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File: 43 KB, 640x480, images - 2019-09-24T184113.306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13875600 No.13875600 [Reply] [Original]

any books on why too much freedom is bad.

>> No.13875699


>> No.13876314

E Michael Jones "Libido Dominandi"

>> No.13876345
File: 257 KB, 1080x1209, Screenshot_2019-09-24-01-28-07~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need someone to tell me what to do
Bugman behavior. Claiming that Americans are fat because of individual freedom is a lie. The American dietary guidelines are propaganda paid for by the dairy, wheat and corn industries. You blame freedom for America's fatness, when reality it is America's legislation that caused it. We need less legislation, not more.

>> No.13876371

>he thinks that person resulted from freedom
Turns out the government heavily subsidizing corn that is turned into a sweet syrup and then put in almost all commonly bought foods is a bad thing.

>> No.13876703
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freedom is bad for persons that have no accountability for their actions, not who claim responsibility for their own lives.

>> No.13876706


>> No.13876711

this guy seems like a hack

>> No.13876731

>any books on why too much freedom is bad.
The Republic, by Plato. If you don't know what the good is and you have the power to go after your desires, you end up harming yourself in the process.
Think about Lindsay Lohan. She would likely be a much happier person if she was born and raised in Singapore.

>> No.13876742

the paradox of choice by barry schwartz
basically it turns out people can be made more miserable by giving them too many choices

>> No.13876774
File: 41 KB, 291x450, 4064DAA0-E8C3-459F-9233-5DD85B1257E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peace and prosperity creates bug people

>> No.13876801
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Just came here to post this. I support tendie only diets

>> No.13876829

i love tendies but they make you fat

>> No.13876849

or she would have been happier having been taught how personal responsibility and accountability are not limitations on self determination, but are enriching.

>> No.13876878

This man speaks the truth