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File: 67 KB, 654x800, climate goblinnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13893991 No.13893991[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are the best books that talk about climate change?

>> No.13894006

ernst jünger - marblecliffs

>> No.13894015

It was very important to me that I did this with Butterfly before she knew who I was :3

It makes it better for me

>> No.13894018
File: 155 KB, 610x547, Desolator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silent spring

>> No.13894046
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>> No.13894060


>> No.13894067

Do you mean actual climate change or do you mean the global political and taxation racket that this girl represents?

>> No.13894072
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Why won't they reprint it???

>> No.13894073

go to a library and actually use their system if they don't have it there yet.

>> No.13894081
File: 96 KB, 570x743, Catastrophe Ur-Myth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start here.

>> No.13894100

now that's some advanced schizo posting

>> No.13894125

Vision of the Anointed. It's not directly related to climate change but it is extremely relevant to understanding the surrounding politics and narrow vision of academics who refuse to look at issues in terms of tradeoffs and incentives, opting for a purely "problem and solution" approach which ultimately blinds them to the consequences of their proposed policies.

>> No.13894132

J.G Ballard’s Drowned World.

>> No.13894395

>reading books

>> No.13894478

>narrow vision of academics who refuse to look at issues in terms of tradeoffs and incentives, opting for a purely "problem and solution" approach which ultimately blinds them to the consequences of their proposed policies.
In regards to CC, It´s not really academics but bussinesmen and liberals. They are the kind of people who belive that the magical force of entrepreneurship and free market will come with a "Eat your cake and have it too" solution. The academics seem to be more on "we should reduce our pollution, at the cost of economical growth".

>The book challenges people Sowell refers to as "Teflon prophets," who predict that there will be future social, economic, or environmental problems in the absence of government intervention (Ralph Nader is one of his foremost examples).
Well, looks like his conclusions would be rather counter-productive. But I haven´t read the book, so he probably was deeper than shitty summary from wiki.

>> No.13894543
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>> No.13894547

She's 16. Pretty sure she cares more about actual climate change than taxes.

>> No.13894562

The Bible

>> No.13894668

>implying any of her opinions are hers

>> No.13894720

How are her opinions not hers? She could have ended up parroting the opinions of the climate change deniers as people here do.

>> No.13894749

You’re not actually this naive right

>> No.13894754

Such a pathetic thread. People posting books from a long time ago that aren't relevant or posting Ted Kaczynski.

>> No.13894787

She’s cute

>> No.13894793

being this dense
>Elites makes global warming more alarming
>people like Gretta get caught up in it, mass protests ensue
>1st world countries make changes, maybe add new taxes
>polluting companies move manufacturing offshore
>oh no, the only way we can stop them is if we had some kid of global taxation/regulation
>sounds good but how will decide what is a tax policy is?
>maybe if we had some sort of political organisation to manage the tax
>oh now we need more control
Just look at how the EU has evolved from purely economic union to a political union which is in the process of getting it's own army in just 40 years. They are pushing closer and closer to federalisation and the people who run it aren't even elected. The UN are one of the biggest pushers of the climate change rhetoric since they are the obvious choice for the beginnings of a world government.

>> No.13894799

>more alarming
if anything it's not enough alarming

>> No.13894801

Fascinating argument that the girl looks weird when you freeze frame her face.

>> No.13894811

This topic in particular has an assinine amount of schlock

>> No.13894827

Okay, Mr. Wise Guy, how do propose we address the climate crisis then? Maybe - just maybe - a catastrophe that affects the entire world needs a large bureaucratic organization to regulate the companies responsible and administer large-scale solutions.

>> No.13894832

>just give us your money and your votes and we’ll save you from dying
Do you know what racketeering is?

>> No.13894838

oh and btw the eu's endgame was always to become a political superstate
DETERMINED to lay the foundations of an ever-closer union among the peoples of Europe,
RESOLVED to ensure the economic and social progress of their countries by common action to eliminate the barriers which divide Europe,
AFFIRMING as the essential objective of their efforts the constant improvement of the living and working conditions of their peoples,
RECOGNISING that the removal of existing obstacles calls for concerted action in order to guarantee steady expansion, balanced trade and fair competition,
ANXIOUS to strengthen the unity of their economies and to ensure their harmonious development by reducing the differences existing between the various regions and the backwardness of the less favoured regions,
DESIRING to contribute, by means of a common commercial policy, to the progressive abolition of restrictions on international trade,
INTENDING to confirm the solidarity which binds Europe and the overseas countries and desiring to ensure the development of their prosperity, in accordance with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations,
RESOLVED by thus pooling their resources to preserve and strengthen peace and liberty, and calling upon the other peoples of Europe who share their ideal to join in their efforts,

>> No.13894849
File: 281 KB, 1400x2114, 9A6BC82E-E01B-4346-8035-EAE4A5A7EEBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm? You saying you’re the OP?

