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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, 9780140167771_Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13883474 No.13883474 [Reply] [Original]

Is this actually worthy of the praise it receives because I gotta say the premise doesn't sound too appealing.

>> No.13883620

I really enjoyed it, honestly couldn’t put it down and the pretension of the characters might hit home with a lot of posters on this board.

>> No.13883847 [DELETED] 

>written by a female

>> No.13883928

I put it down after about twenty pages.
Found it boring.

>> No.13883938 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13884979

It's great. I was skeptical but it's my favourite thing i read last year. Cannot fucking WAIT for the adaption of the goldfinch.

>> No.13885899

idk. i started the goldfinch and it's absolute garbage. this bitch was a connected rich kid and probably a jew. i wouldn't give her much credit, she got published by a hand up, not merit.

if you reached down into fanfiction sites, grabbed a handful, and mashed them until flavorless, that's the goldfinch.

>> No.13885911

It made me learn Classical Greek.

>> No.13885935

It’s not Tolstoy, but it’s entertaining, has a good style, and is very literary. It’s like a good Dickens or Stevenson basically.

>> No.13885971

It's because /lit/ is in love with Donna

>> No.13886075

my not so lit-approved friend that reads way more than me recced it to me. I mean, idk, I got a hundred pages in and I could find the interest to go any further, especially with the fact there are so many other great books I have yet to touch. I liked the prose, it reads swiftly, and well idk that's about it; im not sure where Tarot is going with this because it does not seem interesting or gripping. I had the feeling it was going to become some murder mystery book, but what am I 12 lmao. anyways I feel bad because my friend read this 800 page bildungsroman (Of Human Bondage) I recced and its one of those slow books where the author isn't rushing to excite you. eh, ill finish it soon enough, I fell shitty now. Can enough else vouch for it? It just feels like one of those good books thats just a good normie book ya feel? like one of those the author had formal training and took classes on how to develop a plot, how to write characters, how to etc etc type of books. IDK I hate those types of books, I don't even read for plots anymore....im rambling...

>> No.13886079

lmao I fucking hate those kids in the book. I could not stand being apart of the click. Id rather be at those sick party with the art thots than discussing roman army formations.

>> No.13886134
File: 169 KB, 685x938, Tartt_TSH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book substituted for my University Experience[TM]

I loved it, but I wasn't widely read at the time. It certainly evokes that "ywn be part of a tight-knit academic clique in 80's New England" vibe.

btw not a Goldfinch fanboy, I read it over a decade ago.

You stay away from her

>> No.13886207
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PS, original title was The God of Illusions, less corny imo but I can't remember enough to catch the reference.

Original hardcover version is also kino

>> No.13886643

I hated the characters too. In a good book that wouldn't be a problem because you still want to read to find out what these hateful characters will do. In this case, there was nothing compelling or interesting about them, so I dropped it partway through.

It might ready differently if you read it in your late teens while at University. By the time I tried it, that was years behind me and I wasn't well-disposed towards a bunch of undergrad posers.

>> No.13886676

I'm not going into specifics, because I believe raising expectations curses someone's ability to enjoy a work for themselves, but I had dreams about the characters following my read-through. Not every character is meant to be fleshed out, the narrator is basically a detached observer.

>> No.13886946
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Bumping for dream waifu Donna


>> No.13886949
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>> No.13887315

Great read thank you!!

>> No.13887891

Fantastic writing

I briefly studied philosophy and we had an old professor that would just take out one page of some philosophical discourse and devote two hours to discussion of ideas and concepts contained with it; but he also meandered freely and wasn't loath to go into metaphysics. That was a big pleb filter I encountered.

>> No.13888912

I remember BEE tweeting about getting an email from Tartt on some anniversary of their meeting at Bennington and he said he didn't remember -_-

>> No.13889823
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 99E88BF0-CE24-49BE-BA66-B9601FBEB97C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she does the audiobook
Name me a better audiobook
You can’t
It was hard during La Résistance, by the way.