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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 251x245, greatest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13886259 No.13886259 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /lit/. As an experiment, I have been going to all of the respected boards for the forms of art mentioned on this chart to get a consensus. You third, /lit/. What is the greatest piece of literature from the 20th century?
/tv/ voted Barry Lyndon as the greatest film of the 20th century
/mu/ voted Meddle as the greatest album of the 20th century

>> No.13886262

Meddle? For fucks sake.

The sun also rises

>> No.13886264

I think it's time to troll this sucker. GET HIM, /LIT/!

>> No.13886274

Added to the tally
Wtf don't troll me this is a board sociological experiment

>> No.13886281
File: 1.23 MB, 1500x3242, top2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me, you can close the thread now, Ulysses is the first book on there from the 20th century from the last poll we did and gets my vote if you're autistic enough to take a single thread's answers for your "experiment"

>> No.13886283


>> No.13886294

Any day you ask /lit/ you'll get a different answer. Anyways, come back when you scratch /mu/ off your little project. I refuse to be lumped in with those high schoolers overstimulated by weed.

>> No.13886311

This. Two votes for OP leaving or scratching /mu/ off.

>> No.13886320

animal farm or the hobbit

>> No.13886328

how about letting /lit/ decide the music as well for fun?

>> No.13886334

I expected more out of /mu/. DSOTM and even WYWH are both better albums.

I agree that it's Ulysses

>> No.13886339
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>mu chose fucking dadrock shit over Neutral Milk Hotels
neomu has zero personality lmao

>> No.13886372


>> No.13886382

>Barry Lyndon
Even when /tv/ tries to be pretentious, they fuck it up. I can name THIRTY films better than Barry Lyndon off the TOP OF MY HEAD.

>> No.13886388

harry potter

>> No.13886392

Harry Potter

>> No.13886393
File: 201 KB, 660x780, 1569120920804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see OP, this board is full of pretentious brainlets who think they can make up for their lack of IQ by reading obscure literature and looking down on people who enjoy classics.

>> No.13886394

okay go

>> No.13886395
File: 764 KB, 1125x1885, FB2C0967-6F61-4115-912C-802601CEC4B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a fucking idiot, read before you let that autistic cog in your head spin off like, vroom.

>> No.13886397

the harry potter series

>> No.13886400

Harry Potter

>> No.13886409

4 votes for harry potter
3 for ulysses
1 for lolita

>> No.13886412

I voted for hobbit

>> No.13886413

I am become edge reddit, destroyer of backpages.

>> No.13886415

Harry Potter

>> No.13886417

harry potter

>> No.13886418

Infinite Jest

>> No.13886420

5 for harry potter
3 for ulysses
1 for lolita
1 for the hobbit

>> No.13886422

I have not lurked this board enough to be able to tell if they are being ironic or not.

>> No.13886425

Potter, Harry. Vol IV.

>> No.13886429

(this is also my vote)

>> No.13886431

7 for harry potter
3 for ulysses
1 for lolita
1 for the hobbit
1 for infinite jest

>> No.13886432

hairy poofter

>> No.13886436

Hardly Pooter

>> No.13886438

harley porter

>> No.13886441

The most intellectual board on 4channel

>> No.13886444

harry pussy

>> No.13886445

If you want it to be actually legit, just put Ulysses already otherwise the tally will be mercilessly trolled. Also I'm guessing you got trolled on /mu/ too, change it to Neutral Milk already

>> No.13886448

What ever blackies like nowdays
we dont want to be know as a racist board hehe

>> No.13886452

>wah wah put only the things I like and not what other people like
This is a democracy, bitch

>> No.13886456

>because this poll should be taken super seriously so the other boards will think /lit/ is smart and has good taste
Harry Potter

>> No.13886463
File: 67 KB, 1280x696, ali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barry Lyndon

get fuck ed you pretentious tasteless shit

>> No.13886477

12 for harry potter
3 for ulysses
1 for lolita
1 for the hobbit
1 for infinite jest

>> No.13886484

Lit has ready voted for Ulysses as the greatest 20th century book >>13886281

>> No.13886490

That list was created by a rogue discord server and not by the real /lit/.

>> No.13886508

joyce is a peabrain compared to bigbrain rowling
My vote is for the masterpiece Harold Potter Esq.

>> No.13886530
File: 30 KB, 480x360, Enoby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I concur.

