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File: 58 KB, 638x451, news-247-late-capitalism-and-the-ends-of-sleep-by-jonathan-crary-unlimited-1-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13911654 No.13911654 [Reply] [Original]

will the next anti capitalist revolution will be about sleep rather then bread? after reading this is seems that the only sphere the capitalism didnt colonized yet is our sleeping hours so now it declared war on it.

>> No.13912674

This but unironically. Look up Pokemon sleep.
>What if you could continue training your Pokémon...even in your sleep?
>In 2016, Pokémon GO turned the simple act of walking into entertainment, making the entire world into a game. We’re about to do it again, Trainers—this time, for sleeping.
From the official pokemon twitter

>> No.13913958

the only authentic resistance to global capitalism is white nationalism/natsoc

>> No.13914061

>i will be a wage cuck so long as my boss is white

>> No.13914068

This is true, just not in the way you think.
Whites are the ones who benefit from the global capitalism system, so when they grow a conscience and overthrow the system, the rest of the world has no reason to maintain it in their own countries and will phase it out.

>> No.13914069

imagine being this pozzed
we lost already

>> No.13914078

when whites grow a conscience and overthrow the system they will become "niggers". they will loose all positivist notions about themselves and become the bottomless pit of rage that is the proletarian

>> No.13914243

whites benefit the least from global capitalism, are you kidding me?

>> No.13914283


lol ok


>> No.13914292

there will never be an anti capitalist revolution in our lifetimes

>> No.13914293

Kek, can tell you faggots have never worked.
>do 12 hour shift
>come home and dream about running pallets across the warehouse
>manage to defeat time and pull a 25-28 hour shift every day
>spend spare time dreaming about becoming a neet

>> No.13914360

Ah yes, the race that has managed to export all the exploitation to other races doesn't benefit at all from global capitalism.
Most resources that whites enjoy were and are forcefully taken from other races. Other races have to do the hard work of industry while whites enjoy all the fruits of their labour. Do you think working in a factory is pleasant? No.
Whites can just sit around in offices all day and get paid for doing just that. How is that not benefitting from global capitalism?

>> No.13914403

hmm, no I don't think so. crary shows how technology enables a capitalism that is not regulated by human cycles, and the fact that sleep is the sole uncolonized domain I think is just evidence of this.

like >>13914292 said, there won't be an anti capitalist revolution any time soon. tech and capitalism are at this point forever entwined. social media and technological modes of communication continue to dominate, and any notion of an anti tech revolution born from these circles seems absurd to me.

>> No.13914539

You misread

>> No.13914544


>> No.13914565
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>it will turn sleeping into entertainment

That's it. We've gone too far. Who the fuck needs to be entertained while sleeping.

>> No.13914569
File: 149 KB, 600x1003, oeof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying all the masses of Indians/Chinese and various nationalities the world over revolting wouldn't have more of an impact than a bunch of restless white kids

nationalism truly rots

>> No.13914570

You mean traditional Christianity, right?

>> No.13914581

Congratulations, your life sucks. Why would I want to do this?

>> No.13914614

this. people who haven't worked longer than 8 hours will think you're joking, but i know what its like. the worst part isn't the dreams, its the hallucinations as you're trying to fall asleep. even as you feel your ego receding into the void with the sun, the visual inputs which bombarded your brain for the past 12-16 hours come crashing back in like a crashing wave - you can't escape.

>> No.13914643

that's why I was so happy when I was let go from my desk job. Absolutely soul-crushing and the antithesis of joy

>> No.13914673

i'm going to quit my job and just work nights at a gas station so i can read and lift weights all day. i've given up on ever becoming a financially stable "adult" with a "house" and a "family." as long as i can make 400 bucks a month for rent plus enough to buy 4-5 books a month and 3000-4000 cals a day, i'll have enough to get by. it might be a struggle, but i'm sure it'll beat slavery. i'm just so fucking sick of this.

