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13915159 No.13915159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Support pornography

>> No.13915164

He's so cute bros...

>> No.13915165

I hate pornography and support public executions of people who argue otherwise. Execute all trannies, pedos, murderers, porn-supporters, and cleanse this world of filth.
I just don't like such subversive and lewd displays. Fuck modern pop culture trash, and I hope Bowie, Mercury, and all those degenerate faggots are burning in hell. You can go there and join them, disgusting scum. You can go become some kind of penis demon reminiscent of SMT if you want. FUCK YOU. I wish I could just put my hand through cyberspace and choke you from the other side.

>> No.13915172
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>> No.13915180


>> No.13915181

ugly he looks like lord farquad

>> No.13915189

>I wish I could just put my hand through cyberspace and choke you from the other side.

I wish you could too

>> No.13915194
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Can do.

>> No.13915198

>FUCK YOU. I wish I could just put my hand through cyberspace and choke you from the other side.
Don't go giving me false hopes on your promise, lover boy ;)

>> No.13915203

I'm tired of seeing sex

>> No.13915206

unironically basado

>> No.13915210

b a s e d

>> No.13915220

>claims to hate porn
>knowledgeable about jrpgs
Something doesn't add up here.

>> No.13915287

>rape on tape is Good Actually also yallidarity
hmm yes quite m'lordy methinks mayhaps thoust've earnt this "I'm Sorry Women" snap-back cap for thine advocacy

>> No.13915363
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>watch one of his videos that's meant to be informative
>10 minutes of actually succinctly explaining a basic philosophical concept
>20-30 minutes of relating that concept to communism and shilling for communism

>> No.13915365


>> No.13915467



>> No.13915470

was it a video on hegel? its always the videos on hegel that do this

>> No.13915477

What a revolting person. It's a shame we don't have feminists like Dworkin around anymore to put these coomers in their place.

>> No.13915487

COOMERS are inheriting the world

>> No.13915489

no thanx

>> No.13915499
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Anon lashes out in impotent rage at what he cannot understand, poor fool, and never will he understand why his rage and unhappiness lingers despite adhering to societal expectations. I revel in deliberately and aggressively breaking cultural norms, I bask in "degeneracy," nothing is as sublime as crossing the threshold into the profane.Truly, cuckoldry is the thinking mans fetish.

>> No.13915562

>Truly, cuckoldry is the thinking mans fetish.
cuckoldry's a fine fetish as long as you're not the cuckold, which is pathetic and grotesque

>> No.13915573

Pornography caters to our lower, base desires, not even for sex, but for shock and taboo. Pornographers are just attention whores and jews, stealing your precious attention from the real beauty in life.

>> No.13915653

Extremely based and redpilled.

>> No.13915692

far from it

>> No.13915695

It's THE definition of pathetic.

>> No.13915714

>he says without defining what pathetic is
Isn't this supposed to be the smart philosophical board? You guys are just as retarded as the rest of this god forsaken shit hole, yet with a thin veneer of superiority because you took some entry level community college courses.
What a fucking joke

>> No.13915731

Don't trust the explainy bit, he often gets even very basic ideas of very well-known philosophers wrong.

>> No.13915739

Can a man BE more based?

>> No.13915747

>letting other men fuck your woman that you care and provide for isn't pathetic
Then what is.

It's about the most unmanly thing you can do. It might even be worse than being penetrated yourself.

>> No.13915762

>still not an argument
>appealing to the male as provider cliche
>relating that element to sexual expression for no reason
>gay men have their maleness voided completely
If all of society says that being fucked in the ass is unmanly, and you stand up to that and proudly get ass fucked, that sounds to me like the supreme rebellion of a man aggressively living his life the way he wants, that sounds to me like the manliest action you take

>> No.13915769

Most of society probably wouldn't want to lick a toilet bowl and eat shit, that doesn't make it impressive or admirable to do so.

>> No.13915787

deviant degenerates btfo for all eternity

>> No.13915789

Ok, so now we are equating manliness with being impressive or admirable, which again is appealing to an adherence to societal norms. Is being manly doing what will garner you the most approval from your peers? Is that your definition of manliness?
Because to me, the essential masculine spirit is one of rebellion, of asserting your position in the world regardless of what that means. I would call a shit-licker commendable, in fact I would call him a man.

>> No.13915797

You have pathetically low standards. This board continues to disappoint.

>> No.13915808
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>I would call a shit-licker commendable, in fact I would call him a man

>> No.13915809

>the essential masculine spirit is one of rebellion
I think you mean the Satanic spirit, which is not masculine at all, it's a loser cope.

>> No.13915810

>You can go become some kind of penis demon reminiscent of SMT if you want
If you know about SMT is because you are a degenerate.

>> No.13915811

what makes a man a man anon

>> No.13915812

lmao absolutely irredeemable degenerate right here

>> No.13915816

1) Being a father (ie. not a genetic dead end)
2) Being a leader
3) Being respected by men
4) Being desired by women

Your disgusting perversions alienate you from all of the above in the worst possible way.

>> No.13915817

based , also bring back the pilori

>> No.13915818

Interesting, because all I have so far regarding how /lit/ defines masculinity is some vague puritan ideas about degeneracy?

