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13882822 No.13882822[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Based Murphy


>> No.13882831

>only reading twitter
This is why accs are retarded

>> No.13882835

hey justin

>> No.13882847

I'm not an acc.

>> No.13883934

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>> No.13883943 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13884039

>webmonkey languages

>> No.13884311 [DELETED] 


>> No.13884397

>the amount of bad faith strawmanning in the responses to that greta tweet
Feel bad for justin, wrt that tweet either 1. you agree 16 cant do nuthin 2. youre logically inconsistent or 3. youre a pedophile

>> No.13884460
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What an absolute king. I have never seen a bigger edgelord on Twitter. Can anybody stop this man?

>> No.13884487

I have yet to see an attempt at a refutation, all but a few strawpersons. When resorting to such measures of sociality it's safe to say Murphy won that one, not necessarily saying he's right though. I'm actually laughing right now. Plus he made 30 bucks of it.

>> No.13884508

Yeah its ridiculous. Blue ticks falling over themself to call him a pedo because they can't handle their cognitive dissonance.

>> No.13884533

it’s an Americans think fucking 16 year olds qualifies as pedophilia episode

>> No.13884617

He's a disgusting pedophile that tried to exonarate epstein. It's no coincidence that he calls himself a catholic libertarian. He's also adjacent to the neoreactionaries. No wonder he's a morally depraved pedo.

>> No.13884626

Based. The filthy masses are insane, this is really bad. I hope he releases the physical version of his Deleuze book soon

>> No.13884642

Yes, we have seen the comments -- will you have a go at refuting her?

>> No.13884659
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>It's no coincidence that he calls himself a catholic libertarian.

How can you be Catholic and be a libertarian? Those positions are diametrically opposed.

>> No.13884669 [DELETED] 

It's a retarded take, Greta doesn't guide any policy, she just reiterates the consensus among climate scientists. Namely that we have to stop sitting on our hands while facing environmental disaster.

His point being that the social consensus = we don't afford children the same agency and autonomy as adults, the age of consent being one such example, so why is there a double standard re Greta is dumb. We also don’t afford pilots the autonomy to do surgery or doctors to fly planes, completely independent of their respective age. So maybe it is perfectly natural to say "you can do that, but not that", completely irrespective of age even.

We lost faith in old politicians then in young politicians then in college kids and then a bunch of high school seniors protested and we liked them for a while but they got old fast so now we have a new 15-year-old climate hero and when she disappoints we'll find an 8-year-old. The regressive quest for moral purity can't be solved by a children's crusade. Even babies can be vindictive and evil as fuck, you'll never find someone young enough to be without sin.

>> No.13884690

It's a retarded take, Greta doesn't guide any policy, she just reiterates the consensus among climate scientists. Namely that we have to stop sitting on our hands while facing environmental disaster.

His point being that the social consensus = we don't afford children the same agency and autonomy as adults, the age of consent being one such example, so why is there a double standard re Greta is dumb. We also don’t afford pilots the autonomy to do surgery or doctors to fly planes, completely independent of their respective age. So maybe it is perfectly natural to say "you can do that, but not that", completely irrespective of age even.

>> No.13884697

Almost every person responding to him has some bullshit about pronouns in their bio. I really don't know what the fuck is going on with these people.

>> No.13884722


Guiding people in a democracy is guiding policy. People vote with their emotions rather than their heads.

If you can make a complex Descision related to your agency, a less complex descision would also be possible.

>> No.13884725

dumbfuck dichotomy. in activism, ideas and presentation don't require someone be fully emotionally developed, and age of consent is a social institution which isn't necessarily based on biology but nevertheless limits predatory forms of partnership which have proven relatively prevalent otherwise, essentially a beneficial gentleman's agreement

>> No.13884730

most intelligent people aren't directly responding to him because they know he's just begging for attention

>> No.13884734

I think his point is that no child really has the autonomy and experience to lecture an adult about anything. No adult would take advice from their 16 year old self.

I agree that Greta is just a mouthpiece though, because she is infact a child that isn't doing anything brave or original at all. Thats really all Justin is pointing out.

>> No.13884742

Just read his tweet people are mad about. That was actually really fucking based. I always thought he was a fed and I know his politics are gay, but I gotta give him props on this one. lmaoooo

>> No.13884749

1. Too many libertarian (and Catholic) pedo/ephebophile jokes – this is coming from "progressives" – yet all seem not to notice that he's a "libertarian communist," which is the original form of libertarian, before the term got hijacked by Americans, but American progressives are blissfully ignorant of this. Sad!
2. Most take this as an apologia for pedophilia instead of a denunciation of the politicking in question.
3. "Nice false equivalence: a girl doing good and caring about the planet, and getting abused!" – Sure, if you put it like that. But Justin's point – retardedly phrased, as always – still stands. If "minors," "children" and other suchlike constructed categories are capable of having an opinion to be respected, of politico-intellectual agency and autonomy, then so too for physico-sexual autonomy: abuse and rape are then still poorly chosen examples, but statutory "rape" by sole virtue of being incapable of consenting… By the mobilization of discourses of victimhood, abuse, and trauma, these "progressives" have given renewed strength to the whole "pedophilia scare" – and outs them as petty moralists who are deeply scared of child sexuality, of children as desiring subjects. It is, ironically, this that Foucault and Hocquenghem petitioned for in the seventies, against the repressive construction of the unwitting minor – and for, precisely, Kantian Enlightenment.

