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13871782 No.13871782[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is autism the next stage of human evolution? Also what are some books about autism?

>> No.13871854

I would say, yes, autism is the next form of human evolution.

>> No.13871882
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It is a remnant gene of Neanderthals, it is adapted for small communities and focusing on specific tasks (very beneficial for neanderthal mode of life). That is all, do not feel bad if you are afflicted with such a thing

>> No.13871905

I do feel bad. Normal conversations are painful and i'm always anxious if i'm not acting to autistic or not.

>> No.13872172
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>> No.13872174
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The anxiety of worrying if you are normal IS THE ISSUE. My anonymous friend, normies succeed by disregarding those feelings or embracing them for attention.
>"Overanalyzing; severing the body from the mind"
Just speak your mind, gauge other people's actions, and be respectful of others. My trick is to think about what the other person is saying and pay attention to it, then proceed!

>> No.13872181

Based carpe diem poster

>> No.13872423

Good advice, important topic. It's hard to put into practice, though. I don't think my face is nearly as emotive as it should be, and I zoom in on signs of discomfort during interactions. I really should be accepting, if being caught being different is unavoidable.

>> No.13872430

>Is autism the next stage of human evolution?
Do autists breed more efficiently?
Don't think so.

>> No.13872438

No, but the rate of austist being born is staggering.

>> No.13872505

The fact is, immune system health correlates with neurological health. Most children died at childbirth because their immune systems were not strong enough. This served as genetic winnowing and minimizing infirmity. However, now with vaccines, even those with weak immune systems survive in large numbers, including their neurological deficits Fact of the matter is this, you most likely would not have survived without vaccination, which is normal and for the best given mankind's history.
In other words, you are cretinized genetic trash.

>> No.13872515

The rate at which civilization and social functionality is declining is also staggering.
They are not identical events, but...

>> No.13872520

>deficits Fact
deficits. Fact*
Forgot period.

>> No.13872529

What would the advantages of non-autism (high functioning) if everyone was autistic?

>> No.13872849

Vaccines don't cause autism, western society does

>> No.13872850

Savants probably are, yeah.

>> No.13872856

I never said that. I said vaccines allow the cretinized to survive, which prevents genetic winnowing.

>> No.13872863

Look me in the Eye is good if you're a sperglord, as is Tony Attwood's Big Brain Textbook.
The Journal of Best Practices is good if you're trying to convince the normies that you're not a threat to society.

>> No.13873275

yes, you're what Nietzsche hoped to be anon

>> No.13873627
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>> No.13873913

It's a mix of being able to better identify them and broader range of what it means to be 'autistic'. Autism, as we know it, wasn't even labelled until the 1930's.

>> No.13874022

>Is autism the next stage of human evolution?
I appreciate how zany this question is, but no. At most it gives us some new fiscal giant or Musklike, but that doesn't always translate into reproductive success, and even if it did there's still a limit to how many elite lifestyles society can maintain, which would cull the progress back. More importantly though, it isn't an easy thing to inherent either way. It's not like there's one punnet-square coin toss and then you're autistic or anything like that; there are many cointosses involved.

>It is a [...] gene
>one gene
unsurprisingly you use the word "neanderthal"

>It is a remnant gene of Neanderthals,
How many autistics do you know who had autistic parents or grandparents? It's largely a matter of mutation in the womb, not something carried on from prior generations. Even if I pretend to be a race realist there's little that would make autism favor one lineage to the other.

>> No.13874032

>You wouldn't be alive if it weren't for that wheelchair, you cretinized genetic trash!
Yeah sure lower selective pressure means more people get through, but are autistics really the least fit challengers here? They aren't even that common. You have mountains of obese hedonists now thriving who you could deride instead.

>> No.13874524

Based Xavier poster

>> No.13874550

I heard somewhere that autism is the result of parents not looking into their babies eyes. Basically, parents are too busy looking at their mobile phones to hold eye contact and so we are all doomed to a downward spiral into autism.

>> No.13874603

my autism is genetic

>> No.13874609

most these random steal infections that killed children en masse before vaccines were just the result of bad luck

>> No.13874689

You’ll never get to read the best piece of autism-related literature because it’ll be your obituary

>> No.13874868

I wound up with autism because of scarring on my brain which was inflicted on me as a result of birthing complications. Whether someone gets autism can be a bit of a coin toss, so implying that one can consistently breed an autistic master race is a bit naive.