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13883185 No.13883185[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When you put it like that...

>> No.13883208

All atheists have proof of God coming to them. In hell.

>> No.13883225

Thanks for the image OP. Very enlightening and cool

>> No.13883231

Woah dude your like so cool

>> No.13883232

Discovering His existence will be hell enough for their pride

>> No.13883319

You posted this as a joke right? You don't seriously consider this as an argument right?
You aren't actually that dumb right?

>> No.13883333

Because Yhwh is satan, I know. Fools.

Prove Spiderman isn’t real

>> No.13883342

You don't seriously consider some supernatural entity spoke through some middle easterners more than 2000 years ago right?

>> No.13883359


>> No.13883361

Ishtar rules this realm. Weak sheep are not granted access to heaven merely for believing in the sacrifice of a wimpy jew. No, only the strong and just, those who have spilled blood for Her, will be bidden to paradise. The sicklings who will die without ever having killed shall be cast into eternal torment. They shall be tortured for the sadistic glee of Ishtar, the Queen of Heaven, and her guests.

>> No.13883376

I vascillate between atheism and agnosticism, but if there’s one infuriating thing about the disenchantment of society and spreading secularization it’s this reactive stance that if one thing about religion is wrong, it must all be wrong.

The cardinal sin of pride, for example. No thorough Christian would have the bombast (almost to the point of insanity) to take down OP’s analogically reasoned, but ultimately infantile critique. Because they recognize the ego and false pride that comes with such an “argument.”

Being wrong in a sense is being more right than being right.

Grow up and show some respect.

>> No.13883382

well, author probably did not think about it like that but he proves christianity's point with that image

>> No.13883400
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>> No.13883407


Of all the Christians I've met, not a single one of them believes that the Bible is proof of God.

>> No.13883428

Spiderman is a fictional superhero.

>> No.13883433


>> No.13883436

This is why no one takes atheists seriously

>> No.13883437
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>Every single action of God in the Bible took place inside that little circle
>Doesn't include Rome
How do you fuck up this badly?

>> No.13883458

Please do tell what it was that happened in Rome in the bible.

>> No.13883475

They are both conclusive proof, yes.

>> No.13883488

The bible is an ancient and stupidly layered mythology, IE fiction for the most part

>> No.13883506

Seriously? read the latter part of acts.

>> No.13883511

I don't give a shit. Spiderman is a fictional superhero.

>> No.13883518

so is god

>> No.13883519

galatians and corinthians? also it forgets turkey and greece lol

>> No.13883521

You haven’t proven that Stan Lee simply chronicled him and made some fictions of an actual Spider-man
>I don’t give a shit
Haha. Are you atheist or something?

>> No.13883522

>also it forgets turkey and greece lol
And India.

>> No.13883525

Where in Acts does an action of God occur in Rome?

>> No.13883533

>Forgetting about Malta

>> No.13883551

>Prove Spiderman isn’t real
Lel you cannot prove that something doesn´t exist

>> No.13883552

Some subplot involving Paul. It's a very minor part of Bible. The rest of it takes place where you said.

>> No.13883557

>be omniscient god
>create humans pre-destined for hell
>they still think you're the good guy
do christcucks worship out of fear, or?

>> No.13883581

No records of an "actual Spider-man" reminiscent of/preceding Stan Lee's Spider-man exist. Whether or not Spider-man exists in another plane of existence and Stan Lee is channeling him, I don't know. But a Spider-Man in this reality swinging around New York beating up bad guys? Nah. I think I would've heard about that.
>Are you atheist or something?
I don't know what lies beyond death. Atheists claim they know that nothing happens. They don't know shit. At least I acknowledge that I really don't know for sure.

>> No.13883584

This is a pretty bad comparison. Spider-Man is a comic book character that has to do with the entertainment of readers, while the existence of God has to do with literally the existence of the universe. Logically we can use okham’s razor to prove Spider-Man isn’t real, but not God.

>> No.13883590

I didn't ask "What shit did Paul get into in Rome?", dude. Come on, now.