>> No.13914723

Whites are the ones who benefit from the global capitalism system
This is true
>so when they grow a conscience and overthrow the system
The system won’t ever be overthrown. >>13914243
>whites benefit the least from global capitalism
only if you chose a shit career and life in the city
You settled for a shitty job
>You mean traditional Christianity, right?
read Nietzsche and Will to Power. >>13914673
work in the trades you lazy fuck >>13911654
It’s untouched because we’ve already optizmized sleep naturally through evolution. It’s not beneficial to fuck with the most crucial aspect of your money making machine. But anyway, there won’t be any new revolutions for the next hundred years. America will sit atop dominant, as the europoors succumb to their spirit of cuckism and empathy which fully bankrupts them, Asia continues to follow the west, and third world remains third world. Also- anyone who gnaws at the bit for revolution needs to be lined up against a wall and shot.

>> No.13914760
File: 499 KB, 1680x914, 1fc105a50e43c777997b3c05a0aaa7fa849cf0e31e705e1e6b4a875dc76b168e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work in the trades you lazy fuck
i do work in a trade. you clearly don't have any idea what you're talking about, and you are clearly new here.

>> No.13914789

I’m a concrete finisher and subcontractor, I know exactly what I’m talking about. Either you’re a lazy piece of shit who doesn’t bode well intense physical labor and teamwork, are retarded enough that you can’t find a better paying job, or you’re a europoor and are just fucked. I work eight hours a day and bring home 1200 a week after 40 hours. It’s really easy to be honest, and this is coming from someone who cooks and prepares literally everything I eat, lifts each day, and runs every other; all of this is paired with an hour of reading at night. If you cannot do what I do, you are weak. Have sex.

>> No.13914804
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>> No.13914863
File: 173 KB, 665x718, 8A900740-78FD-4954-888C-D9AB8D9F93B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 24.

>> No.13914925

oh, so you're just a complete cuck then? enjoy throwing your life in the trash.

>> No.13914959

lol I average 3000 after 40 for a dumbass office job where I just browse the internet for most of the day. enjoy being a serf.

>> No.13915021
File: 108 KB, 902x976, 4398A76A-D5FE-45DE-ACAB-13B0C60CC66C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own my own company and am building my own house next year.
wagie wagie enjoy your cagie. you’re bragging about a job that isn’t even necessary. quite pathetic. at least I can take pictures of my completed projects and feel an overwhelming sense of satisfaction know I’m self sufficient and extremely good at what I do, thereby making me inherently invaluable to the contractors who wish to employ me. enjoy being an office slave sitting under fluorescent lights for the next forty years

>> No.13915453

Nice muscles faggot, I don't remember clicking on /fit/

>> No.13915550
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>> No.13917173

99% of people work shit jobs. It's called shitwork for a reason. Welcome to reality faggot.

>> No.13917188


>> No.13917192

This is why I end up quitting most jobs.

>> No.13917439

>Welcome to reality faggot
wow you really have given up and completely fell for the wage-master rhetoric and tricks. sad.

>> No.13917453

Show the way out then genius. Where is the city or even town where more than 1% of people can live as an 'elite'?
You're just a fucking larper on 4chan. Probably a zoomer with middle class parents who think they have it great. Go to facebook if you want to upset people with your trolling.

>> No.13917473
File: 48 KB, 700x525, themodern ben woolfitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'e nothing more than a glorified lego model builder. And the fact that you don't realise you are part of this shit just shows that your soul is dead.
But keep enjoying Playskool for Adults.

>> No.13917491
File: 165 KB, 1000x555, 1525193563356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, and he's a magatard

>> No.13917657

> i cant live as an elite so i have to be a wage slave
if you had an IQ higher than a nigger, you'd be able to figure out that those aren't the only options to create a comfortable and successful life. but run along now, don't you have a time clock to punch so you can trade your fleeting life time to make your boss more wealth?

>> No.13917691
File: 227 KB, 1122x1083, E48C0F73-2F48-457B-8FB5-BD12E2883B18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
