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13898546 No.13898546[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Swedish state schools may drop ancient and medieval history from the curriculum to make room for postmodernism and “democratic values,” according to a controversial new proposal that has enraged many Swedes, local media reports.
>History has already been de-prioritized through “extensive deletions,” according to SvD, and formative eras like the Roman Empire and the Viking Age will now be removed altogether in favor of subjects like immigration, the environment, climate, “norm-challenging,” critical theory, “democratic values,” and gender roles. The emphasis will be on a “postmodernist view” of society, rather than the classical philosophical tradition, SvD reports, and history classes will focus on Western colonialism, nationalism, and the slave trade.
is ancient history really more important than climate change, post modern philosophy and creating an inclusive environment?

>> No.13898554


>> No.13898590

lmao you can't make that shit up
what is it about protestant countries absolutely cucking themselves?

>> No.13898596

The Catholic church in my town has a feminist reading club.

>> No.13898602

All the scandinaviat contries are basically a rich guy looking around his gold plated mansion wondering what wall to break down because they're bored and have achieved everything.

>> No.13898617

You posted this exact thread on /his/ too, you attention-seeking faggot.

>> No.13898669

Are /his/ even aware Sweden has been destroying artefacts en masse?

>> No.13898676

>Article about Sweden
>picture from Viking ship museum in norway

>> No.13898684

Mistaking one Muslim nation for another isn't that rare of an error.

>> No.13898686
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Just don't call it a conspiracy

>> No.13898754

I'm sure someone posted that click-baity headline about some museum getting rid of thousands upon thousands of old iron nails there too.

>> No.13898779
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>> No.13898795

It's important to teach children traditions from a young age. Not because those traditions are right or wrong, but because it provides them with the necessary historical context needed to understand how the world got where it is today. To be deprived of this is to have an incomplete understanding of history.

>> No.13898796

Is there any country teach the classical philosophical tradition? Where people read Plato, Epictetus, Aristotle, Plotinus, etc?

But yeah, this is a pretty bad idea.

>> No.13898802

I think that what is happening to Sweden is more or less what was explained in "Why Liberalism Failed" by Deneen, in regards to how they treat the past.

>> No.13898805

>muh jooo

>> No.13898814

Afaik UK schools don't even teach antiquity until their A-levels.

What this stupid suggestion would do, and I do not believe it will become policy considering the amount of criticism it's been receiving, would be to strip primary school of antiquity. There are still 3 more years of schooling after that during which it would be taught.

>> No.13898818

>what is happening
Nothing concrete has happened at all. The suggestion lacks political and popular backing. This sort of treatment of history comes from the anglophone world, not Sweden itself.

>> No.13898819

Wait, they are planning to teach
>“norm-challenging,” critical theory and gender roles
in primary school?

>> No.13898833

Sounds like bullshit made up to cash-in on Sweden as a popular media object. Every other thing that happens in that country has been sensationalised by anglophone media since the mid 20th century. I certainly haven't read anything about that idea in the domestic media, nor have I seen any outlet support it.

>> No.13898841

In the his thread, someone had links for Swedish media


>> No.13898851

history is only offered in a butchered form any ways, totally removing it couldn't make anyone much more ignorant since they will go to alternative sources

>> No.13898859

Yes? The only thing actually discussed in those articles is the removal of Antiquity from the primary school history curriculum. Nowhere is it suggested that "norm-challening", critical theory and gender roles" would be replacing it.

>> No.13898866

>Afaik UK schools don't even teach antiquity until their A-levels.
Uh, that's wrong.

>> No.13898875
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>>History has already been de-prioritized through “extensive deletions,” according to SvD, and formative eras like the Roman Empire and the Viking Age will now be removed altogether in favor of subjects like immigration, the environment, climate, “norm-challenging,” critical theory, “democratic values,” and gender roles. The emphasis will be on a “postmodernist view” of society, rather than the classical philosophical tradition, SvD reports, and history classes will focus on Western colonialism, nationalism, and the slave trade.
That is the most cucked string of words ive seen. Literally "white people bad" education. I can imagine whitoids becoming the new wewuzkangz in a generation. Imagine going through school knowing nothing of the romans or antiquity. only to descover it on your own on an internet forum late one night. If you thought little white boys were radical now, wait till they start trying to hide shit from them.

>> No.13898886

RT and Sputnik news.

Do you actually "educate" yourself with "sources" like these?

>> No.13898890

Did you read the 3 articles?

>> No.13898897

And where exactly can you get reliable news?
Do you trust the CNN and the NYT?

>> No.13898904

Did you even click on those links? one of them has embedded tweets from Swedish politicians.

>> No.13898919

Some countries have the choice for classical high school (Italy, germany...)

>> No.13898927

I read two of them since the third is hidden behind a paywall. It's just explain why they want it removed from the primary school curriculum; the excuse is "lack of time", which is, of course, a product of they themselves cutting down on History in the first place to the benefit of subjects that are "practical" and look good in international studies.

