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13890327 No.13890327 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13890336


>> No.13890337

Zizek is so cringe these days. He even defended Daenerys.

>> No.13890342


So what if you force everyone to use "green" energy. So fucking what. Humanity will not stop spreading across the globe, humanity will not stop advancing in technology, humanity will not stop destroying nature. It won't make a lick of difference to anything, it's just another way to fob people off and not change anything of substance. Anyone who wastes their time on climate activism is a simple minded dunce.

>> No.13890346

t.brainlet capitalist cuck

>> No.13890352

Go to bed Ted

>> No.13890358

Not all science though. IQ for example is pseudoscience, despite being a predictive robust metric. Climate science though, which has no real models and has never successfully predicted anything, that's basically Newton's laws right there

>> No.13890361


Fuck all forms of civilisation. Fuck it all. But your pitiful whining will change nothing, the planet will continue to be raped by humanity whether they do it with fossil fuels or nuclear power.

>> No.13890367

Bed, Ted.

>> No.13890373

Made me chuckle haha

>> No.13890376

Cool, doesnt mean it translates well to economy, politics or culture at large.

>> No.13890378

So the solution is...accelerationistic nihilism or acceleration simply for the sake of running into the wall at highest speed possible?

>> No.13890394

He is just saying common sense, and like her or not, Thunberg is the most powerful voice in promoting action against climate change. I’m not saying that we should all approach the crisis like her, but we need one of her because of the general complacency/ennui about severe environmental dangers, the continual shifting of blame among the public and government officials, and the lack of responsibility to wider societal interests that capitalism encourages. We need an autistic, no-compromising panic monger to get even a small amount against climate change done.


>> No.13890417

What action? Build solar panels yayyyyyy. That's already being done. Just say you want the government to restrict people shit, all it really comes down too

>> No.13890418

Consumption needs to be curbed. Less meat.

>> No.13890420

Yes, which you at this moment in time will need a government body to do

>> No.13890426

You don't need the government to tell you to eat less meat.

>> No.13890434

Why? Because you're a thick headed child who doesn't realise how your campaign will accomplish nothing of real worth?

>> No.13890440

I doubt a screeching autist is really going to make that many consumers make LE CONCIOUS CHOICE. Has to be top down

>> No.13890474

You are more of the child here. Your defeatism is nothing but selfish whining, cynical detached posturing that accomplishes nothing, only discourages. Climate activism is the only possible answer if, like most sane non-depressed people, you don’t have a death wish for the entire human race.

>> No.13890484

You have to be kidding

This is the guy the left parades around?

>> No.13890496

Why did it suddenly become fashionable to disregard climate change concerns after this Greta stuff? I understand that there has always been people who didn’t believe it or care about it, but why is it suddenly laughable? It seems as if suddenly everyone is speaking out about not giving a shit. Am I just on the shitty circles of the Internet?

>> No.13890512

Many people still don't take children seriously, Liberal media keeps making this LE KID spokesmen push and it just turns people off. Would you want your 15 year old to scold you? It's probably some weird capitalistic power play

>> No.13890513

love u anon

>> No.13890518

People didn't take Trump seriously and look where he is.

>> No.13890530


You're not helping the environment, if you want to help it then don't have children and kill yourself.

>> No.13890533

Concern trolls took shitting on her as an opportunity to demoralize and delegitimize those who propose action against climate change. These concern trolls are the usual right wing denialists masquerading as normal people, or simply useful idiots working for interests they don't comprehend.

>> No.13890537

We should at least try. if we give up and continue on this path it spells doom, not in the near future but doom nonetheless. If we try and put resources into correcting it, who knows, there might one day be a solution. Your way is the coward's way.

>> No.13890540

you are going to feel so stupid in 20 years when nothing has happened

>> No.13890544

Greta is a fucking retard for 2 reasons
#1 She hasn't said shit about current generation nuclear power and keeps begging for us to eat bugs
#2 She has never called out China and India for their massive emissions as well as continued defiance or outright exclusion from international climate acts and insists it's the west's fault for global warming
This is a potato someone paid to encourage government overreach and higher taxes

>> No.13890549

>nuclear power

>> No.13890550

Not wanting future generations to run out of arable land or clean water is vanity?

I guess so if you're an edgy misanthropist.

>> No.13890553

Looks like I hit too close to home.

>> No.13890556

No i just outright mock all of you. I dont know anything about this little vegan cunt

>> No.13890557

Things are happening right now because of climate change. In twenty years it's going to be worse. In ten years Australia is going to run out of water. Some places in India already have. The sea is getting warmer. The glaciers are melting. What does it have to do for you to go, "well hey wait a tick this might be what every credible scientist who isn't in the pocket of people and companies that profit from my own and other's ignorance of this subject says is happening!"?

>> No.13890559

China has done enormous efforts to curb their carbon emissions, stop playing this tired Trumpist deflection.

>> No.13890560

So your complain is that the toddler doesn't know as much as you?

30 something neet that spends all his time online learning?

>> No.13890563

Cute, the science denialist who probably believes in Noah's Ark thinks he is in a position to mock anyone.

>> No.13890564

Yeah i heard a lot of shit like this in 2000, none of it came true. Academia has no credibility at all anymore. Just because you belong to the same institutions as physicists who actually understand what science is doesn't make you not retards.

>> No.13890566

Fuck humanity, I hope it dies in nuclear hellfire

>> No.13890573

FUCK farming and FUCK endless propogation of humanity. The best course of action is for humanity to get assraped back to a worldwide population of 1 million humans.

>> No.13890574

Science is making predictions based on models and seeing if they come true. Climate science doesn't and can't do this. It's a gigantic quasi-criminal farce and the hysterical proles like yourself who follow it are nothing but doomsday cultists.

>> No.13890581

Seek help.

>> No.13890583

Where did you earn your degree in science?

>> No.13890585

Those billions of people won't kill themselves.

>> No.13890587

Get fucked you vain moron, you're accomplishing nothing but posturing.

>> No.13890591
File: 297 KB, 1200x972, Greta ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13890593

Wait you are serious.

Do you realize that climate science is mostly correct on a daily basis, they even have a channel.

