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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.65 MB, 1600x1542, Iran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13909441 No.13909441 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books from this country?

>> No.13909443

something something persia

>> No.13909504

One Thousand and One Nights

>> No.13909524

Thus Spoke Zoroaster

>> No.13909782

Faramarz Aslanı is a fantastic Persian musician. Im certain his lyrics are poetic.

>> No.13909791

Sadegh Hedayat's The Blind Owl

>> No.13909974

Good rec, thanks

>> No.13910235

Rubáiyát of Omar Khayy ́am

Just a poem though.

>> No.13910360

Anything you can get your hands on by Sohrab Sepehri
Divane Hafez
The Blind Owl

>> No.13910362


>> No.13910373 [DELETED] 

I hope the situation in Iran ends gets better and for all. They seem so be good guys with good literature and films as well. Certainly more Western that the rest of the Middle East.

>> No.13910380
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>> No.13910393

I hope the situation in Iran ends and Iran gets better and for all. They seem to be good guys with good literature and films as well. Certainly more Western that the rest of the Middle East.

>> No.13910404

Conference of the Birds

>> No.13910416

>Certainly more Western that the rest of the Middle East.
shut the fuck up you dumb mutt

>> No.13910434

Make me, faggot.

>> No.13910507

I'm sure there are self-loathing iranians who love to think of themselves as western, but the sociopolitical landscape of iran is nowhere near "western", pal.

Also, the most based iranian poetry is rooted in the sufi idea understanding and seeing through material existence in order to achieve unity with god. I think you could say it's a vaguely platonic idea and dudes like rumi and hafez definitely read plato, but "western"?
Film came from the west. Books didn't.

>> No.13910517
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I said more Western than the rest of the region, not as Westerm as the West. Pic related was Iran in the 60s before the revolution.

>> No.13910631

The man who would be king Kipling

>> No.13910634
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I somewhat agree, but pictures don't tell the whole story.
pic related, kabul 1972

>> No.13910648

So by western you mean late capitalist pop culture

>> No.13910944
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I'm glad women can't dress like this anymore in Iran. They're country is making progress while the West is devolving into deeper degeneracy and filth. The fact that women are even legally allowed to go out dressed like pic related shows a completely immoral and barbaric society.

>> No.13910959

A middle ground would be alright. No need to dress like whores but also not like ninjas. Either case sexually progressive societies have us mathematics, science and art, while sexually regressive societies gave us the dark ages.

>> No.13910967

LMAO seethe harder incel. You won’t ever get this booty ;)

>> No.13910970

those are nice tits, faggot. you're lucky you get to see as much as you can.

>> No.13910985

Although people are blind to it today, the so-called "dark ages" are the periods of history when God's light shone brightest on humanity.

>> No.13910998
File: 379 KB, 1400x1971, ISLAMIC-REVOLUTION-INTIFADA-STREET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are thinking like animals, not human beings. I pray that God will show you the true path and free you from the darkness in which you have been hiding from Him.

>> No.13911010

Begone Mudslime. /lit/ is a Christian board.

>> No.13911031

>God creates nice tits and lust
>he doesn’t make it so that it is impossible to be sexually attracted to someone unless you’re married
>now he proposes to “free” me of this “sin” he put inside me by shackling my penis
Not a god I respect. Zeus will rain thunderbolts down on allahs turban while one of his mistresses sucks him off.

>> No.13911335
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Iran IS the middle ground. They aren't dressed like ninjas. They wear scarfs, but loosely, still showing off the hair. Modest, yet beautiful
Lust is a sin

>> No.13911350

fuck off mohammed

>> No.13911569

fuck off kike
You can't be friends with both GulfArabs/Jews and Iranians. You have to pick either GulfArabs/Jews (same thing) OR Iranians.

>> No.13911594

Zoroastrians were even more obsessed with purity, dumb fucker. Anti-degeneracy is an important part of Iranian culture since pre-Islamic times.

>> No.13911606

"God did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious."
- Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

>> No.13911652

Kartir Hangirpe said similar things.
I prefer Kartir Hangirpe because Iranian identity is inextricably tied with Zoroastrianism. The issue with Islam is it is anti-Persian, which is why it won't survive in Iran. A lot of Abrahamic faiths did take influence from Zoroastrianism though (e.g., angels & demons, praying five times a day, afterlife of heaven or hell, etc.)
It's normal in the modern West to make levity out of peoples' suffering (e.g., black humor, sarcasm, etc.), but such things didn't exist in Pre-Islamic Iran either.
If it were up to me, I would just let Turks rule over the Gulf Arabs and Levantines again whereas Iranians would refocus on reuniting Turan (i.e., Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, etc.)
Even Turks could do a better job ruling over Israel than Jews themselves.

