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13885559 No.13885559[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more cringey than pseud edgelords who like Yang, or normies who like Warren.
Feels similar to when anglos think Bertrand Russell's non-logic writing is beautiful, or that the trot is a revelation

>> No.13885564

I cringe more when people on 4chan pretend to like Trump because normies hate him.

>> No.13885567

Butterfly is going to give me pleasure x3

>> No.13885569

>I'ma pay you 1000 dollars a month (800 after taxes) to fuck off

>> No.13885587

Warren's okay for a left wing agenda if she actually fought for some of her ideas. But she looks like she'll cave in office immediately like Obama. She'll support M4A during the primary but once she's in the general she'll turn right and start talking about the need for affordable access to healthcare.

>> No.13885595

Imagine thinking that mentioning Bertrand Russell is enough to make your thread on-topic.

>> No.13885872

She is a net negative

>> No.13885895

>expecting a woman to stand up for anything ever

>> No.13885897

good thing there's no chance of that vile cunt getting anywhere near the levers of power

>> No.13885933

Fuck you for muh medicaid for all.
It hurts NEETs who have it for free. Right now, it's the best plan you can get. If everyone gets it, it loses its value. I can see it now.
>ruins formulary
>makes tiered lists
>state assigned do no harm nincompoop PCP
>wtf? Off label prescribing? Not cool! dude
Medicaid is good. Medicaid for all would ruin it.

>> No.13885954

Legit one of the few things I missed about being a neet medicaid was pretty good. My jobs private insurance sucks donkey cock.

>> No.13885987

Yang could never survive in a Democrat environment because the DNC is the Anti-White party. Even mentioning wanting to theoretically help white people gets your career ruined there.

He could never survive in the Republican environment because he's a fucking communist chink.

The guy is genuinely completely fucked, I don't know why he even ran.

>> No.13886022

promote his ideas and prestige

>> No.13886043

To prime his run for president in 2032 or so when automation will have threatened/will soon threaten nearly every sector except politics itself.

>> No.13886059

true gamer right here.

>> No.13886083

>Imagine everyones job being in politics.

>> No.13886098

andrew yang supporters are pseuds who get hard when elon musk tweets anime memes and like to skim articles about automation taking peoples jobs in X years but have never done a second of manual labor in their lives.

>> No.13886116

Nobody actually believes in the automation meme, or they'd have cut unskilled labor immigration off years ago.

>> No.13886120

Except, when he loses hard, his ideas get associated with "the losing side".

>> No.13886121

I worked on a farm, suck it.

>> No.13886126

>not realizing it takes a communist chink to defeat the communist chinks

>> No.13886133

wow thats fun, what are you gonna spend your extra 1000 technocooldemocracy bucks on every month? oxy for your backpain? a gofundme to bail out the nearest small towns failing green giant plant?

>> No.13887084

M4A would drive down costs even more that medicare already does. Namely because if there's a single payer and a hospital doesn't sell at rates they like they can make it so the hospital receives no business. It's the ultimate negotiation power. It's called a monopsony. Same logic goes for drug prices. Absurd costs for drugs will disappear. Absurd costs for surgeries will disappear. Surprise fees will disappear. People will go to the doctor more because they don't have to worry about going medically bankrupt if they find out something's wrong. We average 2 visits a year. Needs to be more like 12. People going to the doctor more will drive costs down more due to preventative care. Lastly, you get rid of the middle man who wants to make a profit. Instead of 17 cents on the dollar going to "administrative costs," only 3 cents on the dollar does. 97 cents on the dollar now goes to actual medical care. We pay twice as much for healthcare as every other industrialized nation, per person. Excluding Switzerland who basically has Obamacare but with price controls.

Basically you'll get what you need. Chill. You'll still be subsidized as a neet by people who actually work, but now they'll pay less overall for it.

>> No.13887085

Putain les mecs…

>> No.13887090

>you'll get what you "need"
Exactly the criticism I raised over the increased scrutiny or entire abolition of off label prescribing. Fuck taxpayers and fuck you.

>> No.13887268
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This is about the same time we started to see a noticeable uptick in anti-trump shilling during the republican primary last election season

I think you'll all be surprised by how well he ends up doing