It’s a large topic and the data is updating all the time, but I’ll mention Half-Earth by Wilson (will finish soon) and There’s two books books called The Sixth Extinction with their own angle and audience

>> No.13894863

What's your solution?

>> No.13894879

Here's my two step plan.

1. Focus on nuclear power and stop subsidizing "renewable" research which isn't going anywhere.

2. Focus on the cleaning the environment and regulating harmful industries when absolutely necessary and stop with all these goofy wealth transfer schemes meant to incentive "developing" countries like China to curb their economic growth.

That's all it'll take to get an extremely right wing guy like me to hop on board.

>> No.13894887

Certainly not with more of the same control freaks being given extra power.
It may seem counterintuitive to you, but anarchism is the answer. Anarchism isn’t chaos fyi

>> No.13894903

So certain doom and extreme racism and classism
How about we make you live like the Amish?

>> No.13894938

I'd be all for that - I'm an anarchist at heart - but time is of the essence. Do you really think we're going to see an anarchist revolution any time soon? Most people don't even know what anarchism is.

>> No.13894952
File: 284 KB, 2542x1902, B204EF2F-EC0C-4311-8BC3-53BD7803CD70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The MIC still controls the US, but that can’t last forever

>> No.13894976

The earth would be going through phases of warming and cooling without humans on this earth and also reach temperatures that would cause us it to be uninhabitable for us with our current technology. If you disagree with this then your not being rational. Following this, there is a question as to humans influence of global temperatures and what actually is the cause.

The latter has yet to be proven, it used to be the reduction in the ozone (which has since at least lost is vigour as a theory), now it's CO2 emissions (which imo has flaws since naturally there are times of very high CO2 but it may be this combined with reduction of plant life). All we have now is a correlation between CO2 rising and the temperature rising (and melting of the ice caps) but as the saying goes, correlation doesn't equal causation. Without knowing specifically the cause we can't say to what extent humans have influenced the rise in global temperature.

I will make my points about what we do about it in reply to >>13894827

First I would like to make the point that big businesses love regulation as it prices the little guys out of the market since they can't keep up with compliance. So all that you'd be doing is supporting the elites consolidate more power and favour big business at the determent of normal people.

>what do we do about it
I'm not someone who think we should do nothing but there has to be a balance. The two keys are a modest carbon tax, not enough to push someone offshore but enough to encourage greener thinking and large investment in green tech (on both a state and private level). I believe that the only way to prevent offshoring or difficult adaptation is to replace older technologies with not only a greener version but an all round better product. A good example of this is solar, for years this was heavily subsidised but still people used coal offshore, new breakthroughs have made solar the cheapest form of energy and you see worldwide adoption. This is particularly apparent in the 3rd world which has lots of land mass to make us of it. No-nonsense wins like this make the biggest difference. Electric cars like a Tesla instead of the Nissan Leaf is another good example. I would also like to see a more towards lab-grown meat, bottle tax and few other things.

I will leave you with this. If they are really serious about global warming but only focus on the western world and don't talk about China and the mass population growth in Africa (the biggest risk by far) then they are at best being disingenuous.

>> No.13894982

>Focus on nuclear power
explain how and where you want to stock nuclear waste (for free since you dont like new taxes)
>Focus on the cleaning the environment
explain how (for free since you dont like new taxes)

>> No.13894990

>stock nuclear waste
shoot it into the sun
>cleaning the environment
shoot the garbage and pollution into the sun

>> No.13894997

What are some books about corrupt sociopaths abusing an autistic obsessive compulsive teenager to scam naive people with too much trust in media into giving up their rights?

>> No.13895004

launching something in orbit is the single most polluting thing humans can do

>> No.13895006

Maybe you should look into the newest reactors a little more than none at all because 1970's anti-nuclear arguments no longer apply. The generations IV reactors eat their own waste. As far as cleaning the environment goes that's self explanatory. Find a mess and clean it up. I said nothing about taxes you goofy bastard, if you want to make assumptions you can fuck off.