>> No.13883597


St. Peter was martyred in Rome.

>> No.13883610

What happened in India?

>> No.13883623

>No records of a [specific thing] reminiscent of/preceding [it's creation by the imaginations of men] exist.

>> No.13883634


There’s no actual record of Jesus or much of anything else in the bible either.
>atheists claim they know nothing happens. They don’t know
Yet you’re sure you must have a soul that goes somewhere after death. Because spiderman told you in a dream. Channeling him from another plane of existence, no doubt.
Sorry, unconvinced.

>> No.13883636

It’s correct, though.

>> No.13883642

So is God.

>> No.13883656

Bartholomew did some miracles and shit there, then decided to head towards Armenia where he got rekt.

>> No.13883670

Ok so, I've come to realize that Paul being in Rome technically counts as an action of God. I was thinking more like God doing actual godly stuff (but he only did that type of thing in the old testament) or Jesus doing something since he is God after all (never ventured outside of the middle east IN THE BIBLE. In the lost years, who knows, man.). Anyway, It's technically an action of God since God and Jesus sent him there. In closing, whatever.

>> No.13883677

I'm not sure of anything. Unconvinced of what exactly?

>> No.13883683

Yes, that's the fucking point.
You are a retard.

>> No.13883694

>scared agnostic "maybe god exists lol" gets triggered by his own logic refuting god

>> No.13883695

How do you know?

>> No.13883699

>There’s no actual record of Jesus or much of anything else in the bible either.
lol what? most historians agree that Jesus was real, it's only arguable if he was who the Bible claim he was

>> No.13883715

Where did God act in those parts?

>> No.13883721

You'd kinda have to, If you don't believe in a historical Jesus of some form the only alternative is admitting you believe the worlds craziest conspiracy ever that resulted in everybody involved getting brutally murdered.

>> No.13883729

How does it refute God? It doesn't even refute inter dimensional Spider-man, lel. You're such a little faggot, you know that?

>> No.13883730
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>worlds craziest conspiracy ever that resulted in everybody involved getting brutally murdered

I'll call

>> No.13883737

the bible isn't proof. the quran is

>> No.13883741

>severe autist so buttblasted that xe obsessively replies with name-calling

>> No.13883752

Your entire admitted line of thinking is that these concepts did not exist before people imagined them, i.e. they only exist in the minds of people and don't exist in the real world at all, you fucking retard.

>> No.13883784

I’m unconvinced that I should stay on the fence over the mythical concept of the soul

There’s little to go on. Obviously there was unrest in an impoverished region. There were stories coming out of it that got out of hand and rewritten several times till we got this nonsense about a son of Yhwh. Jesus could have been two or three different people


>> No.13883833

None of what you said is true at all. Maybe you should try learning how to read, you fucking imbecile.

>> No.13883836

the framework of an entire theology is exactly the definition of unnecessary assumptions

>> No.13883839
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>Because Yhwh is satan
Quads of truth

>> No.13883853
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>> No.13883856

results like these don't belong on the resume of a supreme being

>> No.13883857

So which side of the fence are you on? We don't have souls? Why do you believe that?

>> No.13883862

Based, I will be listening to the screams of nonbelievers beside God's mostly glorious throne.

>> No.13883866

time is a flat circle. you will return again to this life, exactly as it is and live it out again, and again, forever

>> No.13883867

>Because Yhwh is satan
So you DO believe?

>> No.13883873

How do you know?

>> No.13883893

Reminder that only ENKI is the true creator.

>> No.13883896
File: 143 KB, 625x773, 1566190903287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP thinks people think that the Bible is proof of God

>> No.13883901

I'd kill myself out of despair right this instant for all eternity if I could know this for a fact.

>> No.13883902

>incarnation of God comes to the only known life form with the ability to self-reflect in the universe
>there's nothing to state that he hasn't also appeared to other life-forms should they exist
>God must not be real guys because he didn't end up on a random planet of rocks

>> No.13883903

All evidence points to there being no such thing. No shred of evidence even hints that such a thing is true. No soul, no afterlife. No need nor evidence for a god either. Agnosticism is a holding pattern one stays on for a short while. My advice, don't stay up there long.

