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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 125 KB, 600x814, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13890269 No.13890269 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Nietzsche considered controversial? Like what did he say that's controversial?

>> No.13890287

Discount Hegel with no sense of self awareness

>> No.13890290

Throwing lazy antisemites out of Germany and replacing them with hard working Jews.

Some of the things he said could be interpreted as antisemetic by modern audiences but were very anti Nazi in his day. He's considered controversial because his sister posthumously edited his books and notes to come up with pro Nazi propaganda..

He was also deeply sexist but one of the worst examples comes right after a chapter about how unwarranted prejudices are fucking stupid so he probably knew it was unreasonable.

It should go without saying that he really didn't like the local Christians of his time but they went on to start the holocaust so he probably wasn't too far off.

>> No.13890294

god is dead bro?

>> No.13890296

>He was also deeply sexist but one of the worst examples comes right after a chapter about how unwarranted prejudices are fucking stupid so he probably knew it was unreasonable.

>> No.13890302


>> No.13890305


>> No.13890310


>> No.13890313

based and dare I say? redpilled

>> No.13890317

Almost everything he wrote was controversial in 19th century Europe. His assessment of Greek and Roman philosophy and art, Christianity and its philosophical and moral offspring, academia, the Enlightenment, the Renaissance, the modern sciences at the time, etc. caused many during his lifetime to go up in arms in response to him and his work.

>> No.13890324
File: 142 KB, 1050x741, leddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13890328

Sorry bud, but you aren't from reddit if you're linking to /pol/.

The kind of depressing people like Londonfrog and actual cucks inhabit /pol/ . :3

>> No.13890332

He was a God among men ; a wolf in the sheep herd. Question yourself as to whom considers him controversial, and you will find it is those people whose core got shaken by the truth of his ideas.

>> No.13890334

Yeah hyper-political incels, racists and angry conspiracy theorists are always at the top of my list to go out with.

/lit/ is not a far right board despite the invasion

>> No.13890338

lmao what an edgelord thing to say

>> No.13890341
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>> No.13890343

>a wolf in the sheep herd
You may have missed the point a little, the fact that the final transformation in TSZ is from a lion to a child.

>> No.13890351

I'm a man. I meant go out drinking. With friends.
I'm unsurprised /pol/acks aren't familiar with the concept.

>> No.13890360

but nietzsche wasnt zaratustra, was he

>> No.13890364

Did you think he was just writing Persian fanfic?

>> No.13890377

We're more of a traditionally conservative board.

It's common to discuss writers like Edmund Burke or Joseph Schumpeter, who have informed and inspired other conservatives in like vein, who think outside the box.

It's no surprise Plato is commonly posted.

There's also a scientific side as well, hence the popularity of Aristotle and more scientific aspects of economics.

Honestly, having a board on 'books' in general is the best of all worlds, because you don't get people who are informed by Wikipedia or some shit. :3

>> No.13890384

Dilate and gtfo back to plebbit

>> No.13890393
File: 12 KB, 236x233, 14c2af8efbbd446efbb3b10cce595b43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13890395

Yes. Literally. He came down from a mountain where he spent time in solitude to bring his wisdom from the masses in the form of TSZ (Then simplified in BGE when he found out Germans were retarded).

>> No.13890429

His philosophy advocated a renunciation of everything hitherto revered and hallowed in favor of a vague, self-determined path to self-overcoming.

>> No.13891695
File: 142 KB, 1024x768, 1564639945330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what MAXIMUM BAIT feels like? I'll take it.
>Throwing lazy antisemites out of Germany and replacing them with hard working Jews.
>Some of the things he said could be interpreted as antisemetic by modern audiences but were very anti Nazi in his day.
This is a conclusion a brainlet comes to. The real thing is that Nietzsche disliked the reason the NS hated jews, because it was rooted in "slave morality", but only apparently! He didn't know about the personal views of the NS elite, only about their propaganda for the masses that was composed of victimism and stuff. He still absolutely hated the jew. Quotes about how, paraphrasing, "the smartest man I've talked to recently is a jew", is supposed to humiliate his people, not praise the jews. It's the same as a racist saying "I've talked to niggers smarter than you". His main gripe was that people hated jews because of slave morality reasons instead of the real reason, which is their antilife stance and their spiritual poison. So he disdained apparently populist movements like NS. Sadly he didn't knew that Hitler et al. hated jews for the right reasons as we can gather from what info we have of them as of now. They just didn't bother explaining that to the masses because the average joe is more swayed by "jews benefitted from ww1 and are now getting us to be their personal starved prostitutes (hate to the "current" masters for "christian" reasons) (which was entirely true, see weimar republic) than "the jew has spawned the most dangerous and antihuman religion and its variants and its on their blood and very nature (as Nietzsche said) as a weak race of parasites", for instance. Basically autism "DON'T HATE THEM FOR THE WRONG REASONS REEE".
>It should go without saying that he really didn't like the local Christians
You don't say
>but they went on to start the holocaust so he probably wasn't too far off.
Oh, how they dare touch the chosen people
>unwarranted prejudices are fucking stupid
His entire books are based on stereotypical jewishness, which of course is not unwarranted.

Your purposeful misinterpretation of Nietzsche and your crying about the holohoax leds me to believe you have a largue nose.

To sum it up. Nothing about his books and philosophy is philosemitic, it's absolutely the opposite, he scolds jewry and all that spawned because of it, and depicts jews as handrubbing scheming little men who started the subversion of everything noble in earth. Quit coping.

>> No.13891780

actual retard

>> No.13891788

Anti-liberal in a liberal age. Anti-feminist in a feminist age. Anti-democratic in a democrat age. Anti-Christian in (what was) a Christian age. Anti-socialism is a socialist age.

>> No.13891794
File: 112 KB, 750x540, EFIwRAWWwAsDxqf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche isn't a misogynist, he wrote about women gently, generously, often admiringly.

But he is a "sexist" by the politically-correct standards of today. We're not allowed to notice that men and women are in many ways very different.

Checked and well said

You have to go back

>> No.13891822
File: 44 KB, 400x400, schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some kind of next-level meta-bait or something, I swear.

>> No.13891826

Which book is that passage from? It's great.

>> No.13891834

Now that's fucking based.

>> No.13891844

The Gay Science

>> No.13891852

It's positively outrageous to compare Nietzsche to Hegel. I'm kind of disappointed that nobody besides you sperged out.

>> No.13891873

Nothing. He was just an edgy atheist.

>> No.13891878

Being an edgy atheist in 19th century Europe was an extremely controversial stance to take though, and to some degree still is

>> No.13891950

Nietzsche wasn't an fedora-tipping secularist. He has a sense of the sacred. What is Zarathustra if not a religious book? He wasn't exactly a pagan, but he is the heir to paganism.

>> No.13892030
File: 4 KB, 162x54, kierkegaard_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said the same stuff Kierkegaard did but with more poetry, less God, and he did it decades later.

>> No.13892037

Retards think he inspired the Nazis and Redditors think he was pro-nihilism and atheism.

>> No.13892093

He was the proto incel. For that reason he has the worst fan base.

>> No.13892258

I'm not even replying to the utter retardation of this post.

>> No.13892413

Hmm that way of arguing... Now I'm wondering if you're jewish or a leftist goy.