven't read anything he's written, or listened to anything he's said.

>> No.13916377

>But Peterson never claimed that
He wrote a book titled "12 rules for life". It doesn't get any more definitive than that.

>> No.13916382

>masquerades as a Christian traditionalist
>his book is filled with nihilism and evolutionary psychology
Actually I have.

>> No.13916390

Are we still discussing this fraud? He has been thoroughly exposed by both the right and the left.

>> No.13916403

Trailer park just woke up lads

>> No.13916404

His addiction doesn’t disprove Petersonianism. True Petersonianism just hasn’t been tried yet.

>> No.13916406

>judging a book by its title

>> No.13916410

The media is literally full of neurotics handing out advice. What a time to be alive.

>> No.13916422

>an antidote to chaos

>> No.13916462
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>True Petersonianism just hasn’t been tried yet.

>> No.13916471


>> No.13916503
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>God is totally real guys!
>*wife dies of cancer*

>> No.13916515
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>if god real why bad thing happen

>> No.13916561

Not a fan of memerson, but just a reminder that most people who shit on him look like this IRL

>> No.13916563

Who will complete the Petersonian idealist system?

>> No.13916569


>> No.13916582

>Yeah trivialising the argument is totally the same as refuting it bro!!!

>> No.13916590

there isn’t an argument though

>> No.13916597

Rebut the evidential argument from evil right now

>> No.13916600
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You’re not smart enough to be using this board

>> No.13916602

What argument? Describe it now

>> No.13916603

It was the apple cider that did him in

>> No.13916604

go back to pol you fucking retard

>> No.13916623

1. There exist instances of intense suffering which an omnipotent, omniscient being could have prevented without thereby losing some greater good or permitting some evil equally bad or worse.
2. An omniscient, wholly good being would prevent the occurrence of any intense suffering it could, unless it could not do so without thereby losing some greater good or permitting some evil equally bad or worse.
3. (Therefore) There does not exist an omnipotent, omniscient, wholly good being.

>> No.13916625

>without thereby losing some greater good or permitting some evil equally bad or worse.
Unsupported premise

>> No.13916637

>nobody is trying to censor your freedom of speech
What the hell does it mean to censor somebodies freedom of speech? Nobody gives a shit about freedom being censored. It's speech being censored that people have a problem with.

>> No.13916639

It's extremely unlikely to be a false premise, given the overwhelming evidence of pointless suffering.


>> No.13916641

Exactly how much suffering should exist in the world?

>> No.13916644
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>> No.13916647

That's not the argument

>> No.13916658

It’s a slippery slope. As soon as you remove the worst forms of suffering, then something else will be the worst form of suffering, and so on, until there is no suffering. Will the argument be valid as long as there is suffering? Couldn’t you arbitrarily describe all suffering as pointless? What does it even mean for suffering to be pointless?

>> No.13916660

Exactly how much is deserved. So about 1% of the total amount of suffering in the world.

>> No.13916667

You could easily claim that no suffering is deserved, though. If there were 1% of suffering, then atheists would still bemoan the existence of evil and suffering.

>> No.13916668

The argument is not about "the worst form of suffering", whatever the fuck that means. Read it again and try to understand it this time.

>> No.13916669

Thanks friend

>> No.13916673

Suffering is pointless if it achieves no end and is not done as an act of justice

>> No.13916676

Rapists and torturers deserve to sufferer

>> No.13916688

Anyone who suffers deserves to suffer.

>> No.13916689

Should suffering exist or not? If so, then in what forms?
But how can you know if there is no end to suffering? Are we not comforted after the suffering passes?
But in the atheist fantasy world, there are no rapists or torturers, because that would mean that other people suffer without doing any crime. So who deserves to suffer?

>> No.13916698

You think normal people deserve to be raped and murdered and tortured or have their family members killed by natural disasters? Yet this is what your god allows.

>> No.13916706

great things to happen to people, too. Does that mean God exists?

>> No.13916707

>Should suffering exist or not?
If and only if it serves a greater good.
We can think of countless, countless instances of evil where, according to all the evidence that is presented to us, no greater good is served.

