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/lit/ - Literature

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13901424 No.13901424 [Reply] [Original]

"Women can't write good bo--"

>> No.13901434

I swear faggots from here who don't like women writers must be fucked in the head because there are certainly good women writers.

>> No.13901438

George is a boy's name tho.

>> No.13901450

>what is a pen name

>> No.13901455


>> No.13901462

Emily Bronte is best women writer

>> No.13901465

Yes. You just hate women because you're part of the School of Resentment.

>> No.13901482
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Why are all good female writers dykes?

>> No.13901490

Because non-dyke women are too busy being sluts to write

>> No.13901495

Because non-dyke women were too busy working in the kitchen to write

>> No.13901496

Because they have manlier brains

>> No.13901503

no such thing

>> No.13901506
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>he gives his pen a name
wow, how lame.

>> No.13901517

Learn biology

>> No.13901519
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>not giving names to your instruments

>> No.13901527

I know biology. Women can't have men brains.

>> No.13901532

I'll take the bait but rather than go down this course; can you name some great novels from women that wasn't in English, French nor Russia?

>> No.13901539

They can have brains that develop more similarly to how male brains typically develop

>> No.13901546

>Don't kick yourself down you have the world to do that for you, just produce and shut up.

>> No.13901547


>> No.13901548

What did you name yours?

>> No.13901551

What did he mean by this

>> No.13901552

Penny Dreadful

>> No.13901558

oaks*, but I think the cover art features a different type of tree.

>> No.13901559

Close, but Middlemarch is superior to Wuthering Heights in my eyes and I think Woolf has a claim also. Annoyingly enough, Austen is considered the best my most though.

>> No.13901564

>Annoyingly enough, Austen is considered the best my most though.
She isn't. Woolf is superior.

>> No.13901568


>> No.13901576
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why are you so mean?

>> No.13901583

No, but neither can I name any that are male lol. Those are the three best literary canons out there easily

>> No.13901585

I 100% agree. Our opinions seem to be in the minority though.

>> No.13901588

There’s no woman who would make the top 100

>> No.13901592

there are novels by Russian female writers??

>> No.13901593

T. Hasn't read Adam Bede or Flannery Oconnor

>> No.13901595

It's mildly playful meanness at best. I would never mean for real.

>> No.13901598

Virginia Woolf in the novel section easily. Dickinson in the lyrical poetry section. Shelley in the genre section.

>> No.13901599

What about German or Latin or Greek? And if you aren’t talking about languages, but places, what about the US?

>> No.13901607

Elena Ferrante

>> No.13901609

Austen is just chick lit with decent prose.

>> No.13901612

Frankenstein was mostly written by her husband

>> No.13901615

Got any proof?

>> No.13901616

Misogynist propaganda.

>> No.13901629

I'm not sure why this board has such a hate boner for women writes. You faggots do realize that they were more like us than modern male normies, right?

>> No.13901634

This. Why do they do it? They write off women writers as Toni Morrisons, Rupi Kaurs, and JK Rowlings when there are perfectly good Murasaki Shikibus, Emily Dickinsons, and Virginia Woolfs (Virginia Woolves?) out there.

>> No.13901639

They subscribe to the concept that women are by nature intellectually inferior to men and can't learn more skills than it takes to change diapers or work the kitchen.

>> No.13901660

Those are the philosophy/theology languages, I feel. Not so much the /lit/ languages imo. And yes, I include American lit in the English category (inb4 triggered liberals)

>> No.13901668

Wtf /lit/ im reading pride and prejudice and this shit is mad good, you guys said women writers were bad! Wtf

>> No.13901723

It's a meme, but some socially inept or otherwise incels are too self-affected to recognize it.

>> No.13901737

Absolute delusion. There are minor male writers better than Woolf

>> No.13901742

Name 5.

>> No.13901799
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>> No.13901811

It's kinda sad that every time there is a thread on an amazing novel that happens to be written by a woman, this is usually the responses. This it /lit/ anon, not on of the other boards on here.

>> No.13902229
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>implying this is a woman

>> No.13902237

Looool she does look pretty manly there
Audibly kekd

>> No.13902243

that's your average Northern European woman. still a woman, though.

