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File: 1016 KB, 2008x2400, 102111_Pinker_344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13906498 No.13906498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>dude everything is great, we live in the best society ever bro
How is this hack fraud taken seriously in academia?

>> No.13906508

He beat up Nietzsche with his bare hands and everyone is too scared to say anything to him since

>> No.13906512

He's a Jew.

>> No.13906516

Academics are bourgeois swine who live comfortable lives. They need to be forced out to the fields, mines and factories and live lives of hard labor.

>> No.13906517
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*retroactively refutes Pinker*

>> No.13906524

Not at all respected in academia. He plays to the successful who want to be reminded that they deserve their success. Also, being friends with Epstein opened a lot of doors (asses)

>> No.13906528
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jewish nepotism in academia.

>> No.13906529

He's not taken seriously. Chomsky has said multiple times that his books are not considered serious by any well-established academics.

>> No.13906551

Then how is he a professor at Harvard?

>> No.13906564

Same way Jared Kushner entered Harvard despite having mediocre grades.

>> No.13906574
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Because he's a professor of psychology. His books like Enlightenment Now have nothing to do with psychology.

>> No.13906580

So he's basically Jordan Peterson?

>> No.13906610

>his books are not considered serious by...academics
So you're arguing that he was given a professorship at Harvard because of his books? That makes Harvard even MORE pathetic.

>> No.13906620

The man enjoys his life. He's as much of a star that an academic can be, has had a prestigious and successful career researching and teaching at top universities, his work recognized and his voice heeded.

It's only natural to view the world through the optimistic lens a good life gives you. That's where he's wrong. All the statistics in the world can't explain away the deep discontent and malaise shrouding the culture. New wars, economic contractions, and political unrest are bubbling up at a slow simmer, ready to combust at the first sign of ignition. People by the millions are lost in a depressive, digital world of illusion, alienated and disconnected. Rattle it too much and the whole architecture of the world order could come crashing down in a hail of broken splinters and debris.

>> No.13906629

Not to mention all the kids he’s fucked.

>> No.13906635

the peterson of libtards.
he's gonna eat his words when society collapses within 2 decades.

>> No.13906669

Jordan Peterson is a liberal himself you know

>> No.13906673

Can you precisely point out why it isn´t though? From the "humanistic/utilitarian/universalistic/anglojew" POV to be precise.

>> No.13906674

he has a stake in this society. when it collapses he will die together with it


>> No.13906677

I doubt many liberals actually like Pinker, though. He's more of a top shelf self-help guru for millionaires who don't want to think their actions hurt the poor.

>> No.13906702

house intellectual existed since Aristotle and Plato. the trouble today is that there are no Diogenes to beat them up with a plucked chicken,

the closest we have is The Pie Brigade


>> No.13906752

can't wait until I can go dirlewanger mode on silicon valley
gonna put elon musk's head on a pike

>> No.13906753

see >>13906620

>> No.13906826
File: 217 KB, 548x670, 1564755080619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nooo! You are wrong and this is actually not the best time to be alive because I am scared by the news and also am sad because I don't have a gf
>I don't care about the facts, they are a jew conspiracy

>> No.13906893

>How is this hack fraud taken seriously in academia?
But he isn't. He's fucking irrelevant.

>> No.13906939

>All the statistics in the world can't explain away the deep discontent and malaise shrouding the culture

yes your armchair perspective fueled by depression due to virginity and lack of income are more important than any quantifiable figures regarding human welfare people can come up with

>> No.13906945

Why are leftoids and liberals so obsessed with this?

>> No.13906948

People who lose sleep over the meaning of life are living as kings.

>> No.13906953


I hate women and niggers just as much as the next anon, you're just a huge faggot. nobody cares about your gay opinion

>> No.13906976
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>> No.13906982

Did he really??

>> No.13906997

Is that Lawrence Krauss?

>> No.13907003

You really fail at this meme. The entire point of it is to use to do something that violates the law, social norms, or ethics.


You make very narrow examples with obtuse explanations that make the entire jeer one gets out of this meme non-existent. I take it you are ESL.

>> No.13907010

When will hacks like this see that human perceptions of success/satisfaction/happiness do not scale this these absolutist measures like GDP/cap, infant mortality, literacy etc.

>> No.13907019
File: 112 KB, 785x731, 1567011390862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You really fail at this meme. The entire point of it is to use to do something that violates the law, social norms, or ethics.
>You make very narrow examples with obtuse explanations that make the entire jeer one gets out of this meme non-existent. I take it you are ESL.

>> No.13907027
File: 42 KB, 720x405, A0196804-0288-41D9-AC93-1F9D561146D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half the people in this thread hysterical and never read a book much less pinker

>> No.13907061

>a professor at Harvard?
Hasn't meant anything for ages.

>> No.13907079

That is definitely Lawrence Krauss. Keep that in mind whenever Nazis tell you that jews stick together, regardless of morality.