In my agnostic-theist phase, I studied Gnosticism. This is what Christianity was going to be, but the dumb dumbs took it over and twisted it into garbage that’s the laughing stock of the unbelievers world.
No, though. I’m atheist. Antitheist.

>> No.13883921

>No evidence
>he doesn't realize there are types of evidence beyond "scientific," including testimonial evidence, of which the Bible is.

>> No.13883930

Likewise, comics are testimonial evidence of spooderman being real.

>> No.13883931

is your existence so miserable? I'm pretty stoked to live my life through again, it's been great. I remember times of despair, and wish there had been comfort and assurance that the good times were eventually coming, but now, knowing what waited for me after those times, I'd endure them again endlessly

>> No.13883939

Atheists have a better chance of getting to heaven than people like you. I can't imagine how tiresome He finds you. It's up to Him who enters the Kingdom of Heaven.

>> No.13883941

the problem with "testimonial" evidence is that it requires no proof, and all "testimony" is equally valid.

>> No.13883944
File: 125 KB, 620x433, sodom-gomorrah-warning-to-lgbt-movvement-today-burning-sulpher-fire-brimstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is proof of God because its in the Bible. How else if a city going to be buried under ash and sulphur that is nowhere near a volcano?

>> No.13883949

>if god why universe big >:(

>> No.13883951

No, retard. Comics do not claim to have seen spiderman or purport his existence

>> No.13883954

>he thinks sadists get into heaven

>> No.13883956

Works depicting spiderman don't claim to be testimonials or historical footage/documents, though.

>> No.13883957

All it takes is for me to make my own spiderman erotic fanfic and then claim it's testimony.

>> No.13883958

Then why do courts not dismiss most of their cases on this basis?

>> No.13883969

>ancient people find rocks that kind of look like buildings
>OMG this must be the remains of an ancient city that defied our God.

>> No.13883975

prove you aren't a tranny

>> No.13883978

Because Anglos are retarded and judge things based on the feefees of judges thanks to their common """law""".

>> No.13883981

Why would soulless seculars like yourself ever have a chance of getting into Heaven? You sure as fuck haven't done shit to earn it.

>> No.13883982

as opposed to

>> No.13883985

To be fair, you can ask proof of any proof ad infinitum.

>> No.13883991

To be fair, court systems are imperfect and fallible.

>> No.13883992

because they have other corroborating evidence and not just a testimonial. find me one (1) example of a successfully prosecuted criminal case that exclusively used testimonial evidence.

>> No.13884003


>> No.13884012
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Meme magicks are being wielded by feminist anarchist insects!

>> No.13884014

It is a good argument against that specific, stupid point.

>> No.13884015

The trial of Socrates.

>> No.13884021

there's a bunch

>> No.13884029

1. It’s a blue board
2. I am wise to your tricks besides.

>> No.13884032

ever heard of tunguska?

>> No.13884037

Prove we don't have souls

>> No.13884054

Where is it? The breath? The electoral synapses? Little microbial creatures? Kept in a magical realm away from the prying eyes of scientists?
Not one credible ghost story in the lot of those packs of lies and delusion.

>> No.13884058

and you can't show any of them? or are all of your examples from ancient failed cultures, rather than the modern courts of Christian nations?

>> No.13884063

woops, meant to quote >>13884021

>> No.13884087

Burden of proof is on the one asserting the existence of a thing.

>> No.13884111

Where is consciousness located? If it's a function of the how mind how can one watch the mind whilst it is thinking about something else? Science hasn't got an answer for this yet so consciousness must be myth to.

In answer to your question some would say the soul is located at the heart space in your subtler form but the true answer is that the Self emanates throughout everything in the universe as we are all one.

>> No.13884134

Why do you need someone to tell you about the nature of God, even if I names countless people alive who gave 'testimonials' you wouldn't believe it? To truly know the nature one has to dedicate the majority of their life in mediation (amongst other things), pray works but it's ineffective compared to yoga/tantric systems. Most aren't willing to do that but have received glimpses. Some like Christ are not only about to achieve enlightenment but also bring knowledge back to help others.

