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13864918 No.13864918 [Reply] [Original]

loli edition

Monthly Reading for September: Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang
Download: https://mega.nz/#!qt8RwCaT!G1qXcuMD1lEgJnpRFk0POXQXcnc9Y3_n9YgZBq6lfM0
Monthly Reading books: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ZwgDZVXB-nLqjbgcqgntZDyTddd0eqP


Science Fiction:

Other Charts:


>> No.13864924

sanderfag a hack

>> No.13864936

Some anon or another here.
There are now 20 entries in the monthly reading.
How many of them have you read? Not only during the monthly reading.
How do you feel about the choices overall?

By published date in chronological order

00s: 0
10s: 1
20s: 1
30s: 1
40s: 1
50s: 3
60s: 3
70s: 4
80s: 2
90s: 2
00s: 1
10s: 1

SF 11
Fantasy 9 (3 horror)
Non-English/Translated: 3 (1 Polish, 2 Russian)

At least from each decade of the 20th century, except 1900-1909
Half are from the 50s-70s.
Is this representative of /sffg/?
I don't know, but doesn't seem so to me.
The Fantasy choices in particular overall don't seem to be representive, but ought they be?
I can't say I know what the purpose of the monthly book ought to be.
What do you think the purpose is and what do you think it ought to be?
Are there any issues you'd want to see addressed?

>> No.13864937

that rage of dragons shit any good?

>> No.13864940

Personal Thoughts

>World Set Free, The - H. G. Wells
I don't like his works.

>Shadow Over Innsmouth, The - H. P. Lovecraft
I don't like Lovecraft.

>Childhood's End - Arthur C Clarke
Despite not liking this overall, especially the ending, I also watched the miniseries. Didn't like that overall. Don't like Clarke much overall.

>Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said - Philip K. Dick
Dick is rather hit or miss for me, but I really liked this one.

>Solaris - Stanislaw Lem
I've looked at many of his works, but I just can't do it.

>The Stars My Destination - Alfred Bester
I've looked at a good number of "golden age" works and I've found most simply not to my taste.

>Roadside Picnic - Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky, Arkady
Looked at because of this thread and didn't care.

>Titus Groan - Mervyn Peake
There may be a pattern of dislike for me of f&sf that has been deemed worthy by literary critics.

>Sword in the Storm - David Gemmell
I'm reminded that I have different standards for fantasy vs sf.
There may be a greater variety of sf that I'm willing to accept.

>Night in the Lonesome October, A - Roger Zelazny
I've tried to like Zelazny, but wasn't able to do so.

>The Dying Earth - Jack Vance
I don't know why, but I don't like Vance.

>Scanner Darkly, A - Philip K. Dick
It's okay and so is the movie. Seems to be considered high tier of his works but I don't think so.

>Fifth Head of Cerberus, The
Wolfe simply isn't for me.

>The Black Company - Cook, Glen
I've looked at a lot of Glenn Cook. Currently I may read Dread Empire and Dark War, but my inital assesment may be wrong. This is not for me.

>We - Yevgeny Zamyatin
I may have a bias against Russian novels as I don't think I've ever wanted to read one. I have Worlds Apart: An Anthology of Russian F&SF I'll have to look at.

>There Are Doors - Gene Wolfe
Maybe I'll find a Wolfe I want to read, but this isn't it.

>Lord of Light - Roger Zelazny
Still not something I want to read.

>The Library at Mount Char - Scott Hawkins
I've seen this mentioned a few times. It's the only novel from this century so far. My initial assessment is that I'd like it in theory but not in practice.

>Babel-17 Empire Star - Samuel R. Delany
May still yet read sometime.

>Stories of Your Life and Others - Ted Chiang
Chiang does good work and I enjoy reading him.

4 read, 2 liked, 1 okay, 1 meh
Read during monthly: 0
For me to be actively engaged it'd have to be a book that I'd be excited to read or have already read and enjoyed a lot.
I'd prefer the former as I'd have to refresh my memory of what I've already read to discuss much.
That being said, it is nice to have more people reading what one enjoys.
A novel from the 2000s would be a good choice as there hasn't been one yet. An anthology isn't a novel.
I'll probably make at least few posts about the anthology when it's "time" to do so.

>> No.13864948

To be seen if this image will result in the thread being deleted.

>> No.13864954

one can only hope

>> No.13864966

nope. nudity in the context of visual arts is a-ok on blue boards.

>> No.13864987

Is martin ever going to release winds of Winter? Has the release date been postponed again? I was beginning to read a game of thrones, but if I will have to wait so long that I would have to reread the series anyway, why should I bother?

>> No.13865000

Anyone ever read John Braine?


An insanely well-read friend is pushing this shit hard on me. I don't think for any particular reason other than that he thinks John Braine shouldn't be forgotten and it's a charming "weird" story.

>> No.13865009

holy fuck i almost stopped reading revelation space right then and there. what a retarded word

>> No.13865025

Physicists are really fucking bad at naming things.

>> No.13865027

How often do words trigger you?

>> No.13865031

it happens occasionally. i know it's a real thing because it was such a retarded word i googled it the second i saw it

>> No.13865034

>insanely well-read

doubt intensifies

That's a bad reason and it's basically saying it's a bad book.

>> No.13865043

What do you think about the word "membrane"?
What other words don't you like?

>> No.13865067

it's nice, something about it seems right to me. like it's the proper word for what it represents.
idk nothing springs to mind right now. more often i encounter words i actively like than i do ones i dislike. another word i like is antediluvian. before the deluge. or 'jovian', of jupiter. pretty cool words. ever hear the word "corpolite". that's pretty good too.

>> No.13865073
File: 10 KB, 270x187, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books about lone wanderers exploring century or millennia old ruins?

>> No.13865076

..What is a bad reason? That it's a charming book or that the author should be better known? Or both?

>> No.13865082

Lmao. Fuckin p-branes, my brane is massive

>> No.13865090

Start writing one

>> No.13865094

I used to talk to a guy who claimed he only read unpopular works because they needed to have their "spirit" saved and continue to live on in others and there was no point to read anything popular because there was no value doing so relative to his worthy cause. Reminded me of that silliness. I think he may have also been rather autistic.

>> No.13865096

you were right

>> No.13865123
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>Ah fuck, some asshole just kicked me in my left d-brane

>> No.13865206
File: 233 KB, 500x850, monthly reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once I finished the book more than 20 seconds before the discussion thread. Quite enjoyable read.

