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13895007 No.13895007[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't Mencius Moldbug discussed here more often?

>> No.13895096

He's a slavery-apologist. Moldbug is also an idiotic name. Who the fuck names themselves after moldy bugs?

>> No.13895115

Being a slavery apologist is precisely the sort of thing that would make someone be discussed on 4chan. His slavery apology is just lifted from Carlyle though, which like 50% at least of his entire writing is really.

>> No.13895148
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>> No.13895151

Because /lit/ is the least edgy board on 4chan and NRx is for midwits.

>> No.13895153

There's a thread up, and accfags spam the board almost as bad as christcucks.

>> No.13895158

All neo-reactionaries are imbeciles who espouse paleoconservatism but are too stupid and ignorant to know that paleoconservatism already exists so they need to marry corporate feudalism with Nick Land's Cthulhu plagiarisms and pretend it's something new and revolutionary.

And anyway their "movement" died as soon as Woke Capital became a thing and demonstrated to them that the rich weren't the benevolent despots they wanted.

>> No.13895175

What in the fuck are you talking about

>> No.13895176

I don't want to be a dick but I don't think you've read well anything they've written based on this post. Paleoconservatism is mentioned quite a lot in the early nrx days, especially by Moldbug. They don't praise the rich or think them benevolent. They praise the concept of a monarch, which is political power, not capital.

The idea that large corporations would follow along with Progressive dogma is something that fits perfectly into their theories and they commented on it lots as it was happening.

>> No.13895405

The discord trannies come and ruin the board with their hystrionics each and every time He's mentioned.
>>13895096 case in point.

>> No.13895414

>And anyway their "movement" died as soon as Woke Capital became a thing
100% agree. Mencius can't contend with trannies in a women' bathroom in a mall.

>> No.13895418

Atheistcunts are the real nuosance. We can barely have one genuine christianthread a week the rest is trolling.

>> No.13895472

they sound like cucks senpai

>> No.13895505

their argument is that there is literally always a power on top. "sovereignty is conserved' is the general formula. Being that you can't get rid of that power they think that a Monarch is going to govern more sensibly than an ambiguous and shadowy group of people who aren't really held accountable(how they see democracies/managerial states/etc.)

>> No.13895586

now they sound like libtards

c u c k s

>> No.13895595

You're honestly not very good at thinking if you think that sounds like liberalism

>> No.13895634

I just wanna buy some shares in Washcorp so I can actually get some dividends for once

>> No.13895645

>He's a slavery-apologist.
Literal lie. If not - point me to where he does that.

>> No.13895650

You're projecting random shit onto NRx. You've never read Moldbug.

>> No.13895658


He's explaining Carlyle's position more than arguing for it himself, but this is the post that got him labeled as an apologist.

>> No.13895664

Oh yeah. That was just another attempted smearjob, I remember reading the article.

>> No.13895674

>attempted smearjob,
I mean he does offer a long argument about slavery not being that bad, Im not sure if it's fair to call it a smear job. He knew what he was doing posting that.

>> No.13895733

He knew, sure. Don't think the label is justified.

>> No.13895780

This is DFW in his college years

>> No.13895802

>govern more sensibly than an ambiguous and shadowy group of people who aren't really held accountable
if this is why they believe their cuckery then they are just libs bro
this is the lib mindset except with a king instead of the people

>> No.13895811

I think you misread that guy's post. He didn't actually write 'people'.

>> No.13895817

>a king instead of the people
But that's the entire point of the argument. A king is an agent, a people is not an agent, and will just be controlled by some actual agent/group, which will be hidden behind the charade of democracy and so not held accountable.

I assume you're coming at this from something resembling anarchism/communism and you don't want anyone in control at all. The nrx position is that this is just completely impossible and has never even vaguely existed. Call it cuckery if you like but it's not a desire to be ruled over, it's an acceptance that somebody always rules. From this perspective the only non-cucked position is to try to become part of the ruling class, but in general most people don't give a shit so long as their lives are mostly ok.

