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/lit/ - Literature

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13893818 No.13893818[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, how do we deprogram these people?

>> No.13893823

We have to listen to our own voice. But that can only be done by the self.

>> No.13893827
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/pol/ is for the discussion of politics. /lit/ is for the discussion of books and authors.

>> No.13893830

politicized anglo children should be killed, off yourself faggot op you're pathetic

>> No.13893833

And the effect of books on people and how to reverse those effects

>> No.13893838

>Ron Paul
Please kys, commiefag

>> No.13893839

I used to be like this, then I started reading.

>> No.13893846

sincerely wish the world would be cleansed of anglo filth

>> No.13893873


>> No.13893878

reported to FBI for hate speech

>> No.13893896
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i have became a reactionary but not in the sense of jerking off to pictures of knights from the middle ages with a vhs filter and/or hating minorities and modern society for not instilling masculinity by burning people alive. but more in the sense of hopelessness, exhaustion, anxiety and hatred to those with linear one dimensional thought of good-bad and over confident self-righteous navel-gazing of politics that claims that a solution is so easy and obvious implying there is a solution or a problem in the first place.

>> No.13893919

>not everyone agrees with me reeeee

>> No.13893934

>I'm so unique and not like the others. That means I'm smart
You're not smart or original. If anything you're a pussy who can't make up his mind

>> No.13893937

Show flag

>> No.13893945

Wow I sure do love a good thread about literature on my favorite board, /lit/ - Literature

>> No.13893956

The only solution for weaponized mass insincerity is radical sincerity. The solution is to provide a superior program including both skepticism and imagination.

Rightists need to be hated by "the enemy" to justify their own radical insincerity; "the enemy" must be defeated at all costs, and deceived by all means. The weapon against this is empathy and compassion - a difficult matter, as it needs to be concerned with both the victims of rightist oppression and ideologies alike. The response to rightist hatred should be sorrow and tears toward the entire situation; to make ourselves naked emotionally and reveal our absolute helplessness in the face of this insanity. The only future for humanity is a future for all of humanity, and such a task is the most difficult one in human history.

I have failed many times in not responding with hatred and anger to rightist hatred; the problem seems near-insurmountable but it must be overcome. The answer must come from love and compassion.

To be an intellectual is to have undying faith in the power of ideas to elevate one's condition, and the human condition. It is to reject the unthinking brutality of violence and war wherever it comes up. Ideas that come from the deepest love for the world and sorrow for the world will be the ones that change them.

>> No.13893966

i would punch you irl what are u gonna do

>> No.13893969

It's okay to be a fascist

>> No.13893980

Can't tell if this is supposed to say Ron Paul is a nazi or if people pretending to be libertarians are pushing nazi propaganda. Either way it doesn't make much sense unless talking about these Pinochet jokers.

>> No.13893985

Hey could you please stop being such a jerk? Your poorly hidden racism is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Edit: Wow this blew up
Edit 2: Haha guys I'm just pointing out his horrible racism, but thanks for the upvotes I guess?
Edit 3: My first gold! Thank you kind stranger!
Edit 4: Okay seriously, stop giving me gold guys! We should go donate to the Schlomostein Foundation Against Racism instead!
Edit 5: You guys are nuts, we actually did it! Remember to keep donating to end racism off our site! *cartwheels out of the thread*

>> No.13894013

>Ron Paul as Stormfront ideologue
Oh fuck off

>> No.13894029

Based retards too stupid to understand the image

>> No.13894036

In what sense are you reactionary then?

>> No.13894066

>The answer must come from love and compassion.
I profoundly disagree. Game theory shows the answer for hatred is more hatred. If you're compassionate with destructive, non-cooperative individuals you will simply get destroyed. Instead, you must show them their insolence against civilization has a price: the far-right must be treated with overt hostility, and destroyed by force if needed, and they must be made aware of what their fate is if they keep their infantile politics.

>> No.13894074

>implying pol reads books

>> No.13894076

They are awake unlike you

>> No.13894095
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ok faggot

>> No.13894102

We love you too. You don't sound like a liar, except for the lies you tell yourself.
>The only future for humanity is a future for all of humanity
Yeah man, um, absolutely, whatever you say. Just make to stay away from that NKVD list.

>> No.13894115

These are rather specific.

>> No.13894121
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You get them socialized, deleting 4chan would probably do a lot of good. Right wing radicalization has a lot to do with modern alienation and isolation. Becoming a 24/7 hapless entrepreneur without any fulfilling career prospects and without any center for community outside of horrific modern internet relations leads many to be nostalgic for supposedly simpler, certainly more stable times. This very anxiety however primes these people for right wing propaganda, propelled in part by the inanity of modern identity politics, but largely out of a universal feeling of having been cheated by life itself. It's then incredibly easy to convince them of easy answers, which in our period of extreme ambiguity and information overload is what people crave the most (which is why figures like Trump and Ross Perot were so popular at all.)
Combine that with a culture that clings onto equating success and happiness with domination and superiority, and you have perfect conditions for /pol/.

One way of breaking it would be to try and force people to realize that there have never been, are not, and will never be easy answers to anything. That everything is incredibly complex, open ended, ambiguous, overwhelming. But that sort of approach only works for a select few, in my experience. Leftist attempts to swing others into Marxism or Anarchism through argument is a dead end, as this sort of ideology isn't interested in good faith argument anyway, and is impenetrable, being able to deny everything because of how compelling and wish-fulfilling it is.

Frankly, more fruitful ways are simply trying to get people to socialize with others, even if mediated through books, film, music, etc. It's become clear, at least to myself, that the structure of the internet inherently breeds a reactionary response because of how instantaneous and a-human it is. Real life honest communication seems to be the only real answer at the moment, something that's also impossible for the neoreactionary's most radical. I think there's a big part of right wing propaganda that desperately tries to eschew self honesty and self criticism, self reflection, onto whatever particular evil the ideology is focused on that day (Deep state, Jews, liberals, etc.) It is a way of relieving the immense pain of being an individual in a deeply flawed world by elevating the ideologue to that of a secret Superman, who is defined not by their particular individual identity but by their political purpose (thus the Crusade memes) and aesthetics. It replaces the complicated reality of human relationships with an exploded Us v Them, where all other qualities are subsumed into, are indicators of and subservient to, that dynamic.

In any case, be thankful that you're not trapped in /pol/'s kind of thinking: paranoid, misanthropic, anxious to the extent of destabilization, isolated.