>> No.13902251

I don't think /lit/ will ever be a place to seriously discuss female authors, it's just one of the boards big blind spots

>> No.13902334

Completely fabricated. While I think most agree that her husband was a much superior wordsmith, there is no evidence of the claim. He most likely helped in certain parts. Such a shame he died so young.

>> No.13902336

Liliana Bodoc, argentinian novelist.

>> No.13903247

School of Resentment would like women authors though, Harold Bloom’s point is they attack the established canon because it leaves women and minority voices underrepresented.

>> No.13903286

No, his point is that the School of Resentment pushes for women writers of terrible quality merely because of their sex. He has no problem with women writers of literary quality like Dickinson, Woolf, Austen, and Eliot (all of which he discusses in The Western Canon and devotes a chapter to each). Hating women just because they're women is what the School of Resentment would do. For Bloom, aesthetics trumps ideology every time.

>> No.13903295

>Murasaki Shikibus, Emily Dickinsons, and Virginia Woolfs
Only three women in the history of literature are worth reading.

>> No.13903337


Hello R*ddit/D*scord

>> No.13903342

Oscar Wilde look like THAT?

>> No.13903346

+Eliot-- and she's contender for GOAT. Dickinsons is my favorite poet.

>> No.13903347

name 10

>> No.13903362

Not an argument, faggot.

>> No.13903374

This is a terrible take anon and you should feel bad. Just a yikes all around.

>> No.13903429


It's technically not impossible for them to write well per se, it's just that it's such an anomaly that whenever it happens, people parade it around as a proof that the rule of thumb that women can't write doesn't apply.

After about 3000 years, the whole population of Earth managed to create about 2 dozen female writers worth writing home about. How impressive.

Not to mention that these women are usually way more Apollonian than the average woman, moreso than the average male writer tends towards the Dionysian compared to his peers.

The revulsion shown towards female writers is nothing more than a symptom of how pozzed the publishing industry is. Everybody knows that women, especially ethnic women, have a ridiculously easy time getting published compared to most male writers.

Somebody linked a guy's experiment a while ago where he, a white male, got responses from roughly 10% of the publishers he sent out his draft to, while his indian female pseudonym got 44% for the same draft.

Had the publishing industry, and Academia in general, not lost the goodwill of men by publishing subpar material solely because it was written by minorities and women, and by actively promoting politically fashionable material that demonizes them, nobody would treat them in such bad faith.

This phenomenon didn't come out of nowhere.

I'm ESL so excuse my English.

>> No.13903447

Based anon. Actually wrote out an argument to the other hipster anon. WP.

>> No.13903480

>better than my waifu Emily Bronte and based George Eliot

>> No.13903501

What does that have to do with anything we said? We were talking about discussing the good books by women writers, however rare or scarce they be, and about /lit/'s irrational and School of Resentment tier hatred for women writers. Literally who gives a shit about the current publishing industry or academia? You're fighting ghosts here, faggot.

>> No.13903517

Can you even read? I never mentioned them. I mentioned Austen, for suck's sake.... And this is the literature board? We're fucked.

>> No.13903565


>> No.13903583

This book sucks gay dick though. "We be a a'marchin' them o'er where 'aught got no shellin' for 'us" literally the entire book is written like this, it's fucking unreadable.

>> No.13903589
File: 18 KB, 660x495, Virginia-woolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, lad, but Woolf is better than Austen.

>> No.13903598

I don't think anyone could name 10 male authors that /lit/ would like.

>> No.13903602

>average male writer tends towards the Dionysian compared to his peers.
What does it mean? More feminine?

>> No.13903607

Some are actually bad and benefiting from a sort of retroactive affirmative action, but yes, there are good, even great female authors.

>> No.13903608

As long as they are ancient Greeks or long dead poets, maybe.

>> No.13903611

>After about 3000 years, the whole population of Earth managed to create about 2 dozen female writers worth writing home about. How impressive.

Women are weak and always forced to do work. Even in the last few decades women still do nearly all the house work and raise the children, so of course there will be a lot less good women authors. Obviously part of it is genetic, but if 1 in 1,000 men can be good at something, and 1 in 10,000 women, you still won't end up with a 10:1 ratio of good men and women writers because women have less opportunity.

>> No.13903617

I am schizophrenic. I apologise, friend.