>> No.13865279

Just read 1 book per year and it should be out by then.

>> No.13865302


>> No.13865303

Here's a short story I personally rather liked about this:
Omnilingual - H. Beam Piper, The Golden Age of Science Fiction vol 9

This one doesn't get to that until later: Fossil Game - Tom Purdom, Supermen anthology (has nothing to do with superheroes)

This is somewhat like that, but it's more like living ruins:
Warlord of Kor - Terry Carr, The Golden Age of Science Fiction. Vol. 12

Can be found elsewhere, such as Gutenberg, since they are public domain. These were just matters of convenience for me.

Probably others I'm not remembering at the moment.

It would be nice to have a book about it, but I wonder if it could be sustained well for an entire book. I don't know.

>> No.13865362

All xianxia involves exploring ancient domains

>> No.13865369

Actually, none of these are are "lone wanderers". Oh well. I may have been thinking wrong in general about what you meant.

>> No.13865405

"Stories of your life." I hate how authors name their books. It all feels so gimmicky and tailored to attract attention.

>> No.13865438

Marketing, rather than authors, tends to decide covers and names.

>> No.13865443

ikr. fuck those authors for trying to make money and live from writing.

>> No.13865446

A standard for naming a collection is : Most popular story and others.

>> No.13865457


>> No.13865463

your taste and opinions are terrible. please leave this board tyia

>> No.13865478

reminder that physicists discovered a gravitational phenomenon that resulted in an all- consuming gap in the fabric of spacetime and called it a "black hole"

reminder that physicists discovered the universe was created by the seed of reality erupting violently and they called this event the "big bang"

reminder that phyiscists discovered a wide class of particles with identical structures but slightly different properties, and they decided to say that the particles came in many different "flavours"

reminder that physicists once detected a single particle of cosmic radiation with as much kinetic energy as a baseball moving a 9mph. they guy who found it while looking through the printouts circled it and wrote OMG!! so they decided to call it the "oh my god" particle

reminder that physicists tried doing this again when they were looking for the higgs boson by nicknaming it the "god damn particle" but they were forced to censor it resulting in the "god particle"

reminder that the average physicist is so autistic he cant communicate any physics concept without a lagrangian or strictly approved terminology and becomes violently angry if you try to explain it any other way

>> No.13865490

No doubt you'd be simply aghast and require smelling salts if only you knew the true depth of my terrible opinions and taste.

>> No.13865547
File: 58 KB, 726x726, 1562336049829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole post

>> No.13865561

Functionality over aesthetics has its place.

>> No.13865697

Don't engage the autism.

>> No.13865737

You anons have any books you recommended to friends and they didnt like them?

>> No.13865741

>in the context of visual arts is a-ok on blue boards
Lol so new. You think because an art hoe takes a selfie, throws on some filters and call it art that it's acceptable? You think you can watch your doujin at work and tell him it's art?
Fucking humanities graduates.

>> No.13865745

My favourite name of a short story collection is Wolfe's 'The Island of Dr. Death and Other Stories and Other Stories'. Really gets the point across.

>> No.13865752

Are there any fantasy books that center around laying siege to castles and really get detailed about the battle scenes and tactics? Like no cut to black moments, but going through the siege and conflict every step of the way?

>> No.13865753

I recommended Tanith Lee. They hated her.

>> No.13865756
File: 191 KB, 533x594, Lolwut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole post

>> No.13865757

Rage of Dragons is a solid 7/10.

>> No.13865758

when it is function, yes. That last one has pointlessly left even above-average people radically ignorant of the discipline of modern physics. These things can be understood by the common man if explained right, but they won't be because the elitists of the scientific community shout down any attempt at elucidation in a fit of autistic rage

>> No.13865762

Rage of Dragons is a solid 7/10, which is amazing considering it's a first time author. Real excited to see what he does with the rest of the series.

>> No.13865770
File: 239 KB, 720x1280, sfs1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting again - ive read all the books shown, where should i go from here?

>> No.13865773

>where should i go from here?
End yourself.

>> No.13865783


>> No.13865789

Can someone read this and recommend me a book about a fantasy that has really detailed sieges and castle warfare?

>> No.13865800

Assuming you mean https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41952489-the-rage-of-dragons

I don't know. I just read the first few pages and it seems entirely different from the description on goodreads which seems to be a persecuted people trying to settle a new land and attacking the natives. The goodreads description makes it seem almost like a LitRPG description.

I'll probably look at it more sometime eventually.

>> No.13865805

red knight and first druss book

>> No.13865807


What is going on here?
Also the siege stuff was discussed in the previous thread, look there.

>> No.13865809

Why are you so autistic. Calm the fuck down and stop spamming.

>> No.13865812

> I just read the first few pages and it seems entirely different from the description on goodreads which seems to be a persecuted people trying to settle a new land and attacking the natives

That's the prologue, then it skips ~100 years into the future.

>> No.13865814

that's only a prologue, some big timeskip almost immediately.

>> No.13865817

Where is the night angel trilogy?

>> No.13865819

Fuck off faggot, it's two posts.

>> No.13865822

How is that any different than anything else of advanced study?

>> No.13865830

Lightbringer was a bit of a chore to get through, especially the back end of book 3 and all of book 4, not really sure I want to read another story of his. I'll finish Lightbringer cause it's one more book, but I've heard nothing but it being worse than LB in terms of story, character, setting, lore, etc.

>> No.13865832

>red knight
thanks brother

>> No.13865836
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You might like some from my read pile that I enjoyed.

>> No.13865843

>we wuz dragons n shiet

>> No.13865844

i totally forgot about glokta's daughter not being his lel

>> No.13865850


>> No.13865854

Sorry, I don't have the slightest /pol/ sympathies.

>> No.13865856

6 minutes apart. If you didn't get any (you)s you would have posted again.
Calm your autistic ass down. And you are an autistic spreg, seeing as you want battle siege in detail. Someone will answer you, just control your chromosome.

>> No.13865861

You're sounding a-lot more autistic than me, lmao.

>> No.13865865
File: 29 KB, 256x400, 510btdc3cGL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck fantasy and read this

>> No.13865869

Don't believe him.
He's not to be trusted.
That's just his chart of his favorite books that he tries to get anybody and everybody to read regardless of the context.
Almost all of those are almost entirely unrelated to what you have shown in your image.