>> No.13894124

i never understood this meme, is it just walking outside at night?

>> No.13894143

>You get them socialized

Stopped reading there, you leftist cuckolds are really something.

>> No.13894157

Basically. I found it be nice in the winter, everything is dead silent.

>> No.13894170

You're inadvertently proving my point

>> No.13894182

They just want to conform but cant due to whatever reasons and no one wants to get personally involved with people like that, or they want a new conformity that enevelopes them and those like them. Opposed to the leftist whos nonconformity they already like about themselves (hopefully) is in an odd sense their own conformity.

>> No.13894188

Best ideology is the one that suits me the most.
All things are nothing to me.

>> No.13894220

The fundamental "problems" of the extreme right wing strike me as being somewhat similar to the "problems" of the extreme left wing, i.e. a revolt against rationalistic bourgeois normality and a longing for substantive meaning. Every appeal to the virtues of the heroic struggle, and indeed the very evocation of anything heroic itself, and the emphasis on organic belonging, speaks to this. There is no place in bourgeois society for the virtue of heroism, as the market and the corporate world of labour does not provide a space for epic struggle, which is where it is most valued.

The individual in mass society is faced with this bizarre inequality of value (not wealth). That is, because of the very fact that he is part of the mass society, his most likely station in life is that of an anonymous cog, and this perception of this being his station is all the more reinforced by the fact that, since he lives in a mass society, he also lives with mass media, which endow very few people with personhood and importance. There is a sense in which the only real people in mass society are those that are recognized as real by mass media, and mass media itself is predicated on the condition of meaningless anonymity for almost everyone else.

Incidentally, reaction against modern meaninglessness isn't just a staple of the right. It also seems to form the starting point of the radical left. I don't see that meaninglessness and the mundane are problems that can be fixed by "socialization". These are not problems of socialization.

>> No.13894223

Good post.

>> No.13894262
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These guys won’t shoot up a school

>> No.13894268

>paranoid, misanthropic, anxious to the extent of destabilization, isolated.

It's a bit difficult to see how these traits do not equally apply to many on the left. Their paranoya is manifested in their perma histeric about the ever present possibility of a fascist ressurgence, wich they see in almost everything -- capitalism, the family, masculine virtue, bourgeois virtue, sexual morality, patriotism, notions of normalcy, etc. -- or in their literal conspiracy theory, i.e. "The Conspiracy of the bourgeoisie". Their misanthropy is likewise palpable when it comes to their assessment of human beings on the environment, or of the worth of most human societies up the present day, which they them to be reactionary and only good for the trash heap of history, as it must all be superceded by the socialist world yet to come. As to their anxiety, the true socialist believer always exists on the cusp of social disaster. Everything is always a crisis. Crisis of capitalism, of the environment, of society, always justifying the highest level of alertness and readiness. The new concentration camps are always just around the corner, and calls for revolution always present. Getting shot near an ICE detention facility is considered an appropriate response in these circles, much like shooting up a mosque or a synagogue is on the right.

But that's all a normal consequence of people looking for meaning through struggle. An epic narrative in which one can invovle one self is the antidote the mundane. ISIS did the same thing.

>> No.13894281

Basically, be a good docile urbanite and keep on working towards the system. TK was 100% right, there is no reasoning with these people. They will die serving the system while mainting the illusion that they're fighting against it.

>You're not domesticated enough. Domesticate yourself some more and you will fit in with all the domesticated people living in urban zoos. It's not domestication that's the problem, it's you.

Could've written something more intelligible but there is no reasoning with cattle. Ironic that Freud has been totally discarded by the modern left. The man proved that socialization leads to neurosis and sexual deviancy. And guess what? Leftists and oversocialized fags are all deviants, trannies etc... Memes write themselves. One last thing; fuck anglos.

>> No.13894282

Absolutely based and physiognomypilled

>> No.13894287

TK was a terrorist. We’re trying to prevent more senseless deaths here.

>> No.13894288

They have such a hate of the mundane but the logical conclusion of a leftist world is pretty mundane

>> No.13894303

You aren't preventing any death you prolapsed anus. You're just signalling your tolerance for the outgroup.

>> No.13894316

The problem is that the form of socialization of the individual in modernity promotes anti-social behavior. The rampant individualism of modern society leads to discontent anti-social individuals seeking meaning in community.

The problem is that the existing political means for resolving the way we organize socialization are all inadequate because they simply serve to expel frustration without actually reorganizing society. It's all directed towards reproducing the totally administered society.

The politics we have is just petty-bourgeois discontent, that's not really even political - just statist.

>> No.13894320

What I mean by socialization is not in the sense that one must "adjust" oneself to society in the way that society itself requires and demands. What I mean is socialization in the most basic and concrete meaning: to be with others in an intimate and self-exposing way for no particular function other than to be with others.
I agree with the notion of heroism and anonymity. The lack of being able to meet expectations of being a hero, which in at least the US is the end all be all of being considered a true individual person (which is why even still the Great Men theory of history still holds appeal, which is why a good amount of right wing shooters commit murder, to try and fulfill that drive to heroism we're propelled to think is necessary.)

I also agree about your point of modern meaningless as being a major starting point for radically left wing politics as well. I also find people who get into left wing politics for this reason dangerous, or at least woefully unfullfilled in a similar way to the extreme right.

But my point on socialization is that, in a perfect sort of friendship that I at least have been able to have, is that it defies function, and in fact breaks down the very notion of "belonging" in the vulgar sense that left and right wing identity politics portrays it. In those cases they seek a certain conformity and stasis (right wing obsession with Nazi Germany and the American 50s speaks to this.) But in effect what it attempts to really do is liquidate the self into a mass of unjudgement, simple anxiety free zones where the intense reflection and retrospection involved in honest human relationships, and the intense pain that one must open himself up to in order to fulfill that kind of relationship, are avoided and nulled. One of the major trends of the 20th century is the erasure of avenues to socialize meaningfully; that on top of an Infinitely commodified and bureaucratic existence has lead more people to a near constant isolation. It is because of that very isolation that one cannot even see himself.

This is all to say that I find that mass ideological systems such as the right's particularly dangerous in their attempt to prevent attempts at reflection and serious human social engagement. The left (particularly liberal idpolers) of course does this too to a degree, but not on the scale that the right does, who seem to wish to annihilate their particular selves to the extent of mass murder.