>> No.13913030

Very based, I agree

>> No.13913074

I actually want Iran to become Zoroastrian and isolate plus distance itself from the West more though.

>> No.13913160

Intelligence and Spirit

>> No.13913213
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My Uncle Napoleon is the only right answer.

>> No.13913263

>I actually want Iran to become Zoroastrian
That's not how you spell Orthodox
>and isolate plus distance itself from the West

>> No.13913287

I don't like Christianity or Islam.

>> No.13913540

Too bad. What draws you towards the fire, so to speak?

>> No.13914211
File: 106 KB, 228x216, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using picture of persian sluts to justify erroneous statement about iranian culture

>> No.13914833

You do realise that after Thailand Iran is the world capital for sex change operations right? Likewise they also allow temporary marriage for the sake of prostitution. Is that progress ?

>> No.13915490

House of Gaudy Gold Decor

>> No.13915493

For philosophy, anything by Mulla Sandra, GOAT Islamic philosopher.

>> No.13915503


>> No.13915914

>more western than the rest of the middle east
YIKES my fellow anglo

>> No.13916039

Better than nothing for sure, though the sex change idea was by far the worst product of the Islamic Revolution.

>> No.13916049

It's strange how little Iranian lit posted here, considering that nation has produced the greatest poets. Iranians are very well read people too. It's not uncommon for them to read at cafes on the daily.

>> No.13916295

Any classical or contemporary novel or short story masterpieces from Iran, and I mean something actually good and universalist or at least historical, and not some Westernised refugee complaining about fundamentalism, Islam or women's rights.

>> No.13917339

It depends what you mean by "Western". If you mean "Indo-European", then yes, undoubtedly so. Both Pre and Post-Islamic Iran had the tripartite, later fourfold, class system and an Indo-European language. Pre-Islamic Iran also had Indo-European mythical atmosphere of dragons, fire & sun worship, similar cosmogony myths as Celts involving the sacrifice of a primordial cow, divine twins, and etc. The video game Dark Souls can, in a sense, be considered a homage, but pessimistic inversion, of all Indo-European myths, and it would not seem odd to Sassanids, especially consider each household had eternal flames to ward off Ahriman's darkness.


I would argue the differences in modern times are also exaggerated. Both modern Europe and Iran follow Abrahamic filth and worship desert peoples. However, to the credit of Europe, Latin is the liturgical language of Catholicism, which is an IE language. However, Arabic -- the language of Islam -- is pretty bad for Iranians. Before the Revolution, less than 10% of Arabic loanwords were used, but now around 40% is used for obvious reasons.

The old liturgical language of Iranians was both Old and Younger Avestan. In my view, the Gathas is the holiest part of Zend Avesta, the only part going back to Zarathustra, and the rest being more interpretative. The inscriptions of Darius I also hold equal importance with the Gathas.

>> No.13917908

Where to start? I know you said anything, but there is plenty to choose from

>> No.13917946

>more Western
As an Iranian I think that's the worst part. We need to overcome degenerate Western influence, not succumb to it..

>> No.13918162

Anon, do you have any book recommendatioms for Iranian literature, particularly prose?

>> No.13918753


>> No.13918762

yeah let's keep your women as ninjas and stone them.

>> No.13918816
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>> No.13918901

I hope Trump glasses the mullahs. Iranians have an IQ of 84 by the way, five points lower than the UAE and six lower than Turkey.

>> No.13919704

Ninjas could avoid a silly stone

>> No.13919741


more known for their poetry, try rumi and hafez

>> No.13919750

they're cool by me

>> No.13919763

unfortunately Ferdowsi's writings lose alot in translation, as he made up alot of words to fit the poetry. it just doesn't translate well

>> No.13919841

>believing Lynn/Vanhanen's bullshit stats
They didn't even go to Iran and take IQ stats in urbanized areas. Only Valentine in 1959 took stats, but it was more in broken down rural areas during a time of poverty. Tehran and many other cities have their intellectual elite.