You may try to argue some specific example conjured in your head where seemingly pointless evil is ultimately justified, but the chances that every single instance of seemingly pointless suffering serves some greater good is extremely slim given our knowledge about the world.

>> No.13916711

>atheist fantasy world
You really don’t understand this basic argument do you? This is not an atheist fantasy world; it’s an argument that works by adopting the religious stance on good and evil and turning it back on god, asking why god allows so much pointless evil if he is perfectly moral and all powerful. It shows that a perfectly moral and all powerful god does not exist in this world.

>> No.13916714

Peterson is an atheist. What is your point?

>> No.13916715

It's not up to me to say who deserves what. You want the universe to ignore cause and effect for your sake, that doesn't sound fair to me.

>> No.13916718

No, you are literally retarded if you don’t understand this argument. It’s very simple and intuitive, even little kids will come up with it on their own.

>> No.13916722

I was merely trolling lmao, but some christcuckold took my joke too seriously it seems

>> No.13916723

>We can think of countless, countless instances of evil where, according to all the evidence that is presented to us, no greater good is served.
You don’t know that.
The Bible never once says that God has a certain quality that logically indicates that he should prevent all evil and suffering. There is no contradiction there.

>> No.13916737

>You don’t know that.
I don't need to be omniscient to be justified in making inferences about the world.


Your grasp of epistemology is poor.

>> No.13916739

The bible and Christian theology are two different things. In the Bible god is a genocidal maniac who will kill a mans whole family and destroy his life and then justify it to him by saying “I’m more powerful than you, you don’t know shit.” There are also times in the Bible where he is evidently not omnipotent. In Christian theology however god is a benevolent, perfectly moral being who is omnipotent; this god cannot exist.

>> No.13916746

Authors and directors create stories in which people suffer intensely and seemingly unnecessarily. Why, then, do we see value in these stories? Is it possible that God operates on a similar principle? Suffering is temporary, but the meaning derived from it is eternal.
>but those characters aren’t real!
So? If they were real, then the meaning would be more real, as well. Why shouldn’t God do that?

>> No.13916756

>it seems like I’m right, so I’m probably right and God doesn’t exist
Atheist pride on display.
Christian theology is irrelevant and I don’t know why you’re using the opinions of men to attack the God-created scripture

>> No.13916759

You are walking past a lake when you see a young girl drowning. You are absolutely sure that no good will come of her drowning, nor did she do anything to deserve it. Do you go in and save her, or do you walk by because suffering is “like, artistic and shit, dude?” If you save her, you’re more moral than god, who would let her drown.

>> No.13916760

This. I don’t like Peterson anymore than the next anon, but if you’ve watched the videos you’d know he’s always been pretty open with his view on anti-depressants and painkillers. Calling him a hypocrite just doesn’t make any sense

>> No.13916763

Well if you believe in a god who is not perfectly moral and/or is not omnipotent then the argument doesn’t apply to you.

>> No.13916765

>God’s standard of morality is the same as humans’

>> No.13916767

Like I said, your grasp of epistemology is poor.
I take tha you no longer have any counter-argument, just cheap attacks against the person.

>> No.13916768

What does “perfectly moral” mean? I have my own definition of morality and I see that God is perfectly moral, but that doesn’t mean suffering can’t exist

>> No.13916772

Well that’s a cop out. You can’t just say “brah he can do whatever he wants he is god”. He’s not perfectly moral by Christian standards.

>> No.13916773

>Why, then, do we see value in these stories?
For a variety of reasons, most of which have nothing to do with the argument.
Try again.

>> No.13916780

You can't argue with Christians based on reason because they are inoculated to it by faith. You just have to point some facts out and then wait until they see the inconsistencies on their own. But why would they? Being a Christian feels good being a part of something greater, eternal life, doling out that tithe, doing God's work, living as his tool and spreading his mercy on earth, you know you are always right, He is by your side and as far as Christians are concerned is the way things should be.

>> No.13916782

According to chrstian theology, human derive their moral intuition from the Holy Spirit.
A god with a completely alien, inhuman morality is incompatible with christianity.

