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13916256 No.13916256 [Reply] [Original]

I newly joined workforce this year,I was really naive to think that as long as I work hard and mind my own business, my job would be simple. But some people seem to try to fuck over for no reason. Any good books that explain this kind of behavior and help me avoid these kind of people?

>> No.13916263

CS textbooks. Automate as many useless faggots as you can. That should be revenge enough.

>> No.13916281

You probably look like a wimp. These people are like fucking vultures, total sociopaths who look for an easy target to push around either to squeeze you dry or just to make themselves feel better. It's a lot easier putting someone else down than propping yourself up, it's like the wageslave version of bullying. I'd recommend being above 6' tall and lifting some weights. These corporate types are always fucking pussies, ALWAYS. And just the threat of you being looking like you could kick their ass is enough to make them think twice. Obviously, you'll never actually do it, probably, but think about it like the Cold War. You got ICBMs (biceps) and although you'll never get to practically apply them they're gonna make the other party back off.

>> No.13916486

>T. Never stepped in a high pressure office.

What you need is mental fortitude. I recommend going outdoors alone in harsh conditions on weekends. This will give you strength and tolerance to real pain, that will make office politics seem like a joke in comparison.

>> No.13916510

That's some based advice. 90% of office cucks are useless. They spend 2 hours working and then 6 hours pretending to work. Their work is completely meaningfulness too, it only helps someone else get richer. I can't wait for automation get rid of them

>> No.13916524

>g outdoors alone in harsh conditions on weekends.
Where and what conditions exactly? Can you make an example

>> No.13916536


>> No.13916539

Detroit, Sahara, Siberia, etc

>> No.13916540

Lmao what? Mental fortitude for what? Passive aggressive manlets with inflated egos? KEK

>> No.13916575

Not the same guy, but go outside, hike on your own, camp on your own, it sounds like bullshit but it will strengthen your will, confidence, and intuition. Alltrails is a great app to find local camping spots and hiking, don't go to heavily populated or curated spaces, try and rough it, and don't forget to hydrate faggot, fuck office politics, you got this

>> No.13916579

they are all passive aggressive manlets sure, but they can be some sneaky fucking weasels if your not on your shit.

>> No.13916615

I feel I should explain my post further

As a person like you and me, you need to adapt to fit in a high pressure office. You will be surrounded by very smart people, and underestimating them like people here suggest would be stupid.

You can take two roads

- The highway: Become a turbonormie: use you above average intelligence to become one of them on steroids. This may give you some earthly success but it may also kill you. It will certainly kill everything that made you come to this website. What you need to do: focus on building friendships, assimilate their Netflix, running and sports culture, marry one of them, etc.

- the high way: What I previously said. Embrace your differences and exploit you unique introverted or autistic talents. This will earn more sincere appreciation, and in my opinion it offers greater chances at earning wordly recompenses in the long run. Going /out/ is the easiest way to let out the pressure and help you overcome social anxiety without assimilating. See Ted Roosevelt. You will feel like the dude from fight club after fighting, without the scars (actual fighting won’t work, I’ve tried). Also lifting weights with a serious bodybuilding approach will just make you an anxious wreck like the good lads at /fit/.

>> No.13916699

The most offensive thing you can do in these environments is "just do the work". They will slaughter you for saying it.

>> No.13916725
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Try this...

>> No.13916754

god i'm glad i never had to take a job like this. what i shitty fucking life having to worry about meaningless fucking nonsense like office politics

>> No.13916758
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>childhood is think adults are super heroes
>adulthood is realizing they are normal people just getting by and doing the best they can
>kinghood is realizing there really are smart and capable people in the workforce and government
>godhood is realizing everyone really is a useless sack of shit and are literally not even trying to do their job

>> No.13916770
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>go outdoors alone on the weekend to build mental fortitude for your office job

Incredible advice man thank you

>> No.13916791

Marx desu

>> No.13916807
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people don't work to do their job, they work to not be fired (or sued). welcome to the iron cage of bureaucracy. and yes it will happen to you too or else you'll be fired and/or jailed.

>> No.13916851

wtf. and i thought i was a piece of shit for being a neet.

>> No.13916870
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Well done, Anon

>> No.13916874

One doesn't cancel out the other, faggot. You're still a piece of shit.

>> No.13916931

I didn't say I wasn't. Thinking like this is what keeps me in NEETdom though. At this point I've done so much reading and thinking that although I no longer have much social skills, I am not in a constant state of fear when faced with the minds of others. Only fear I have comes from the stigma of NEETdom, not everything in general (which is what it was previously, for my whole life). I remember just not handing in assignments in school because I feared the teacher reading what I had written. Now I feel like wandering the city, taking notes and starting conversations with strangers. I will try this soon. Soon, I think, I can start living and not going through life as if I'm avoiding landmines. Not appreciating or feeling anything but fear and aversion. The long road of building a character, personhood, me, which I had strictly avoided for 20yrs begins. Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.13916962

How do you earn money?

