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13889471 No.13889471 [Reply] [Original]

>My favorite philosopher is Rene Guenon
What type of person do you imagine?

>> No.13889475

an incel

>> No.13889481


>> No.13889483
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>> No.13889488

I imagine an absolutely insufferable person. I imagine someone extremely naive and easily influenced. I imagine someone extremely underread. I imagine a lonely virgin that has fallen for midwit reactionary ideology such as "durr feminism is the fall of western civilization." I imagine a midwit that followed Peterson and Shapiro before. I imagine an absolutely retarded contrarian reactionary midwit with no seif awareness.

>> No.13889489

You haven't even applied the bait.

>> No.13889491

Someone who thinks obscure metaphysics and occultism will help them be content more than friends and family.

>> No.13889499


some prose you have there. Anyway what do you dislike about Guenon's metaphysics

>> No.13889503
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>> No.13889512

It's the shorts that get me. Every single one of them.

>> No.13889526
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it's not fair how this guy has a gf when I'm 6'1, fit, white, wealthy, and have never held a conversation with a girl in a casual setting
f*ck autism

>> No.13889528

I honestly imagine an incel. Don't know how it could be otherwise.

>> No.13889532

Bro i know a little ugly midget who's the most concupiscent womanizer to ever walk the earth

>> No.13889537

I had a friend in the same boat who was autistic. I know it sucks but try find a therapist that can help you manage the social anxiety and when that's less pervasive just trial and error through basic social skills.
If my dungeons & dragons playing best friend can do it you can too!

>> No.13889541

He doesnt have any clue what metaphysics is. His writings are just new age pseudo mysticism. He is the type of person that converted to Islam to mess with the libs. Full of arrogance. Thinks he reached so called real knowledge which is all hubris. Contantly gives condescending side remarks with no subtsance to moderns, jews, scientists, psychologists, etc while having no real depth himself. Unspeculative. No sense of wonder. Just dry and boring reactionary talking points. Would be completely forgotten if the incels of /pol/ did not find out about him.

>> No.13889550

/pol/ doesn't give a shit about Guenon, I doubt they even know who he is, they infrequently might mention Evola or Spengler, that's about it.

His metaphysics are just taken mostly from Hindu doctrines, he didn't come up with any of it himself

>> No.13889554

>Would be completely forgotten
>his disciple is an ideologist of one of the most powetful countries

>> No.13889567

>Contantly gives condescending side remarks with no subtsance...while having no real depth himself. Unspeculative. No sense of wonder. Just dry and boring reactionary talking points.
That's you, silly.

>> No.13889595

If you are not the same person who always appears in Guenon threads and spurts irrational hatred based on your own misconception of Guenon, you are all the same.
Always resorting to vile personal attacks. Never presenting a solid critique of anything that Guenon (or other traditionalists, not mentioning ancient traditional writers mostly of whom your kind eschews for knowing the qualitative abyss that separate you from them) wrote.
What is metaphysics? What is the difference between Guenon's conception of metaphysics and what metaphysics really is?
I doubt you have read anything from him and all this blind hatred come from your indulging yourself with pseudo-metaphysics and degenerate, shallow ''philosophy''.

>> No.13889724

99% of these guys haven't even heard of Spengler. They meme Evola without even having read him because they only see "le far right thinky guy", some brainyquote.com images and are already impressed

>> No.13889734

/pol/ was having long Spengler threads back in 2013 before /lit/ ever talked about him, that is where I learned about him in the first place.

>> No.13889766

the bulk of users came much later

>> No.13889776

ironically they have the same sense of dogmatism as new atheists.

>> No.13889778

btw i am not saying this to dismiss evola, its just that these people don't actually read him and feel the need to some sort of intellectual pillar to support their ideology

>> No.13889861

Stop lying faggot, that doesn't happen irl unless he is rich

>> No.13889869

itt ,seething faggots

>> No.13889918

I have never read anything from him, but my humble opinion is that avarage person would be something like San Francisco South Park doushebags who inhale their own farts.

>> No.13889963

t. Whiteheadfag

>> No.13889969

A ginger

>> No.13889987

I like esoteric traditionalism because it makes me feel empowered in my identity as a cishet white man, leftist women and fags do the same with astrology and ''witchcraft'' so why shouldn't I?By this point we are all consciously embracing retarded beliefs in order to spite the outgroup.

>> No.13890003

I find it hard to believe anyone on this website reads

>> No.13890019

A well-read and cultured intellectual who acts calm and thoughtful during conversations. Doesn't watch netflix or television. Tall

>> No.13890049

The fuck you're implying here, laddie?

