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13898109 No.13898109 [Reply] [Original]

I have a hard time reading

>> No.13898115

I used to have a harder time forcing myself to read some texts. It takes a lot of practice building that mental muscle / attention. At this point I can literally breaze through heavy philosophy while stoned and effortlessly follow and even enjoy it.

>> No.13898120
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Me too

>> No.13898472

Think about it as running. Don’t except to run a marathon on your first run if you’ve never ran before. You have to slowly build up endurance; 2 miles a day, then 3, and so forth. I like to of reading like this. If you read everyday, even if it’s only 10 pages a day, you’ll slow build up the endurance and resistance to run a marathon, or in this case, 100-200 pages a sitting. But, like running, consistency is key, or else you’ll never build up any mileage.

>> No.13899633

This gave me hope. Thank you anon.

>> No.13899655

Stop masturbating. I don't know why you cumbrains think this is just a meme.

>> No.13899699
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>> No.13899714

Lock your phone up, put your computers monitors somewhere inconvienent for a few weeks, STOP JERKING OFF. Just sit and read. THINK

>> No.13899789

i have a hard

>> No.13899841

And I dont know why all you nofap retards think everyone is addicted to porn and masturbation. If quitting that helped you great but quit assuming everyone else is a porn freak too.

>> No.13899933

i will try based dubs of truth

>> No.13900280
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God's sign, anon.

>> No.13900700

I do too, slowly working on it though
that’s seriously really great, hopefully I can get to that point

>> No.13900707

This isn't about quitting porn or masturbating in moderation, it's about COMPLETELY stopping to squeeze your hog.

>> No.13900963

>If you quit jerking off, you, too, can be Hitler

>> No.13901203
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Any tips for visualizing? I have a really hard time imagining the orientation/direction of characters and it makes more "fun" action or interaction scenes confusing as fuck. It's hard for me to visualize an area (i can understand a description of it visually but I get lost with characters walking around in it) but not an object if that makes sense.

>> No.13901265

This. The idea that it makes you less horny is insane. It just adds fuel to the fire so that this is all the mind is thinking about.
>yeah bro just wank 5 times a day, trust me it will take care of it and not just bind you even more heavily
There is an Augustine quote saying lust goes into habit and habit becomes necessary.

>> No.13901544

>past lives
yeah nah

>> No.13901556

try harder

>> No.13901619

Does fucking for reals count?

>> No.13901625

I took solid works 3d drafting and art in high school so I can visualize objects really easily. Maybe you should get into drafting.

>> No.13901630

>I can stop if I want to
Oh god im cooming ughhhh oh i need the boobies ugghhh and the butts! AHHH

>> No.13901637

Dance in front of a mirror, it gives your brain lessons in anatomy and perspective.

And you learn to dance.

>> No.13902056

Stopped reading at freemasons. Get this boomer shit out of here.