>> No.13890594

isnt his shtick to critique pure ideology?
>endorse Greta
wtf man

>> No.13890599

>right wing retards would rather willingly turn into misanthropes who wish for human extinction rather than admit they were wrong

>> No.13890602

nothing will happen you e celeb gullibores. this is the same as when hiphop artists rap about world peace and boomer rock bands get together for 'charity'. who creates the new tech wins and those people arent concerned about outdated modes of 3rd world tier peasant emancipatory ideological spooks that is just a minor branch of capitalism.

>> No.13890603


>> No.13890609
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>> No.13890622

wtf? is this real?

>> No.13890626

He says that the respectable part is to listen to science.

Not to listen to her, learn to read.

>> No.13890627
File: 705 KB, 2047x1842, Greta agriculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's based as fuck.

>> No.13890633

please cite a source not dependent on data from the CPC

>> No.13890634

Hows high school freshman year going?

>> No.13890641

Can I get a source on the bugs?

>> No.13890645

You're so fucking full of yourself, you honestly believe you're saving humanity/the planet. It's pathetic, you will change nothing. Only a child believes they can change the world. Civilisation only gets bigger, society only gains more control, the leaders of the world only want more power and more money. You're delusional if you think you can change anything.

>> No.13890650
File: 148 KB, 1065x635, vostok_T_CO2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate alarmist deserve the pilori

>> No.13890655

No but you need one to tell the majority of society (aka retards) to do so.

>> No.13890656

Every human makes a dent in the world no matter how small.

It's delusional to think we don't.

>> No.13890662

You are a part of society retard. Nothing gets done because there are so many idiots who think like you and don’t bother.

>> No.13890664
File: 89 KB, 894x676, 1562967783597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pastor Diddler is now a philosopher of science

>> No.13890668

>Every human makes a dent in the world no matter how small.
NO YOU DON'T, that's a stupid myth sold to you by politicians. You have NO power at all, not even as a group.

>> No.13890671


>> No.13890673

No, nothing gets done because its not in the interests of the rich and powerful to do it. They don't care, "good" people do not rise to power. Grow up.

>> No.13890674

Greta exists simply as a tool for the Swedes to get big comfy paychecks from carbon emissions trading

>> No.13890675
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, F255AAC8-652E-4B5F-8AC9-57974BECD4C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just the liberal propaganda bro

>> No.13890677


>> No.13890678

this is like when Michael Gira got payed to endorse Billie Eilish

>> No.13890681

How do you think the world works anon?

This very thread, do it continues to advance if we all stop posting?

Can it continue if only one of us post?

>> No.13890683

>a picture of two amounts of polar ice means I can map a global chaotic system
lel. post the hockey stick next

>> No.13890686

i unironically hope it all melts away. would be amazing for international commerce

>> No.13890688

Of course.
Up until this point I was the only one posting the entire time.

>> No.13890692

that literally says emissions have tripled since 2001

>> No.13890696

I agree. They don’t care about YOU but they care about them so make it in their interests. Boycott with your money. You’re making excuses because the products that come out of destroying the environment bring you convenience and pleasure. Meat does the worst damage, but people say they will take their pleasure because giving it up changes nothing so they don’t bother but if all those people actually stopped buying meat there would be no reason to burn up so much of the rainforests and use up so much land because there is no profit in it. You are an enabling the interests of the rich and powerful and you don’t have to be.

>> No.13890697

The thread doesn't matter, nothing you do matters, the world keeps turning without you. You're an insignificant bug like everyone else in your country. There's a handful of men in the world with the power or wealth to make REAL change and all they want is more money and more power.

>> No.13890698

it would still be mad cold

>> No.13890700

We should eat bugs though. Great source of protein.

>> No.13890701

So you as nothing more than a post making fleshy thing have made a change in the world?

>> No.13890703

Of course this greaseball is interested in an autistic underage girl. Cringy pedo motherfucker.

>> No.13890710

>less meat
there it is. fuck you faggot I'm not eating insects

>> No.13890713

its because the main polluters are china and india (india is polluting more and more as it industrializes) meanwhile all western countries are cutting pollution. it doesnt matter if the 3rd world pollutes way more

>> No.13890714

i for one look forward to yuppies deciding to eat bugs as a political statement

>> No.13890716

wtf I love eating bugs now

>> No.13890718

It mattered to me I never come to lit, but this time I stopped cause someone was bumping it, I'm a real persona and real change in my daily habits have occurred.

>> No.13890720

>In ten years Australia is going to run out of water.
you fucking labcoat niggers can't even predict whether it'll rain tomorrow or not LMAO this shit is hilarious

>> No.13890727

lel when did that happen?

>> No.13890730

I agree with him. The right has become so regressive they not only deny all science that poses a threat to short term corporate profits but also make fun of a teenage girl with autism because they can't argue the actual points she makes. The right makes AoC seem reasonable.

>> No.13890734

Boycotts never work because no one participates in them, and for your information I despise the comforts of the modern world.

>> No.13890735

Try reading the whole article and using your head.

>> No.13890739

He's a pawn of the managerial state, much like Foucault in his later years.

>> No.13890740

Joke's on you. Bugs taste good and they're healthier.>>13890716

>> No.13890741

The problem is that climate activism is always a trojan horse and i don't find "a teenager said it" to be compelling, it's condescending more than anything.

>> No.13890744
File: 47 KB, 1076x464, 2019-04-10_10-01-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine denying science

>> No.13890754

>The problem is that climate activism is always a trojan horse
I don't think it matters. Most people won't give a shit if the new globalist government is buttfucking them as long as they are made to feel good about letting them do so.

Make sure you suck your daily dose of dick as well. You have to cover everything on the globohomo agenda in order to be a good citizen of the new world.

>> No.13890756

>It's another one that thinks that global temperatures have to rise for climate to be changing.

>> No.13890758

Call me crazy, but I'm starting to think it's more than just a coincidence that every single climate change lunatic also happens to be a marxist.

>> No.13890762

What does it mean? I hate unlabeled info graphs/pic.

>> No.13890767

Zizek doesn't get paid to change opinions or shill. He said as much in his RT interview where he mocked the Russian elites.

>> No.13890770

>they not only deny all science
they deny our carefully selected and mainstreamed science that will further our agenda*

>> No.13890784

How are scientific studies funded? From the government and other groups willing to pay for them. How likely is it everyone is just copying each other to get easy funding? Very.

