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13896336 No.13896336[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

fuck bugerpunk and fuck women and boomers and fuck zoomers. Seneca, Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein, Nietzsche, Beckett and Sarte are the only way

>> No.13896356

>don't be a pussy lol
That's correct, though. Men have only gotten depressed in recent history because they've gotten soft.

>> No.13896369

Fuck why’d the first response have to be so based, since you didn’t fall for my bait we can be frens.

>> No.13896372


>> No.13896373

is this loss

>> No.13896386

Men have been depressed all throughout history. Only today is more noticeable. People back then thought it was caused by demons or some nonsense. Now we know why.

>> No.13896393
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>fuck women
Fuck yeah

>> No.13896397

>Implying depression isn’t caused by demons

>> No.13896398

all those softies in the trenches shoulda kept "Meditations" in their rucksack. what a bunch of pussies yabrah?

>> No.13896400
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She’s not half bad, got anymore, here’s one, let’s trade pokewomen

>> No.13896402

yet they still charged the enemy trench

>> No.13896403

People had suffering, but only now do they have depression en-masse

>> No.13896406

I guess. How are you anon?

>> No.13896426

Yeah, thanks to a pseudoscientific ''research'' that gives the patients an excuse to not look in the right direction, and gives the lazy quacks an excuse to abusively sell large amount of an ineffective product.

Depression is a malady of the will. That's what it was and that's what it always will be.

>> No.13896427

>happy good
>sad bad

>> No.13896433
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Ashly Burch
Is that Bat-girl?

>> No.13896436

When has something that rhymed ever been wrong?

>> No.13896437

Stop posting my waifu you lecherous leper.

>> No.13896442

Well, women are demons.

>> No.13896449

Most of the time.

>> No.13896466


>> No.13896484
File: 94 KB, 397x598, 953B2E91-1E36-4C2F-BF1D-F35A136B4623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, Another card of mine, PJ Harvey, and I’m not sure if it’s batgirl

>> No.13897729

first post best post

>> No.13898377

WTF do Seneca, Nietzsche and Wittgenstein even have in common?
See a therapist.

>> No.13898490

A lot of those boys got the thousand island stare.

>> No.13898679
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>my shitty grandkids invented depression

>> No.13898698

Not true at all. Depression has existed throughout history. And this toxic masculine attitude is the reason why men are ashamed to get help.

>> No.13898810

fucking based
seriously fuck all the crybaby fag enablers

>> No.13898843

When did pj get tits? She was flat as a board in the Man Size video.

>> No.13898916

Litteraly and honestly came to say this. Praying cures my depression.

>> No.13898939


>> No.13898960

Stop being a whiny little bitch.

>> No.13898975

What a shitty fucking thread

>> No.13899847

Yeah cause combat trauma and depression are the same

>> No.13899927

>still not knowing ghost that dwell in the blood cause depression
>not constantly doing cocaine to atrophy their power

What a bunch of brainlets

>> No.13899943
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As always, fpbp

>> No.13899959
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>> No.13899971

Careful now hohol

>> No.13900010

I'm of the opinion that mass depression is a thing now because western society has become incompatible with the human condition rather than a reflection of the individuals themselves. The NEETs have a point, and I dont think people were meant to live as wage slaves; however, the wage slaves are also correct in saying that one must if they are to survive in today's society. I think that this realization, on whatever level of conciousness, is the cause of depression.

>> No.13900022

It's not depression, it's ennui. Very few people in this world have the strength to live for themselves, myself included. And that doesn't mean mindless hedonism. It means living by your own hand, for yourself, creating and destroying, learning and growing.

I am guilty of this too. It's not like I have it figured out. The only thing I really do is work. At work I spend my time doing tasks that I don't care about to achieve goals that don't affect me. I trade my time for money. I trade that money for a place to hide away when I am not working - in a location and configuration convenient for my getting to work. So really I work in order to continue working.

Imagine a rational person counting the minutes left in their 8 hour shift, 5 days a week. I am literally wishing for my time to disappear from me as quickly as possible so that I can be released to my 'actual' life. Every day I try to convince someone else to let me continue giving them my time (the sole measure of my limited precious existence) - I am a vampire's thrall.

How COULD a man feel well while doing this?

>> No.13900051

I blame porn addictions. Most men jack away all their energy and motivation that should be put towards finding a mate, and then wonder why they feel so empty.

>> No.13900067

Nicely put, anon. I think many people would say something similar, and that's more or less what I was trying to get at in >>13900010

>> No.13900398

> Push up bra

>> No.13900409

turbo cringe

>> No.13900414

turbo cringe

>> No.13900424

>men say don't be a pussy
>men have written most history
>depression never existed
Go figure, detective

>> No.13900441

Holy based

>> No.13900546

Porn addiction and depression are both symptoms of >>13900022.

>> No.13900585

Neither NEETs or Wage slaves have the right idea you fucking imbecile, NEETs are worthless and wage slave cunts flip my burgers, Entering STEM and reading Literature and Philosophy on the side is the fucking way to go. Fuck Everyone

>> No.13900595
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>Seneca, Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein, Nietzsche, Beckett and Sarte are the only way
no, retard

>> No.13900597

>because they've gotten soft
your'e not wrong but it's not financially sound to pursue the old masculine arts. working with hands is a dead practice

>> No.13900605

If you're genuinely suicidal, than why are you here. The genuine way to live is to kill yourself if that's how you actually feel. The pathetic flailing we call often dub "depression" is some kind of attention seeking behavior.

>> No.13900654

That's gotta be the most cringe use of that format I've ever seen

>> No.13900656

Yes, but why have they gotten soft? Society.

>> No.13900660

But dude we live in a fucking society

>> No.13900667

Sigh... well, looks like I'll just remain a NEET after all.

>> No.13900675


>> No.13900765
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>> No.13900912

>toiling in the algorithm mines isn't wageslavery!