>> No.13884153

>Where is consciousness located?
In the brain, which is obviously observable by how it can be altered through brain damage.

>> No.13884155

>even if I names countless people alive who gave 'testimonials' you wouldn't believe it?
As we've already said, all uncorroborated testimonials are equally valid (or invalid). Without measurable, reproducible proof, the claimed existence of your god is no more or less valid than the claimed existence of the countless gods that came from religions independently imagined throughout the world before and after it.

>> No.13884174

You're damaging the satellite receiver, not the signal.

>> No.13884179
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For centuries theologians railed against the idea that the Earth did not occupy a central place in the cosmos. People fought and died over this.
As recently as last century serious theologians regarded the idea of life on other planets as a threat to their doctrine.
I wonder how they would all react to knowing it never turned out to be a problem, because modern "theists" haven't even got the wherewithal to consider it

>> No.13884182

No, you are damaging the consciousness. There is no reason to believe that it is external to the brain.

>> No.13884190

we can already measure synaptic response and changes in perception depending on the internal state of the brain. can you measure this alleged "signal" and prove it exists outside the brain?

>> No.13884204

OBEs where people are legally dead buy can report what the doctors were saying/what happened when they were flatlining.

>> No.13884208

Where exactly in the brain?

>> No.13884216

>godly stuff
Yeah thats a yikes from me big boi haha

>> No.13884224

Anon, get with the times. Atheists go to purgatory until Christians pray them out of it.

>> No.13884245

This just proves that all atheists are globalists

>> No.13884273

>legally dead
Well they're not functionally dead then. What matters is whether the ears were still functional and the part of the brain that processes them still lived.
In numerous concentric areas of synapses, since damage to different parts alters the brain in different manners.

>> No.13884829

and the rock formations on mars are actually alien buildings, and the smiley face patterns are alien art work

>> No.13884849

There’s nothing bad about loving God’s justice

>> No.13884882

there is more historical evidence for Jesus than there is for Alexander the Great

>> No.13885101

Can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.13885159

Damn, I love Vox Day. Basically, there weren't any contemporary sources of Alexander the great, there wasn't any record of him until well after his death

>> No.13885194
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unfortunately true. I remember my fedora days when I watched too many dawkins and hitchens videos and denied God. How foolish I was!

John 14:6 kjv
>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

>> No.13885219
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Holy shit. All biblical scholars—even secular ones—universally agree that Jesus did exist.

>> No.13885284

Because there is no proof anywhere.

>> No.13885294

Of course you can't prove God's existence and it's a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of faith (and it's psychological benefits for that matter) to try.

Read Fear & Trembling then come back. I strongly ikmagine the type of people who make these threads also believe that Sam Harris solved the is-ought problem in a series of tweets,

>> No.13885300
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>> No.13885304
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>> No.13885306
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>> No.13885310

>10 strawmen
>Zeitgeist bullshit

>> No.13885312

You are talking to a mentally unhinged tripfag who thinks managerialism has something to do with hating your boss at McDonald's.

>> No.13885313

>Iron age mythology is similar to Bronze age mythology
Inspired thinking. Get in touch with the Nobel committee.

>> No.13885353

I'm not religious but it turns out those Horus similarities were made up for a TV show, look it up.

>> No.13885362

This is fake but look into Jesus=Dionysus

>> No.13885368

*Nietzsche explodes*

>> No.13885379


So you've learned the right way to troll even in the occult/esoteric.

>> No.13885388

Read Michael Heiser. You're reading the Old Testament completely wrong bc you don't know Hebrew.

>> No.13885401
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Based Japan

>> No.13885466

If there's one thing nips do well, it's edge.

>> No.13885493

Still flipping out about that question? You actually believe the world is run by women?
And you have the gall to call me unhinged!
In the same thread someone is claiming there’s no evidence Alexander the Great existed. Foooosh

>> No.13885498

Come now :3