>> No.13890785

Nigga go on twitter and you'll find heaps of Eco-fascists, "Pine-tree twitter" and people who are brainstorming ways to depopulate everything east of the Hajnal line to reduce plastic pollution.

>> No.13890787

>science: the climate is changing like it has since the Earth first formed

>> No.13890791


Let's claim that's true, and it's all a ruse by those evil marxists.

How do they create the hoax?

The ice data the lead results, the hole in the ozone layer, the coral reef bleaching?

>> No.13890792

Fun fact: Cows don’t fart, they belch.

>> No.13890794
File: 38 KB, 600x600, 15245876096746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat bugs and stop using gas in order to save the planet!

>> No.13890798

But any scientific study worth a damn shows how they reached their conclusions, so any funding is (or should be) irrelevant

>> No.13890800

What I don't understand about these wing climate change deniers is why they would believe Fox News hosts, YouTubers, and random bloggers over the people who actually study the climate and understand the science. The deniers might not realize this but they're just repeating the talking points created by the PR teams working on behalf of the oil industry.

>> No.13890815

good goy

>> No.13890818

>But any scientific study worth a damn shows how they reached their conclusions
And a child could interpret data to say whatever they wanted.

>> No.13890819

Same reason flat-earthers exist: They would rather continue down a path of ignorance given credence by fellow retards instead of looking at objective data. That data is usually “fabricated by the gubernment”.

>> No.13890821

>not recognizing the meme map

>> No.13890831

>But any scientific study worth a damn shows how they reached their conclusions

>> No.13890835

>Science man never lie, all science man always speak da tru tru!
The scientific consensus for decades was that smoking was healthy for you.

I don't trust anything those hacks say.

>> No.13890836

the data is being misrepresented for political purposes

>> No.13890840

they interpret climate change as MAN MADE which has not been proven, and didn't the hole in the ozone close or at least shrink? dude, nobody fucking knows who or what is behind such a chaotic system as climate change. it's ridiculous to be an alarmist and assert it's all the fault of people. I'm not saying it's even marxists, but it's elites with agendas that push this shit. they fund this alarmist propaganda to scare people into making quick changes for profit. always follow the money and see where it leads

>> No.13890841

I mean there are still tons of vegetables so... I'm a vegetarian. I eat vegetables. They're pretty good and ethically the right thing to do. I wouldn't eat bugs if I didn't have to, and even then I'd probably wait until the very last minute. Plenty of protein in beans.

>> No.13890842

i love the oil industry, and the coal industry. they make it possible for me to communicate over the internet.

>> No.13890848

Sorry I don't waste my time in climate denialism threads.

Completely true.

There was no lead in the atmosphere before the industrial revolution, lead just don't float around is lead, now there is, everywhere.

>> No.13890849
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Based. Fuck lab coat niggers.

>> No.13890850

Stop repeating this. Climate scientists are not saying it's man made, they're saying it's exacerbated by mankind. Are you fucking stupid? You're like those creatures that say "climate always changes!!!!" and leaves it at that without understanding why it rapidly changing as it is now is a problem.

>> No.13890860

Why do they keep saying man made then?

>> No.13890863

Who says that first of all?

>> No.13890875

>Climate scientists are not saying it's man made, they're saying it's exacerbated by mankind. Are you fucking stupid? You're like those creatures that say "climate always changes!!!!" and leaves it at that without understanding why it rapidly changing as it is now is a problem

"man made climate change" just refers to humans having a large impact on the climate changing you fucking dimwit holy shit you're retarded nobody is saying it's entirely caused by man (at least not anymore lmfao)

they stopped saying that because they couldn't prove it. now it's just climate change^TM and not global warming like it was for a long time

>> No.13890877

You are thinking about the stereotypical boomer side of the right, Dan Crenshaw has the right idea of supplying our energy needs with nuclear and modern reactor designs use more stable elements on top of adding a lot more safety mechanisms. Plus as a bonus we don't need to send troops to the middle east to fight sand niggers to protect Israel and get access to oil anymore allowing us to disconnect ourselves from foreign entanglement. On the topic of the left and science, why is the left so obsessed with not only normalizing but worshiping mental illness? Giving trannies dick chopping operations is no different than giving an alcoholic a bottle of France's renowned water of death, giving a suicidal man a gun and telling him he is a faggot unless he pulls the trigger or telling a schitzo the voices in his head are a group of telepathic CIA assassins that are going to break into his house in a few days. The way trannies are being dealt with is incredibly irresponsible and goes contrary to the treatment of every other psychiatric condition.

>> No.13890880

It's global IQ.

>> No.13890882

Trannies and gays are the ideal consumers.

>> No.13890888

We can prove that lead emissions are man made, same with the ozone layer depletion, damn they changed regulations for sprays and it recovered.

>> No.13890889

dan crenshaw is a stupid faggot that should have had his entire body gibbed by the ied that took his eye that fucking retard war criminal faggot

>> No.13890891

anyways, the fact that they even got us debating this shit with a 16-year old girl as their go to actor for the psyop shows that they're doing well. keep playing their game frens they are laughing at us all

>> No.13890894

Pretty sure nuclear is way easier to attach to already existing infrastructure too, and it can be placed literally anywhere and isn't cucked by clouds

>> No.13890896

Outdated my country and even argentina is in 100.

>> No.13890897

We live in the age of the empowered individual. We don't need advocates. We need action. Governments love to allow private parties to shoulder the burden. There's nothing stopping Greta Grundleson from organizing and enacting change. Instead, she aims to proselytize. Lesser beings can only think to call Mr. Government to take action on their behalf.

I really don't understand this weak mindset. They say that politicians and governments are weak, hateful, short sighted, violent, power hungry, money grubbing... and yet they also say that politicians and government should be the sole providers and policymakers when it comes to anything they don't like. Right and left, this is the prevailing weak mindset.

Does Greta Grundleson think that the world government is powerful and wise enough to 'save us,' and yet are incapable of taking action without the prompting of a child actor's tears?

>> No.13890907

just remember to always be afraid of the weather and give nasa 50 million dollars per day, goyim

>> No.13890914

Well during the worst part of the ozone layer hole you went outside in the southern part of my country.