>> No.13895891

brah the idea that the state should be held accountable to society is basic bitch liberalism
>the subject of civil society is the sovereign

>> No.13895918

They're not liberals though, Moldbug makes it very explicit he's not following Hobbes' defense of Monarchy as being legitimized by the subjects. He seems to flipflop between a kind of Mandate of Heaven perspective and his weird neocameralist view of governments as corporations offering a service, but he emphatically denies any concept of rights.

>> No.13895926

m8 it's a troll
leave it

>> No.13895940

even more cucked
>skydaddy says its okay for the king to fuck your wife

>> No.13896161

While His ideology is flawed due to the failure of the assumption that the ruling class are generally moral (more specifically Christian like) people, his work “a letter to open minded progressives” (I forget and do not care whether or not that is the exact title) along with his ideas on “atheocracy” (which he claims we live in) and the ideas he has on the March of progress as a result of a system of competing forms of parasites (or memes in a sense more closely tied to the origin of the word) with progressivism being originally a secular version of Christianity or Protestantism have all been very influential ideas on the modern far right, from the alt right figures of 2016 to the reactionaries of YouTube he has shown himself to be quite the interesting memetic parasite himself and a testament to the lessened reliance on older intellectual figures which is marking the new right

>> No.13896179 [DELETED] 
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The discord trannies have arrived early, I see.

>> No.13896185

Because even for neoreactionaries he's trash.

>> No.13896197
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Fuck your blogger, that’s what

>> No.13896212 [DELETED] 
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Do you discord trannies dilate together? Why do you all arrive at once?

>> No.13896220

You're calling multiple people DTs who are just making nuanced posts about him.

>> No.13896233
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>nuanced posts
I have no investment here but uhh

>> No.13896241

What moldbug are you reading right now /lit/? I'm reading his essay on carlyle.

>> No.13896247

nuance as in not blindly agreeing or disagreeing with him but pointing out which parts make sense.

>> No.13896249

That's totally correct though and I think everyone understands that slavery was not nearly as bad as the propaganda would have you think.

That doesn't make you an apologist just for stating the obvious. Just like it doesn't make you a nazi for suggesting that we weren't the good guys in WW2.

>> No.13896268

Open Letter. I'm like barely 1/3 into it.

>> No.13896293

I notice that on /lit/ it seems people either like him or think he's a meme for brainlets. But I've never seen a good critique of him that undermines the central thrust of what he is saying.

>> No.13896321

I believe there's a good critique of him out there, pointing out historical errors, but I don't think they're major enough to damage his main points. Patchwork is probably the least thought out of his ideas - for example it ignores geopolitics and doesn't propose a decent solution for the economically unwanted. However again, I don't think the value of his writings lies in those details.

>> No.13896326

I hear the central thrust and know its bullshit not worth a second look. Same as all your other rightwing daddies you trot in here
>n-n-not an a-argument
All he’s worth

>> No.13896365

My main problems with him is that anytime he drifts near philosophy he just swerves and assumes pragmatism.

I agree with you about patchwork as well, its the only essay from him I had to put down.

>> No.13896371

Trannies now resorting to tranniejacketing.

>> No.13896504

He just sticks to what he knows as an engineer I guess.

>> No.13896554
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I was just reading Technology, communism and the Brown Scare again.

His brief aside on telescopic philanthropy is great.

>> No.13896585

I learned so many talking points from 'Open Letter' 2bh.

>> No.13896660
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>> No.13896661

Jesus, can americans refrain from talking about Russian revolution? It´s definitely not the worst one I´ve seen, but it´s up there.

>> No.13896674

Why would they refrain from talking about one of the most important events of the 20th century?

>> No.13896690

When they do, they produce...works of very low quality.

>> No.13896699

pretty broad blanket statement

>> No.13896713

Indeed, there might be exception with some academics who actually put effort into their work, but overall it fits fairly well.

>> No.13896735

Europe spent half the century writing propaganda pieces for the USSR so they're hardly better off

>> No.13896750

And half of it spend 40 years under soviets. We actually know our history.