>> No.13916784

>I don't need to be omniscient to be justified in making inferences about the world.
You aren’t making a sound argument, though. If you found some sort of logical contradiction in the Bible, that was very clear, then you would have a decent argument. For example, if the Bible said “God never allows suffering” then you would have a good case. But your problem is that God does allow suffering, regardless of what the Bible says. You think that you’re above God, and that, given God’s motivations, you could somehow design a better world. Do you really think that all humans are supposed to perfectly comprehend the world and have no complaints? What kind of God would create such a world that is easily understood by mere humans?
Why can’t I say that? Define moral

>> No.13916789

>he’s always been pretty open with his view on anti-depressants and painkillers
People didn't have painkillers or anti-depressants for thousands of years, you can't claim to have answers to life while stoned out of your mind.

>> No.13916796

It’s okay for god to send his tsunamis to kill millions of people in China, but it’s not okay for you to not save a girl drowning in a lake. You hold yourself to a much higher standard than you hold good and it is good that you do, otherwise you would be a mass murderer like him.

>> No.13916798

Are you implying God can’t derive anything good or meaningful from suffering in a similar fashion to how humans do when we create and consume stories?
You haven’t demonstrated why God’s morality and human’s morality should be the same. It’s possible that the Holy Spirit is simply guiding humans along our path of morality.

>> No.13916804

Ask yourself why anyone should do anything. What does it mean to be moral? Why should I save a girl, but not save a rock that’s falling into the water?

>> No.13916810

>You aren’t making a sound argument, though.
Yes I am. William Rowe's argument is widely considered to be undefeated to this day, and you haven't even come close to rebut it. I haven't seen you make a valid counter-argument in this thread, let alone a sound one.

>Do you really think that all humans are supposed to perfectly comprehend the world and have no complaints?

Never claimed such a thing.
But humans are able to understand the world to some extent, and to the extent that all our cognitive abilities and accumulated knowledge tells us, pointless suffering exists, thus we have rational grounds for, and therefore justified in, believing in premise 1.

>> No.13916811

I don’t have to. That’s the beauty of the argument. Even if I was utterly convinced that morality is a spook and nothing matters, I could still make the argument, since it relies on adopting the morality of whichever religion you’re using it against (good and evil for Christianity), and making the argument based on that.

>> No.13916814

All of the reasons we create and consume stories are intimately tied to our human nature and condition, so no, god doesn't enter into it.

>You haven’t demonstrated why God’s morality and human’s morality should be the same.

That wasn't the argument, try again.

>> No.13916815

>thus we have rational grounds for, and therefore justified in, believing in premise 1.
And I have rational grounds for not believing in premise 1
Then what is morality according to the Bible? Tell me if you can

>> No.13916825

>All of the reasons we create and consume stories are intimately tied to our human nature and condition, so no, god doesn't enter into it.
If God is removed from the human condition, then why do you think he would be concerned with preventing suffering? Checkmate

>> No.13916829

Do not murder, help people who are in need, prevent needless suffering if it’s in your power. All of these god violates.

>> No.13916830
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>> No.13916831

Why do people make such a big deal about morality? Think of it like human walking. Some of us learn it a bit earlier, others a bit later, not everyone does it exactly the same, some go faster, some slower, some have a less optimal way of walking than others that tires them and damages their bones long term, etc.

It's a tool, a way to solve a problem, to interact with the world. There is no objective way of walking, because walking is contextual.

Morality is the same.

>> No.13916833

Those are specific rules for humans. What does it mean to be moral, in general?

>> No.13916834

Its literally a self-help book for troubled men you twoaut

>> No.13916835

>explains in chapter one it's a diluted version of a meme list he made on fucking Quora
>book is a diluted perspective on life with extra Maps of Meaning sprinkles
Oh wow.


>> No.13916837

>There is no objective way of walking, because walking is contextual.
>you can walk however you want and still reach your goals as fast as if you had walked otherwise

>> No.13916839

>And I have rational grounds for not believing in premise 1
And what would be those? Elaborate.

Because, by definition, he is omnibenevolent

>> No.13916842

So you worship a god who can’t even live by the morality he espouses? I thought hypocrisy was a sin too, or is that only a human rule again?

