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File: 122 KB, 1566x881, 170626-crocker-otto-professor-tease_yczwtp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13879092 No.13879092[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13879104

Asians are ugly bugmen confirmed
Look at that soulless gaze

>> No.13879174

This truly made me sad. One of those things that really strike a chord.

Fuck those sons of bitches seriously

>> No.13879219

“I’m sorry for what I did” said Alex with tears streaming down his cheeks.”The reason why I ate Xi Jinping“s cheese cake” tears are running down on his face for Alex knows what the outcome is when he’s done with his ‘confession’.”Be-be-because it was too tasty” Alex’s face turned into a red tomato and was bawling loudly. The People's Liberation Army officer: Wang Yang had gotten an unhealthy amount of being uncomfortable around in the room.For a short a amount of time, wang yang took Alex to the people’s torture chambers™.

>> No.13879233

why did he do it

>> No.13879234

When will you learn, when will you learn, that your actions have consequences?

>> No.13879242

the auditions for korea's got talent were disrupted when one contestant burst into tears when he was informed he would not progress to the next round

>> No.13879252

Police are the same no matter where you go

Take a poster? Just a prank yo.

>> No.13879266

so did he have a pre existing medical condition or did the north koreans bonk him?

>> No.13879288

You're my bitch.

Got it? :3

>> No.13879291

The beer was too stark, so i was tortured by the qu´ran people!

>> No.13879299

>stabs with rusty knife

>> No.13879342

Was I too forward? How do I get you to masturbate to me again?

What do I need to do? :3

>> No.13879354

he was a glownigger

>> No.13879362
File: 211 KB, 220x166, 3484491E-847F-4237-B2E2-D9865A1623B9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to your mirror universe

>> No.13879366
File: 227 KB, 1062x1192, 1558723732728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tourists get the anti-air.

>> No.13879375

Why the hate? I don't hate you.

Are you scared of who you are? :3

>> No.13879381

Cmere sweaty, it'll be alright :3

>> No.13879384

Traditionalist value

>> No.13879391

>Police are the same no matter where you go
could you seriously just shut the fuck up and kill yourself already?
no matter how many complaints there are and no matter how justifiable they are in terms of western police, they aren't fucking actual enforcers of secret regimes fueled by work/death camps

honest to god, every time you say this kind of repulsive, ignorant and self-serving bullcrap it makes me want to vomit. please, in the name of the North Koreans being tortured en masse as I type this by their "police," die

>> No.13879397

Don't say that about my bitch :3

>> No.13879410

>How people can be right wi---

>> No.13879421

not many police stand behind tv cameras holding guns at innocent starving citizens forcing them to cry for their deceased god/leader

it's actually pretty fucking gross to go up to a victim of a serious wrong and tell them you're suffering just like them when you clearly aren't, fucking scum

>> No.13879432

*smacks ass* Now *smacks ass* I *smacks ass* can *smacks ass* be *smacks ass* as *smacks ass* mean *smacks ass* as *smacks ass* I *smacks ass* want, but it is obvious that Butterfly is masturbating to me right now. I put a lot of faith into this behavior, you have to understand. If she says anything to the contrary my hopes are dashed.

But more often than not she will say nothing to the contrary whatsoever.

I've gotten her to take her pants off all day etc etc. The only reason she comes on here is to INDULGE IN HER LUST AND BE BULLIED BY ME >:3

>> No.13879437

>My dad is a cop btw lol

>> No.13879455

>something trite and ultimately nonresponsive
>also no response to >>13879421

color me shocked

>> No.13879470

Also no response to

Anyway, you're a fag :3

>> No.13879484

Of course not. You aren’t rational.

Of course not. You’re a lying bitch

>> No.13879493

Butterfly you can call me anything you want, but a liar I am not.

Despite however you may feel about masturbating to me right now, I am fine with you not, but don't try to act like you didn't take your pants off that day I asked you to.

Don't try to act like you haven't done it before. You're simply doing this because everyone can read the conversation and you want to protect your dignity.

Everyone knows the truth, but very likely they don't appreciate it themselves, i.e. they like having some lesbian communist friend.

>> No.13879504

"Camera is on. You cry. You cry NOW!"

"I'm... I'm so sorry. I made a huge mistake..." Otto says, choking back tears. "I'll never do it again. I have offended the great and mighty people of North Korea with my foolishness."

The small North Korean man by his side prods him to cite the next line.

Otto whisper-growls, "Don't fucking touch me, you stupid little gook faggot. I swear to God I'll punt you like a fucking football!"

He looks back up to notice the cameras still rolling, flanked by the stern disapproval of his captors' faces.

Eyebrows raised, he leans slowly into the microphone, "I like big yellow penis. Big yellow penis way bigger than tiny white penis. How come white women love yellow penis so much more than white penis? It is because it is so much bigger!"

>> No.13879513

And the other thing is: consider this possibility: that I do have you cornered. That you have to own up to the things you've done in life.

And not just you, but everyone. Publicly must come forward and admit that they have had attraction for others. Your situation is a little tricky: you have fallen for the homosexuality 'meme' and don't understand how population control work, hence why you are a supporter of communism.

Most likely you don't understand the implications of unions and crime syndicates, you don't even reconcile the idea of communist ideology propagated within movies since the Hollywood Five surmounted cinematic morality and ushered in a type-cast age.