>> No.13897372

Did the Soviets pass down an accurate history?

>> No.13897462

>implying slavery is bad

>> No.13897466

>I hear the central thrust and know its bullshit
>rightwing daddies
based cum-guzzling butterfly fagposter
based drunk butthurt pseud Russo-trash

>> No.13897487

Moldbug and Taleb are the only two pioneering intellectuals in 2019. Refute this.

>> No.13897489

Is this a new butterfly?

>> No.13897496
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>> No.13897522

After seeing his writing referenced on here fairly often I picked up some of his stuff and found most of it cringeworthy and embarrassing. He sure seems to be a well read and intelligent man but most of it read like you were being talked at by a ‘I am very smart’ try hard, who is convinced they are entirely right, and any reservations you may have about their claims is because you haven’t been ‘red-pilled’ enough.

The chapter on climate change science in ‘A Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservationists’ is quite hilariously shit - give it a read if you want a good laugh.

>> No.13897533

What do you disagree with him about on climate science

>> No.13897543

How about instead of just saying it's cringe and embarrassing you bring up some points he made that are cringe and refute them

>> No.13897547

Classic snarky, feminine concern-troll post that forgoes addressing the content of his work and instead labels it "cringy". UR was started in '07. Back then it was cool to say "owned" and "epic".

>> No.13897549

No need, this is self-evident to anyone who isn't a pseud.

>> No.13897552

>No need, this is self-evident
lol. every time

>> No.13897555

You've got nothing, faggot.

>> No.13897569


>> No.13897577


The fan girls are circulating. To be fair, his writing is a wet dream for all those who require to be told what position to take on controversial subjects instead of forming their own opinion.

>> No.13897578
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>zionist metacapitalism
>needing a critique

>> No.13897580

>i cant defend my views so ill just insult people
it's just sad

>> No.13897590

Not him, but I've studied climate science extensively over the past 2 years as a hobby, coming from a "skeptic" point of view on global warming, and just a few weeks of reading the scientific literature on the subject cleared up for me what he adresses in Unqualified Observations. Like that it's impossible to link greenhouse gases and warming (?), that there has been no warming for a few years, or that every single scientist working in the field of climate science is a pseudoscientist all working together in a con

>> No.13897596

Just the same trannie discord that spams every acc thread.

>> No.13897598

Welcome to /lit/.

>> No.13897602

>Like that it's impossible to link greenhouse gases and warming (?),
He says that the climate sensitivity to CO2 is unknown, which is true. Academia is full of pseudoscience, especially when it has political implications. Many of the prominent figures like Mann have been caught outright fabricating shit and refusing to release their work on how they arrived at their conclusions.

>> No.13897608

>He says that the climate sensitivity to CO2 is unknown, which is true.

>> No.13897620

No one's opinions are their own dumb cunt.

>> No.13897628


>> No.13897633

well if you have to be unique at all costs, that is not very unique

>> No.13897637

>which is true
Because it's not possible to know *exactly* the climate sensitivity doesn't mean you can't make an educated guess considering we have plenty of data on past glacial ages.
We know how much ice there was at which time, we know how much greenhouse gases were present at the time, we can aproximate the solar forcing at the time, hence we can measure temperature at a certain period. From all that it's not impossible to measure a range of climate sensitivity and I don't know why Moldbug pretends otherwise.

>Many of the prominent figures
Such as?
Mann's stick isn't that different from the one Ljungqvist or Moberg reconstructed on their own appart from the recent temperature explosion, and Ljungqvist himself said about that the temperature rise since the 90s have overtaken the MWP's peak

>> No.13897663

And I will add that there are no political implications in man made global warming, much like in science in general. The aerosol/ozone relation was understood fairly quickly and dealt with political action endorsed by both sides. The problem here is that AGW is a much more complex subject, and by the time the science became sound the debate has been muddled far beyond salvation by special interest groups.
I consider myself a conservative, at least enough to appreciate Moldbug and the neo-reaction movement, but I don't think it is a sound strategy to ignore a reality because it became a flagship topic for the opposition. It's in fact hurting that the right has abandonned the subject entirely to the left; challenging for solutions would have been better than burying our head in the sand.