>Not really but you got a nasty sunburn and melanomas.

>> No.13890917

ban cars in cities, ban long distance transport on trucks, rationed meat

>> No.13890918

Yeah, regulations for sprays changed the ozone layer...

>> No.13890924

>Completely true.
i was referring to the "we're all gonna die in 10 years crowd unless we ban oil...also nuclear is out of the question" crowd.

>> No.13890925

lol that's called summer

>> No.13890926
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>> No.13890930

1rst world still pollute way more per capita. you speak like an hypocrite that doesnt want to give up his comforts

>> No.13890940

>muh ozone layer
fuck off

>> No.13890941

The weak minded individual also loves scientism. They only disagree on which sect of science-mystics are correct. They pick and choose data, expanding and contracting time periods and sample sizes, this one reports the mode while this one reports the median, he subscribes to this theory and her the other one. The battle lines are drawn new for each and every topic that arises. It's not as if they have enough backbone or understanding to take a firm ideological stance regarding methodology or fundamentals.

>> No.13890947

I own 3 diesel trucks, diesel tractor, few trailers, and a diesel dump truck, all except for one truck are pre-emission regulation engines

brm brm

>> No.13890948

And how is a 16 year old girl going to stop oil companies?

>> No.13890952


I'm ok with that, research better energy oil shills.

There's barely summer near the south pole anon.

Sorry does it bothers you that it's a real thing with real man made causes?

>> No.13890953


>> No.13890954

China is the last place on earth where CFC's are still expelled. The entire world agree'd to stop using manufacturing processes that expelled them, except for china, who agree'd but just ignored it after. nasa has been tracking the expulsion of the chemical and the damage it does to the ozone. All the damage centers around china.
Link for those thinking im bullshiting:

>> No.13890955

how about you kill yourself and stop fucking up my weather then, faggot?

>> No.13890962


>> No.13890963

Ok, so when when do we start building the nuclear power plants?

>> No.13890966

>mostly correct on a daily basis
Thats weather forcasting not climate science sperglord
>they even have a channel

>> No.13890967
File: 807 KB, 1200x749, ozonehole_v04_1068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga this shit looks different in every photo and you're going to tell me banning some sprays made it shrink
the absolute state

>> No.13890970

ok i guess

>> No.13890971

You sound like a very bitter person

>> No.13890973

>mostly correct
exposed yourself there my boy

>> No.13890975

Ecologists and anti-natalists and vegans and people who hate humanity and the pleasure of living are usually the same. If they really believe we are ruining the world they should all kill themselves and save the world for all of us who actually love life.

>> No.13890982

Is it not much smaller more recently than 2015? Seriously. :3

>> No.13890983

Weather channel and weather forecast is done by real meteorologists and told by scantly lads.


This time read it.

I'm an honest person, they aren't the best part of science.

>> No.13890985

why are children so darling to these people? it's sickening. these are not her ideas,and at no point in her schoolmarm fingerwag did she say anything that has not already been said. but we're supposed to sit in awe of her and clap and screech because she's a child.

the world is starved of innocence or the perception of it. she's a shitty speaker and a destined cog but today she's the voice of a generation. it's the mob's focus on spectacle and the stageplay rhetoric that pushes her upwards.

>> No.13890987

>neither of these are real photos, theyre simulations
>sweet new shipping lanes
>sweet new bond event

>> No.13890996

if the weatherman gets tomorrow's rain forecast wrong once per week because climate is a chaotic system, why should I believe any long range forecast about global temperatures?

I can't verify any of this shit in 5 minutes how can you just trust it because some authority figures said so? this is the equivalent of "read this 1000 page book and get back to me" in response to an argument. you're not saying anything. gas yourself

>> No.13891003

>I can't verify any of this shit in 5 minutes how can you just trust it because some authority figures said so? this is the equivalent of "read this 1000 page book and get back to me" in response to an argument. you're not saying anything. gas yourself
>i'm dumb and can't understand your source therefore i'm right
indeed, gas yourself

>> No.13891004

Meterologists arent climatologists midwit.

>> No.13891007

Sensationalism is as old as mankind itself. That will never change.

There's obviously a point to be made about protecting the environment, but it isn't going to happen unless you go after the corporations and nations causing the pollution in the first place--Something western countries are reluctant to do for political reasons.

>> No.13891009

Because I sort of live under that hole and people here noticed the improvement, empirical first hand accounts count as evidence for me.

>> No.13891010
File: 67 KB, 540x534, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol dumbass that's not what I said at all. enjoy your dose of propaganda and crickets

>> No.13891016

everything in that link is sourced you doublenigger
just because it causes cognitive dissonance in you, that doesn't mean it's wrong

>> No.13891017


>> No.13891021

research better solar energy shills

>> No.13891030

"Stop oil companies"? What could you possibly mean by that?

I am trying to imagine some asinine fantasy where the World Government issues an edict banning the production and consumption of "oil". All "oil companies" are dissolved. What the fuck is going to happen then? The (Less Than) Free Hand of the Market is going to swoop in and instantly fill the void with "clean energy", preventing the global economy from collapsing, mass starvation, societal collapse, etc.

How about instead of making up crude fantasies with broad, unrealizable goals, you and Greta Grundleson actually take action?

Example: If gas powered vehicles are bad, how can individuals be convinced to use alternate methods of transit? What's wrong with our current solutions? The weak minded solution is to simply BAN gas powered vehicles and ASSUME that an alternative will present itself. The strong minded individual ANALYZES the situation and CREATES the alternatives.

>> No.13891033

>empirical first hand accounts
>of the ozone layer hole growing because of certain chemicals and then shrinking when these chemicals were banned

>> No.13891036


>> No.13891040

just because you're a retard that doesn't understand correlation =/= causation doesn't mean some gay ass laws shrunk the ozone hole lmaooo dumb ass nigga

>> No.13891044

I skimmed through the article.
It is mostly data on the reduction of CFC and HCFC, it doesnt explain to the reader how they are dangerous, just preassumes the reader knows. It also mentions that the ozone hole hasnt changed much, hasnt gotten bigger, but hasnt gotten smaller either, just that it "kinda looks like it might recover" in a few decades.