>> No.13907090

He's a big fan of Thomas Hobbes, so he believes the masses must be controlled, so he does this "aw shucks" dumb guy thing in his public appearances all while slipping in neoliberal propaganda. He's basically an intellectual troll.

>> No.13907100


>> No.13907140

I read the blank slate, it was kind of shit

>> No.13907156

He’s absolutely right. By every single metric except climate change the world is better than it used to be. Violence is down, poverty is down, workers rights, women’s rights, economic freedom and mobility, access to unprecedented amounts of information via the internet (what is the library of Alexandria compared to the web), easier access to education, etc. Just pick any reasonable metric and you will see that the world is million times better than it used to be.

>> No.13907261
File: 35 KB, 350x350, 1527517757307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13907286

can you actually prove that the average person today is happier than the average person 1000 years ago?

>> No.13907320

He is only relevant in the field of evolutionary psychology. His books are mostly for the masses, not academia

>> No.13907348

Arguably climate change as well... The earth is more hospitable now than it was during the last Ice Age
Read it and find out
The only conspiracy theory that’s true is the one where the Koch brothers convince you to give them money because you’re a fucking moron

>> No.13907368

I'm not some standard /pol/ guy, there are conspiracies everywhere and it's not just the jews
we're heading for a societal collapse and pinker is denying this big time
i hope i get to raid harvard and kill a bunch of people when things go mad max mode

>> No.13907471

i read his book about good writing or whatever and it is literally just a rehash of the strunk and white book with some pretentious academic rambling bullshit filler added. fucking hack

>> No.13907491
File: 45 KB, 720x706, 1569539729603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel genuine anger with this guy. It reminds me Eyes Wide Shut and this scene.

>> No.13907939

based cynic. You nailed it. Hate pinker

>> No.13907987

>How is this hack fraud taken seriously in academia?
he isn't
the 1% shills him hard cause his propaganda calms the herd

>> No.13907994

>he has a stake in this society. when it collapses he will die together with it
he's got enough money and connections to get a seat on the plane that will evacuate his rich buddies

>> No.13908000

liberals (as in the clinton-obama cohort) love pinker, leftists hate him

>> No.13908044

>muh rationalism
>muh scientism
>muh humanism
>muh democracy
is he the Last Man?

>> No.13908061


>> No.13908091

>guy at the top thinks the world is going great
>guy at the bottom thinks the world is hell

hot take there anon, really toasted my almonds

>> No.13908139

>the 1% shills him hard cause his propaganda calms the herd

This, any contemporary author in the list of Bill Gates recommended books is a fucking pseud.

>> No.13908237


>> No.13908275


>Chomsky saying that others aren't respected in academia

The irony is palpable

>> No.13908342

Well he's not wrong considering who "we" covers for him.

>> No.13908399

I would love to know what era of mankind you would prefer to live in and why.

>> No.13908409

For HUMANS, not for ANYTHING else. If something is progressing, ask yourself what is declining?

>> No.13908424

any era where you don't exist phaggot :)))

>> No.13908451

Pretty much fits the description to a T.

>> No.13908456

Because of mentalities such as Pinker's, which promote that the aristocracies that make the world work behave in an amoral and inhuman way, believe me that it does more harm than good. Basically its motto "we live in the best possible timeline and epoch" is climbed on the shoulders of the giants who made it possible, not only through scientific and humanistic work, but with sacrifice and hard work. He takes this legacy and rewrites history as Fukuyama and his "End of History" to promote a narrative that satisfies and somehow serves as a scapegoat for an entire generation of people with power and ideological order.

>> No.13908469

Jews are such ugly creatures

>> No.13908484

Chomsky might be a political hack like most public figures these days, but he's still an undisputed genius and deserves his reputation as a top academic.

>> No.13908499


>> No.13908653


>> No.13908672
File: 258 KB, 964x629, 1569721107589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pinker is actually quite handsome, I didn't even realize he was Jewish at first. Couldn't agree more on rat-faced Krauss and Epstein though.

>> No.13909242

Dr. Mann was based on Plinker mindset basically.

>> No.13909752

Precisely, his claims are obvious from the Anglo jew standpoint and laughable outside of it.
Pinker never convinced anyone and that's probably not even a secondary goal of his. He writes panygerics of Anglojew utilitarianism. His books should be judged as such and not be taken for anything else.

>> No.13910627


>> No.13910638
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>> No.13910644
File: 79 KB, 720x779, 1562652340827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people reject this kind of message because being sad has become the living room of their comfort zone.
in a wonderful world you have no reason to feel doomed, and they perceive this as a personal attack.

>> No.13910659

>self-help guruism
>doomer millenarianism
society is fucked lmao
destroy burgerstan

>> No.13910726
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>> No.13911379

One thing is hope. Willpower for internal and external transformations. Other very different thing is to say the world is the best possible one. And the best time.

>> No.13911496

Medieval Europe would be way better than neolib globohomocorp

>> No.13911514

>The entire point of it is to use to do something that violates the law, social norms, or ethics.
No the point is to mock someone by portraying them as emotional. You're asinine.