>> No.13897684

>He's a slavery-apologist
Based and redpilled

>> No.13897691

A monarch governs more accountably than shadowy forces, yes

>> No.13897695

Shut the fuck up moron

>> No.13897698

New Moldbug, btw. I haven't read it yet.

>> No.13897707

Yet you cant manage a single argument against it

>> No.13897720

holy fuck that's the first thing in what, 5 years?

>> No.13897755

Fair point. What I was trying to get at was that like 3 or 4 people responded to my initial post with ‘refute him’ etc. My original post didn’t particularly criticise Moldbug’s ideas, more his writing and delivery but it was immediately jumped on by these fucktards assuming that mild criticism equals complete disagreement.

Moldbug’s gimmick at the beginning of Unqualifed Reservations is that the narrative of everything you know is either a lie or has been massaged to present current and historical events in only one way to benefit whoever it is he believes is controlling it. He tells us to forget everything we know because it is tainted, but then proceeds to replace that narrative with his own and effectively asks us to take that with good faith that he doesn’t have any ulterior motives. That and his constant blathering about red pills is what I considered cringeworthy and embarrassing. Some of his ideas and reasoning of course have merit.

>> No.13897762

I'd fuck her tits.

>> No.13897795

Just finished reading. Nothing really new in there for anyone that has read Moldbug, but he has 4 more essays planned, one addressing each Progressivism, Conservatism, and Fascism, and then some final one.

It doesn't seem like his ideas have really changed at all.

>> No.13897825


But he’s switched from Red to Clear..
Anything significant in that wording? Has he dropped pretense of having an alternative? Has he ever had an alternative? If so, what is it

>> No.13897832

>That and his constant blathering about red pills is what I considered cringeworthy and embarrassing.

In all fairness, it was a decade ago. And his general attitude is playful

Also, he may have switched colors

>> No.13897847

the red would come after the clear presumably, the clear being deprogramming whatever narrative you have at present.

>> No.13897870
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>And I will add that there are no political implications in man made global warming

It's a very political thing

>> No.13897967

this is complete waste of time
He might be wellread but he is a complete hack

>> No.13897973

Care to make an argument?
Oh, right

>> No.13897979

I think the idea of the "Two Story State" is new. In his previous writings there was one story promoted by the Cathedral, and Republicans serve as the "Outer Party" who legitimize leftward drift in the official story by losing to Democrats.

>> No.13897984

what argument is there to make?
Read few paragraphs and see for yourself how he is:
a) making you oh so believe me I am right about this you see kind of assumptions that are lazily thrown at you and are easily refuted or open up for discussion
b)muh we are le good guys but wait, actually! our system might as well be orwellian you know and its the deep state! (literally babbys first paranoia)
c)anyone that got past entry level literary fiction yet alone entry philosophy will see how he isnt contributing anything

>> No.13897986

No it's not, at least no more than evolution or gravity.

>> No.13897990
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>New Moldbug

>> No.13898025

>liberals believe in and defend the power on top

>> No.13898028

He's lame. There are no answers in political or economic philosophies.

>> No.13898036

Excellent summary of his new essay, anon.

>> No.13898276

Well yes exactly

>> No.13898290

>and its the deep state
It's obvious you either didn't read it or just didn't understand it.

>> No.13898326

Ignoring the fact that you're an idiot, not many people with a sober view of things can really argue that we're the good guys in some objective sense. We are us however.

>> No.13898360
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holy shit, why didn't anyone tell me until now?

>> No.13898402

for me its the clear pill - dropped earlier today actually

>> No.13898414

he seems like one of the least interesting nrx people. the stupid parts stand out clearer than ever, while the useful insights or interesting concepts are few and far between. also both his real name and his pseudonym are stupid.