>> No.13865874

thanks brother

>> No.13865876

>Almost all of those are almost entirely unrelated to what you have shown in your image.
this lmao

>> No.13865884

>l-lmao you've seen through me more than I expected
>y-you the autist

>> No.13865886

it's also a list of the most generic and well known books of the genre, but i thank him nonetheless for the effort.

>> No.13865887

Did you post about The Rage of Dragons? I see it on your bookshelf.

>> No.13865891


>> No.13865895


>> No.13865905

i wonder how the fuck many books i've read that either have a sword on the cover or the word sword in the title

>> No.13865919

Well then he won't read it, idgaf. I'm too busy actually reading to be memeing with you "do you even read" fags.
>he asks for books
>you give him some of your 3.5 star books that you enjoyed
>don't believe him, even though he told you upfront it's books he read and enjoyed which might translate to you not liking it, but at least you got some material to browse
>just don't touch them and here is my non recommendations instead
>have this nothing in it's place

>> No.13865925

Malazan, Black Company and Prince of Nothing should all be right up your alley.

>> No.13865931

and abercrombie for good measure

>> No.13865941

Some actual recommendations:
The Dragon's Path
The Sum of All Me
The Magicians
Recluce Saga
The Emperor's Blades
City of Dreams and Nightmare

>> No.13865947

Right on. I've read book 1 of Malazan and not sure if I want to get into another huge epic quite yet, I just recently finished WoT and that took way longer than it should have. I'll check out Prince of Nothing though, haven't heard of that.

Middle row, third shelf - The First Law trilogy. They're great! I've heard less-than-stellar things about the other books he's written though.

>> No.13865946

Abercrombie is red, blue, yellow books.

>> No.13865948

>where should i go from here?

back to r/books of course

>> No.13865950

>The Sum of All Me
The Sum of All Men

>> No.13865951

>I've heard less-than-stellar things about the other books he's written though.
the standalones and even the short story book are all actually better imo. fuck the YA thing tho.

>> No.13865959

Killer list, thanks!

>> No.13865960

Unless you want a juggling instructional book, don't bother with this.

>> No.13865968

He's already read Malazan.
That's what you should have actually meant, not this.

>> No.13865972

>it's also a list of the most generic and well known books of the genre
Oh, so you want obscure shit?

>> No.13865977

Nah, you're just getting memed on.
Clearly that isn't what your list is.

>> No.13865986

No, I meant what I actually said. I want to find the anon who recommended that fucking juggling book. Fucke silverberg.

>> No.13866004

Oh I misunderstood.
You mean literal juggling, which is what is on the cover.
My mistake.
I thought you meant that a person would need to juggle an instructional book on what it's about at the time time. I entirely misunderstood.
That's rather silly of then.
Silverberg is one of my favorite novelists and short stories writers personally.

>> No.13866030

>Silverberg is one of my favorite novelists and short stories writers personally
So it was probably you who shilled it to me a few years ago.....

>> No.13866031

I preferred the Lord Prestimion trilogy to the Lord Valentine trilogy anyway.

>> No.13866041

No, it wasn't.
I just recently came back to these threads a few months ago after an absence of some years.

What was me was recent discussion about Silverberg in a recent thread.

>> No.13866051

I will tell you to read Dying Inside by Silverberg though. What a great time that was.

>> No.13866070
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Made this 4+ years ago

>> No.13866069

I can't say because the only other thing I've studied to the same level of detail is food, and all that information is out in the open and not intentionally obscured by obnoxious elitists. Arguably there is a large amount of obfuscation, but it's on the level of individual recipes rather than global knowledge. Anyone can learn anything they want about food science as long as they can find resources on the subject. Any difficulty of knowledge transfer is the student's fault, not the teacher's

>> No.13866075
File: 772 KB, 1000x4000, Suggestion Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another.

>> No.13866081

There are a lot of charts in the mega in the OP for you to look at.

>> No.13866086

Yes, do post every chart you've ever done so that it can be definitely known which are yours.

>> No.13866104

Just those three.
Want me to post the 3x3 superior self published chart? With no smut or litrpg shit?

>> No.13866113

every time fuck

>> No.13866124

>With no smut or litrpg shit?
Both have smut and litrpg and both have ones that aren't even self-published.

>> No.13866132

It's a good thing you posted it again since it didn't get much response the first time.

>> No.13866147

There are 100s of novels that I've looked and may read eventually. I really need to actually read some but it seems I may be addicted to sampling.

>> No.13866158

Can anyone recommend some comfy fantasy? In particular, I'm looking for something in the vein of the Riyria Revelations/Chronicles. I'm looking for some banter and adventure.

>> No.13866173

it didn't, and it was 2 posts before the last thread archived.

>> No.13866187

14 posts and 4 hours+ before it was archived you mean. Look for yourself.

>> No.13866198

Gentlemen Bastards.

And yet it got what, 2 replies that were shitposts? Meanwhile in this thread it got a solid dozen, and from it I've added another dozen or so books/series to my to be read list. Not sure why you have to be so butthurt that I posted the same picture in two threads. How insecure are you?

>> No.13866204

I was being sincere and then I was sincerely corrected you.

>> No.13866210

Right on. I can never tell with this fucking site. So many people are dicks just to be dicks.

>> No.13866214

I hope you read the wind up girl, and if you like OP's pic, the girl with the Dragon tattoo and black jewels trilogy

>> No.13866222

Different anon.
Personally, I think Bacigalupi should stick to short works, but that isn't where the money is. It's a shame that I don't really like his novels.

>the girl with the Dragon tattoo
>OP pic
How is that related in any way?

>> No.13866227 [DELETED] 

like me

>> No.13866230

I'm somewhat surprised there hasn't been much discussion about the OP's edition.

>> No.13866242

Girl with the Dragon tattoo
Let the right one in
The black jewels trilogy

>> No.13866256

Not relevant to the thread and not relevant to the OP mostly.

>> No.13866315

Finish Malazan

>> No.13866354

What a beautiful painting.

I own a beastery of tolkiens middle earth, and the illustrations are strikingly familiar.

>> No.13866431

Vampire hunter D

>> No.13866444

Are you a tranny?

>> No.13866497

/sffg/ are you ever struck by the sheer inanity of it all? I'm momentarily free from my desires, my fears, my emotions, and it all just seems hollow as fuck

>> No.13866516

Anyone got any recommendations for shorter works ala the stainless steel rat books?
My pace of reading just utterly died when all the sports started up again at the end of summer. I know some sword and sorcery is fairly short but I've only ever really touched the genre via modern tributes to it.