>> No.13916979

Good question. Kek.

>> No.13917017

Godspeed, Anon.

>> No.13917051

This 100%. I try so hard to just clock in, do the work, and clock out at my very normie SJW office job and I get relentlessly attacked and disciplined for it. They’re only happy when I act like I drank the kool aid and do nothing but schedule meetings for small talk or go to all the dumb diversity engagement meetings or talk about the organization’s mission or how to use “data” to “start a conversation”. It’s hell anons. My loser boss gave this place almost 20 years of his life after spending $30k for a bachelors degree. 20 years later he makes $70k a year (not measley, but not a lot for 20 years - this is high cost of living area btw) and had to transfer departments because one of his old employees accused him of harassment for telling her she was dressing too provocatively because she kept letter her tits hang out and wearing tight short dresses. He constantly rattles on about how he “loves this organization” and “the key is making connections” and “innovating”.

>> No.13917082

He makes his mother work for him

>> No.13917087

>How do you earn money?
This is the only thing that has stopped me from being a NEET. Seriously, from whom do you NEETs get money?
>Inb4 Government NEETbux and Bitcoin
Thats bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.13917250
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>Any good books that explain this kind of behavior and help me avoid these kind of people?

The No Asshole Rule

It's based on a HBS study that showed a net loss of productivity due to assholes regardless of how effective the assholes were at their job. Essentially, the assholes achieve any gains at the expense of other employees. Just common sense, really, but it's nice to see it quantified and studied formally.

One of the insights from the research was that effective organizations often have just one asshole and troll the fuck out of him as an example to the others.


You notice how these threads never have any useful advice? It's because there is no way to win these games.

My impression is that this only occurs because of our planned economy. Normally, young healthy businesses would start up and out-compete the bad ones. This can't happen now because:

1. Nobody owns any capital
2. Nobody can get a job because they have to prove they're too stupid to threaten the management
3. Nobody can borrow money because they have to prove they're too stupid to threaten the creditors
4. Nobody can sell their own products because they can't comply with all the regulations

The good news is that this doesn't last forever, because a country is too complex to be run by committee.

>> No.13917301

you guys ever head of the information super highway? the net? the web? it's not hard to earn money when you literally have a global customer base at your fingertips 24/7. why are wagecuck so clueless?

>> No.13917318

Give me some ideas, I'm retarded.

>> No.13917324

good post, stick around anon.

>> No.13917330

Aren't we going off topic, recommend me some books on Machiavelli-sm?

>> No.13917337

the bigger problem is forced "diversity" which also reduces productivity and confort in the workplace. the difference is its easy to just stop that requirement, with ads holes it may take time to find out they are an asshole of you can't tell at first sight

>> No.13917355

The Prince.

but really you should be reading the Bible and forgiving people for their sins. they're morons and do not know what they do.

>> No.13917367

No. I've had enough of it. You can forgive someone once, twice, even thrice. But anymore than that you just end up being a doormat.

>> No.13917386
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I went to business school, and we had a textbook with some very interesting chapters about office politics and persuasion. It deacribed strategies to manipulate (so you know what to look for) and how to deal with other people using such strategies. The book is in Norwegian, but maybe you can find something similar in English if you look for organizational theory textbooks.

>> No.13917387

While on this topic, can anyone recommend good behavioral books that could help in negotiations or business offers? Basically how to masterfully bullshit someone into your product.

>> No.13917388

I said forgive. Not forget. Why do you keep being a doormat.

>> No.13917390

Nah I do make some money online, have a bit saved up, and do all the housework and the like so my mother isn't usually too angry. Housework is mainly for my satisfaction as she stopped doing it a long time ago and is barely home. I started volunteering too (a path to employment, I hope). I will probably return to NEETdom but on better and financially stable terms.

>> No.13917467

Hersketeknikker? What's the name of the book?

>> No.13917585

Read American Psycho

>> No.13917586

Here's at least the most interesting thing I've ever read about office life:

>> No.13917604

wages are a thing of the past, now adays you need capital to either invest for profit, or own property to rent. earn passive income for doing nothing and than you can look down on people actually working for their money

>> No.13917974

Perspektiver på ledelse

>> No.13917991

Bow and The Club, by Evola

>> No.13918060


people are mocking you for this advice, but you're 100% correct. i think taking cold showers and a contact fighting sport like boxing or bjj would be easier, but that would certainly help. even just having your nerves burnt out helps. office drones go through the coffee/alcohol trap for eternity which also increases anxiety, cut that shit out

>> No.13918071


also don't forget to have a decent enough bankroll to quit at any time. for books, read seneca's shortness of life and taleb's bed of procrustes. those will help you learn fast and find other books too

>> No.13918150

Selfish Gene by Dawkins

>> No.13918303

I don't even pretend to work anymore and don't come to the office most of the time but everyone seems to think I am very busy and productive.