I'm not talking about socializing in mass society, I'm talking about individual, one on one relationships.

>> No.13894330

I believe there is no way to escape the structure of production in a modern mass society, and that this structure is inevitably mundane. Leftists's "conclusions" are, to me, no conclusions at all, since leftist are notoriously skiddish about describing their ideal end state. The socialist world to come is over the horizon, i.e. not in front of one's eyes. They can't describe it, and where they to attempt to do so it would inevatiably be either mundane or fantastical.

Marx was smart to reject any attempt to describe in too much detail what the socialist future would look like, and to mock as unscientific and utopian those who had previously tried to do so. (St-Simon predicted that there would be temples to Newton and science, while Fourrier described a world in which the sea would basically be fruit punch. Trotsky infamously believed that the future socialist man would ordinarily reach the level of a Goethe or a Bethoven, and would then rise further still. Engels, for his part, predicted that the military science and technology of his time was complete, that no further advence in military progress was possible. With these results in mind, better leave predictions to other people. And indeed, we may contrast these predictions with those of a say, bitch bourgeois economist such as Schumpeter, who was basically right with his boring some percent growth prediction.)

>> No.13894349
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>you prolapsed anus
Holy fuck I'm writing this one down.
>kill bad

>> No.13894361

Samefag, and yes only dumbfuck reactionaries cheer when some incel posts his manifesto against non whites online and then shoots up a Walmart.

>> No.13894368

This used to be me, then i actually started reading political philosophy and the whole worldview crumbled quite fast. If you are like this, try to challenge your worldview beyond the "sjw cringe wreckt compilation" on ytube, and stephen crowder montages.

>> No.13894376

Im basically a normoid and find the surrealness of it entertaining desu

>> No.13894386

Every day Walter Benjamin is proven more correct

>> No.13894388
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>mom!!! they are being mean to meeee
>don't worry honey, they must be all the same person
I will cheer when your family gets raped to death by nonwhites in the chimpout.

>> No.13894391

>The rampant individualism of modern society leads to discontent anti-social individuals seeking meaning in community.

They are both anti-social and seek community?

Note that I didn't say meaning in community, but meaning tout court. The cause and the struggle is usually the purvoyer of meaning.

>It's all directed towards reproducing the totally administered society.

There is not political solution to the contraints imposed by the structure of production, and no diagnosis can locate the cause of the discontent in the political. I'm amazed that, on this point, I am more of a strict materialist than the marxists or the leftists, who seem to believe that it is up to the human will to fix things.

>What I mean is socialization in the most basic and concrete meaning: to be with others in an intimate and self-exposing way for no particular function other than to be with others.

I understood that, but since I locate the cause of the discontent in mass society itself and its concomittent structure of production, which produce anonimity and meaninglessness, it follows that socialization isn't the solution to the problem, to the extent that there is a problem to be solved. (There may be a problem without a solution.)

>I also find people who get into left wing politics for this reason dangerous, or at least woefully unfullfilled in a similar way to the extreme right.

That would seem to place a Marcuse in that category of dangerous people. "The one dimentional man" is hardly anything if not an analysis of the stupefying banality that is imposed on everyone by the domineering one sidededness imposed on individual by the quasi totalitarian dominance of rational economic calculation.

>This is all to say that I find that mass ideological systems such as the right's particularly dangerous in their attempt to prevent attempts at reflection and serious human social engagement. The left (particularly liberal idpolers) of course does this too to a degree, but not on the scale that the right does, who seem to wish to annihilate their particular selves to the extent of mass murder.

I think that this antipathy toward the right is just a reflexive left over from the particular point of view of our own society, which morally exists on the back of the founding myths -- I do not mean "untrue" -- of WWII, the holocaust, the civil rights movement, the sexual revolution and decolonization.

>> No.13894397

Redpill on the benj

>> No.13894399

The deep center is the most extreme politics possible.
We must unite the extreme right and far left under the banner of AntiASS Action.

>> No.13894434
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>leftist women
>had sex with niggers
>extremely low iq due to weed and drugs
>has at least 10 genders
>doesn't know how to do anything but sucking dick because knowing how to do anything is patriarchal and sexist
>will cheat on you because i'm liberated hear me roar
>won't have any children and even if she does you won't be able to call your kid yours due to extreme microchimerism for having been fucked thousands of times

>right wing women
>pic related

Have fun heroes of the proletariat lmao

>> No.13894437

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

>> No.13894454
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>> No.13894472

Good response, I'll try and reply in full in a bit.
In short: I don't think that our critiques are at odds, and if the question is how to wean people off right wing radicalism, I still think my point holds; I don't claim that it is the root or main cause of the problem though, which I think you outline well.

I'll reply in full later when I get there chance but the tl;Dr is
>Marx was wrong about history
>Historical materialism is a kind of theology that denies that it is a theology
>History and time are catastrophic and non-linear
>History is fundamentally theology (this is a good thing)
>Past forms of authentic experience are no longer available to us
>Everything has been commodified; there is no longer anything that escapes or is outside of commodification
>Fascism operates by aestheticizing politics, which cultimates in war. Fascism thrives on the new aesthetic pleasure of annihilation
>In order to work through this, the left must embrace commodities and operate "through" them (he died before he figured out how to do this)

>> No.13894492

I agree that both left and right are doing the brainwashing and providing easy answers for those too preoccupied to think, but really? You think the right is the biggest offender? I think you have it completely backwards. You are basically required to hold a liberal viewpoint (or at least you are not able to freely challenge it on any important points) to be able to actively participate in any intellectual activity from academia down to mass media and the most inane forms of entertainment. Almost all social media is on your side except for some enclaves of weirdos.

Please, consider that the crazies might be right about this one, chief. Insinuating we are all brainwashed and autists can wait until you can confirm to yourself that it ACTUALLY is true that leftism in our society is not in any way a synchronized pathology, that being fired for a dissenting view is true and beautiful and good, that the Overton window is actually not shrinking ominously with each year.

Spare me your banal thoughts on socialization, they're too obvious. You have to engage with an opposite viewpoint in a honest way too. Unfortunately it is all too human too think good faith exists only on your side, but you must put in the extra effort and expand your worldview.

>> No.13894497

>stephen crowder montages
>wreckt compilations
You didn't have a "whole worldview", retard. Why don't you just go ahead and list your 5 most enjoyed of political philosophy, and your 5 most disliked?