>> No.13884755

Activism isn't about calculated reason in the first place, and saying that isn't an argument against activists. I'll admit I've never actually read or heard a single thing thunberg has said, but invalidating those statements is rhetorically useless and it's obvious Murphy only does so for shock value. Did you see anything about his deleuze book? It's masturbatory brainlet screeching in the face of his own irrelevance

>> No.13884758

You just made his point. The ideas in Greta's head are not her own; they haven't been evaluated. The relationship that exists between her and her handlers is predatory.

>> No.13884772

It's a bad idea to equate the exchange of ideas with a sexual relationship, they follow different rules

>> No.13884801

Yeah he is doing it for shock value, but looking at the ratio on his tweet I can't say there isn't value in that.

I agree with what you're saying, The people ratioing Murphy don't think of her like that, she's just a puppet, not some revolutionary who knows better than everyone else.


>> No.13884807

Bro if I say some retarded ass shit and everyone calls me a retard that doesn't mean I did anything important

>> No.13884817

This is just wrong, you wont get 1000+ pearl clutching replies just for saying something retarded. You get it because you touched a nerve.

>> No.13884852

It takes 3 seconds to type uh oh yikes on Twitter. I've seen more responses to tweets about drywall.

>> No.13884874

Most of them are obviously angry about it though.

>> No.13884880

You weasle, stop trying to deflect. His tweets usually get 10-30 likes. He most definitely touched a nerve with this one.

>> No.13884914

*Libertarian communist Catholic
His was making the opposite point, you roastie moocow

>> No.13884936

You dont think you should be fully cognitively developed before you address the UN, commandeer the geopolitical landscape wrt climate/energy as you skip school yatching across the globe suing over a dozen countries? Besides, her ideas and actions are not her own, the political exploitations by her media handlers are no different than the sexual exploitations of Epstein crew, taking young girls w/o the cerebral maturity to fully appreciate the implications of their situation and using them to your advantage/pleasure, also this girl is literally mentally handicapped so. . . .

>> No.13884944

Anyone have a PDF of his book?

>> No.13885004


>> No.13885039
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>not getting the joke

>> No.13885046

If a 14 year old were standing in front of the UN talking about the way Europe is being dragged into a multicultural abyss you’d all be saying based... this is our visionary youth holding the boomers who ruined civilisation to account...

>> No.13885097

Climate change is geo-distraction from migrants/birth rates, the former is totally unverified while the latter is absolutely empirically true, funny how the former gets the total support and attention from the media-political-tech-educational landscape, really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.13885120

>How can you be Catholic and be a libertarian?
by only following the catholic tradition to abuse little kids while trying to defend that w/ libertarian arguments

>> No.13885134

>e-celeb twitter drama
what was the tweet he's referencing?

>> No.13885164
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>> No.13885180

This. Rundown.
Not all faggots have the time for eceleb drama.

>> No.13885189

The comments on the (apparently) offending tweet are a good sample of what it's like to attend university. Lots of whiny emotional fucking retards reacting knee-jerk, not just to things they don't like, but to things they know they're not supposed to like, without ever actually thinking at all. All while thinking they have polish and poise and epic internet sassiness.

I don't care what someone says as long as they're at least communicating like a human being. The commenters there are just sputtering and posting lowercase catchphrases unconsciously. Some of them are really, really straightforwardly retarded, like they aren't even just offended and losing sight of his point, they outright didn't get it in the first place. I don't understand how that's possible. I guarantee they're all well-polished little college kikes with rich families.

We need a complete purge of the managerial class. It's not even the managers anymore, it's their bumbling barely functional latte-sipping faggot kids. And this is the class of people who think they're curating the revolution. Fucking horrible piece of shit effete faggot nouveau riche mostly Jewish class of permanent fops.

>> No.13885201


>> No.13885272

What's the deal with this guy? from all ive seen he just looks like a gigantic pseud

>> No.13885329

deleuzefag incellerationist

>> No.13885346

lol yea its cool to brag about selling $30 worth of books

>> No.13885361

He is but he is also funny due to his retardation upsetting people. It's even funnier because of the fact that he genuinely doesn't try to be funny