>> No.13891049

It hasnt shrunk

>> No.13891050

you're a sad person

>> No.13891063

>The "No U" defense.

I admit defeat.

I said for me, you are not forced to believe me, or my skin perceptions.

Caps locks cause that was important.

Yeah I have read this reports before but what they do is separate the O3 (ozone) and that cause the layer depletion, I'm also worried by the effect being minimal but what can you expect from an Al Gore policy? I don't think the CFC or HCFC have been reduced that much.

>> No.13891066

nice bait retard.

>> No.13891073
File: 146 KB, 1080x1350, half.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start with yourself

>> No.13891076

weather =/= climate

>> No.13891085

>I don't think the CFC or HCFC have been reduced that much.
Are you honestly retarded?
CFC and HCFC are the "ozone reducing chemicals" that the entire article is written about. Over half of the graphs in the article are charting them. Even if you couldnt read and just looked at the colorful pictures you should know theyve declined in use.

>> No.13891088

of course, it's not climate when it doesn't go well with your agenda

>> No.13891095

How do you even measure that?

Are you sure China and India aren't using those chemicals like crazy?

>> No.13891096
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>> No.13891098

it's not the same thing with or without an agenda.

>> No.13891100
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It is bullshit. We have two climates on earth during the last 3 million years ICE AGE and INTERGLACIAL. Earth's climate on long timescales is controlled by movement of land masses (earthquakes over millions of years). Current climate change is not particularly intense or abnormal. During our current inter-glacial (overdue to expire) we have had higher sea levels, possibly a warmer climate, and definitely changes much faster than today's rate.

>> No.13891102 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13891109

they can't measure shit it's just a bunch of projections and bullshit studies to gain more funding. it might contain some kernels of truth but most of the stuff like this is trash you shouldn't believe at first glance. the modern science world is just a nonstop rat race for funding. you comply with the elites' agenda and you get funding, simple as
t. friend works at a chemistry research lab

>> No.13891112

Its in the fucking article.
China IS using it like crazy.

>> No.13891114

>those tabs

>> No.13891166

I don't understand the fetishization of climate, air pollution and pollution in general are already a major threat and will contaminate and poison the earth long before the climate changes have really affected us. Climate change is a bourgeois liberal technocratic fantasy that allows them to continue to plunder and exploit the planet and its resources. If any of these clowns were serious about the climate they would be calling for radical changes like banning automobiles and radical urban restructuring, but nobody has the stomach for that. Instead we will pat each other on the back for using paper straws as we sink into an oblivion of our own creation. Also as this guy >>13890713 points out most of the planet couldn't give a fuck about emissions or pollution, it's not just government policy it's a lack of education and attitude that transcends most developing societies.

>> No.13891179

i fucking love science

>> No.13891180

You motherfucker.
It's 74 degrees outside when everyone knows it's supposed to be 73 degrees.
If you were dead, it would be 73 degrees.
You killed earth.

>> No.13891213

Are deniers actually a significant portion of people that it warrants all this? It seems more people who don't actually take it seriously. Can almost guarantee all my friends will continue to live the exact same even after all the posturing on social media

>> No.13891230

Social media gives people an outlet so they can feel like they’re accomplishing something while those in power are met with no actual resistance.

>> No.13891232

You don't think that a large amount of "deniers" are also just posturing?

>> No.13891250
File: 9 KB, 202x249, 1569473358686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people on television told me the weather is changing because I meat. it must be true, they're on tv!

>> No.13891477

Deniers is a loaded word. Skeptics would be better. I personally know a lot of people who acknowledge climate change is happening, but dont think its human's causing the change. Theres also another camp that even thinks its humans causing the change, but dont think raising taxes or eating bugs will solve the problem.

>> No.13891535

>Plus as a bonus we don't need to send troops to the middle east to fight sand niggers to protect Israel and get access to oil
The US curbstomps Arabs, especially ones trying to move away from the petrodollar (Gaddafi, Saddam) to maintain the oil dollar and thus the dollar's position as the primary global reserve currency. The US has more than enough oil for itself.

>> No.13891618

I think global warming is real, man-caused and a good thing that should be embraced

>> No.13891629

This. I just hope that we are unable to find another planet to survive on so that humans have to stay on Earth and suffer the consequences.

>> No.13891632

it's not even going to do anything

>> No.13891663
File: 40 KB, 675x666, IMG_20190301_233507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone of the climate activists here actually change their lifestyles to save it and take a part in the stand against big bad oil companies or it's only just meaningless discussions to feel smart?

>> No.13891666

I’m vegan. I don’t even eat bugs.

>> No.13891667

Our misbegotten political culture has somehow managed to polarize the issue of climate change and make it more ammunition in the battle between right versus left.

It's toward the end of September and there hasn't even been one brisk day where i live. I'm not saying the end is coming but the fact that the climate is changing because of anthropogenic causes is definite.

What I believe is that it's vastly difficult to predict exactly how this will play out. The earth's systems comprise an incredibly dense and interconnected web of factors. The chain of causality is too complicated to anticipate decades into the future.

>> No.13891727

why would a slight increase in temperatures be a net negative for humanity? would it be net positive for the earth to get colder?

>> No.13891742

I kind of want the Earth to be further destroyed and sacrificed so mankind goes extinct. I don't want mankind to wake up to ecological predicaments and fix them because I want them to die, preferably after my lifetime.

>> No.13891765

>you want to change society yet you live in society...how interesting! I am very smart.jpeg

please do a favor and kill yourself

>> No.13891808

he's literally asking if they've made concrete efforts to change society in their own lives

>> No.13891814

you can't just regurgitate the same phrases every time you post, especially when they don't even apply

>> No.13891816

Nigger can you read?

>> No.13891828

>woah, what a coincidence; environmentalism furthers the socioeconomic and geopolitical ambitions of progressive neoliberal hegemony
>here, look at this climate activist child; a completely spontaneous phenomenon, no powerful patrons or institutional support here. This is grassroots. Revolution!
>woah, this climate activist child is receiving affirmation and praise from powerful media corporations. Again, must just be a coincidence

>> No.13891830

esl retard cant even read and wants to save planet earth

>> No.13891890
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>> No.13891896

Behind all that rambling and sniffing Zizek is a breddy mainstream thinker

>> No.13891922

Where are the Marxists he asked

>> No.13891942

Here we go!