>> No.13903618

Woolf is good aesthetically but kind of a bitch and isn’t that empathetic, some of her characters are obviously written as punching bags for her personal hangups and grudges

>> No.13903627

Male writers tend to be more passionate and emotional than the average men, women are more logical and in control of themselves than the average woman. It's because you need both to write, and I'll let you guess which sex leans more towards which tendency.

>> No.13903628

Not exactly, but one could put it that way as well.

Physical strength has nothing to do with literary prowess and men worked more/harder since time immemorial.

Where there's a will there's a way.

>> No.13903629

wtf I love Virginia Woolf now

>> No.13903632

So you're saying... what are you saying?

>> No.13903635

heh heh heh

>> No.13903647

>Physical strength has nothing to do with literary prowess and men worked more/harder since time immemorial.
You completely dodged his point about women not having time to write because they were busy doing domestic chores, raising children, and other nonsense. "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." or so said Virginia Woolf and she was right.

>> No.13903654

It's not that women are forced to work harder but they're forced to do unimportant work. Men haven't really had it much better though. It's more like anyone needs a bit of money and freetime to be able to write.

>> No.13903687

>Male writers tend to be more passionate and emotional than the average men
Is this something you're only born with?

>> No.13903693

I think it has a lot to do with life experience too. If you're an adult it might take a major life event to push you in that direction though, don't know any particular advice for making that happen.

>> No.13903697

Sounds like a Yin & Yang thing.

>> No.13903768

Doesnt that depend on inborn sensitivity?

>> No.13903780

We don't have any real way of measuring the exact extent which traits are natural and which they're nurtured. The brain is capable of learning and changing a lot even in adulthood.

>> No.13903787

Adam bede Is the name of the novel

>> No.13903794

Sure its much easier to learn mechanical aspect of writing

>> No.13903799
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Is it really so hard for people to grasp that pic related is how gender differences work (in most cases anyway). Everyone keeps talking in categorical terms.

>> No.13903804

1. Emily Bronte
2. Ayn Rand
3. Virginia Woolf
4. I hate niggas who haven’t made it past “c”

>> No.13903811

She wasn't even the best Bronte

>> No.13903812

I'm sorry I'm a woman so I can't understand this, please explain.

>> No.13903821

>Ayn Rand

>> No.13903822

not him, but men are more likely to have both a below average and above average IQ than women are. women tend to congregate around the mean

>> No.13903829

People also misinterpret this and think men generally congregate around those extremes and women never do, when all that statistic states is a matter of degree. Most men are average and men at extremes are rare, women at extremes are just more rare.

>> No.13903830

There's a lot more variation in the male population than in the female. If we talk about intelligence, the average seems to be the same for both sexes, but there's a lot more really stupid men than women but there's also way more genius men than women.

>> No.13903836

That's what a normal distribution is.

>> No.13903838

>he hasn’t read anthem
Back to the gutters of reality with you

>> No.13903926


Not really in order, but here are a few. English mostly, not surprising. I feel like I am missing a few. Some of these are kind of pushing it I know.

Emily Brontë
George Eliot
Elizabeth Browning
Flannery O'Connor
Murasaki Shikibu
Charlotte Brontë
Edith Wharton
Jane Austen
Virginia Woolf
Emily Dickinson
Mary Shelley
Simone de Beauvoir
Isabel Allende
Harper Lee
Stella Gibbons
Elena Ferrante
Sylvia Plath
Agatha Christie

>> No.13903929

>Harper Lee

>> No.13903944

>Truman Capote fan that is still seething that her one novel was more than anything he ever accomplished

>> No.13903953

>one novel
She has a second one now and it fucking sucks.

>> No.13904026

Anything by Rosalía de Castro

>> No.13904065

Please no, at least say Aurora Venturini or Hebe Uhart

>> No.13904102

>Isabel Allende

>> No.13904132
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Marilynne Robinson is a very underrated writer. I've only read pic related but it's such a great book

>> No.13904133

Good old "Woolf, Eliot, etc." thread... Always so convincing indeed.

>> No.13905421

Hard mode: name 5 female philosophers, not contemporary

>> No.13905498

the author of Peter Wilkins, Thomas Hardy, Lord Dunsany, Walter Savage Landor, Theodore Dreiser