>> No.13886538

Finnegans Wake

>> No.13886552

harry potter

>> No.13886555

i vote harry potter

>> No.13886557

These pretty much accurately represents /lit/‘s tastes

>> No.13886571

Fanged Noumena

>> No.13886577

This thread is the ultimate argument against democracy

Harry potter

>> No.13886586

I love Harry Potter, but I have to go with The Handmaid's Tale

>> No.13886614

A Woman Under the Influence
The Celebration
The Face of Another
Marketa Lazarová
La Jetée
Chungking Express
A Woman in the Dunes
Tokyo Story
Perfect Blue
The Exterminating Angel
Paris Texas
Night of the Hunter
All That Jazz
La Dolce Vita
Some Like It Hot
The Trial
Play Time
Branded to Kill
The Grand Illusion
Mulholland Drive
The Bride of Frankenstein
Buffalo 66
The Shining
Rear Window

I was working, sorry for delay. Barry Lyndon is one of Kubrick’s worsts, second only to Killing Them Softly. I’ve no doubt that every single film on this list is better. Feel free to pick this apart and shit on me, yeah yeah. Fuck you and FUCK /tv/.

Fuck you too, retard.

>> No.13886615

The OP is clearly talking about the movie breh

>> No.13886625

Harry Potter

>> No.13886632

What about; L'Étranger of Albert Camus? I would consider it

>> No.13886637

15 for harry potter
3 for ulysses
1 for lolita
1 for the hobbit
1 for infinite jest
1 for Finnegans Wake
1 for Fanged Noumena
1 for Handmaid's tale
1 for L'etranger

>> No.13886638

The Horse and His Boy

>> No.13886641

Might as well close the poll now. You know who is going to win
Harry Potter

>> No.13886647

I actually don't know a lot of these, but there are some good ones. Will have to look the others up.

>> No.13886656
File: 54 KB, 460x513, 1569242246304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I understand correctly if I want my choice (L'étranger) to pass, I just have to spam the name of the book in the thread for it to be number 1 in popularity in this very thread.
Your technique of finding the best Literature of the 20th century is flawed and trolls proved it.
Putting Harry Potter has the #1 is quite ironic and a bit funny in all honesty.

>> No.13886659

They're memeing you, just put Ulysses. I prefer In Search of Lost Time and GR but I'm happy to vote for Ulysses, especially if it's to beat Harry Potter

>> No.13886667

This guy is meming, Harry Potter is our choice, I speak for everyone.
Fuck, I do really love ISoLT...

>> No.13886669

I started reading this because of that thread the other day. Its interesting but not up for discussion for this list.

>> No.13886671

You got memed.

>> No.13886675
File: 66 KB, 680x680, 1568931616237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck understanding Nick Land.

>> No.13886677

I am aware, It still sparked my interest.

>> No.13886681

Harry Potter

>> No.13886682

No, Harry Potter is unironically the greatest work of fiction of the millenium. It will be the next Odyssey.
Jk Rowling > Homer

>> No.13886685

Move aside, coming through, excuse me

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

>> No.13886926

good pick for film but Bondarchuk's War and Peace is better

>> No.13886963

Harold poter undoubtedly

>> No.13886995

harry potter gets my sword

>> No.13886998

i read this book recently... it sucks.

my vote is for Moby Dick.

>> No.13887028

Hairy (Just slightly) Lolita

>> No.13887035

How is b lyndon pretentious? You just have adhd

>> No.13887039

harry potter because fuck ulysses

>> No.13887099

Henry Porter

>> No.13887162

/mu/ chose fucking Meddle? Over ITCOTCK?

>> No.13887190

harry potter

>> No.13887196

im going to have to go with harry potter series

>> No.13887199

>20th century
>Moby Dick

>> No.13887246

the 20th century is too broad a period
after the WW2 is when the real degeneration (but not in the moralistic sense) happened and much less great works have been created since then, so it’s easier to choose the best one (+ the second half of the 20th century is so different from the first half that it just doesn’t make sense to consider them as a whole)

>> No.13887279

Il Gattopardo (Giuseppe Tomasi de Lampedusa)

>> No.13887287

Il Gattopardo

>> No.13887292

Il Gattopardo.

>> No.13887295

Il Gattopardo

>> No.13887299

>Pink Floyd
What the fuck, and it's not even their best.