>> No.13898423

>I assume you're coming at this from something resembling anarchism/communism and you don't want anyone in control at all.
Not him, but why does it have to be a monarch? If the best thing is to have an individual in charge, why not hand over to Stalin? The only option I can think of is that you could argue the monarch has an interest in ensuring his family retain power, while the kids of soviet premiers never wound up being premiers themselves.

>> No.13898429

He is notable for being probably the first of the internet reactionaries, and for bringing a lot of anti-democratic and trad writers to a whole new late millennial/ zommer audience
he also started the red pill meme
but yes, he was never especially insightful himself although his blog does get a lot more interesting as it goes along and he begins to be influenced by his comments section (his comments section, ultimately, being where NRx was born)

>> No.13898436

the two stroke/four stroke thing just seems like the concentrated/diffuse spectacle in drag

>> No.13898442

>Not him, but why does it have to be a monarch?
It doesn't. Please read the open letter

>> No.13898475

Slightly off topic: How do neoreactionaries explain the move from Keynesianism to Monetarism/'Neoliberalism'?
It seems generally accepted that there's a ratcheting movement to the left both socially and economically, but little explanation of the death of social democracy even though it's surely a key event in the birth of modern progressivism.

>> No.13898627

As a Russian I can say that Moldbug is quite accurate there. Most brains behind the Russian Revolution were not Russian or peasants.


>> No.13898693
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Guys, haven't read it yet. Is it happening?

>> No.13898709

Well, he seems to be back. That's already a happening if you ask me.

>> No.13898745

>Most brains behind the Russian Revolution were not Russian or peasants.
Majority were always great Russians. The early nucleus were mostly radicalized students (obviously of literate classes) and a lot of Jews. Then the social democratic party split inbetween Bolsheviks and Jew-heavy mensheviks. As the time went on and Russian society became overall more and more literate lots of workers and peasants started to join as well and the Bolsheviks gained enough power to seize the country. Once Lenin passed away and the Bolsheviks had another split, this time between more bourgeiose/jewish Trotskists (zinoev, kamenev, bubnov, joffe, smilga) and more peasant/worker/caucassian heavy clique around Stalin (molotov, voroshilov, budoniy, rykov, tomsky) and I hope your lack of historical knowledge isn't so severe you wouldn't know which fraction here was the winning one.

>> No.13898749

He’s been recently visiting small groups of college students from elite universities.

t. Met Moldbug this year

>> No.13898760

Where are you getting this Bullshit? I’m russian and old Bolsheviks were nothing but non-Russians. It’s only after Stalin murders all the Old Bolsheviks that you begin to see Slavs, specifically Russians, running the party. Reminder that there was only ever one actual Russian leader (Gorbachev) for the USSR (Andropov died too quickly to count)

>> No.13898762

Can you tell us what he was talking about?

>> No.13898794

You're shitting us

>> No.13898865

Not anon, but the dark enlightenment is known to have a presence on some of the Ivy campuses


>> No.13898869

>old Bolsheviks were nothing but non-Russians
Bukharin? Rikov? Kirov? Molotov? Kalinin? Stasova? Krupskaya? Bubnov? Smirnov? Aleksinsky? Antipov? Makarov? Meretskov? Primakov? Postyshev? Podvoisky? Kotsiubynsky? Krasikov? Kollontai? Bedny? Kuybyshev? Bazarov? Pokrovsky? Ilyin? Krinitsky? Krasin?

>> No.13898915

I'm not a communist, far from it, but his argument is a straw man and blaming communism on nobles and jews isn't really telling the whole story. The last 50 years in politics haven't been spent trying to lift up black Americans, but placate them.

>> No.13898956

Nothing really new here, but still this is pretty dope :D.

>> No.13898957

>but placate them
That's almost exactly his point if you read the whole post.

Also come on, even from that screencap you can see that he's not trying to blame anyone.