>> No.13894517

Yes man I'm samefagging. We're all little dopplegangers

>> No.13894523

Shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.13894532

I will not bother you again

>> No.13894537

>Another person confuses liberals with the left
Like clockwork
Please, let's not pretend that the biggest concern is that people are unable to speak their political views without social mockery. Honestly.

>> No.13894540

holy shit go back to discord you wholechan leftypol orphans. youre poisoning the rest of the internet

>> No.13894548

stormfags are dumb because
>they don't realize reactionary-ism is only temporary
>Europe is made of up of many nations and it can never be one nation in the sense of what a nation actually is
>The Nazis genocides slavs (other white people) during their campaign in the East
>The Nazi government was completely artificial (I.E copying Greek and Roman statues and Himmler practicing Pagan rituals in his mansion)
>The Nazis made nationalism in itself a dirty word and anyone an easy word to throw at genuine nationalists
>Nazism failed and as a result modern neo-nazi communities are filled with fat 13 year olds, Trannies, Femboys, Weebs and other degenerates like that

>> No.13894563

> projections

>> No.13894577
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did somebody say deprogram?

>> No.13894579

Funny thing is, I probably can speak my political views without social mockery. Just not in a western country. I'm only tangentially interested in all the circus.
>Another person confuses liberals with the left
Yes, most people do. You mean the left as in marxists. Plenty of those on campus. No one is exactly listening to them but they aren't getting noplatformed either.

>> No.13894601

>they don't realize reactionary-ism is only temporary
>Europe is made of up of many nations and it can never be one nation in the sense of what a nation actually is
Europe can still be many nations as long as there are white people in them, you know, their NATIVE population. As much as you'd like to put distance between us to justify bringin in third world niggers pretending it's the same thing as a french man settling up in germany, it doesn't work. We have a common heritage, a common mindset, and a common manifest destiny.
>The Nazis genocides slavs (other white people) during their campaign in the East
We don't need to copy mistakes, but we can be inspired by the good things. And they didn't "genocide" slavs. Soviets killed more slavs than germany in WW2.
>The Nazi government was completely artificial (I.E copying Greek and Roman statues and Himmler practicing Pagan rituals in his mansion)
It's cool that you pretend grecorroman worship wasn't a thing since the rennaisance in Europe as a whole
>The Nazis made nationalism in itself a dirty word and anyone an easy word to throw at genuine nationalists
What cuckolds call us is irrelevant.
>Nazism failed and as a result modern neo-nazi communities are filled with fat 13 year olds, Trannies, Femboys, Weebs and other degenerates like that

>> No.13894625

By having sex

>> No.13894628

but why do you want a strong daddy-figure to tell you what to do and to crush your testicles with his strong boot heel?

>> No.13894651

I want to live in a country that is not spiritually cucked into giving its resources (housing, money, goods, jobs etc.) to illegal immigrant third worlders that rape and pillage and terrorize entire neighbours by forcing the native populace to fund it via taxes and welfare while knowing doing so will make the native population go extinct because they have been busy since the 50s brainwashing white people into antinatalism and homosexuality while the brown hordes are untainted by it and have 7 kids on average, making us pay and support them.

>> No.13894652

it is because most of them are too young to realize that it's only something to set up off of
>Europe can still be many nations as long as there are white people in them, you know, their NATIVE population. As much as you'd like to put distance between us to justify bringin in third world niggers pretending it's the same thing as a french man settling up in germany, it doesn't work. We have a common heritage, a common mindset, and a common manifest destiny.
never even argued that, but you seem to misunderstand that each people from the continent of Europe are different. I'm from Ireland and I will never accept any form of unity with another foreign nation because I am true nationalist, not some larper who only values people with his same skin tone but a completely different culture and are a completely different people
>we don't need to copy mistakes
No one said you do but stormfag retards are constantly praising a government and hailing like it's the holy grail when it slaughtered other white people. Also, the Nazis did:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalplan_Ost
>What cuckolds call us irrelevant
it kind of is given people are scarred away from becoming nationalists because of how evil the nazis were and the association with every single nationalist group
and on your last point,

>> No.13894654

Why do you people associate everything with sex?

>> No.13894660

This guy's a leftypol falseflag.

>> No.13894665

read this response >>13894651 and tell me you can't smell the frustrated libido, leather and mommy's lipstick smeared all over it

>> No.13894669
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>Calling the most honest man who ever ran for president next to Jimmy Carter an "ideologue"


>> No.13894675

Because they want COOOOOM. Also rightards and leftards both do it all the time

>> No.13894679
File: 262 KB, 563x542, 2a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just reset them and by reset them i mean put abullet in their head and hope they reincarnate in a less retarded form.

>> No.13894680

No, i am not a coomer.

>> No.13894689

Oversocialization leads to neurosis. Basically Freud.

>> No.13894702

>never even argued that, but you seem to misunderstand that each people from the continent of Europe are different. I'm from Ireland and I will never accept any form of unity with another foreign nation because I am true nationalist, not some larper who only values people with his same skin tone but a completely different culture and are a completely different people

Nationalism without race is failed larping. "not accepting any form of union with another nation", you are truly retarded, nations are meaningless shit, made up names and flags. Race, DNA is all that matters. You are as much of a cuck as those mainstream "right-wingers" praising israel. And autistic pseudoinbreeding mentality (scottish man bad, he foreign, i irish) is as bad as pathological cosmopolitanism. We must achieve the golden mean, everything else is divide and conquer.
>No one said you do but stormfag retards are constantly praising a government and hailing like it's the holy grail when it slaughtered other white people.
You mean white communists. I would see no wrong in killing all of those schizo tranny sjw that enable our demise every day. Not on the basis of race alone, of course.
>it kind of is given people are scarred away from becoming nationalists because of how evil the nazis were and the association with every single nationalist group
and on your last point,
I give no fucks about what people are scared off. People worth shit are not scared about "guilt by association".
Dirty cumbrain, expected of a leftist.

>> No.13894737

>when I stop touching my peepee I become completely unable to notice the overt psychosexual neurosis stormfags put on display with their epic boomer radio show speeches

>> No.13894750

So basically you have no more arguments and are posting about sex now.
Got it.

