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13893431 No.13893431 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13893442
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I'm reading on it now. It is a lot of shit to read. Very interesting.

What does DE / Acc mean to you?

Or just talk about what you have to say on the subject

>> No.13893465

What is the proposed authoritarian regime under the DE?

I haven't gotten to that part, but what kind of authoritarianism is supposed to be ideal?

>> No.13893466
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>> No.13893469

Nerd trannies larping economics philosophy try to implement nerdy economic philosophy via machines.
Same as what we already have, just with more trannies.

>> No.13893523

There is none. NrX/DE is about paving the way for an actual ruling ideology to come about.
>Become worthy.
>Attain power.
There is no such thing as an NrX regime or a DE government, they're programs for finding proper governance.

>> No.13893569

Isn't that just gACC?

Oh, alright.
I think I'm much more interested in it now, then.

Feel free to post links / thoughts.

>> No.13894161
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What he said is completely false.
Moldbug for example says that airline pilots would make the best leaders. He's a fucking retard. It's basically just pic related.

>> No.13894423

No, that picture is fucking retarded.

That post is one of the shittiest strawmen of crypto-economics I’ve seen, and I can only mildly forgive it for being made in 2014. I won’t even bother correcting it.

And the pilot thing is obviously taken way out of context. I’m not sure you have any clue what you’re talking about.

>> No.13894446

Alright, someone give me a tl:dr on Moldbugs proposed economic and governmental system. Seriously, what the fuck is it?

>> No.13894451
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Broke: disbelieving in God because he's an asshole
Woke: Believing in God and still retaining that he's an asshole.

>> No.13894483
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You got it.
He believes airline pilots should command a system of micro-bolshevik corporate towns.

>> No.13894508
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>> No.13894516

His punishment can be very exacting and severe. :3

But it isn't our fault that today's society is a bunch of pussies who don't want to have hurt feelings.

>> No.13894886

That image would be better if rather than simply have their bodies buried they are broken down into their component elements and recycled into various Amazon brand products.

>> No.13894909
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Is this an /x/ thread?

>> No.13894984

They all have different ideas about the ideal system, and they propose complicated, likely impossible, systems that differ from each other a lot. The reason you can call them all reactionaries is that, except for Nick Land who prefers Republicanism, they would rather have a Monarchy than anything related to Democracy/socialism/fascism/etc. Moldbug at one point comments that he'd even prefer Obama be absolute Monarch of the US than the current system, because he thinks it would force Obama to be more responsible, and to be able to act with more efficiency. (this was in like 2008 when Moldbug really hated Obama).

the whole nrx thing was not really a political position exactly, it was more a way of analyzing politics of the past few centuries, by returning to a very reactionary perspective, augmented with a bunch of new ideas from the 20th century involving Darwinism, game theory, the especially autistic nrx view of sociology(see their obsession with 'signalling'), and some futurist ideas about tech, hence the Neo.

Their fundamental talking points were all rather simple ideas like 'every society has a state religion, ours must be progressivism', or 'ideas which appeal to people and can harness organs of social power will tend to win out over time"; the solutions for the future were all tacked on kind of as an afterthought.

>> No.13895442

Moldbug wants a "patchwork" of joint stock nations executing their own ideas of how to run things and citizens being allowed to move between them freely. Basically a capitalism for government where competition will winnow out at the bad governments. The Holy Roman Empire qua Singapore

>> No.13895820 [DELETED] 
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enlightenment>dark enlightenment

>> No.13896155
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>go to Twitter
>see pic offering to give brown people and women money and free healthcare while they apprentice in tech
>go back to reading Yarniv
>"America is a communist country. For workers and peasants, read: blacks and Hispanics"

Holy hell. He's yet to actually prove his point but reality is already making a case for him. Insane.

That would work in a 'United States of America', where the states actually had some independence with which to unite in the first place.

The ideas seem more relevant than ever.
I'm OP, so I'm just learning about this. Haven't gotten to any part where they talk about capitalism yet, but I can think of plenty of cryptoeconomic systems that would be nice.

Also, what with the rise of Emperor Xi's China, it's all still very relevant.

>> No.13896162
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Such diversity

>> No.13897308

Kek who takes this shit seriously and doesn;t realise it is just >>13894161

>> No.13897315

accshits now have the five worst posts ever on /lit/

>> No.13897321

if you read it you might see the difference

>> No.13897331

Keep seething faggot

>> No.13897397

You guys already have a subreddit, why can't you just use that?

>> No.13897411
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these guys establish a technomonarchistic social darwinism

>> No.13897447
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>> No.13897491

Not false.


>Neo-cameralism is, if viewed in this light, a ‘political system system’, it is not a political system but a system for implementing political systems. Of course the same guy who came up with it also invented an operating system (a system for implementing software systems.)

>> No.13897502
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>trusting a trannie cult