It's not banter but Modesitt's two big works (Imager and Recluce) are both comfy

>> No.13866529

chronicles of amber
not really outside the box recs or anything

>> No.13866542

I might go back to amber, I read the first one, really enjoyed it and then decided to carry on with the series after reading some other stuff.

>> No.13866584

That's called depression and or an existential crisis.

>> No.13866747

To the undying mercenaries bros.
Did the McGill creature fuck the female claver yet?

>> No.13866757

>sffg books about lolis is not relevant to the loli edition

>> No.13866761

>There was immediately a large expanse of sparks flying out, whenever one of these sparks fell onto the ground, they would always turn tens of thousands of li of the desert into lava!

Imagine a battle of this level on the earth, it would be totally destroyed

>> No.13867035

/sffg/, how do I revive the spark of meaning in my life?

lolita's not sff and IIRC isn't the loli in let the right one in a boy?

to be fair, chinese fantasy has always been like this. Ever read Journey To The West? It feels like you're reading a looney toons parody of early 2000s shonen anime.

>> No.13867200
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>> No.13867219

>4k ratings 500 reviews
That is not a good sign.
>260, 250, 200 likes
Definitely not good.
>The Rage of Dragons is an African inspired revenge fantasy novel.
Ah, now it makes sense.

>> No.13867233

>Girl with the Dragon tattoo
At the youngest point she wouldn't even be considered as such. Almost all the time she's much older and this is not SFF in any way at all.

>Let the right one in
Not a girl.

>The black jewels trilogy
I don't know about this, but you're probably being silly.

Not SFF at all.

>> No.13867240

What is the ideal ratio of ratings to review?

>> No.13867243

What is the fantasy equivalent of the Soul vs Soulless meme?

>> No.13867245

>/sffg/, how do I revive the spark of meaning in my life?

By doing meaningful activities and improving your health.

>> No.13867252

Charles Saunders is the only writer of African fantasy worth reading.

>> No.13867261

I just took a look around my read books here, and most seem to fall on the 3~4% range. For it to have 13% reviews/rate ratio, something is fishy. My guess is most readers are more interested about virtue signaling (thus the high review amounts) to get likes (lots of likes on the reviews) than in really reading good books.

>> No.13867274

I hope you realize that your idea would only be applicable to books that don't have many ratings.
Anything popular is going to always have a very low ratio.

>> No.13867276

4k ratings isn't many ratings.

>> No.13867284

Yes, I agree, which is why it's applicable.
I'm saying for it to have a high ratio, it can't be a popular book.

>> No.13867286

wow you complete faggot. Way to spoil let the right one in.
I guess being a depressed cunt who makes a bunch of excuses to not write and paid a therapist to tell you what you want to hear would be brainlet enough to drop a major fucking spoiler

>> No.13867291

You're the one who brought it up.

>> No.13867299

Sorry, I misunderstood. Yes, I compared with books with the same amount of ratings. The second place was with a book with just about 100 reads, but after that all seem to have fallen on the 2~4% ratio, up until ringworld that was the one I got with the most reads.

>> No.13867307
File: 92 KB, 470x313, alcohol-pouring-into-glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sffg/, I'm bored out of my mind right now so at the risk of posting something off topic I want to play a game to break up the monotony.

Someone name an ingredient. Any ingredient will do but only post one of them at a time. I'll probably only do one dish but I'll try to incorporate as many ingredients as I can. Let's see where this shit goes.

LotR vs the hobbit maybe? Granted that's a movie adaptation so I'm not sure it counts as SFF

>> No.13867321

What books are you expecting between now and December 31st?

>> No.13867325

There hasn't been a good book in decades!
>seemingly average poster

>> No.13867345

Getting people to participate is difficult.

>> No.13867364

I've gotten people to participate in other generals. the problem is that those generals actually had people posting in them.

there's that sequel to children of blood and bone I'm looking forward to. Otherwise, not much.

Is ken liu ever going to finish the dandelion dynasty, or is he just going settle for mediocrity of translating chinese scifi novels?

>> No.13867411
File: 42 KB, 333x500, 5130VypFECL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13867465

I'm currently reading Hyperion.
The story about the Bikura and the cruciform was pretty interesting but Kassad's story is starting to bore me, are the rest better?

>> No.13867469

He's still doing short stories as well.

>> No.13867472

You really don't need to post about it at literally every possible opportunity.

>> No.13867510

Web novels are self published tho

>> No.13867516


>> No.13867623

There is a piece of hypothetical technology that I'm wondering if it has shown up in any fiction. Since I haven't heard of it elsewhere, I will just call it a "paradox switch".

A paradox switch is a device that takes advantage of the Novikov Self-Consistency Principle to "steer fate" in a way. When a paradox switch is "primed", it erases some percentage of the "potential futures" where the paradox switch is "fired". This percentage varies based on the strength of the particular switch, and a paradox switch can't be fired unless it's primed.

>> No.13867657

I recently read a short story featuring similar to that, but the protagonist could do it at will. It wasn't technology.

>> No.13867683

Webnovels are blogs. You absolute cumbrain

>> No.13867754

since I guess this is the only suggestion I'm getting let's see what I can do

Savory Garlic Cronuts with dipping sauce


>2 packages frozen croissant dough
>1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
>8 cloves garlic, whole
>1/4 cup grated parmesano reggiano
>1/4 cup minced parsley
>2 cloves garlic, grated
>1/4 cup chives, minced
>1/2 cup creme fraische
>2 tbsp dijon mustard
>oil for frying

>In a food processor, combine the butter, whole garlic, parmesan and parsley and pulse until smooth and thoroughly combined
>Roll out the croissant dough to 1/4" thick rectangle and spread the compound butter over half of it with a rubber spatula. Fold over the dough and then roll out and fold over again
>using ring molds cut the dough into donuts and reserve while you bring a pot of oil up to 350ºF
>Fry those fuckers like your life depends on it (it does)
>when golden brown on both sides and and puffed up, transfer to a wire rack to dry
>while they cool, mix the garlic paste, creme fraische, chives and mustard and then serve alongside the garlic cronuts as a dipping sauce.
>Bone Atrophy!

I'm not sure what you're describing anon. I thought the exploitability of the self-consistency principal was that you could have an object before you create it

>> No.13867788

Bully Stick.