>> No.13894751
File: 78 KB, 695x444, republican death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "making threads and writing essays about the guys we're obsessed with" episode
It's socially unacceptable for Europeans to advocate for their group interests, despite it being kosher for every other sort of group/religion. This is what drives the frustration seen in the dissident right, and until it becomes acceptable to advocate for your own (European) group above all others, especially in your own country of origin, people will only become more and more frustrated. To deny this (usually by implying that it is these same European groups which censor themselves, rather than outside forces [jews] encouraging censorship customs & law) is complete insanity, as it's apparent at this point that far-right ideas are resonating with a significant portion of the male youth, as seen by the massive upswing for far-right (and far-left) parties in the EU.
To think that it's le ebil /pol/ that has inspired the increased popularity of ethno-centric sentiment is clearly to ignore the steady increase of anti-European rhetoric over the last few decades and the current demographic situation (esp. in places like the U.S.) which is straight-out obsoleting the established political parties, pic related.
Reminder that if the 2016 election was held again today, with the exact same demographics giving their % of the vote (e.g. black women still vote 94% clinton), Trump wouldn't win again - every election is becoming increasingly difficult, and elements within the established political structure (not /pol/) recognize this and are starting to change their strategy.

These retard takes about socializing and getting laid are ignoring the fact that the old parties are dying - did you think that nothing would take their place?

>> No.13894763

>I've made a stormfag seethe
ooooh, goodie.
Let me explain something to you retard, nations are more than your artificial creations, nations are spiritual beings that developed overtime and then became a common homeland for all people. Anyone who tries to deny this is not a nationalist. I am not one with with the rest of Europe so I can not divided from them.

The Slavs they killed in the east may have been mostly socialist, but I doubt they would have been okay with the modern communist "lol just let people invade ur country xd!!!!" and infact they were patriotic enough to stop it from happen.
get Erwin Rommel's dick out of your mouth, study actual history and became a genuine nationalist, not some cringy wanna be wignat.

>> No.13894766

the argument is: immigration hysteria is the manifestation of psychosexual neurosis. there is actually a lot of literature about this. Seek treatment instead of making your mental illness into a political party.

>> No.13894781

>be a republican
>vote republican for 40 years
>non-whites mostly vote democrat
>more of them come into the country
>advocate against it since my party won't get enough votes in the future
That's psychosexual neurosis for you, huh?

>> No.13894785

I reread his post and didn't see a single sing of "bootlicking", or whatever that leftist slang is supposed to mean.

>> No.13894797

It's funny that they shit on people who work in retail when most degrees people get are worthless now.
I'm sure the womans studies degree at your coffee shop is doing you a lot of good.
Also why would a low skilled labor person want to flood the market with more low skilled workers from another country, wouldn't that be against their economic interest?

>> No.13894816

sure, I'm not saying every single thing about the right can be explained with Freud.
But something as deep as this obsession with cuckholdry and the big black men coming for our white women can surely explain a lot of the underlying impetus driving the right today.

right, let's assume the best of the neonazis until the prove us wrong! Maybe he wants a nice and democratic white ethnostate where the degenerates are gently deported to Canada on a nice greyhound bus.

>> No.13894818

>To think that it's le ebil /pol/ that has inspired the increased popularity of ethno-centric sentiment is clearly to ignore the steady increase of anti-European rhetoric over the last few decades and the current demographic situation

It's also to vest way too much power in someting which everyone recognize as having been completely marginal before gaining any notoriety. If it had been possible for the far right to become powerful before being so, why didn't it do it before? How did the powerless and marginal have to power to make themselves both powerful and non marginal?

Hyper focus on the internet is also misplaced. It's as if law enforcement were focusing on where the crime took place and not on the criminals or the cause of criminality. Did the crime took place in the street? We must shut down the street. We must investigate the street. We must regulate the street. Perhaps we ought to change the street's name? If you see your son walking the street, alert the authorities. Crime has been known to spontaneously manifest in places like the street or at least a street.

>> No.13894825

>But something as deep as this obsession with cuckholdry and the big black men coming for our white women can surely explain a lot of the underlying impetus driving the right today.

I'm not gonna disagree here but the truly radical position here is to be open to the possibility that this attitude isn't necessarily pathological.

>> No.13894830

Yes but it's actually nice if you live in a quiet place where you wont get bugged or mugged. Put some music in and relax, usually help me get to sleep.

>> No.13894842

>wanting your race to not die and not be enslaved by the government to give your hardworking money to shitskinned monkey rapist-murderers means you want to suck dicks haha xd


>Let me explain something to you retard, nations are more than your artificial creations, nations are spiritual beings that developed overtime and then became a common homeland for all people.
Lmao you retarded turbocuck. Nations are literally made up, just names to certain locations on a map, what's important is the people on them. Ireland? My ass. Caledonia et Hibernia? Is it Spain? Is it Iberia? Is it Tarraco?

Nations and borders change you cockmongler. The genetic stock of the people in them don't. You call yourself irish but are the same as your ancestors before ireland being ever created. And before all that, you are indoeuropean, the same as every white man on Europe. You are a worthless retard and as much of a race traitor as the other leftists here, you even use their namecalling buzzwords "le epic stormfag".

>I am not one with with the rest of Europe
You are one with the rest of Europe biologically, and culturally you have much from them if you even know a bit of history.

>The Slavs they killed in the east may have been mostly socialist, but I doubt they would have been okay with the modern communist "lol just let people invade ur country xd!!!!" and infact they were patriotic enough to stop it from happen.
Maybe they shouldn't have followed their jewish leaders then, their bad.
>get Erwin Rommel's dick out of your mouth
That one is a traitor cuck just as you are, seems as you don't know shit about history, big mouthed retard.
>study actual history and became a genuine nationalist
That's why I'm pan-european, because I know history.

>> No.13894843

I'm not a westerner, but how is not wanting your race to be replaced, or the influence of weakened a bad thing? Shouldn't you be advocating for your own interest?

>> No.13894869

Standard boilerplate western ethics stipulate that everything that has to do with un chosen historical circumstances is not morally relevant. So, if you happen to be born in a certain place, which is not something you have chosen, then it cannot be accorded any moral weight, as it is not a reflection of your inner moral worth. It follows that valuing people from the group you happen to be born in more than those you happen to not have been born with is incorrect under that view.

This may or may not be gay.

>> No.13894870

sure, a lot of it is simply ignorance. They're the useful idiots.

the thing is is that this hysteria is baseless. It's fucking silly. We have actual problems today like preventing a +3C world in 2030 and turbo jesus-take-the-wheel capitalism and these boomers are worried about the darkies just like their grandpappys.