Ex-politician whose 'reforms' during his time as minister of education actually caused this.

>> No.13898932

the 3rd one is the source for the article

>> No.13898941

In Croatia if you go to gymnasium for your secondary school education you learn about the classical tradition, yes.

>> No.13898952

That's interesting. Is it taught well? Does it affect people lives in some way or do they become like some "modern Stoics", who only apply a Stoic paint to what they always believed?

>> No.13898958

Many if not most public school (similar to private schools but not identical) in England still teach classical philosophy.

>> No.13898962

>Does it affect people lives in some way
No, this is a French myth.

>> No.13898964

Sweden is taking their education to the right direction.
I remember I had to learn 1000s of random dates in history, court drama, various feudal policies etc useless subject which only makes young students to think of themselves as some grand kings who will lead their nations into glory with epic battles

>> No.13898967
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But how did England become people related?
They only study for the tests?

>> No.13898977

In England, private schools can also be referred to as public schools. Schools run by the state are called state schools.

>> No.13898978


>> No.13898981

>But how did England become people related?
I meant
>But how did England become like picture related?

>> No.13898982

From my experience, it's a good enough starting point if you have even a little bit of an interest in philosophy because you get 4 years of education in all of the Western philosophical traditions, starting with classical philosophy. However, most people don't give a shit and only studied for the grades and will forget everything they've "learned" not even a week after the exam.

>> No.13898985


>> No.13898987

>However, most people don't give a shit and only studied for the grades and will forget everything they've "learned" not even a week after the exam.
That's what I imagined.

>> No.13898995


Embedded tweets don't amount to much if the text surrounding it has been editorialized. Not to mention that the tweets themselves can be easily cherry-picked especially when dealing with happenings in foreign countries. It doesn't really matter if one or two politicians agree if dozens of others criticize the proposal. I'm not Swedish, but I know from experience that Russian sources (not just RT and Sputnik, Russian media is really Kremlin media by and large) really love to quote backbenchers known for soloing and chairmen of minor parties with no real hope of ever entering the parliament as well as "experts" who are the academic community have ostracized for having ceased research after getting their PhD and in favour of shilling their research. Whatever will suit Kremlin's current policy.

Funnily enough, in my quest for better sources I went to the SVT site and at the top of the page the first piece of news was Sweden's Centre Party demanding a ban on male circumcision. Not that it will amount to anything, but extremely amusing given your post.

>> No.13899000

Click-bait from Russian state-owned media. It's a proposal from Skolverket (ministry of education) to focus the few history lessons in primary school on post-WW2 history, instead of quickly glancing through all of history in a very short time. The rest of history is taught in high-school, unless you choose a blue collar program.

>> No.13899002

>those sources
might as well just read /pol/ threads

>> No.13899009

>as "experts" who are the academic community have ostracized for having ceased research after getting their PhD and in favour of shilling their research.

"experts" who the academic community have ostracized for having ceased research after getting their PhD and in favour of shilling their ideology.

Fuck, I can't write.

>> No.13899015
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Labour, they radically expanded the governments control over the curriculum and systemically discouraged subjects they felt were racist, classical philosophy were one of them. This further increased the educational class divide.

>> No.13899063

Is it swedens goal to make all their remaining white children gay?

>> No.13899094
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Reminder they attacked Gove for wanting to reintroduce Byron and Keats to the classroom.

>> No.13899101

We're really heading into a new dark age, aren't we? All the signs point to this.

>> No.13899103

I'm so glad I'm probably going to live to see Islam take over Sweden. They deserve it.

>> No.13899150

how long before i can legally start buying swedish denizens ?

>> No.13899159

>ever starting with Post-anything
That sounds like a good, logical idea...

>> No.13899160
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>> No.13899164
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>> No.13899191
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Atheism is the logical conclusion of Protestantism, that's why. The modern and postmodern world came from Protestants. If God is purely omnipotent in His will and is "no man's debtor", such arbitrarity and incoherence could only ever result in dismissal by rational men. This is why Catholic countries such as Italy and Hungary are the most traditional in the West and retain their identities in their Catholicism.

>> No.13899206

> embedded tweets from Swedish politicians
> course on postmodernism
What to choose? Can't wait to educate myself and become a smart /lit/ poster.

>> No.13899220

Left Wing people don’t deserve to have culture and history. Those things belong exclusively to the Right.

There is a certain justice in watching a nation of faggots and leftists who always sneered down their noses at us for not having a lengthy medieval history deliberately destroying their own so that they can make way for foreigners to replace them.

I’ve never liked Scandinavians. They deserve this. It’s the perfect irony.

>> No.13899229

Elaborate. I’m interested in the idea.

>> No.13899250

seconding this

>> No.13899304

>going to a state school