>> No.13887301

This for me as well

>> No.13887306

Il Gattopardo of Tomasi de Lampedusa

>> No.13887311

Name me one bad song on Meddle.
>inb4 Seamus
Seamus was a good boy, faggot

>> No.13887312

Il Gattopardo deserves it

>> No.13887322

Il Gattopardo
Il Gattopardo

>> No.13887324

It's not bad, but the best album of all time? Fuck no. At least pick Pipers, although I still wouldn't put it on a top 100 best albums list.

>> No.13887326
File: 593 KB, 1492x2369, gattopardo-libro_copertina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Il Gattopardo

>> No.13887332
File: 68 KB, 400x600, leopard-gattopardo-gallery-pic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vote 'Il Gattopardo'

>> No.13887340

My vote goes to 'Il Gattopardo'

>> No.13887343

Il Gattopardo deserves both book and film.

>> No.13887349

This one for me too

>> No.13887356
File: 22 KB, 192x300, cover4-192x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Il Gattopardo

>> No.13887361

Il gattopardo.

>> No.13887363

'Il Gattopardo'

>> No.13887369

Interesting experiment, I'd have to say Giuseppe Tomasi de Lampedusa's 'Il Gattopardo'

>> No.13887372

Il Gattopardo

>> No.13887397

I hate this board

>> No.13887437
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>> No.13887442

i hate this site

>> No.13887452

Infinite Jest, obviously

>> No.13887455

You're here forever.

>> No.13888033

El Gatto Potter

>> No.13888051

the harry potter books

>> No.13888052

Hā lì · Bō tè

>> No.13888062

Il Gattopardo

>> No.13888072


>> No.13888074

Harry potter (the half blood prince)

>> No.13888086

That's 28 Votes for the boy wizard.

>> No.13888090

Make that 29, I too vote for HARRY POTTER

>> No.13888096

Whats the one about the wizard kid with the scar on his head? Thats the greatest novel ever imo

>> No.13888120

based schizo

>> No.13888426

What about best food of the 20th century??

>> No.13888429

as an /oldfag/ I pretty much have 9000 votes on these sorts of things...

>> No.13888460

/v/ lurker reporting in, the only answer is dark souls.

>> No.13888557
File: 55 KB, 338x500, 51qkmxTlUhL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we're in fact talking about the criminal barrister Harold Potter and his book on Common Law?

It is very good. I won't go into your mistakr of using Esq. though.

>> No.13888655

Frog and Toad is the real answer. Close the poll already.

>> No.13888703


Hargid Bopper

>> No.13888719

>Il Gattopardo

>> No.13888730


Depends where and when in the 20th century, the cuisine could be infinitely varied. For instance, 1970s metropolitan areas would say prawn cocktail. 1950s America, the humble cheeseburger. 1920s Russia, grass and you're own children. You just don't know.

>> No.13888736

>gravity's rainbow
>the bible
>moby dick
what the actual fuck is that top 10. is this a meme?

>> No.13888773

The Bible

>> No.13888804

Lurk more faggot

>> No.13888809

my diary desu

>> No.13888814
File: 85 KB, 944x960, 1567101853286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, YOU are a meme, a mere jest.
Infinite Jest

>> No.13888840

In The Court Of The Crimson King is much better.

>> No.13888885

dammit, i wasn't paying attention

>> No.13888894

I second this

>> No.13889296
File: 45 KB, 948x1432, A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably an invalid, but everything is an invalid so I'm voting for "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess.

>> No.13889314

Really love Ulysses but gotta go with Harry Potter

>> No.13889317

Clockwork Orange isn't even the best Kubrick movie ffs
How come /tv/ has such shit taste? Even though it's become a stereotype, even /mu/core is pretty good. /tv/’s canon just fuckin blows

>> No.13889592

Harry Potter unironically

>> No.13889705

Harry Potter

>> No.13889713

harry potter

>> No.13889740

hairy padre

>> No.13889754

The absolute fucking state of /tv/

>> No.13889816

How come /mu/ has good taste for once
And what is wrong with this board

>> No.13889859

Harry Potter

>> No.13889877

The Bible

>> No.13889905

harry potter

>> No.13889928
File: 208 KB, 1400x1400, Screen_Shot_2017_01_09_at_11.30.26_AM.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13889950

trust me, they're not.
I vote Harry

>> No.13889971

I'd prefer TVU&N, ITCOTCK or Loveless over anything by Pink Floyd

>> No.13890021

I wonder how many of the votes for Meddle were just votes for Echoes

>> No.13890040

All those are pretty reasonable for a top ten, excluding perhaps gravs rainbow.