>> No.13916848

threads' full of fedora tipping epicureans, limp wristed sophists and the odd uncle ted aficionado.
there seems to be a recurrent theme amongst the psueds of lit

>> No.13916852

It’s easy to hand wave and not engage with the arguments

>> No.13916854
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>implying evolutionary creationism or theistic creationism aren't more valid than traditional creationism

>> No.13916858

Back to cripplechan

>> No.13916863
File: 14 KB, 374x374, 6C767FE9-9D3B-4A15-87E9-69D5C1E336FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because, by definition, he is omnibenevolent
>open Bible
>ctrl+f “omnibenevolent”
>0 results

>And what would be those? Elaborate.
The analogy to human writes and stories that contain suffering. The fact that God is Truth, and as such maximizes truth through opposites, such as light and dark, hot and cold, joy and suffering. Also, even if I had no reason to reject premise 1, I can at least say that there is no reason to fully accept it. The burden of proof is on you.
Why should God follow the laws of men? Please, tell me why. I worship a God that is loving to those who love him and keep the commandments.

>> No.13916866

>what is the Book of Job

>> No.13916873


You literally couldn't devise a more cucked combination

>> No.13916878

What does that mean? Seriously

>> No.13916880

So you’ve admitted you worship a god who is a hypocrite and a mass-murderer, justifying this by saying “god can do whatever he wants brah he’s god not puny man”. All I can say to that is I’m glad you don’t hold yourself to the same hypocritical mass-murdering standards as your god.

>> No.13916884

how does he feel about his daughter being a snake oil salesman?

>> No.13916886

Post-modern academia sure loves neologisms.

>> No.13916894

The book of Job is a prime example of gods malevolence. Absolutely destroys the man because of a childish bet with Satan and justifies it by saying “you weren’t around when I made all this cool shit see how powerful I am you’re so puny and dumb!!” It’s funny how he acts as if there was some grand mysterious meaning behind what he did to job when in reality it was just because his pride was offended by Satan.

>> No.13916899

So...you’re done, now? No more “arguments”? And all I had to do was say God can do whatever he wants? Do you think I shouldn’t worship this God, even though I find rest in Him? You have a strange process of reasoning

>> No.13916916

Yeah I don’t think you should worship a mass murdering hypocrite buddy

>> No.13916926

Why not? He reigns over everything, and gives us peace. Why would you willingly reject such a being? What good will that do?

>> No.13916939

Today on /lit/: a memerson meme thread turns into a group of 15 year olds arguing about the problem of evil

>> No.13916942
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you are correct, there indeed is no point in refuting the played out epicurean argument/falling into the sophists trap.
based don't be a bitch poster

>> No.13916944

go back

>> No.13916953

>The fact that God is Truth, and as such maximizes truth through opposites, such as light and dark, hot and cold, joy and suffering.

Nice way of wasting characters without saying anything lmao.

>I can at least say that there is no reason to fully accept it.

What would entail, to you, to fully accept a premise?

And omnibenevolence has been a fundamental part of christian theology for centuries.

>> No.13916966

As my daddy used to tell me, after beating me and taking a swig of whisky, "do as I say not as I do."

>> No.13916968

i'd love to go back to old /lit/ before the peterson influx of highschool pseuds peddling low IQ analyses of solzhenitsyn, but unfortunately I'm stuck in this timeline with you mouthbreathing twinks

>> No.13916978

What does that mean and where does it appear in the Bible?
Nice spacing, reddit

>> No.13916984

>mouthbreathing twinks

>> No.13916985
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 7ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bah, you're reading the Bible in the talmudic way, as if God was a tyrant over creation. For this subject, consider three of the Sapiential Books: proverbs, ecclesiastes and the book of Job itself.

In Proverbs you find Solomon arguing about how you should act: if you're good, good things happens to you; that there's a reward for virtue; that evil man suffers; all that stuff.
In Ecclesiastes you find an old Solomon, disappointed with those rules, "Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.". All around you, you see the good man suffer, and the evil man lives a long and fulfilling life, "And so I saw the wicked buried, who had come and gone from the place of the holy, and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done: this is also vanity".
Then you have to go back, and read Job with this context. Job had everything, family, wealth, health, friends, but above all, he had virtue, he was a good man. Then he looses everything, and here's the question: if he is really a good man, will he still be it, even when the world it's unfair to him? Job did, thus proving that he was a really good and virtuous man. God didn't made this to Job just because of a bet with Satan, it's for you to look back, see at his story, and aspire to act like him, despite all your imperfections.