>> No.13894872

I was in agreement with this until the author outed himself as a discord tranny on the bottom right.

>> No.13894881

Fully agree with you on that one.
Sound pretty home of sexual according to my country's culture.

>> No.13894889

>But something as deep as this obsession with cuckholdry
It started as a 4chan meme in something totally unrelated to politics, dear redditor. And it took hold in some circles because they actually realized that being a leftist that willfully let foreigners take advantage of him taking his money, his labor and his resources via government and being ok with it was equivalent to being a cuckold in the spiritual sense. And guess what, they themselves claim to be cuckolds literally so I don't see your point.
>the big black men coming for our white women can surely explain a lot of the underlying impetus driving the right today.
Dunno what you are on but it might be related to black men doing most rapes in a given country and directed to white women. Maybe it's something that correlates to reality? Is that an obsession? If a hardened criminal enters my home with a machete, am I obsessed if I think it might chop my head off?
>They're the useful idiots.
We are useful idiots for acknowledging things that happen in the real world. I see.

>> No.13894890
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>prevent more senseless deaths
No, friend, we need to wipe the shitstain of the human race off the face of the earth before ot is too late. Humanity is fucked and it's by our own making; we made the grave, now we have to lay in it.

>> No.13894895

Man America fucking ruined politics in the Anglosphere, good one.

>> No.13894900

Ignorance of what?

>> No.13894946
File: 18 KB, 211x310, 1535548242947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the nature of influence and thought. We are all 'programmed' by our genetics, our environment, and by other people. No one can just instantiate their thoughts and behaviours out of nowhere. Additionally, most people don't have the intelligence to process all the nuance/complexity of reality nor philosophies which more accurately describe it -- hence the role of more general ideology. Unfortunately, heuristics and 'feels before reals' is usually the best we can do when it comes to general public. As for paranoiacs, obsessives or just dumb people, they are ubiquitous and not unique to any particular ideological perspectives.

So, the real issue is which positions are more truthful and likely to produce healthy+sustainable results for the people that adopt them. Your implication of white nationalist/third positionist ideologues as being insincere is a result of your own bias (programming?), as is the notion that only your ideological opponnents are 'programmed'.

>> No.13894951

>you like guns?
>small dick
>you like cars?
>small dick
>you are racist?
>small dick
>you vote right wing?
>small dick
>against gay marriage?
>you want to suck dicks
>climate change denial?
>you want to huff car exhaust fumes
>you like wooden houses more than brick houses?
>you are obsessed with phalluses, which is the shape of the trees
>you live in a house?
>you want to return to your mother's womb, the entrance of your house is your mother's vagina, you want to kill your father and are probably secretly gay
>you dislike vegans?
>you are repressed because you want to shove carrots up your ass
>you are <anything I don't like>?
>small dick, incel, have sex, sex, sex, penises, small, big, hole, me cumbrain, freud snort more cocaine and big coooom
>Oh so you are an arachnophobe, heh, well that means you secretly want to fuck spiders

Why are leftists so one-dimensional?

>> No.13894967

Your sexual commentary may have limited relevance, but your overall picture is exceptionally weak. Any existing hysteria of the sort is not "baseless" or "silly", and even if it were, nobody says the same of the Tibetans being replaced by the Chinese, or of similar situations - many politicians and publications have outwardly spoken against the ethnic replacement of Tibet - this perceived inequality between our people and their people is a driver of frustration, and not one that can be simply hand-waved away. The peceived inequality between Israel - an ethnostate - and the rest of the European population is not one that can be simply handwaved away, "rights for me and none for thee" inspires discontents.
To think that people should be worried about a +3C world is ridiculous - I won't even reproduce! What is my interest in Earth after death? - and frankly it wasn't even a particularly popular talking point, 90 days ago, it's true, your post would not have looked like this, you are flagrantly pulling shit out of your ass to handwave away real societal trends as "useful idiots". I'll tell you about an actual problem in the world, which is swathes of frustrated young fellows who see themselves as disenfranchised - these men are much more likely to negatively affect your life than any man-made climate change, and here you are bullshitting about how you need to fight the weather, my fellow you must read the writing on the wall and recognize that it's not just the climate, you have destabilizing forces surrounding you, and your only apparent solution is to note that they are sexually unwell! How will you stop it?

>> No.13894980

Show them that nationalism is shit obviously.

>> No.13894983

have sex

>> No.13894987

>being a leftist that willfully let foreigners take advantage of him taking his money, his labor and his resources
there's nothing about this that reflects leftist policies. what you are describing is globalization, the ultimate development of capitalism.
>Maybe it's something that correlates to reality? Is that an obsession?
yes, rape is a reality. But it's a part of reality you are focusing on disproportionately. less than 3 in a 1000 people were raped in the US last year. Much more than the ideal number of 0, obviously, but much less than the number of people victimized by traffic accidents, heart disease, and other, less scandalous issues. THAT's what makes it an obsession.

the class war you are losing by a mile.

you may not believe me, but I bring up the psychosexual nature of these behaviors with genuine intention of waking up you poor folks. The puritanical origins of the US did immeasurable psychic damage to all ensuing generations, and that is a problem we're going to have to tackle head on sooner or later.

>> No.13894996

Ah yes, the romanticization of 'free will' and the abstract universalization of morality (and nature). Foolish mistakes.

>> No.13894999

>what are they ignorant of regarding negative fantasies of cuckoldry?

I wasn't ready for this particular super nova brain.

>> No.13895013
File: 57 KB, 968x681, dolphin-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the equivalent of "have sex" once you already had sex?

>> No.13895018

I'm with you on most of that and progressive.

>> No.13895020

Ascended post

>> No.13895023

Replace every instance of "rightist" here with "leftist" and you have the exact game plan of leftists plus the usual counter-strategy of conservatives (empathy and compassion). Conservatives always lose because nobody gives a fuck if they say they care about racism or inequality because its just buying everything leftists say and then trying to use it against them.

>> No.13895031

>there's nothing about this that reflects leftist policies. what you are describing is globalization, the ultimate development of capitalism.
What I'm describing is what mainstream communists (sjws et al.) support and advocate for while waving their hammer and sickle.
>yes, rape is a reality. But it's a part of reality you are focusing on disproportionately. less than 3 in a 1000 people were raped in the US last year. Much more than the ideal number of 0, obviously, but much less than the number of people victimized by traffic accidents, heart disease, and other, less scandalous issues. THAT's what makes it an obsession.