>> No.13899013

As much as i want to read him, he just cannot write well. Read like american enginneer's writing class essay

>> No.13899033

Where has he been for the last couple years? Has he written anything new recently? It seems like he’s just vanished since like 2016 or earlier. That’s probablt why we don’t talk about him that much any more.

>> No.13899043
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He's putting together a team...

>> No.13899137

Third tier functionaries at best. You know nothing of the Russian Revolution.
Lol. Daughter of a literal prince and an army general, after five years of marriage she abandoned her officer husband and their son to run away to Switzerland where she rode the cock carousel of literal international terrorists while being indoctrinated in England to become part of early XX century ISIS. Fittingly, the first ever female minister in world history.
Eventurally "married" a Ukrainian deserter who's only known act was to use gas artillery against literal peasants with sticks at Tambow, no kinds. I have no info at hand what has happened to her legal husband and their son, supposedly nothing good at all.

What a piece of shit. Oh, did I mention she was A PRINCE'S DAUGHTER?

>> No.13899167

>Third tier functionaries at best
Bukharin is "third tier functionary"? C´mon now.
>literal prince
Class isn´t ethnicity.

>> No.13899182

Shitty writer with shitty ideas.
What don't you get?

>> No.13899195

>C´mon now.
Then give me his ranks. Editor-in-chief of Pravda is now some supreme political position? He was murdered by the Georgian clan along with the Jews on made-up bulshit charges and could not prevent it in any way.
Politically he was a nobody, as any Russian before Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Even Khrushchev was effectively a Ukrainian, and Brezhnev a mystery meat believed by Jughashvili to be a "Moldovan".

>Class isn´t ethnicity.
She was a third-tier sell-out in an ISIS 0.5 first run by Jews, then by their Caucasus spawn of shvikis and dzes that purged them all under a certain Jughashvili. Clearly she was a Russian ethnic, which means forever third tier sellout in an anti-Russian totalitarian regime built on Russian slaves.
Russian communists my ass. The American Gulag will be opened by Moses Shekelstein on the broken backs of American slaves, before being taken over by the Glorious First Comrade Mahmood bixNood.

But you know that perfectly well, do you.

>> No.13899200

>Class isn´t ethnicity.
not that guy, but actually it kind of is
at least, you could certainly make the case that the European aristocracy of the middle ages and early modern period were almost a unique ethnic group. just a decentralised one

>> No.13899214

Her first surname was Domontovich, after Daumantas, a Lithuanian princely family that spoke Russian. Her legal husband was Kollontai, from a Polish aristocratic house.
She had not a single drop of a common Russian people's blood. Must be the reason she was totally OK with enslaving and genociding them by the millions.

It's not like clans like the Bushes or Roosevelts or others mingly with the dirty plebs. Give them a couple hundred years more and you have literally different peoples.
Russian aristocracy effectively spoke French until like late-XIX century, same with Lithuanian and Polish which borne the Kollontai bitch. They didn't even share a language with the plebs they were so eager to enslave back into serfdom the plebs barely got out of by early XX century.

>> No.13899227

>Then give me his ranks.
5 years in politburo, chief of propaganda, here´s a few words from Uljanov:
>Бyхapин нe тoлькo цeннeйший и кpyпнeйший тeopeтик пapтии, oн тaкжe зaкoннo cчитaeтcя любимцeм вceй пapтии, нo eгo тeopeтичecкиe вoззpeния oчeнь c бoльшим coмнeниeм мoгyт быть oтнeceны к впoлнe мapкcиcтcким, ибo в нём ecть нeчтo cхoлacтичecкoe (oн никoгдa нe yчилcя и, дyмaю, никoгдa нe пoнимaл впoлнe диaлeктики).

>Politically he was a nobody
>You know nothing of the Russian Revolution
This is getting more and more hillarious.

>Clearly she was a Russian ethnic
Case closed.
>The American Gulag will be opened by Moses Shekelstein on the broken backs of American slaves, before being taken over by the Glorious First Comrade Mahmood bixNood.
Yes, that´s the kind of things that go through Russian mind when discussing the revolution. Fucking emigrants, I swear...