You are still in the mindset of Ecclesiastes, you are disappointed with the logos because the creation is unfair, but instead of solving it like Job, you "prefer the eternal void", like Mephistopheles in Faust.

>> No.13916997

based dad
>spare the rod and spoil the child
why can't epicureans into this?

>> No.13917010

>What does that mean and where does it appear in the Bible?
Nice way to handwave 2,000 years of christian theology.

>Nice spacing, reddit
Based 2016 tourist who fell for the meme lmao

>> No.13917022

>Nice way to handwave 2,000 years of christian theology.
Nice way to avoid the question. Scripture is God-breathed. Theological works are not

>> No.13917024

>millions of views on his videos
>they don't want to listen
more like a handful of californians decided they don't want people listening to him

>> No.13917027

>Biblical inerrancy

>> No.13917043

some one wake me up please

>> No.13917046

>using theologians’ works that you haven’t even read to attack the Bible that you haven’t even read
Lmao. This discussion is pointless. Goodbye

>> No.13917072

your premises are absolutely choked full of baseless asserstions
Why must an ominiscient being nessecarily prevent all instances of suffering?
Why can't an omniscient being do what they want or what they judge to be appropiate?
Why do you think that a non-omniscient being can see the perspective of an omniscient one?
And the most important of all: which omniscient being are we talking about?

>> No.13917090

Cute. Where's the lie though?

>> No.13917108

The guys book isn’t about stopping suffering from happening but dealing with it

>> No.13917119

>he gave up because he knows he can't defend his views

>> No.13917120

With drugs?

>> No.13917126

why would god morally jugde his creation?

>> No.13917135

Based brainlets

>> No.13917145

It's Petersonism you fucking dumb mongrels.

>> No.13917147


>"don't want to listen"
>rant and rabble rouse and campaign to deplatform
>commit violence against people who just want to listen

Yeah, that's "not listening".

>> No.13917148

I just don't believe that my morality which arises from my conditions and from concepts which are an histrocal heritance would apply to god in such a straightforward manner

>> No.13917155

who says god sees suffering where we see it?
Why is suffering THE bad?

>> No.13917168

historical inheritance*

>> No.13917186

good post, stick around this board anon please.

>> No.13917189

are already at the point where you retreat to ad-homs because you have been trounced?

>> No.13917204

I won't repeat myself to morons who post before reading the thread. Do that and read the article from where the argument comes from, I won't waste my time with you.

>> No.13917251
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Thanks man.

>> No.13917255

What in the world as you writing about? The freedom to express yourself by speech is a civil right, as is the freedom to choose to not listen insofar as the two do not conflict.

>> No.13917257

Love Jordan, he's about as based as they get in today's climate

>> No.13917269

Oh man, I can't wait to see Peterson completely broken when his wife dies, turned into nothing more than a husk of a man.

>> No.13917270

why are you so full of yourself?

>> No.13917274

If it is not, God's morality is incomprehensible to humanity. The benevolence thay is from their morality derived is thus also incomprehensible, at which point it is impossible to point to either any experience or fact and relate it to God's benevolence. The god that is denied human analogy is denied their existence.

>> No.13917281
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>> No.13917296

Are you that lefty guy constantly shitposting pol routines ? It's been years. Keep at it, bucko

>> No.13917351
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This man really believes in himself

>> No.13917378
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You created this mess Christcuck.

>> No.13917410

How does Job solve it? He just accepts being a cuck.

>> No.13917411

he never claimed he had the answers to life

>> No.13917417


>> No.13917472

Lets see you guys try to cope with a loved one dying without having to go on any medications

>> No.13917498

>christcucks actually can't handle evolution

>> No.13917501

No, never heard that one.