>> No.13890087

>Infinite Jest and Stoner are more reasonable for the top ten greatest books ever written than Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.13890146
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>> No.13890147

No of course they aren't i was referencing the one's listed. Brothers K. should also be omitted, except for the bit about onions it is trash.

>> No.13890220

Please stop you look ridiculous

>> No.13890231

harry potter

>> No.13890638

>Please stop you look ridiculous

>> No.13890657

MY DIARY DESU is the only objective answer desu

>> No.13890705

Fearless is p Nietzschean to be fair, we should class it as occuring the previous century

>> No.13891090

Il gattopardo

>> No.13891239

Harry potter

>> No.13891297

>/tv/ voted Barry Lyndon as the greatest film of the 20th century
wait, when did /tv/ get good tastes?

>> No.13891786

Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

>> No.13891903
File: 30 KB, 300x400, dingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked this guy I work with what his favorite book was and he said Magic Treehouse, so that's my pick.

the best book of the 20th century is:


>> No.13891978


>> No.13892178

Solid taste desu

>> No.13892313

I heard Harry Potter is a really good read, but like modt of /lit/ I have only ever seen the movies.
I still vote Potter

>> No.13892321

Kek just came from /mu/ to see if you actually put meddle there. Fucking retard

>> No.13892420

How could Harry Potter be the 20th century’s greatest work of literature when it “inspired” one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises? Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.13892583

You were based until you mentioned The Brothers K.
It seems like /lit/ has much better music taste than /mu/. Put ITCOTCK instead of Meddle, OP. You got meymey'd.

>> No.13892603

>I decide who has good musical taste
Fucking braindead faggot

>> No.13892609
File: 107 KB, 866x445, Percy-Jackson-and-the-Olympians-series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Percy Jackson and the Olympians
>honestly probably Ulysses though

>> No.13892629

Good taste

>> No.13892695

'film' should be renamed 'movies' considering show shit their taste his, god damn.

>> No.13892699

harry potter

>> No.13892726

it's not just me. Look at the people I quoted and the original thread on /mu/. ITCOTCK was the runner-up with only few votes difference. Meddle won because of memes and anons botting.

>> No.13892801

Don't know since I don't listen to much music
>Video game
Deus Ex
A hard question, but I'd probably go with one of Magritte's paintings.

>> No.13892856

Andrew Hill's Compulsion
Out 1

>> No.13892857

I was the one who made meddle win. Didn't use any bots, i work as an IT, and i used a dozen coworkers pc-s from work. Also I didn't just put meddle there for the lolz, it's a better album and far more enjoyable then INCOTCK, you just have to be a mature listener to understand that. I've been trying to make people understand that, and it seemed like the perfect chance to do so.

>> No.13892867

Well then congratz, you have certainly succeeded. Not a big fan of Pink Floyd myself but yeah.
It's just that Meddle came out of completely left field. ITCOTCK was at least /mu/core.

>> No.13892882

>including video games with actual art

you have to be over 18 to post on 4chan

>> No.13892940

>Not a big fan of Pink Floyd myself but yeah
That's the thing. I hate pink floyd, they are very talented individuals, but they are too self centered. They focus way too much on their lead and their stuff feels always pretentious. Meddle is weird in that way, it was made after syd left, so the other band members didn't have that lead they had to focus on untill now. That's why this album feels completely different to me compared to their other stuff. You can tell they were shocked, and that left them a lot more focused and humble. And that's why i still listen to this album nowadays, but can't force myself to finnish something like dsofm of wywh They feel way too predictable, while meddle always feels new and crisp.

>> No.13892972

based retard

>> No.13892987

These are the 5 greatest books ever written
The Hunger Games
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
To Kill a Mockingbird
Pride and Prejudice

Source - https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/1.Best_Books_Ever

>> No.13893011

It's probably Ulysses but I'll honestly confess I haven't read it yet, so I'm voting for Lolita.
Actually, scratch that. Harry Potter it is.

>> No.13893061

hi IQ post