>> No.13899230

You were talking about both class and ethnicity, as was Moldbug.

>> No.13899243

If you could punch Moldbug or Land who would you choose?

>> No.13899253

The list was a response to a claim about ethnicity. Please try to read precisely.

>> No.13899262

Yarvin the jawlet. My fist will hurt less after the impact.

>> No.13899274

you won't punch shit PUSSY

>> No.13899279

>5 years in politburo
A chairwarmer among the Jews. OK. Did he did there anything, or was he parroting the currrent Party line defined by the head Jew/Nigger?
>chief of propaganda
Editor-in-chief of the Pravda newspaper. Of a newspaper. The Washington Post's editor-in-chief. Not by any means the head bullshit overseer.
>Case closed.
And she was a third-tier sell-out, as any ethnic Russian was. You literally agreed with my point there.

Talking with lying wannabe slavers is getting tiresome pretty fast. If you want to be a slaver due to being a shit, you will want that no matter what. My job here is to remind the burgers your lies on my people's enslavement by international terrorists with Jewish bankers' moneys and orders.

>> No.13899290

Sure. But that was not the only claim posited.

>> No.13899295

>Did he did there anything, or was he parroting the currrent Party line defined by the head Jew/Nigger?
He helped to formulate NEP, for example.
>Of a newspaper.
*the newspaper
>You literally agreed with my point there.
Your point was that there were no Russians. Her father was a Russian general. Hence you are wrong.

>> No.13899301

>I’m russian and old Bolsheviks were nothing but non-Russians.
Sounds pretty explicit to me.

>> No.13899303

His reference list alone is a giant treasure trove. I have no clue where he found the material, but it's good.

>> No.13899308

Are you trying to imply that yarvin is shit or that I´m afraid of touching excrements?

>> No.13899312

Bolshevik revolution's leadership was like 90% Jewish until the purges. Why does this make so many people mad?

>> No.13899316

I don't remember permitting you a response POOSY

>> No.13899319

>Most brains behind the Russian Revolution were not Russian or peasants.
You're only contesting half of that statement right now.

>> No.13899320

Because that's what Bad Mustache Man said.

>> No.13899324

>Why do people respond to lies.
gee, I wonder

>> No.13899328

No. I´ve reponded to the greentexted sentence. If I wanted to list peasants, I wouldn´t start the list with a schoolteacher´s kid.

>> No.13899329

Because they imagine themselves the future slaveowners. Instead of, you know, Jewish slaves. The "Not Real Communism" is every regime ever where the commie wannabe is a slave instead of a slaveowner.
Not every single communist dreams of free labour or shit, only about "directing" or "inspiring" "the workers", that is a slave driver.
The HORRIBLE MISTAKE PLZ TELL COMRADE STALIN I WUZ A GUD BOI NO PLZ NOT THE GULAG NO of those hundreds of thousands of Russian communists who dreamed of being slaveowners but were relegated to the slave camps to be worked to death was such an often sight it got into the folk history well enough.

>> No.13899330
File: 230 KB, 554x568, 1551164673466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was what Vladmir Putin has said too, and he has the best access to Kremlin archives.

>> No.13899333

Sure. And then you were responded to, after which you abandoned that part of the argument.

>> No.13899337

What a shame, now we won´t know if Yarvin is an excrement,

>> No.13899340

I'm just tired of 'debates' where a simple real life fact like ethnicity of Bolshevik leadership is made an test of allegiance (to which political lies you submit to, and which real world facts you are willing to erase).

It's every political thread. It gets you nowhere.

>> No.13899369

It gets you pretty far, actually. A shibboleth to immediately identify the human dignity of a person you have the occasion to converse with by extrapolationg his life goals and values out of his political stance.
In real life, that is. On imageboards with anonymous discord trannies, yes, pointless drivel I have a weakness to indulge sometimes in.

>> No.13899373

His critique of democracy is fundamentally correct, but childish. Rousseau would have been amused to see someone question democracy the way we do in the 21st century.