So noticing that we had almost no rapes prior to receiving the muhammedan brown horde in europe and that now we are the rapists paradise promised by islam is an obsession? Just noticing an obvious fact? Is that what you call an obsession?
>lol people die anyway in other stuff!
So then I'm to ignore that migrant-loving policies created a nightmare for women and families and that in places in which you could walk freely at night you can't even show your face now? Because rape is not everything bad they brought, is just the most obvious and quantifiable. I don't think that's an obsession mate. In fact I think you must be very brainwashed to be so quick to ignore it and dismiss it as some freudian shit.

>> No.13895035

have children

>> No.13895037
File: 62 KB, 638x1000, f3990d12bd5cb20b4bc6f38089af840aea5a7867c870ed514a40066e7470f44c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's genuinely hilarious that you can acknowledge this, but ostensibly deny the right of ethnocentrism to whites being invaded by ethnocentric (and otherwise opportunistic) populations. Incredible.

>> No.13895048

Jews are real tho, that's the main take away

>> No.13895059
File: 51 KB, 400x267, 1567171763897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the dalai lama obsessed with big black men taking white women?

>> No.13895071

So is their any proof that after le class war (larp) that racial/ethnic animosity will iust convienetly go away?

>> No.13895073
File: 52 KB, 1024x576, EAatAWpU0AARAKT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13895074

>So noticing that we had almost no rapes prior to receiving the muhammedan brown horde in europe and that now we are the rapists paradise promised by islam is an obsession? Just noticing an obvious fact? Is that what you call an obsession?

Bro you believe in sexual competition between groups you are obviously deranged.

As opposed to leftists who constantly obsess over something they call rape culture and the objectification of women in a patriarchal context, which in no way can impugn their character or psychological health. You see, when leftist believe that rape can be elevated to the notion of a culture, it's a healthy, dispassionate and objective scientific assessment. When you point out the possibility of sexual fetishization of white women by outside group with an overt patriarchal ideology, you're just proving to everyone that you have a small penis.

Critical theory is proven right yet again.

>> No.13895078

>muh brown invasion
Your delusions of a white ethnostate have never and will never produce a successful, lasting society.

>> No.13895085
File: 608 KB, 1345x633, Captura de Tela (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody says the same of the Tibetans
"so why are you picking on me?? go pick on somebody else!!!"
>The peceived inequality between Israel - an ethnostate - and the rest of the European population is not one that can be simply handwaved away, "rights for me and none for thee" inspires discontents.
Israel doesn't have "the right" to maintain an ethnostate. They do so through overwhelming cruelty, which the left constantly condemns and thank god that lunatic Netanyahu is out of there.
If merkel hadn't done the right thing in that moment those people would have actually died. Died by weapons and munitions some white person profited by providing them. Does that fucking thought ever cross your mind?
What am I doing, I'm appealing to the morality of an actual nazi...
>a +3C world is ridiculous - I won't even reproduce! What is my interest in Earth after death?
If we stop emissions now and begin geoengineering we can stay just over 2 and bring it down over the next couple of centuries. But that'll never happen while we are forced sell the ideal of preventing mass extinction to billionaire investors.
>swathes of frustrated young fellows who see themselves as disenfranchised
You might have pulled this straight out of the communist manifesto, comrade.
Yes they are disenfranchised because they elites left wages behind in the seventies and kept all the increase in productivity for themselves.

>your only apparent solution is to note that they are sexually unwell! How will you stop it?
My solution is to educate and help to organize people against the real enemy. (Hint, it's not brown people who are even worse off than you, and it's not the gays either)

>> No.13895087

What about Scandinavian countries, or Western Europe?

>> No.13895088

I bet you love Muslim immigrants though lmao, despite half of them being to the Right of any white political groups.

>> No.13895098

Historically white nations were so succesfull that they formed the basis of a Marxist theory of imperialism.

>> No.13895100

You're not very familiar with the past 1000 years of Western Europe are you.

>> No.13895104

>What I'm describing is what mainstream communists (sjws et al.) support and advocate for
[citation needed]
>we had almost no rapes prior to receiving the muhammedan brown horde
[citation needed]
>you can't even show your face now?
[citation not even needed, this is just hilarious sensationalism]

>> No.13895107

Why are memeflags are ony on /pol/?

>> No.13895110

No, I don't.
Why the fuck do you retards think of the same subject 24/7? That post wasn't even related to your reply.
Stop being obsessed.

>> No.13895112

All right wingers in this thread need to realise their heroes would sell them for a quick buck. Literally none of the smart ones want to seriously curb immigration anywhere because they all depend on it to save money. You're being lied to, and now it's begun there is no solution because you'll never get these people out of power.

>> No.13895116

Fuck off everything is /pol/ now.

>> No.13895119

>Western Europe is a white ethnostate
Holy shit, I thought I was in a literature board

>> No.13895124

Are you under the impression that the right wingers here consider NeoCons their heroes?

>> No.13895130

Subtle kek

>> No.13895133
File: 94 KB, 768x1024, 1559780276593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bro you believe in sexual competition between groups you are obviously deranged.
I don't even get what you are saying now. What sexual competition? Are you a schizo? I'm pointing out how sexual crimes have increased tremendously due to immigration.
>When you point out the possibility of sexual fetishization of white women by outside group with an overt patriarchal ideology, you're just proving to everyone that you have a small penis.
What? When did I say anything about that? You're fucking gone mate lol.

I'll try to explain it easier.

before not so much rapey rapey
now after brown men very much rapey rapey
why should we not care about increased rapey rapey, increased murder murder, thefty thefty, and many more things that we SHOULD NOT BE SUFFERING at the hands of browny browny?

You understand gooder now?

Also about what you say about fetishization, it's a well established fact that every race prefers to mate with a white male or white female when given the chance, as per dating site statistics and statistics of other kind. So I don't really know why you said "possibility" when it's a "reality".
>[citation needed]
Try reading news that aren't from buzzfeed sometime.

>> No.13895135

It was a collection of rather homogenous states, that over time amalgamated into nations, which were themselves fairly homogenous, genetically speaking, if not linguistically.

>> No.13895140

>western Europe has always been diverse

Like the real history told me.