>> No.13867795

The self consistency principle simply states that a time paradox occurring has a probability of 0. In other words, the kind of futures that try to produce time paradoxes are less likely to happen because some of them did create paradoxes and cancelled themselves out. If you have the ability to see the future, you will also seem uncannily lucky, because seeing any future you don't want will lead to you trying to change it, and changing it will result in a paradox, so you are more likely to see futures that you won't try to change.

>> No.13867879

Anyone reading Gideon the Ninth? For the first third I was like kill me but now I'm actually having a blast, a little past halfway through.

>> No.13867891

Hell yea, JttW / the version released as Monkey in the west changed my life. Come to think of it, I didn't at all 'get' anime & such all my life until the period after I read that, and now I hold the same spiritual reverence for Dragon Ball and the sudden strange turn to SF in Z that I feel for all creation stories and mythologies. I think.

>> No.13867914

>At least from each decade of the 20th century, except 1900-1909
we should read Wizard of Oz some month so that it crosses off this decade.

>> No.13868016

nice painting reminds me of angel's egg

>> No.13868165

Anyone read any of K. J. Parker's series? I enjoyed Academic Exercises immensely and want to start one of his novels, but he seems to have quite an output.

>> No.13868259

He was based and artpilled

>> No.13868364
File: 117 KB, 771x1024, photo82_zps02d953ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, Needs more naked, fit white (conan's preference) women

>> No.13868403

Do you know what the word "publish" means, you festering rectal wart?

>> No.13868456

the brian mclellan one I suppose

>> No.13868542
File: 65 KB, 608x849, 95f5c1de00dfa88da63fb27305a716df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13868551

Riftwar worth getting into or can I just read Magician as stand alone?

>> No.13868556

You can read the first trilogy as a stand alone, but it's rough. By his own admission, Feist was a complete amateur at the time and the story structure is fairly rough. I like it though, despite its flaws. It has some really interesting scenes and ideas. I really enjoyed the whole Ashen Shugar storyline.

>> No.13868783

>webnovel fag is trying to put legitimacy to his chinkshit novels and is getting mad no one is buying this shit

>> No.13868788

She looks like a green snake Rasta.

>> No.13868809

Why would anyone actually enjoy Prince/King/Emperor of Thorns?

>> No.13868824

I don't know what any of that means and I don't wanna know. Shut up.

>> No.13868907

>why do you guys actually read instead of shitpost?

>> No.13868909

The "woman" looks like a green skinned, snake woman, with rasta hair.
You dyel faggot.

>> No.13868911

it's pretty much a training/tournament anime

>> No.13868913

Nice try, bugman.

>> No.13868917

You do realise that Conan isn't white, right? And he has a "white meat fetish", right? He goes about looking for thick white women to save so they would be grateful and pass him the pucci.

>> No.13868924

>everyone is a bugman that I don't agree with

>> No.13868925

>You do realise that Conan isn't white, right?
Yes he is, you daffy faggot.

>> No.13868928


>> No.13868930

>being this deluded
I will spare you your dreams, bit I'm sure another anon will decimate your reality. Go and read conan quick before he is lost to you forever.

>> No.13868934


>> No.13869100

Conan is a cross bread mutt lmao, the white people in the stories are the civilized people of the central kingdoms.

>> No.13869121

i read the engineer trilogy. it was good

>> No.13869123


>> No.13869153


Conan is white. He is a cimmerian isnt he? Cimmerians are a Indo-Aryan Scythian tribe and thats where he is based on.

Turns out being naked and fucking outside all day makes you tanned.

Not everyone is as pale as you, you fucking sojaman
Have sex outside

>> No.13869174
File: 482 KB, 1600x1344, webnovels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi friends!! Have you read the guide to evil yet??? LOL!

>> No.13869178

for laying siege to cities rather than castles, the engineer trilogy has some autistically detailed stuff

>> No.13869187

yeah i love them. as noted the engineer trilogy is pretty great, but the standalones sharps and the folding knife are even better imo

>> No.13869249


Idk looks gay

>> No.13869348

indo-aryan mean indian, iranian or romani, and the scythians were in modern day iran.

if /pol/tards want to be taken seriously, the least they can do is do their retard homework, or is that too difficult for you? do you need help writing things down on your circle of paper?

>> No.13869387


Scythians lived in modern day ukraine sweety.
The greeks called the Scythians their brothers.
The Persians attacked and were slaughtered on the steppes of modern Russia.
The scythians crossed the caucasus mountains and descended upon the Assyrian niniveh and raised it to the ground.

They split off in Sarmatians (Poles, R1A) and a lot of other groups (krauts R1B, ukrainians, russians) when they were driven west into central Europe and/or were subjugated by the Huns.
Indo aryan means Indo Aryan. There are white blue eyed folk found in the Indian subcontinent, whites in iran (aryan) - mainly persians, there are whites in Afghanistan. Though these are mainly R1b and western europe is mainly R1A

But please, lets keep the sojaboy domination outside this fine general. Conan is a white man that only fucks white women, and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.13869404

Holy fucking REKT.

>> No.13869405

It's actually really good, expect for the Drow arc.

>> No.13869467

>Scythian, also called Scyth, Saka, and Sacae, member of a nomadic people, originally of Iranian stock, known from as early as the 9th century BCE who migrated westward from Central Asia to southern Russia and Ukraine in the 8th and 7th centuries BCE.
>source: encyclopedia brittanica

next time do your homework mongoloid

>> No.13869567

The Scavenger trilogy is one of my favorites

>> No.13869596


Point being? Iran (Aryan) is a originally white country, and it still is at large swathes.
Or you are saying Persians are negros?

>> No.13869617

you are making claims, you're not citing sources, and you're imagining binaries that dont exist. post some goddamn evidence that your ridiculous bullshit is valid or shut the fuck up, fuck off, never bother this general with your retardation again

>> No.13869634

eh, I did. would never re-read, but it was an enjoyable read lying on a beach for a week with a paloma or margarita in hand

>> No.13869689
File: 84 KB, 618x410, dark-crystal1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Cimmerians. The Y chromosome haplogroup variation in 17 of 18 males was limited to two major haplogroup lineages within the macrohaplogroup “R” (table S3). The Srubnaya-Alakulskaya individuals carried the Y haplogroup R1a (Modern Eastern Europe dominant paternal lineage), which showed a major expansion during the Bronze. The Iron Age nomads mostly carried the R1b Y haplogroup (Western Europe dominant paternal lineage)

Paper also shows genetic continuity between these tribes and modern europeans.

tl:dr Conan is white

Do apologize to everyone in this thread but this sojacuck had to be dealt with

>> No.13869703

I wanna fuck the green thing in the middle.