>> No.13917518

if that premise is false, the being is not omnipotent, so the conclusion is right either way

>> No.13917520

neo-pagans truly are pathetic, they try to cope with the fact their warrior religion got wiped out
neo-nazis yet constantly whining like toddlers
truly the face of the new right

>> No.13917522

>Lets see you guys try to cope with a loved one dying without having to go on any medications
People did it for thousands of years

>> No.13917532

Just because I can punch myself in the face doesn’t mean I should

>> No.13917542

If you have the power to decrease evil, and you don't do it, you are at least to some degree, evil

>> No.13917590

Only based and redpilled post in the thread. Everyone else is a basedcialist.

>> No.13917595
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>go back to pol you fucking retard

>> No.13917615

>How does Job solve it?

By still being a good man despite the lack of reasons to be one. He could become a thief, a liar, an heretic, or anything of the sort, and it would make his life easier. Yet, instead of giving up to the pressure of his surroundings, he keeps himself firm to his principles and chooses to keep being a good man.

The moral of the story it's that if you're good just because you have an easy life, but you will also turn evil as soon as things get complicated, you were never good to begin with. You're just a puppet that dances at the song of the circumstance. What you should aim for it's to reach a level of transcendence virtue, so to speak, as Job did. That's how Job solves it.

>> No.13917683

I did that literally half a year ago at a much younger age than jorden benzostein. Also in his case ad hominem applies because you cant preach personal responisbility above all else but rely on big pharma for your fee fees. Shouldnt he rather clean his penis and make his bed like mommy told him? This guy is the definition of midwit, I dont even buy his claims about his stupid 0ne gazillion IQ

>> No.13917806

> given the overwhelming evidence of pointless suffering.

But that's just not a good argument anon.
If God exists then the evidence for "pointless suffering" is not good evidence, because then there would seem to be a point to it all. So you can't use this argument to prove that God doesn't exist.
You can see what I mean in the following way: your argument can be stated thusly:

If God exists, then there would be no pointless suffering.
But there is pointless suffering.
Therefore God does not exist.

But the believer of God can simply flip the argument..
If God exists, then there is no pointless suffering.
Clearly God exists.
Therefore there is no pointless suffering.

The argument thus doesn't give us any positive reason to not believe in God: It doesn't work as an an argument against theism (because the evidence for "pointless suffering" just doesn't work as evidence for a theistic worldview).

Not saying that God exists though. Just that the problem of evil isn't a real problem for the theist.

>> No.13917824

job solves it by taking his lumps, not being a bitch and coming out stronger afterwards by sticking to his guns.
surprisingly a good, positive story considering its old testament.

>> No.13918593

No I don't

>> No.13918630

lol he's always advocated medications.

>> No.13918633

You can get tetanis and rabies and that toxiplasmosis and also even fleas for a bit sometimes doing stuff like that.

>> No.13918661

He stops worrying about it. Both Job and Ecclesiastes are attempts at answering the question "why do bad things happen to good people and vice versa". Ecclesiastes says that justice will prevail eventually, Job says you personally may not get justice so don't obsess over your luck.

>> No.13918663

>in retrospect

>> No.13918923

Why exactly do you believe it is disgraceful to use antidepressants? Is this bait or do you have a real point to make?

>> No.13918934

Yeah that's because they had psychedelics and he's spoken on those as well

>> No.13918960

>Why exactly is it disgraceful to do drugs to deal with life problems?
It's understandable, as long as you don't go out and preach to millions of people how they should live.

>> No.13918969

This is funny because Bog is Slavic for God.

>> No.13918972

Even the alt-right agrees that he's a degenerate cuck

>> No.13918993

Some ways of walking are more effective than others, which immediately embeds styles of walking into a hierarchy oriented from least functional method of walking to most optimal. The top of the hierarchy is the objectively correct way to walk.

Walking is not contextual. People do it with one purpose and one purpose only, at best they vary in speed or maybe you have to duck under something. Other than that you're full of shit.

>> No.13919059

>Clearly God exists.
If that premise was true nobody would be having this discussion

>> No.13919064

You're dumb as fuck. God is a "mass murderer" because when you stop worshipping him all hell breaks loose. If you don't like that, think of it this way.