>> No.13895144

The vast majority of the population were white, till like 10 years or so.

>> No.13895147

lel, try memes from this decade, they're much more effective.

>> No.13895150

only by glorious revolution, comrade!

not me though. i'm a thinker not a fighter. i will be leading the politburo after the dust settles. but you... you go and fight. farewell comrade! farewell!

>> No.13895154
File: 1.59 MB, 700x1050, art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're taking this in an uninteresting direction. You make the assumption that OP's question is meant to refer to the entirety of the group you're identifying as his "ideological oponnents" but you simultaneously acknowledge that there are members of the general public who can't or won't spend much energy processing the "nuance/complexity of reality or [philosophy]." For those people, as you explain, ideologies are reduced into more readily parse-able emotive chunks that can be digested and regurgitated.

OP's question as you interpret it is boring and your answer as a result is boring. "Everyone has been 'programmed,' programming is how you gain your ideology, don't assume everyone ideologically opposed to you is insincere/unthinking." Well shit, obviously.

The question to actually answer is—referring to this uncritical group we've described (who do not expend effort or examine these questions about reality, healthy & sustainable results, etc) and who align themselves with the group ideologically opposing OP—how do you deprogram these people?

>> No.13895155
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>> No.13895166

"Whiteness" has never been a working criteria to create a state, the history of Western Europe is full of conflict between ever-changing states and nations.
And Western Europeans are not as genetically close as you seem to imply, let alone linguistically close.

>> No.13895173

Do you brainlets know what an ethnostate is?

>> No.13895174

Why is that group uncritical?

>> No.13895183
File: 111 KB, 688x549, 1519953965862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And Western Europeans are not as genetically close as you seem to imply
Ah, the fabled leftist intellect.

>> No.13895185

used as shorthand for the aforementioned disinterest in expending energy examining the nature of their reality or the ideological roots of the information they're fed.

also asking "why is that group uncritical" is a bit redundant: the point is to group the uncritical together. It's the group's defining characteristic.

>> No.13895187

what's hilarious is your fundamental inability to realise that he is drawing his borders across ideological lines while you are drawing yours across skin pigmentation. Yours is, by definition, doomed to fail because people sharing skin pigmentation still find themselves dramatically divided along ideological lines.

>> No.13895189

I coud simply limit myself to telling you what it isn't and you'd still panic at the though of any group of white people not living with non white.

>> No.13895199

>let alone linguistically close.
??? what the actual fuck are you talking about.

>> No.13895200

friendly fire, idiot

>> No.13895201

What would you consider genetically close? And how, precisely, would you make it a criterion to make a successful state?

>> No.13895205

Americans have perverted communism

>> No.13895206

Then why didn't you group uncritical thinkers of other ideologies? OP's picture specified right-wingers or white nationalists.
>It's the group's defining characteristic.
In which way has that group earned the uncritical adjective?

Should we deprogram uncritical white nationalists and leave uncritical leftists alone?

The very will to preserve your race and group with people who "share your skin pigmentation" is ideological. You might have catch'd the retard, anon.

>> No.13895208

Yeah, you don't know.

>> No.13895212

he's... directly rebutting the idiot he's replying to? >>13895135
>It was a collection of rather homogenous states, that over time amalgamated into nations, which were themselves fairly homogenous, genetically speaking, if not linguistically.

>> No.13895216

Are you stupid?

>> No.13895217

We did it, reddit!

>> No.13895219

>What would you consider genetically close?
White people of European ancestry (which is redundant).
And what I would consider isn't relevant, that picture is science, a fact.
>And how, precisely, would you make it a criterion to make a successful state?
Just letting white people be white people is a recipe for success as history tells us. I'm not too worried about politics, I'd rather make a "religion" based on eugenics and race preservation.

>> No.13895226

Are you seriously suggesting Western Europe isn't linguistically "close"?

>> No.13895230
File: 248 KB, 1471x1478, 1525154362191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixation indexes show that the populations of Europe (barring recent immigrants) are more closely genetically related to eachother (significantly so) than to populations elsewhere.

>> No.13895232

Are you implying these pseudotranny sjws even know about linguistics or history? The only history they need to know is jews were killed and niggers were enslaved.

>> No.13895234

>let me ask you for a definition of a contested term without providing my own and then tell you that it's incorrect by evoking my previously undisclosed definition

Yeah no that's gonna be productive for all involved. If your point is that your particular definition of a 'white ethnostate' has never been instantiated, which is supposed to debunk the notion historically white nation could remain so, then I see that as a complete non sequitur but since you're barely affirming anything positive I can only speculate about you're saying.

>> No.13895237

I'm hoping they managed to skip over the "Western" part and are planning a "muh slavic" rebuttal.

>> No.13895251

Western Europeans are extremely genetically close to each other, and I mentioned language because they had to standardize the languages which made continuums across the countries when the Nations were formed, and there are of course countries like Belgium and Switzerland.

>> No.13895253

>And what I would consider isn't relevant, that picture is science, a fact.
"Closeness" implies a threshold that you have to place somewhere.

>Just letting white people be white people
That doesn't say anything about how to build a radical form of state. It seems your views aren't particularly developed, you aren't thinking this through.

>> No.13895259

>he doesn't know the creator of english (shakespeare) was a black man

>> No.13895260

The Turner Diaries is a revolutionary work, not a reactionary one

>> No.13895262

Not enough to make a single, unified state, no.

>> No.13895266

Fighting over access to women, especially desirable ones is a hallmark of human conflict you brainlet. Ever heard of the rape of the sabine women, or paki rape gangs in England that target white girls. By the way, the Pakis call them white girls, the don't specify them as "English" like the so called nationalist tards here would do.

>> No.13895271

Why don't you use google and stop posting trash.

>> No.13895279

Whatever you consider genetically close clearly hasn't been enough to unite Western Europeans into a single state in any point of their history.

>> No.13895280

>"Closeness" implies a threshold that you have to place somewhere.
And I already told you.
>That doesn't say anything about how to build a radical form of state. It seems your views aren't particularly developed, you aren't thinking this through.
No I'm thinking it through and my views are very developed thank you. I'm not powerhungry, a bootlicker or authoritarian, and as long as we don't go extinct (or turn into a communist/dystopic shithole) I'm happy. I'm volkish. If what you want to know if what would happen if I was in charge, then I'd probably put some kind of minarchism at work.