>> No.13869707

Holy fucking REKT again. Also Conan isn't a historical Cimmerian either way; Howard either simply liked the name or maybe thought it was obscure enough at the time to use. But yes he's still white. He's described as being white in the stories. Hell in The Vale of Lost Women the entire fucking point of the story is that Conan is white and he wants to save a white woman who's been imprisoned by blacks because they're the same race.

>> No.13869723


Man"s got a thing for Grottan Gelflings and there is nothing wrong with that.


Howard"s the man. Whats the best Conan story?

>> No.13869756
File: 84 KB, 563x800, 1981447-Ink_Art_160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Howard"s the man. Whats the best Conan story?
The Scarlet Citadel is probably my favorite, but The Tower of the Elephant might be the absolute best. Rogues in the House is also great (Conan straight up murders an innocent man in that one).

>> No.13869775


Saved. Thnx

>> No.13869783

>the conan anon was pol in disguise all the time
>he probably pushed lovecraft and other authors who talked low about "blacks" too
I'm not surprised.

>> No.13869795


>> No.13869805
File: 327 KB, 931x1529, The-road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this be considered Sci-fi?
(post apocalyptic wasteland survival)

>> No.13869832

>He doesn't know

>> No.13869860

Conan is black Irish, like Howard himself. He did fuck some Indian bitches tho. And probably some black bitches when he was in Africa.

>> No.13869867

>rent free

>> No.13869869

Beyond the Black River I think, or whichever one it is that Conan is mostly an ancillary character

>> No.13869928

>comparing REH to Lovecraft in the context of racism
Dilate, have sex and go back to /pol/. Lovecraft was proper redpilled while REH was basically a SJW of his time.

>> No.13869931

Because they were original and well written.

>> No.13869937 [DELETED] 

How the fuck do you not realize that if you frequent /pol/ other boards don't want you? You can't just direct anyone who mentions niggers in a sentence that doesn't make fun of them to /lgbt/. You are pests on mankind, literally every bit as bad as tumblr, and you keep diverting the discussion every fucking time.

>> No.13869942

>Because they were original and well written.
lol you cheeky cunt.

>> No.13869966

>So triggered by /ourguy/ Jorg he has to post about it in every single thread

>> No.13869969


>> No.13869987
File: 1.04 MB, 1146x1952, 1568780938160-tv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you realize all these posts are just Mark Lawrence trying to distance himself from us because redditors buy more books

>> No.13869992


>> No.13869994

i like those kinds of settings.

>> No.13869998

Shut up Mark. Go write me another Jalan story.

>> No.13870089



>> No.13870103

See how you are unable to even think of a proper response? That's your brains on /pol/.

>> No.13870120


>> No.13870155

Plague But could you do it in /pol/ instead?

>> No.13870178

I wish bugmen would stop shitting up this general.

>> No.13870197

They already got banned from r/aznmasculinity, they have nowhere left to go

>> No.13870228

We are literally being invaded by the autist board who keep derailing the conversation everytime someones mentions jews or some shit

>> No.13870266

The emperors blades is a sucky book, it has some cool ideas but after 3 books its just a fucking fart of nothing.

>> No.13870282

I just read a story I would describe as The Mist meets The Terror (season 1) meets Samurai Jack. I enjoyed it even though it drags a bit in the middle and could have been trimmed down overall. Also it ends with a samurai (who is also half viking) having sex with a smoking hot black chick on a pirate ship.

>> No.13870325
File: 69 KB, 481x500, Severian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Painted Man needs to be in the top row. So much rape (some of it incest), so much fucking rape in a single book. The main character is also such a giant edgelord. I don't usually drop books but I stopped reading that one. Wish I could delete it from my memory, I fucking hated it.

>> No.13870332

Mandatory Fuck Adare post.

>> No.13870425

It only takes a single dedicated person to continually completely derail a series of slow threads.

>> No.13870475

...so then why would you recommend that?

>> No.13870502

>let the right one in
>black jewels
in both

>the painted man
>talks rape and incest
Same person? It's possible.
Ever more the trolling is confirmed?

Being a hypocrite because of where it is in the chart

>> No.13870522

what in the fuck are you even trying to say?

>> No.13870555

>tfw there are people in this thread who unironically deny that John Carter was trans

>> No.13870568

>Let the right one in
>The black jewels trilogy
Are in both of these charts
It likely both are chartanon as a result.
Chartanon is an idiot.

We then move on then to this post, where chartanon complains about the spoilering Let the right one in. However, we see that this chart >>13866075 that chartanon has provided the same information, thus proving this anon to be a hypocrite.

Also in this chart we see it talk about Gay, Rape, Incest (GRI), a mainstay of chartanon's talking points.
We then move on to this post by chartanon:
Where there is talk a about rape and incest. This has been discussed about this book in previous threads, probably by chartanon as well. However, we also see the Painted Man recommended in this chart >>13866070 as pointed out by this anon>>13870475

This is not the only seeming contradiction in charts by chartanon either. Perhaps chartanon's taste has changed over time.

>> No.13870599

I didn't read any after the first book based on the first 30 pages of book 2 and reviews from multiple sources but 3/4 of book 1 was really good. It's this disillusioned kid who realizes his father isn't as amazing as he thought so he runs away. Then he becomes edgy in a good way and learns how to face fuck demons. But then the author goes full retard and there's a time skip and the next time you see the mc he's an old bald autsitic freak covered in tattoos and the rape girl is really annoying. I have no idea how you take a such a promising start and nosedive with it.

>> No.13870643

The rape girl was so toxic to the entire series.
The father should have raped her till she liked it.

>> No.13870666

Also chartanon

>> No.13870800

The father didn't rape her it was a gang of bandits and then 5 seconds after meeting the mc she asks him to fuck her or something weird.

>> No.13870876

Any "capitalist" sci-fi?
Something with politics and heavy conflicts for resources, is what I mean.

>> No.13870886


>> No.13871022

Science Fiction has a moral imperative to address climate change.

>> No.13871026
File: 572 KB, 1008x390, Scanner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monthly reading anon here, nice data you've compiled. I'll put some of it in the pastebin.

>Is this representative of /sffg/?
I feel like the age distribution is typical for /sffg/, as there's generally some skepticism in regards to newer works. The fact that there's more sci-fi than fantasy is somewhat atypical. I think it is because of the format, fantasy books have a tendency to be doorstoppers which I actively discourage.