>> No.13891955

>Fuck all forms of civilisation. Fuck it all.
We hear your plea and decided to satisfy it. The Gods my witness, the Senate and People of /lit/ exile you to the wilderness.
Never shall you again pass the pomerium, never you shall be given fire, or water or substenance inside our city's walls. Go forth and forge your own destiny in the wilderness on your own terms for civilization disowns you; here, now and forever. SPQ/lit/

>> No.13891960

Because shes fucking annoying
Thats the only reason. Seeing an autistic Swedish brat berating you for not eating enough bugs and saying the world is going to end tomorrow makes me embarrassed to talk about climate change.
I was considering voting for the green party in this upcoming election but i might vote far-right just as a fuck you to these insufferable progressives using children to deflect criticism

>> No.13891967

>Consumption needs to be curbed
Consumption needs to be exponentially augmented to bring forth Our Lord the Capital AI.

>> No.13891976

When will these fucker a realize that the left is, was, forever shall be corporate shills?

>> No.13891983

>Are deniers
Rhetoric. There's no "deniers". There's normal people and then climate freaks such as yourself which make up 0.01% of the population and going down.

>> No.13892008

partially agree with this.

using kids or the mentally/physically disabled to push your agenda in an obvious way is creepy as fuck. at least be more subtle and sneak in an interracial couple so you can at least have plausible deniability.

>> No.13892104


>> No.13892111

Maybe I'll die so things work out anon.

>> No.13892149

Only a sheltered amerimongrel could have written this post. Action against climate change enjoys widespread support in virtually every society with working electricity. It is only among followers of a certain party that believes the earth is 6,000 years old that you will find climate denialists in majority numbers.

>> No.13892154

youre a faggot and climate science is pseudoscience

>> No.13892161

Green energy is probably the wrong direction to attack this from because as long as there's fossil fuel the economy's going to fight it. I don't know what I do advocate for though. DUNE type terraforming tech or something. Just like figure it out you fucking glowniggers

>> No.13892190

god could you imagine being 16 and being this fucking hagish and ugly

of course she has to get on stage and scream I would have to get pissed at anything too

>> No.13892192

>me no likey science, numbers bad!
>white man skull shape mean he smart, it’s science!

>> No.13892201
File: 24 KB, 333x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it pseudoscience if even the brightest physicists are saying it's real?

>> No.13892207

Science shows that there's a clear discrepance in mean iq between races

>> No.13892217

No, she never said that (sadly): don't believe anything you read here

>> No.13892253

I, too, enjoy lying on the Internet.

>> No.13892257

there is incomparably more and better evidence for iq differences by race than there is for anything to do with climate change

>> No.13892274

>unironically believing low quality CGI nasa propaganda
Once you realize NASA has never even been to space, a lot of things make more sense

>> No.13892315

t. Thanos

>> No.13892323

Per capita means fuck all when total pollution level is the only thing that matters for the Earth.

>> No.13892334

This faggot is such a retarded hack, no wonder /lit/ shills him so much

>> No.13892341

>Zizek is just a regular globalist with some quirks
stop the presses everybody, lmao, this was transparent since forever

>> No.13892351

his recent articles all seem senile. appreciated his academic texts tho

>> No.13892361

because using a literal child 16yo larping as a 10yo as a human shield looks too pathetic for a serious ideology

even though global warming is real nobody can take seriously the solutions of a group that is literally parading a literal child to make their point, it's obvious they just have meme-solutions that will push their meme-ideology because they are desperate about being a pathetic elite nobody follows anymore

still kind of like how much Greta despises humanity, but the circus around her is just the lowest of the low

>> No.13892374

>Zizek isn't a brainlet who denies climate change
Who would have thought?

>> No.13892379

but how can you listen to science if all scientific institutions have been repeatedly wrong and manipulated except physics and chemistry?

i don't even doubt climate change is real, i just doubt the solutions presented by the "Greta-troupe" will do anything else than gather more power towards that group

at the end of the day, climate change for the left is nothing else than a replacement for the proletariat, that's why they love it, not because they actually care about nature

>> No.13892389
File: 20 KB, 448x270, marklawson-ice-ages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are due for a new ice age, prepare your jackets

>> No.13892393

convince people to stop buying oil and oil related products and services?

>> No.13892396
File: 12 KB, 554x601, mGPkfBr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now we just have to decide which half to empty

>> No.13892411

Physicists are saying climate change is real too, and that the science behind it really isn't that complicated.

>> No.13892412

Another "based" communist turns out to be a bed shitter. Can't say i'm surprised.

>> No.13892415

read my comment, i'm not doubting climate change, just the solutions from the "Greta-troupe" smell like elite power consolidation rather than any serious engagement with climate science and energy production

>> No.13892435

>The climate crisis is an emergency – we want everyone to start acting like it. We demand climate justice for everyone. Our hotter planet is already hurting millions of people. If we don’t act now to transition fairly and swiftly away from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy for all, the injustice of the climate crisis will only get worse. We need to act right now to stop burning fossil fuels and ensure a rapid energy revolution with equity, reparations and climate justice at its heart.
>1. Transform energy systems away from corporate-controlled fossil fuels and other harmful sources such as nuclear, mega-hydro, and biofuels to a clean, safe system that empowers people and communities.
>6. Adopt a technology framework that recognizes the importance of endogenous and indigenous technologies and innovations in addressing climate change, and enables developing countries and communities to develop, access, and transfer environmentally sound, socially acceptable, gender responsive and equitable climate technologies.
that's what their movement represents, it's just self-aggrandizing people patting themselves in the back for having the correct opinions, not anything serious about climate change

>> No.13892438

>other harmful sources such as nuclear,
these people are fucking retarded

>> No.13892439

>still kind of like how much Greta despises humanity
Are there actual sources if this and the demand to eat bugs or is it all /pol/ memes?

>> No.13892471

well, that's what people are marching for in their "SCIENCE" march

>> No.13892477

You understand that when they talk about greenhouse emission from livestock, they mean the amount of carbons released rasing them, not cow farts.