>> No.13890056

My favorite philosopher is Guenon: mildly autistic pale skinned white guy who dresses in an overtly anachronistic fashion, might have once dabbled in far right ideas, uses mysticism as a form of escapism, will probably end up converting to Islam

My favorite philosopher is Whitehead: Transgender Computer Science major, psychedelics enthusiast, legitimately insane

>> No.13890078

What's so bad about Whitehead? Other than that time he got rekt by the founder of ontology?

>> No.13890117

A sissy little blonde twink bouncing on his buttplug in class while his cute little uncut baby cock makes a stain in his panties

>> No.13890733


i don't have an opinion on guenon having never read him, but these are almost certainly different demos. i highly doubt people who are into weirdo esoteric perennialism are the same people who are into alt lite youtube celebs.

>> No.13890829

/pol/ barely mentions Evola and Guenon, and if they did, they would shit on them for criticizing fascism and Guenon for being a muslim and giving up on the West.

>> No.13890866

Guenon sympathizes with Fascism

>> No.13890883

Where does ha claim such a thing? Fascism is opposed to traditional society.

>> No.13890902 [DELETED] 

Pale, skinny-fat, sexually inexperienced, bad posture, gullible, resentful, impulsive, overestimates his intelligence, poor social skills, hates leftists

>> No.13890906

Most people haven’t heard of Guenon, so I’d assume he’s probably someone who’s not entirely happy with the way society functions. I think a lot of people arrive at Guenon after being disillusioned with the materialistic nature of the modern world. Somebody who feels that there is something greater, but yet is unable to articulate it. Someone searching for meaning. Guenon was never hubristic, like many like to say. He was a very humble man, who lived a very quiet life. A life of desperation, in many senses. He was reluctant to ever point those he corresponded with to a direct goal, and more preferred to highlight routes through which the higher realms of consciousness can be accessed. His direct conflict with the Theosophical Society is testament to the fact that he never wished to fool people with cheap tricks. His belief was a deeply held and sincere one, and was one he tried to embody in every waking hour. Prolific from a young age, I think Guenon embodies the strivings of many young men to find deeper meaning in an otherwise shallow world. Of course, you may criticise him for his excessive flirtations with Orientalism, but it must be remembered that this focus was only because he believed Hinduism and Islam to be the best available avenues through which to reach the the core perrenialist truths that all religions are predicated upon. Ultimately, Guenon asks us to consider Religion vs religions. To say that he ever attempted to seduce followers to a certain way of thinking or behaving is false.

>> No.13890909

I feel so sorry for that girl.

>> No.13890912

No, he doesn’t. Evola does as a practical expression of Traditionalism, but Guenon was only ever an inspiration, never solicitous.

>> No.13890915

So he was the Peterson of his day

>> No.13890942

Not really, only perhaps in that he only ever desired to be a guide, rather than a leader. I don’t know much about Peterson, but I feel like Peterson is a bit too keen to cultivate a cultish following. Guenon was never one for inspiring devotion, becoming a practical recluse after losing his first wife. He would refuse to converse or meet with any Europeans in Cairo unless he was confident they could be trusted. He was as meek as they come, and I think only ever interested in sharing what he believed was a key truth that had been missed, rather than enforcing that belief globally. It was only later Traditionalists like Evola, but also contemporaries such as Coomaraswamy and Pouvourville that ever wanted to put into practise Guenon’s teachings.

>> No.13890984

A chinless wonder.

>> No.13891014
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more like seething guenonfag

>omg he insulted my literary idol ad hom ad hom!
literally the only person who gets offended by 'vile personal attacks' is you

>> No.13891108

That's not Guenonfag, I am

>> No.13891111

Salim Laïbi

>> No.13891117
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>irrational hatred based on your own misconception of Guenon

>> No.13891451

>mid to late twenties
>not working full time or still studying despite their age
>deeply dissatisfied with the state of modern society particualry when it comes to ethics and higher meaning and beauty
>nostalgic over relgious and more traditional times even if their views might be based more on imagination than any real understanding of those times
>longs to be relgilious but can’t shake their atheist sentiments, and unwilling to engage in a LARP so resolves to fashion and even more abstract form of religious belief so as to avoid congnitive dissonance.
>believes in the importance of community and family whilst not really being involved in either
>an impressive and interesting collection of books/ebooka even if the majority remain unread.
>seeking an escape from thinking and feeling about political problems
>lacks an intellectual equal in the opposite sex and has given up on finding one
>has tried to study western philosophy but has not gotten anywhere with it

>> No.13891479

what's wrong with being a reactionary? modern leftists are petit bourgeoisie philistines, objectively stooges for the corporate status quo, globalism and the culture industry

>> No.13891637
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a westerner or an easterner who's out of touch with his own roots looking for the most viable entry port into eastern doctrines
the problem is those who get hung up and seduced by the characteristics of the entry port will just hang around and block others from entry

>> No.13892992

This thread was moved to >>>/his/7307959