>the purpose of the monthly book
I started doing monthly reading at a time when there were quite some bitching about the lack of discussion about books in the threads, with the goal of forcing some more discussion. I feel like it have been at least partially successful, especially when we read a more well known work that several people have likely already read.

>Are there any issues you'd want to see addressed?
While I've been positively surprised by the distribution of age and theme in the books selected I would like to see even more variety. This is the reason behind theme months, something we're not testing with September being short story month.

>> No.13871055

If you're into the more anarchistic parts of capitalism you might check out Heinlein, Moon is a Harsh Mistress and The Man Who Sold the Moon for example.

>> No.13871075

> I feel like it have been at least partially successful
I suppose. Maybe I should have had "how many did you read during the book's month" as well instead for the 2nd question.

Hasn't been that many votes, but there wouldn't even be that many overall anyway.

1-5 books seems to be in a strong lead.
Maybe I should have included the book names with the years, but I thought it may be too much and also I wanted people to have look at the link to see the names and maybe they they'd get some of the book as well. Unknown if it was the better decision.

>something we're not testing with September
Seems you accidentally included "not" there.

>> No.13871082

Depends on what you by "capitalism".
Heavy conflict for resources doesn't necessarily follow either.

>> No.13871087
File: 353 KB, 962x1711, 1569113384161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go with the fantasy again.

>> No.13871100

Did you get a temp ban from the deleted excessive lewds?
Why do you continue?

>> No.13871107

And it does.

>> No.13871119

Pro or anti capitalist?

>> No.13871120 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 1800x1097, danyfloor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you get a temp ban from the deleted excessive lewds?
What? No of course not. I can't be here 24/7, I am a productive member of the society.

>Why do you continue?
Iz fun comrade. You should try it sometimes.
Make fun of the DYEL Conanfag or that passive-aggressive reddit reject.

>> No.13871131

>1-5 books seems to be in a strong lead
>tfw I am the single 16-19
I'm a little surprised the number is not higher actually. Not really because I think monthly reading is a raging success but because more than 5 of the books are undoubtedly classics, and several of them are often recommended in the thread.

>Seems you accidentally included "not" there.
I sure did. Or rather it should have been a "now".

>> No.13871164

I'm talking about the other rape girl...

>> No.13871169


>> No.13871201

I think it may be too much of a commitment for a lot of people but we also don't know how many people tried to read the book then decided not to read it. So much always needs to be known.
I think also that the discussion is monthly probably discourages some. It may work better of a series of threads by itself, assuming could get enough posts, where it's just an ongoing monthly discussion. What may work best, but participation and number of people is always a problem, would be to have something where can separate it chapter or by chapter or some other arbitrary division, because of spoilers. 4chan's format isn't ideal for everything. Or some people may not want to "spam"/"derail" with extended discussion. Who knows.

I'm thinking about doing something with short stories, but It'd only be recommendations rather and than voting and reading together and then discussing because I'm not really that much for discussing what I've read personally.

>> No.13871208
File: 101 KB, 604x604, mod-cars3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faulkner has a side that outsiders cannot see: the side his wife is trying to salvage, that another woman–a porn star turned TV news reporter–is trying to exploit. Steeped in blood, eyed by common criminals looking for a shot at fame, Faulkner is living on borrowed time. Until he’s given one last shot at getting out alive. . .


>> No.13871214

The only "productive member" you have is your penis from fapping to all the lewds you must have saved. Nothing wrong with that. It's just a matter of time and place. More so than even that is what you think of yourself for posting them here.

>> No.13871245 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 1242x1236, 1562393970107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, no, no.
I am actually a productive member of the society. With the job, relationships and all the trimmings and extras (the good and the bad).
To quote FNM from their song "We Care a Lot" - it's a tough job but someone has to do it.

>> No.13871271

what other rape girl? I just remember the mc, her, and the jester kid. What other rape was there?

>> No.13871284

they enjoy anime

>> No.13871286

The daughter Arlen meets when he goes back to his hometown. The sister of the girl his father remarried to.

>> No.13871301

Agreed. The commitment of reading a whole book is why I encourage shorter books. All the other "solutions" would require more work than I'm interested in doing, I am doing it for free after all. If participation, measured in post-reading discussion, ever drops too low I will simply stop doing monthly reading. But currently I feel like we're doing fine. And I get to read books I probably would not otherwise read which is always a bonus.

>> No.13871341

>And I get to read books I probably would not otherwise read which is always a bonus
Sure, but there are so many books posted all the time, why privilege this single monthly book? It is because it's a vote or because it's monthly and therefore manageable for you whereas if you expanded to trying to read recs from the entire thread you wouldn't really read them because there are too many choices?

Having it as thread decoration so you have more books to read seems like justification enough to me.

>> No.13871349

Actually the lyrics are: "Oh, it's a dirty job but someones gotta do it"

>> No.13871389

There's always (my estimation) 3-6 people besides me that read the monthly book, which is quite nice when it comes to discussion or just reading others takes on the book. The fact that there's a vote seem to filter out the worst recommendations (together with lesser known ones, which is unfortunate).

>> No.13871400
File: 385 KB, 970x1200, mEdhFWl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Conan STILL triggering the bugmen.

>> No.13871420 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 377x546, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently finished the Hyperion triology on audible. (Victor Bovine is a great narrator by the way.) The books dabbed too much into fantasy and the methaphorical in my oppinion. The underage love interest was also clear from the beginning, Simmons going so far as to incoporate a timeskip in the story to make it "legal". Nevertheless a great read if you don't mind the anticlimatic ending, I loved the depiction of a society that has spread to different solar systems, the net as gigantic information superhighway that connects all of humanity was an interesting concept aswell. Are there any other Sci-Fi works that "realistically" depict humanity as a multi planetar species? Hard sci-fi preferably. Sorry for my bad writing, I'm sick with the flu and have a headache.

>> No.13871421 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 452x604, 1468626925301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice catch. Someone actually listens to FNM here.

You hitting the gym chubby cheeks?

>> No.13871423


>Of course. You will see that I post the chink novels, then post the Conan ones to combat the bugmen(which I posted in the first place).

You really have been fighting the shadows you've created for quite a while.

