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13877245 No.13877245 [Reply] [Original]

>book has "he said", "he thought" and other retarded "realist" ways of describing dialogue and conciousness
Right into the fucking trash kys

>> No.13877445

dumb frogposter

>> No.13877462


>> No.13878519


>> No.13878568

is "said he" better than "he said"???

>> No.13878578

retard. you shouldn't give any indication as to who is doing the talk. it should be implicit by thegeneral structure of the dialogue, like when it's a question and answer dialogue, or by the different characters having different unique stylistic features that distinguish themselves. "he said", "said he", using a " - " is absolutely fucking cringe

>> No.13878586

>book uses "say" instead of utter, vocalize, declare, state, remark, observe, rejoin, mumble, contend, assert, claim, articulate, communicate, divulge, suggest, impart, adduce, convey, allege, phrase, avow, etc.

>> No.13878598

>the author does not use the meme arrow '>'

>> No.13878604
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Even though the objection is stupid and probably a troll, I never understood writers who used these. When you want dialogue, just show the dialogue. the audience can probably guess that its being spoken between parties.

>> No.13878608

Most of the greatest writers in history have not done this

>> No.13878613

dumb idiot.

>> No.13878625

I write smut, and I write really bad smutt, so thank you for the tip about who says the dialogue implicitly. Ive found saying he said/she said and variant thereof get really repetitive.

>> No.13878635
File: 37 KB, 458x459, 1566770526327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she said
>she thought

>> No.13878645

>Post has a memefrog picture, greentext, and other ways of establishing without any doubt that OP is a faggot
Sage and hide kys

>> No.13878648

i wonder if it's acceptable to actually use a meme arrow in serious literature

>> No.13878649

im going to have to agree with the other guy, you just kind of made up a rule that bears no resemblance to the actual history of literary classics

>> No.13878658

This has nothing to do with realism. People use these techniques in non-realist books too. It's just a simple way of letting the reader know who's talking.

>> No.13878742

>"Can one be well while suffering morally? Can one be calm in times like these if one has any feeling?” said Anna Pávlovna. “You are staying the whole evening, I hope?”
>“And the fete at the English ambassador’s? Today is Wednesday. I must put in an appearance there,” said the prince. “My daughter is coming for me to take me there.”

>> No.13878755

"He said" is grammar. The reader skips right over it as they read the text. Excessive use of alternatives is jarring and not clarifying for the audience.

>> No.13878900

>let's make the dialogue more difficult to read for no fucking reason

>> No.13878953
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, E27EC49B-E8E9-4FAE-9A38-049E180FFDAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>young man with experience as a sailor
>decide to join a whaling vessel
>the captain is psychotically obsessed with a specific whale
>he leads the ship to ruin and it sinks
>tfw I’m the only survivor

>> No.13879062

when reading bukowskiI often get confused who's speaking, he writes long dialogues with multiple people without making clear who's talking at the moment

>> No.13879186

best way of doing this is establishing actions or mannerisms and using them to identify the speaker. for example, if you establish a character is holding a basket ball, you can use actions to identify them:
>"I don't know, it's not so bad." He turned the ball slowly against his palms. "I sort of like it, if I'm being honest."

>> No.13880848

i was going to call you autistic, but you've actually convinced me. your characters should have the defined tendencies, vocabulary, and personality to be recognizable without appending a name. unironically a good thread. thank you op

>> No.13880883

kek this is literally what Cortázar did in Miss Cora and Puig in Kiss of the Spider Woman

>> No.13880957

kekk I'd buy books of greentexted stories