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File: 32 KB, 636x773, NPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13913875 No.13913875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What if npcs are the enlightened ones?

>no toughts
>mind only in the present
>total peace at all times

>> No.13913887
File: 1.82 MB, 600x255, 98410070-ACBC-4175-8337-A06E16053FFE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13913904

The npc meme appeals to snowflakes who are not as special or important as they think.
Its a deluded narcissistic way to view others.

>> No.13913977

post your chin and jawline with a timestamp

>> No.13913978

snowflake is more of a meme than npc

>> No.13913987

If that was the case, the Buddha would have been a monkey and Socrates an ass. You see, the qualities you named are most prominent in animals.

>> No.13913990

gtfo tripfag

>> No.13914062

this can scarcely be thought in the same way that it can be scarcely be thought that babies are happy, or that alcoholics can stop drinking whenever they want

>> No.13914086

pseud detected.
buddhism is full of examples of looking towards animals as examples of how to live one's life and organize one's thoughts.

>> No.13914116
File: 89 KB, 322x496, walden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody is a snowflake tho

>> No.13914122

>triggered snowflake detected

>> No.13914131

Out of Ignorance, no better than an animal

>> No.13914140
File: 31 KB, 400x320, E42E5CF0-AD76-440A-B454-E4A8E4EA0151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost there

>> No.13914184

He has a point. We should all just chill, read books, and take our chances at carousel like everyone else.

>> No.13914453

It's a good way to get taken advantage of.

>> No.13914682

You can ask the counterpoint, does being redpilled make your life better?

>> No.13914722

In most systems animal ways of being (and their internal analogies in our organs) are parts of us that we have to integrate, properly harness, and properly care for. Goethe said something about man being all the animals guided by an angel, and that a great part of our potential was the ability to understand, accommodate, and train these "inner animals".

(The Greeks had the same idea with their pantheon instead of animals, similarly with the Hindus.)

>> No.13914727

What did she mean by this.

Nice movie btw

>> No.13914755

>not posting chin and jawline
You are an npc

>> No.13914758
File: 413 KB, 1024x576, 9D20CDB5-5AE8-4DF1-B5EB-07449ED30A68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No thoughts
>Mind only in the present
>Total peace at all times
>Prevent accidents
>And be happy


>> No.13914766

Sorry, didn't recognize the gif was from the film as well.

>> No.13914776

An added scene actually.

>> No.13914799

This. The huge majority of 4chan memes since 2016 have been created and used to inflate the self confidence of the losers on here. Normies, NPCs, giga chad, soiboy wojak, etc. Go on /lit/ and look at all the stupid insults people use. Midwit, brainlet, shitwit, bugman, incel, and so on. There's just about a new one created every month and too many to count.
These people have low self-confidence so they spend all day convincing themselves that they are better than these imaginary soiboys, normies, chads, stacies and tyrones.

>> No.13915577

The other way around, the overblown "enlightenment" of westernized commoditized Buddhism is nothing more than being an NPC.

>> No.13915768

the npc meme is mostly bullshit made up by people who want to feel superior, it started on r9k so thew unemployed incels could feel better than normies, it's fair to say some people think less than others and are more impressionable but that's it

>> No.13915775

People will be mad at you for this but it’s the truth

>> No.13915785

But how can anyone be better than and not be a Chad or a Stacy?

>> No.13915799

Do i have to accept Egoist Epicureanism Nietzscheanism to reach the top?

>> No.13915845

aye, a lot of 'chan culture' is loser cope

>> No.13915853

Why are you here then, or are you simply self-aware?

>> No.13915890

Isn't that the point of the anime movie 'Harmony'?
One of the characters is from a small ethnic group that are p-zombies. Her consciousness was coincidentally born after being abducted and raped, and wants everyone to become like she once was so as to end suffering. Especially in the context of a modern, controlled and sanitised world where it is easy to lack purpose and place, or simply the room to find such things.

It's not as if the more popular meme currents aren't also about shaming others and propping oneself up. Most of what he listed is used all over the net too, much more than is used elsewhere but not here. If anything chans is more open and accepting, at least compared to platforms like Twitter. Well, at least a lot of people are selfaware here. That's one thing I don't like about small imageboards, far too few are selfaware.

>> No.13915896

(Not him), I simply don't participate in using these insults and am only here for the book recommendations, shitposts and these extremly rare good threads/discussions that occur every once in a while.

>> No.13915903

I enjoy ruining the sekrit club circle jerk safe space echo chambers to spite racist mysogynistic bigots and other misfits; chan imageboards are an interesting medium that doesnt deserve to be under the thumb of those losers.

>> No.13915946

>>no thoughts
You can't have the latter if the former is a condition. You can enjoy a measure of serenity if thinking is something you enjoy rather than endure, despite how troublesome setting up the conditions for it is even under favorable circumstances.
Bugman would be apt if only the usage were restricted to those who, by whatever combination of nature and nurture produced them, feel most at home in despotic cult-like regimes, among the humorless and the unempathic, or when submitting to stultifying dogma. NPC would be great for paid trolls, and others easily accustomed to desperate expediency. The rest of the terms mentioned are transparently silly if borderline sendup, even insofar as they're invoked through malice, and acted out in the masochism of unselfconscious self-caricature. Is anything as completely mad as existing permanently in the mental state a method actor works in? That doesn't even qualify as play in the sense of a play.

>> No.13916016
File: 6 KB, 228x250, 2c21170c38a80a77e7a7cdb0ec076ce8-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This. The huge majority of 4chan memes since 2016 have been created and used to inflate the self confidence of the losers on here. Normies, NPCs, giga chad, soiboy wojak, etc. Go on /lit/ and look at all the stupid insults people use. Midwit, brainlet, shitwit, bugman, incel, and so on. There's just about a new one created every month and too many to count.
These people have low self-confidence so they spend all day convincing themselves that they are better than these imaginary soiboys, normies, chads, stacies and tyrones.

>> No.13916113

>The huge majority of 4chan memes since 2016
The huge majority of 4chan since 2016 is one gigantic LARP.