The baseline condition of existence is suffering. If you sit idly, you will become hungry, thirsty, sick, etc. Life itself necessitates that you act in a manner that sustains it. This embeds action into a hierarchy. At the top of the hierarchy there is a pattern of action which guides people up the hierarchy the more their behaviour resembles it. This analogously translates from the individual to the family, then to the community, then to the state and then to the world. If any level of abstraction falls to far beneath the ethic, that level and every level beneath it suffers in proportion to the distance. Whether you like it or not, when you stop worshipping God he commits mass murder so it's in your best interest to respect his existential authority.

>> No.13919076

I fail to understand the hypocrisy here. When did Jordan Peterson say people ought to live strictly without the help of pharmaceutical drugs?

>> No.13919107

He didn't just win in retrospect. That was very apparent

>> No.13919170
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That's cute, anon.

>> No.13919272

gotta tell ya not a great look

>> No.13919428

>get ur house in order before you try to change the status quo, bucko

>> No.13919434

Good answer, I've actually never felt so humbly persuaded in my life.

>> No.13920340
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He's right tho.

>> No.13920824

None of that has anything to do with a belief in God. As long as you follow the categorical imperative, all is well. People need to lead an ethical life, and that ethic isn't predicated on believing in something that can never be verified. That ethic is based on following universal maxims.

Kantianism > failed Christian apologetics

>> No.13920861

Did he abuse prescribed drugs? Yes. Is him insincere than David sex and cocaine addict Wallace? No.

>> No.13920901

He's always recommending people to take antidepressants if they think it would help them. I'm pretty sure he even discusses the virtues of them in his book

>> No.13920928

my favorite meme. based response anon. i can imagine the onions'd up sperg thinking he's so clever because "muhh bad things happen"

>> No.13920937

His lectures before he wrote his recent book are interesting enough.

>> No.13921012

It was benzodiazapines and antidepressants. Which is even worse.

>> No.13921166
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pet a stray lonely being

>> No.13921170

those who do, do
those who don't, teach

>> No.13921212

>clean your room
ok mom

>> No.13921227

not an argument. thanks for conceding.

fucking hell, why am I one of the only intelligent posters on here?

>> No.13921446

Why are you assuming suffering is bad? Without conflict I don't anything could exist.

>> No.13921455

How can Good even exist without Evil? Seems like there needs to be a reference point for it, doesn't it? Also how do you know that the exact amount of suffering isn't exactly what's necessary.

>> No.13921457

brainlet detected

>> No.13921460

The guy is mad because his argument is garbage.

>> No.13921477

You mean "assumption".

>> No.13921573

fucking spot on

>> No.13921950

Well it is not listening desu

>> No.13921973

I genuinely have no idea why Peterson of all people twists /lit/'s panties in a bunch. I can understand not caring about the guy or thinking that what he says are entry-level philosophical platitudes but the level of vitriol the man gets despite being for all intents and purposes harmless is just insane.

>> No.13922029

>Ever heard the expression "If you don't know how to do it, teach others how to"?

Lmao@ what a shit-ass, low-rent, off-brand life you're leading

>> No.13922044

>pain killers and anti depressants
got any source from that? wasn't he in rehab for klonopin addiction which is a benzo? also he's always been pro medication as long as it's prescribed by a doctor (which his was)
what's the issue?

>> No.13922048


He vehemently stands against people of Caucasian - European descent, a mere 8% of the world's population, having any sort of agency, organization, or anything of the like, and categorically disbelieves in racial autonomy for them. He believes that 8%, the majority, should shut the fuck up and clean their rooms while the 92%, the minority, invade invade invade.

He is literally the exact same as the pain pills and antidepressants he shamefully was scarfing down like candy.

Jordan Peterson deserves ceaseless agony for the rest of his life.

>> No.13922062
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This has gotta be bait. Or you are Jewish.

>> No.13922080

Christcucks really cannot fucking meme

>> No.13922130

There's no proof that God intervenes period.

>> No.13922248

>see random cat
>try to pet it
>it runs away
>get depressed

>> No.13922262

He's advised using prescriptions to fight anxiety and depression for years. Boring attack.

>> No.13922273

His book should've been "12 narcotics for life"

>> No.13922274

Haha, That would have been an epicly funny gamer mome,t

>> No.13922281

Thomas Metzinger, Daniel Dennet

>> No.13922298

Peterson haters are dishonorable, repressed, envious and groveling little worms.