>> No.13895043

how do you clean a plastic island of several km square without a fuckton of money? also how many years you need to build a new a nuclear power plant? we have at most 10 years
oh and btw
>The majority of the 6 designs are generally not expected to be available for commercial construction until 2020–30.
>Due to the prolonged period of stagnation in the construction of new reactors and the continued (but declining) popularity of Generation II/II+ designs in new construction, relatively few third generation reactors have been built. Generation IV designs are still in development as of 2017, and are not expected to start entering commercial operation until 2020–2030.
stupid nigger

>> No.13895051

>plastic island
You mean the one that is supposedly the size of Texas yet there is no photographic evidence of it?

>> No.13895058

stupid nigger

>> No.13895065

>big businesses love regulation as it prices the little guys out
I hear this argument a lot as though businesses of all sizes must be regulated identically. Where I live there are regulations that protect smaller businesses against larger ones, and exceptions made for smaller businesses. Basically, though, the idea is to most strongly regulate the worst offenders. They're always big businesses.

>why do they focus on the western world instead of developing countries
Because they need to clean their own room before they can take on the rest of the world.

>> No.13895070

Okay so you just had to to Wikipedia because this is the first time you're hearing about the generation IV reactors and you're again talking as if I said anything at all about taxes. Fuck off. You don't know what you're talking about and you're not even trying to talk to me.

>> No.13895079

Said the guy who believes things without actual evidence. Its okay to have a faith based religion, just don’t force me to change my life on your behalf

>> No.13895080

>noooo stop citing sources to prove im a stupid nigger
stupid nigger

>> No.13895086
File: 155 KB, 962x595, The-Island-of-Garbage-in-the-Pacific-is-Already-Bigger-Than-3-Countries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid nigger

>> No.13895105

To be honest, it´s more of an archipelago rather than an island.

>> No.13895121

The first priority would be to ensure we stop adding to it then use AI driven water skimmers to collect rubbish. I've seen prototypes for these already so we're not too far off from the technology and we are getting better at new recycling tech all the time so it's not inconceivable that we be able to manage it in the near future.

Also plastic/rubbish is not the globohomo agenda. Global warming and our inevitable extinction is the part that has been over-hyped. Plastic bottles are easy to deal with on a national level (plastic bottle deposit scheme and accessible bins (would also encourage homeless into litter picking) so they don't care. CO2 is the big unsolvable problem that necessitates a global political system (the same as digital tax policies).

>> No.13895125

>land in the background
That’s not the supposed pacific gyre, which is supposedly in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. That’s just a garbage patch near a coast.

>> No.13895127

Read Kuhn and learn scientists are joke. Keep in mind the same people telling you about climate change said we'd all have flying cars and shit by now. Also, remember these people cant tell you what weather will do tomorrow but they're positive about what it will do 10 years from now.

>> No.13895157
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>> No.13895161

>filename completely unrelated to article and picture
Really makes you think

>> No.13895168
File: 47 KB, 490x252, 75c25774-e0ad-4df1-a7e4-826727a942d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid nigger

>> No.13895181

https://www facebook com/gretathunbergsweden/posts/846434115724410
stupid nigger

>> No.13895213

Must be how? The elites setting the agenda are obviously going to do it in their favour. If there are more forms to fill out, health and safety to accommodate, etc these are unavoidable for small business and become relatively expensive where as multinationals have compliance departments. They also set up tax avoidance to their benefit. Juncker (President of the European Commission) is the person who create Luxembourg's royalty tax system which all the big multi-nationals such as Amazon use to divert tax away from the country the products are sold in.

>developing world
So climate change is simultaneously the biggest crisis we are facing which needs to be acted upon now and also something that other, serious polluters can wait a couple decades? I'm from the UK which has had lots of mass protests recently, we make up 1% of emissions, do you think reducing that by half is going to do anything? If it is that serious then we need to pose sanctions on China until they sort it out. Also the African population is only going to get bigger so we should just leave it until the problem is to big to handle?

This is just the childish rhetoric which stems from anti-imperialistic attitude (if westerns do it's bad because they are oppressors).

>> No.13895254

>getting your news from facebook
I don't own an account but I'm guessing it's her talking about plastic. I didn't claim she was part of the conspiracy, I said that they push a rhetoric and people get caught up in it for a multitude of reasons (gives meaning to their life without religion, provides an anti position to satisfy the anger felt by bad economic circumstances, it's trendy, etc).

Also you call me stupid but you've still failed to rebuttal my actual points about climate change in >>13894976. Another guy talked about irrelevant items regulation and our duty as westerners but you've not convinced to start worrying yet.

>> No.13895275

i dont use facebook, i only linked her post since she's the face of the globohomo conspiracy
also i dont want to convince you of anything, i don't care enough, i just want to call you a stupid nigger
stupid nigger