>> No.13892488

>Per capita means fuck all when total pollution level is the only thing that matters for the Earth.
Spoken like a true retard. Count EU as one nation and they'd beat both India and China in terms of total emissions easily.

>> No.13892502


>> No.13892506

that is not her message tho

>> No.13892517

Yeah and? If the doomsday cultists really wanted to solve the climate change issue and fast, they would pressure the government entities that are responsible for the largest portions of pollution first and foremost.

>> No.13892520

Livestock accounts for 6% of total emissions.4 of that 6% is at that hands of south america, china and india. The west is responsible for less <2 of that 6%.

>> No.13892543

>Are there actual sources if this
her face
>and the demand to eat bugs or is it all /pol/ memes?

>> No.13892549

btw you are also racist if you don't eat the bugs
>When Christopher Columbus returned from the Americas, he and members of his expedition used the insect-eating of the native inhabitants as an example of savagery, and as justification for dehumanizing people he would later enslave, said Julie Lesnik, an anthropologist at Wayne State University and author of “Edible Insects and Human Evolution.”
>While it wasn’t the only factor, the colonial era deepened the stigmatization of entomophagy in mainland Europe, and in turn among European settlers in the Americas. Further distaste grew as insects threatened profitable agricultural monocultures supported by slavery and industrialization.
>It wasn’t always that way. Aristotle loved cicadas. Pliny the Elder preferred beetle larvae. They weren’t that different from insect eaters among other cultures on other continents.

>> No.13892553

>implying western activists could pressure China
imagine being this lost

>> No.13892554

They literally can think about nothing else ever

>> No.13892562

this type of enviromentalism is just another branch of satanism. and the most succesful id say

>> No.13892576

How is she powerful?

She would be powerful if Bolsonaro and Trump cared about her. They don't, so she isn't.

Here in Brazil she's seen as a joke. We know she, like Macron, is full of bullshit.

>> No.13892581

Btw, I do accept the science of global warming. I am just disputing the fact that her voice has any power among anyone who isn't already converted to the (non-scientific) mass extinction cult.

Roger Scruton would be a MUCH MORE effective voice, because he can actually talk the language of conservatives, but the left insists on vilifying him.

>> No.13892586
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lmao, Greta literally BTFOs the same left that claps at her

>> No.13892590

>“No matter how political the background to this crisis may be, we must not allow this to continue to be a partisan political question. The climate and ecological crisis is beyond party politics. And our main enemy right now is not our political opponents. Our main enemy now is physics. And we can not make ‘deals’ with physics.”

>> No.13892602

Her point is that liberal measures for solving climate change are not enough, brainlet, this is the standard leftist take on climate change

>> No.13892611

lmao at this apocalypse cult

>> No.13892637

yes yes, i'm sure you'll get your socialist revolution if you keep replacing the proletariat with climate change, it's sure to work this time!

>> No.13892646

He's just extra-contrarian

>> No.13892669
File: 1.87 MB, 350x342, 198EFD6E-0318-40AD-BA50-0C86289B0D7E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let’s vote and “educate” people to stop environmental destruction
if anyone tries to ration my meat consumption I’ll probably do it to em

>> No.13892672

>Roger Scruton
I don't think a clueless boomer retard would convince anyone of anything

>> No.13892674

That's because you're absolutely retarded. The right would be about 1000 times more willing to listen to a Scruton than the climate goblina

>> No.13892675

yeah and if on one side you have 3.5 billion polluting 100 burgers and on the other hand 500 millions polluting 100 burgers guess what's worse?

>> No.13892683

No they wouldn't, they would just write him off as a psyop or secret leftist and carry on.

>> No.13892686

I don't think the liberals Greta is critiquing in that post care about a socialist revolution.

>> No.13892701


Her point is that "green" politics will are not red politics. You will have to do things that poor and working people won't like. They'll probably be even more affected than wealthy people too, since their jobs in those dirty industries (ethanol farmers, coal miners, fishing against quotas, etc) are being protected by the government and they usually prefer those to the other jobs they are likely to get. Food products like meat and dairy are subsidized because plebs grunt when those get more expensive, nevermind that those products should be harder to get for the sake of the climate. Failing towns rely on dirty businesses and want governments to prop those up even though that comes at the expense of broader society.

>> No.13892718
File: 30 KB, 788x605, Screenshot_2019-09-27 CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) - China, European Union Data.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

india sure

china not really

a lot of china's and india's pollution isn't atmospheric, by the way, but water-based, as they don't care so much about dumping untreated sewage and cheap plastic garbage into rivers and the sea

>> No.13892761


>> No.13892767

I don't even know how to react anymore to the fact something like a third of the population belongs to a doomsday cult.

>> No.13892852

Slavoj Zizek has been a liberal for years... What's the surprise?

>> No.13892858

he makes jokes about Stalin, so he must be a communist, even though he holds "Angela Merkel"-tier political stances

>> No.13892934

It's similar to the way political comedians work, you can go on the attack all you want and if anyone ever pushes back you can say "it's just a kid/only a joke"

>> No.13892974

I wonder what Zizek thinks about disposing a couple billions of people to stop emissions from the industry that serves them in one way or another.

>> No.13892977

Greta is obviously manufactured and instrumentalized, so people extend this to the cause she fights for as a whole. She is being intentionally propped up as a spokesperson for climate change and she is an autistic teenage girl with massive anxiety, an actual functional retard, and to anyone with half a brain it's readily apparent that this is done because the liberal left thrives on weakness.

>> No.13893009

Of course it pollutes more per capita you fucking retard. There's no point in comparing per capita levels of pollution of a fully-industrialized western country that has 300 million citizens to a largely unregulated eastern country with a still very large rural area and with a population of almost 1.5 billion.

>> No.13893016

There is nothing wrong with liking Billie Eilish's music

>> No.13893017

>"no one seems to notice"
No one seems to notice the Pope telling the immigrants to convert, that Italy allready did its part, that abortion is murder etc.
In the medias one seems to notice anything but what they want to notice.