There are big things going on right now, but here you are brainwashed. I'm just trying to help you out. :3

>> No.13879519
File: 42 KB, 641x482, 399388933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my mean racist police are the same as the enforcers of a despotic regime
wow, fuk, why do I do this to myself? I must love torture, guess I should go to NK
enjoy being a 3rd rate ethot, cunt. at least I can take solace in the fact I have greater things to aspire to than irritating faggots on 4chan for literally over six years.
I guess you're just behaving exactly like a child should.
also I can tell you look like the oncologist from fucking house underneath all those pounds of makeup

>> No.13879524

reddit spacing cringe

>> No.13879535

How can you call it cringe anymore when it isn't even close to being cringe? I have literally progressed this to the point where only a complete retard would actually say anything I'm uttering is cringe.

It's even come to the point where literally everyone on the board makes fun of her constantly because they know she masturbated to me.

What I want is a consolidation of opinion. I want people to stop making comments like yours. Because it isn't cringe to do what I'm doing: what IS cringe is accepting homosexuality.

>> No.13879540

And also, I've disproven homosexuality. :3

>> No.13879545

He looks pretty well fed for someone who went into a labor camp.

>> No.13879547

Imagine doing this in your free time holy kek

>> No.13879548

say you've proven that homosexuality is something indoctrinated, not something we are born with, what would that prove

>> No.13879557

He likely didn’t do anything, and had to be liquidated after he stepped out of line and saw something he shouldn’t have.

>> No.13879567

It would prove a few different things.

First of all, that human beings are being conditioned to behave a certain way by agents and forces who propagate and popularize items of acceptance towards homosexuality.

The whole idea of internet privacy acts being a big deal is that people didn't want the internet to become regulated like television or film. I mean, look at television: they basically dictate what it should be.

What I'm doing right now? Certain NEWS organizations don't like this, certainly not ones headed by gay Vanderbilts. I guarantee that Anderson Cooper's parents knew more about what is going on than Mr. Cooper did himself, they simply set the stage so that their descendents could enjoy a set game.

The important thing to consider is this: are you truly free? Do you really thing that we are not set in some way by deterministic forces? What are these forces?

These are items to consider in your day to day life. Just remember, the heterosexual impulse is inherent in us all, as you could see through this 'lesbian'. :3

>> No.13879582

Second of all, that active population control in the members of society with money is real, and that population enhancement, to restrict uprisings, is present in the poorer classes.

Consider this last point, it's a real mind blower.

>> No.13879589

In that moment he realized the tankies would countenance anything that happened to him. And Otto wept.

>> No.13879598

do you ever get tired of saying stupid baseless things? or are you compelled to do so?

>> No.13879612

>"Damn you, Lycurgus!"
>The mettlesome spirit of the old Spartan sage had gotten me into yet another fix.
>"You've really pranked me this time, Lycurgus, I admit it. I'm dawdling down the high street with my pantaloons about my face and everyone is laughing. Well done, you old jackass. Now let me out!"
>Lycurgus would usually swoosh through the scenery in his emblematic whirl and whisk me back to my bedroom at this point.
>A gook slapped me.
>"Lycurgus, you son of a bitch, this is going a bit far now, and..."
>Another smack; harder this time.
>And now I REALLY began to fret...

>> No.13879709

If anyone cares, I am actually referring to the Hollywood Ten here :3

This started an important post-war mental trope for society and humanity in general. Going forward, I'm honestly thinking of calling these sorts of things 'sets of correlated competitive binary variables' in a zero sum game. Where the elements of the set are really just directly competitive strategies with varying probabilities extending in only two directions. (many have already contemplated the nature of dualism or duality of the human spirit). Really I am shocked with the rampant two-party animism of the American class, but you can almost make a sick, disgusting science of it at this point it's so simplistic.


>> No.13879735


Korean Soldier
Whitu Pigu

>>The scene is completely dark. Only a man in a Korean uniform is standing right next to the edge of the stage in the middle. He doesn't move and shows no emotion.

>>A man in white, with a chain tied around his neck, comes on the stage, he goes right next to the Korean Soldier, gives him the end of the chain.

>>Suddenly loud sobbing is heard from everywhere.

>> The man in white moves his mouth closer the the soldiers ear.

Korean Soldier showing no emotions:
I stood there. I couldn't move. The only thing going through my head was his wining. Endless sobbing. I could feel it entering my ears and going straight to my brain. It hurt having my brain being liquefied with his arrogant white squealing.

I prayed, to be able to crush his skull to rip his jaw, to end this pain.

>>The sobbing stops.
>> Dark, no light.

>> The light goes back on. Now the man in white holds the end of the chain tied around the soldiers neck.

>> No.13879737

I was so afraid that I said what ever they told me to say I was so scared by what they had done I had walked into a dark room and I had not come out I would never come out.

>> No.13880113

I can't wait to get home and pray Pokemon Gord on my contraband gameboy sp. i know i have been negrecting my wife, and that chair i've been buirding out of recraimed wood parrets needs a new coat of varnish, but that game is so much fun. that game...it makes me feer a sense of freedom i have never known. I wish i was a rear pokemon trainer, working my way up to the Pokemon reague; heck, maybe one day i could be a gym reader. i rove my Pokemon friends so much, and i stirr have so much to exprore. i hope this guy gets done tarking soon. rook at him, arr crying and stuff, he wourd never cut it as a trainer. pathetic