>> No.13922338

>what's the issue?
That he's a druggie and he thinks he can tell other people the proper way to live

>> No.13922362

He tells people to take prescriptions and he takes prescriptions, I bet you're jealous that he's so consistent.

>> No.13922363

This, but I'm not surprised since most people despise Peterson and anyone associated with the IDW. Whether it's reactionaries or commies, everyone agrees these people are retarded hack frauds.

>> No.13922369

>muh Capital

>> No.13922377

>writes a book against chaos
>overrunned by chaos

>> No.13922384

Entropy wins again.

>> No.13922394

just for now

>> No.13922424


>> No.13922542

beep beep incel alert

>> No.13922550

What I get from Ecclesiastes is the reminder that having couldn't matter when being is the lack, so nothing is gained by postponement in the use of nice things, or in denial generally, since time will do away with us in any case. Certain exceptions must be made for those who are romantically inclined, and imaginatively rich, but those are rare.

As for Job's nice things getting rekt before his natural time for enjoying them is up, yet also too late to make them back, let's just say that mere aspiration isn't much compared to a good nature, whether or not there is a god to listen when you pitch a bitch about His acts that some insurance is designed expressly to undo. Not that Job, The Book, prevents anyone from playing God by invoking naturalistic fallacies for similarly sarcastic shits and giggles He displays, so I get a kick imagining his wife cursing them, with properly aimed witchcraft.

>> No.13922593

fuck you all :)

>> No.13922599

Cringe you sound like a pussy, clean your room

>> No.13922600

We're on 4chan mate. One thing we aren't is fucked.

>> No.13922630 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13922668

Same anon here.

I think that's a possible way to read those books separately, but i believe that all the books of the Bible have multiple interpretations.
It is written in a very intelligent way, because you can take a book that individually has certain meanings and you can extract some conclusions from them, but then in the same way you can take two or three books together, not necessarily in the order they appear in the Bible, and you can find other meanings and draw other conclusions because of the way they reference each other.
The Bible it's a truly interesting compilation of books, because you have to come and go all the time to find all those different meanings, and you're going to mostly find them depending on what you're looking for.

>> No.13922717

fuck you faggot =)

>> No.13922777

Evolutionary psychology is not itself antithetical to theism; rather, it's the wholesale rejection of teleology. But, those who reject teleology seem pretty stoopid.

>> No.13922845

It's "those that can, do, those that can't, teach."

>> No.13922864

He never did in fact he supports SSRIS because he says they work

>> No.13922882

Capital just wants good things. It's the clergy of mammon who is the problem. Luckily they are branded cattle and cursed with ugliness so they are easy to spot.

>> No.13922946


>> No.13922952

>Certain exceptions must be made for those who are romantically inclined, and imaginatively rich, but those are rare.

What did you mean by this? (seriously)

>> No.13922983

>240 replies to an off-topic thread
Neck yourselves

>> No.13923024

Peterson's an author

>> No.13923699

No actually you're just a baby brain who cant complete the abstraction.

The top of the hierarchy isnt a set of imparatives, it's a personality that amalgimates them.

>> No.13923912

You dumbass, don't speak of someone's cognitive ability when you can barely spell. Your psychophastering isn't based on logic or science, just bullshit.

>> No.13923920

incels detected, could someone from the u.s report these two losers to the fbi before they do something awful? yikes.

>> No.13923946

I will gladly take any LSD I need to in order to assist the FBI study its effects on inceldom :)

>> No.13924121

>I'm not surprised since most people despise Peterson

Get out of /lit/ sometime.

>> No.13924375

Score one for Slavoj!

>> No.13924392

Top kek

>> No.13924473

But but but the New York Times said he was our leader!

>> No.13925765

Imagine celebrating the destruction of traditional European culture by the willing, guilty slaves of Semitic sun-worshipers. Your mass is tantamount to jerking your circumcised penis to blacked.com

>> No.13927476
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Worked for Trump

>> No.13927618

Read the book of Job

>> No.13927628

>clergy of mammon

>> No.13929010

literally who?

>> No.13929040

this is some post modern deconstruction if i have ever seen any.