>> No.13893018

Yes, it's the meat not the indstrial level usage of polluting sources of energy

>> No.13893022

>weather forecast is the same as climate change studies
>even weather forecasting gets a lot of stuff wrong, and that's on predictions of a couple of days, not even years

>> No.13893027
File: 210 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Graham&#039;s_Hierarchy_of_Disagreement-en.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an argument
relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzcfsq1_bt8

>> No.13893028

My point was there are things the individual can do that can influence the shitty, capitalist market. If people decided to eat less meat as a whole then there'd be less of a demand for it. It's a group effort.

>> No.13893039

>can't tell climate and weather apart
you lack middle school geography education

>> No.13893057


>> No.13893203

Performative white liberals doing their kabuki, nothing new.

>> No.13893217

This. Also helps in the fifty year-long project of dabbing on the working class’ corpse.

>> No.13893227

the things you're describing aren't red politics, it's not about what the poor like, it's about what they need

>> No.13893235

I don't care about if climate change is real, urban sprawl and car culture need to be destroyed because they disintegrate your brain. Any excuse for that project gets my thumbs up.

>> No.13893236

>ecology, biogeneticsh

>> No.13893251

What if we need disintegrated brains, anon? What if highway hypnosis isn’t just a clever alliteration? What if these aren’t actual cities at all?

>> No.13893257

But science is pure ideology

>> No.13893271
File: 280 KB, 550x350, Scythia-Parthia_100_BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah but science is manipulated and controlled by globalists that use climate panic to further their global centralization by taking away control of national goverments over their economies (co2), food (co2, methane), migration (climate refugees) etc.

All to destroy the capacity of the autonomous will of nations and peoples so they can be subjugated, looted, genocided and reigned by the tiny pedophile billionaire ruling class.

>> No.13893313
File: 45 KB, 712x300, climax-community-succession-rock-areas-plants-hundreds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ecological imbalance destroys everything (lol that want happen from a slight temperature increase)
>nature builds itself again
humanity at its base is manipulation of nature rules and cheating and it has always been on the edge of collapse. it's like balancing an infinitely growing whale on a thin rope. humans are fundamentally corrupt and this is their destiny. just let humanity destroy its shielding from nature so nature can replace us with far more superior creatures

>> No.13893319

Nice try, but the "globalists" (what retard came up with this name anyway, back in my day we would say American empire) profit immensely from controlling world´s supply of oil and constant economic expansion.

>> No.13893334


We will be serfs not allowed to travel to other continents because airplane use is polluting and only restricted to top CEO's, celebrities and bureaucrats of the world goverment. Either it will be unaffordable or acces provided by a mixture of social credit score and application forms to the state.

You will eat soja, bugs and recycled soilent green. Meat is not affordable for the serfs.

The serfs will be a mulatto mass with a few disunited isolated powerless ethnic communities in constant quarrel with each other. National unity is an old memory.

You will slave away in some global corp office that are able to exploit the cheapest labour on the planet, or starve in the feces covered streets, possibly retuening to a tiny cuckbox because large houses is bad for the environment.


The globalists own the banks. They own hollywood. They control most corporations. They have infinite money.

Oil was only important to uphold the petrodollar as USA was the main holding of the globalist kabal, however, USA is too strong to be integrated in a global goverment. So it has been targeted for destruction for a long time to weaken it and collapse it to integrate it in a world UN Goverment. Now with trump in, globalists control over the usa has withered, and they are continuing their war from corporate headquarters (google, fb etc.), media and most of the EU - though globalist control is crumbling there as well.

Other globonodes are singapore, south korea, israel (big node), canada.

>> No.13893339

Oh, I didn’t realize that the profits from the Impossible Whopper were going to day laborers, thanks for laying out a nuanced and interesting world view for me.
Also, economic expansion will not stop, this is what this is about. Keeping the party going with bug-McDonalds and electric PT Cruisers this time so it doesn’t look dirty. Optics, shame, and Capital, it’s life in 2019, mad world I tell you.

>> No.13893348


Its about global centralized control and the destruction of the nation statr. The optics are just camouflage.

Strong parallels can be made with communism as a tool to destroy nations and society and usher in a global centralized goverment and the current climate ideology, only this is even more potent.

>> No.13893382

>USA is too strong to be integrated in a global goverment
What sort of retarded idea is this? Are you trying to replace actual, observable powers for shadows in your imagination? USA is the global goverment. Trump just represents one clique of the American powerholders, it´s perfectly normal for empires to have different cliques standing against each other, especially degenerating empires.

>> No.13893433
File: 302 KB, 882x479, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're already at +1C. What you heard in 2000 has come to pass, and in fact, all our models have become much more pessimistic since then.
I know this stuff is frightening, guys, but we have to stare it in the face now.

>> No.13893599

Ah yes, the climate scare of the 2000s.
'in 20 years the planet could warm up to 1 (one) degree celcius'
That's what I remember

>> No.13893631
File: 147 KB, 1200x800, 1569348472739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a bad poster girl for climate change. Shes ugly and grumpy.

>> No.13893869

>be cute poster girl
>jovial, jubilant, cheerful:
>"civilization as we know it will collapse this century and if we don't do anything the earth could be uninhabitable for hundreds of thousands of years teehee =P"

>> No.13893900

you think 1 (one) degree Celsius is trivial, huh?
Do this, pull out your high school physics book, look up the thermodynamics part. Find the equation that relates temperature, mass and energy. Now estimate the mass of the entire surface of the earth, the atmosphere, the oceans, everything, and calculate how much energy it takes to heat that all up by 1C.
Maybe that number will do something for you.

>> No.13894130

take science seriously, unless its science that goes against the popular science.

>> No.13894149

10yrs before the establishment of the IPCC the popular global climate myth was a new ice age. My have things have changed, or have they? BTW carbon is at some of the lowest levels it has been in the coarse of the history of the planet. There is no link between climate and carbon. Every prediction of the climate religion zealots over the past 20yrs have failed to come to fruition.

>> No.13894237

yes, I know all about the 70's ice age. It does not in any way discredit current climate science, if anything, the establishment learned a lot from that fiasco.
We are at +1C. This is empirical. Whether the predictions from the turn of the century were spot on or not, they were basically right.
Link between climate and carbon dioxide is scientific consensus.

We can just sit here and state our version of the facts, or you can post your sources. I'd be more than willing to spend an hour going through TRUTH-UNVEILED.net or whatever horseshit you read and raping it right in the ass for you.