>> No.13915822

>dude chain yourself to the biological imperative to reproduce, your sole purpose is to follow your most basic animal instincts to reproduce for the sole purpose of producing other people
lol, cukcoldry
>dude your measure of a man is based on the approval of other people, why? No reason at all
>dude you NEED THE APPROVAL OF OTHER PEOPLE or else you arent a man
sounds pretty gay dude
>the measure of a man is women
lol actual literal cuckoldry
What a sad, sad state of affairs you've got yourself into lad

>> No.13915829

Ok, just forget about Christianity for a second.

Degeneracy is that which goes against nature. We are made to do things according to our nature, which will ultimately bring the most satisfaction and enjoyment of life.

Denying what you are meant to be will only bring suffering (If not now, later). Degenerate lifestyles are self destructive which is why they aren't the norm, or humanity would be long extinct.

>> No.13915833

A winner does what he desires and achieves all 4. A loser rejects all 4 and pretends he is a man.

>> No.13915834

have sex incel

>> No.13915836
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>> No.13915837
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>> No.13915841

Is there a single left-wing youtuber that is worth listening to? all of these faggots seem to follow this formula >>13915363
I don't mind him being critical of capitalism, but when it's just commie preaching it gets on my nerves

>> No.13915842

You aren't off to a good start if you are basing your moral system on what is generally agreed to be a fucking fallacy, jesus christ man get it together.
You still have not justified the original 4 points in anyway, you are a boring waste of fucking time, stop
If its so bad I imagine it would be supremely easy to debunk what I'm saying no? Seems like you all are having a pretty rough time. Is it too late for the actual intellectuals to be participating or what??

>> No.13915851

Cuck philosophy makes some good content when he's not ranting about Peterson

>> No.13915852

Appeal to nature is only a "fallacy" if you're completely retarded

>> No.13915862

Nice job justifying it you mental midget fuck nut. While you are at make sure you never wear a condom because HIV is completely natural, stop eating processed foods, don't even eat any human grown food because its not "natural," take off your clothes and go walk out of that artificial house and into the woods like the fucking animal you are. You can do better than this man.

>> No.13915863

1) Follow God / the natural order
2) Follow pleasure

If you're following pleasure, then why even reason about it at all, surely you don't need to logically justify anything.

Alternative, tell us how you arrive at any possible foundation besides these.

>> No.13915865


>> No.13915867

I don't need to wear condoms because I only have sex with my wife. We don't eat processed foods, we grow our own. Agriculture is a necessary modern imposition due to land ownership.

>> No.13915871

You realise the chance of catching HIV from vaginal intercourse is like 1 in 10,000. Just look up the studies, you know, science that you believe in so much. The only reason it's an epidemic now is because of unnatural buttsex.

>> No.13915873

seems like what constitutes 'natural' changes at your convenience, how fortunate for you

>> No.13915876

how can you miss the point of that example so badly fucking lmao, I'm going to assume that you agree with the general premise FUCK

>> No.13915882

Our lifestyle is as close as we can get with an antagonistic state that rules over us. Yes, long term partnership is natural. There are plenty of examples of life long partners in the animal kingdom.

Also, Look at any man who was raised by a single parent (Probably you) and see what a disgrace they turned into. Humans need both parents to develop properly.

>> No.13915883

Just came here to thank you. I'm sick of all this Jewish scum. Death to all pornogrophers spreading their degenerate filth onto little children's phones. Fuck this filthy place called earth I want to die

>> No.13915886


>> No.13915888

You have to know your enemies in order to defeat them.

>> No.13915898

I don't like these pop philosophy channels that try to entertain me with flair and good writing while pushing their ideas. Then again, I like philosophical books that are narrative-driven and entertaining, so I am a hypocrite.
When Philosophy Tube person made a video where he argues against someone else who is criticizing him (played by himself, and written by himself) and wins the argument that he has written against himself I could not bear to watch anymore. A 20 minute video where you argue against an imagined critic written by yourself and emerge victorious, it was ridiculous.

>> No.13915905

If you are going to make an appeal to how to raise children, our biology and psychology has literally evolved from tribal societies in which the entire village raises a child, and fleeting partnerships between multiple people were common. Adhering so hard the naturalistic fallacy while desperately trying to justify your artificial life style is fucking hilarious. What would you call the interaction we are having right now, long distance through computers my guy? Did you vaccinate your kid? They born in a hospital? Ever take them to the doctor?

>> No.13915917

>our biology and psychology has literally evolved from tribal societies in which the entire village raises a child
Yes, that's why we go to church. So they are surrounded by good influences.

>the interaction we are having right now, long distance through computers
I'm only here to help degenerates realise the error of their ways. Just doing my part to make the world a little better.

All these things are optional of course.

>> No.13916004

In which of his vids does he claim this. Only watched one of his videos so far and lost almost all interest in ever watching one again.

>> No.13916010

Basado y rojocapsulado.

>> No.13916029

Yeah this is based

>> No.13916035

This unironically.

>> No.13916038
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I already do.

>> No.13916040

Only Japanese cartoon pornography
>that pic
>Whoever kills the ogre shall be named champion! Have at him!

>> No.13916064

11 people called this post based. We need a new word.

>> No.13916067


>> No.13916070

This guy is so fucking cringe, cookie cutter fucking trash “British” humour, with his faux eloquence. I know you browse this board philosophy tube, stop shilling your shit and go fuck your self