>> No.13871431
File: 140 KB, 377x546, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently finished the Hyperion triology on audible. (Victor Bovine is a great narrator by the way.) The books dabbed too much into fantasy and the methaphorical in my oppinion. The underage love interest was also clear from the beginning, Simmons going so far as to incoporate a timeskip in the story to make it "legal". Nevertheless a great read if you don't mind the anticlimatic ending, I loved the depiction of a society that has spread to different solar systems, the net as gigantic information superhighway that connects all of humanity was an interesting concept aswell. Are there any other Sci-Fi works that "realistically" depict humanity as a multi planetar species? Hard sci-fi preferably. Sorry for my bad writing, I'm sick with the flu and have a headache.

>> No.13871432

whoever narrated silenus did a great job imo

>> No.13871437

Nice try, chinkshitter.

>> No.13871477
File: 39 KB, 600x600, The Ocean at the End of the Lane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you lads have "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" as a mobi or pdf?

>> No.13871498

No, but it would only take me a few seconds to get it. Why aren't you able to do so?

>> No.13871513


I am a retard and don't know the proper channels for mobi files.

>> No.13871547

I think it's more likely that you just want to be spoonfed.
I don't like Gaiman so I'm not doing to do so myself.
I've looked at a lot of Gaiman and the only work that I've liked is his short story, "We Can Get Them For You Wholesale".

There are many options for you to do so. Many of which are public, extremely simple, often posted about and even in the board sticky. Though personally I think the sticky is a disaster.

>> No.13871565

>I think it's more likely that you just want to be spoonfed.

I suppose that's true. Would you mind pointing me in the right direction?

>> No.13871585


Personally I use IRC exclusively, but there are many others aside from what has been mentioned there.

I just type in what I want and then click on it and I have it. Requires a bit of set-up to do well which is more than most can do.

>> No.13871614

are you retarded? Just google "book name author free download mobilism pdf" or some shit. There are plenty of sites like vk and mobilisim that show up on google and actually have legit links if you dont feel like getting into fancier download methods

>> No.13871631

IRCHighway on IRC when properly set up with sbclient and dlfilter, which requires using the mIRC client, is far and away and the best option,

#audiobooks (I haven't used this channel because I don't listen to ebooks)
and I forgot the textbook channel.

>> No.13871636

It works well enough with using any non-web client and no other set up though.

>> No.13871680

Can also browse what's available, but that can be difficult because one of the servers has almost a million book files and there are several servers.

>> No.13871690

The one issue i want addressed is retards voting multiple times for the books they nominated. Some of the choices were just plainly absurd.

>> No.13871724

Unfortunately that remains an unsolved problem, even if it weren't anonymous.

There's no way to stop someone who is dedicated to doing so.
We simply have to be at the mercy of their whims.

>> No.13871760

An alternative way would be randomly pick from the nominations but then someone could flood the nominations so that they have a high chance of it being something they want.

Using tripcodes wouldn't help, and may even harm. Same with having pre-registration.

Having no security where anyone can vote as many times as they like would become simply a show of who cares to be sillier than the other person.

Anything with low voter count is especially susceptible. The only real defense is to have so many people voting that one person can't make much of difference.

Voting for the Hugo costs money.
It's always a trade-off between cost and security.

>> No.13871967

Last post on this matter.
The best that can probably be done on 4chan to mitigate ballot stuffing is to tie voting rights to contributions. That is to say, for those who want to vote to use a tripcode for their posts and be recognized as a high quality contributor. The nominations can be still be open to everyone.

Would this be practical? Seems rather unlikely.
Would it to be accepted as legitimate? Also seems unlikely.

At the worst, even if someone wanted to use several tripcodes at least they would have to provide quality content on all those tripcodes.

>> No.13872088

This thread ending soon it will be.
Next thread do better, you will.

>> No.13872226

When are the book 4 audiobooks for Everybody loves large chests and waldo rabbit coming out?

>> No.13872234

ask the author

>> No.13872305

After trying for around half a year to get one (1) book I liked nominated, I gave up on /sffg/ ever reading what I read. Let's just streamline the process further and only read the diamond dozen 'AAA' titles discussed throughout every single fucking thread at this point.

>> No.13872324

>being this mad

>> No.13872331

>diamond dozen
dime a dozen

>> No.13872541

It’s a doggy dog world out here anon.

>> No.13872554

It's a doggy dog world

>> No.13872566



>> No.13872570

It's a meme you retarded newfag

>> No.13872593

Everything is a meme.

>> No.13872594

>I was only pretending

>> No.13872601

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>> No.13872607

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>> No.13872617

I lost like 10 iq points reading this.

>> No.13872620

That isn't a meme.
That's a copypasta.

>> No.13872625

Sun Feb 6 17:51:40 2011 No.1528848
Its origin?

>> No.13872713


>> No.13872782
File: 45 KB, 420x685, eye of the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a copy of this... Just finished chapter 1, what am I in for?

>> No.13872809

10,000 pages of shrewish women and tugged braids.

In all seriousness it's garbage and I recommend that you drop it before you waste months reading the progressively longer (and progressively worse) later books in the series.

>> No.13872823

Book 1 is essentially the longest prologue you'll ever read. The series is flawed and definitely drags later on but it's highs are very high indeed and it contains some of the best world building and most memorable characters in fantasy.

>> No.13873318


The worst books in the series are substantially shorter than most of the other entries. Hell, Winter's Heart, the unarguably worst book in the series, is basically half the length of two of the best books in the series - Lord of Chaos and Memory of Light.

1-6 are a fantastic take on the Tolkien story. 7-11 (mainly 9-11) are a bit of a slog. 12-14 wrap up the story wonderfully. It has perhaps the best world building in all of fantasy, and some of the strongest and most memorable characters I've ever read. It's fairly wordy at points, but if you can get through the slog (9-11) it's a must read for sure.

>> No.13873435

>and most memorable characters in fantasy.
Maybe, but not in a fond way.

>> No.13873720

>litrpg story
>author spends a whole chapter detailing the options in char creation
>protag picks human mage

>> No.13873734

Snow Crash

>> No.13873736

Such is the joy of knowing all flavors exist and still choose vanilla.

>> No.13873755

this is based though

>> No.13873782

good/bad news /sffg/, my current obsession has finally crashed, meaning in a week or two I'm going to find another, and hopefully it will be writing (probably not though)

How should I steer myself back to writing?

>mc taking any class other than warrior

>> No.13873794

Does it matter?
You'll just cycle out of writing as well soon enough.
If you can't sustain it, is there much point?