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/lit/ - Literature

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13868154 No.13868154 [Reply] [Original]

Was I supposed to dislike the society portrayed in this book? Winston was a fucking pussy and deserved what he got. The system described in the book seems like a good alternative to the "system" that we currently have.

>> No.13868467

bro. winston was kinda a cuck. but. he ended up with a hot chick. sounds pretty good to me.

>> No.13868470

Retarded thread.

>> No.13868472

that wasnt the point of the thread i made, you moron. i was trying to make a point about the society we live in. your comment wasnt funny.and not necessary.

>> No.13868477

op here. if its retarded, why are you here? kinda says something about you, don't it?

>> No.13868484

it's wageslave:the dystopia, except I'm not even sure if they get paid well. I don't see what's so good about that.

>> No.13868491

go back to r*ddit, cuck

>> No.13868496

op here. they dont neeed to be paid, dont they. have you even read the fucking book?? you dont really get what i was going for, dont you. head back to /fit/ or something you meat head jock.

>> No.13868499

Not really, no. I'm just trying to coom, Sir. And your thread is distupting this board's natural purity to which I stroke my 9 inch cock.

>> No.13868502

op here, those idiots didnt understand the high level metaphors i was making about the society we live in. you probably wouldn't understand.

>> No.13868506

op here. when i came to this board, it was a wasteland. now that im here, id like to think that the quality has rising dramatically. can you actually leave? we're trying to have a discussion.

>> No.13868513

It's been a while since I read 1984. IIRC all Winston used to do everyday was doing that government job and spending time at the corner of his room. If he does not need to be paid then he is wageslave without the wage, meaning just slave. That's what he actually ended up becoming at the end of the book anyway.

>> No.13868514

op here. does anyone have anything to add that may actually spark a genuine conversation...? i'm waiting.......

>> No.13868517

op here. whatever. i really dont think you *quite* understand the intricacies of the narrative i'm trying to portray. ugh, my talent really is wasted on you psueds.

>> No.13868524

real op here. But that's exactly how I feel. Fucking pseuds. What even happened to /lit/...

>> No.13868529

op here. i dont think you understand what op means. i made this thread, right? so im the Original Poster: ergo: OP. for a self professed "literature" board, you people are remarkably dense & illiterate.

>> No.13869441

K dude. Just kys for the lols

>> No.13869455


>> No.13869513

op here, I suck massive cocks all day everyday

>> No.13869594


>> No.13869693

op here. the quality of /lit/ has really gone down. why dont the rest of you like gobbling cock as i do?

>> No.13870099

genuinely the best bait i've seen in a long time

>> No.13870175

OP here. Forgot to mention that I’m gay, not sure if that matters.

>> No.13870529

OP here, I just got diagnosed with dissociative personality disorder so I might have to leave 4chan for a while

>> No.13870658

OP here. You too?

>> No.13871656

OP here, you are all a bunch of NIGGERS!

Yours truly,
>t. OP

>> No.13871669

Low IQ detected.

>> No.13871692

op here. I mainly liked it because the telescreen sounds awesome. I can talk to my lg 42 inch 4K tv through the smart remote but i can’t fap and get turned on at potentially being spied on by bureaucrats

>> No.13871722

Oppress me state daddy

>> No.13871799
File: 434 KB, 840x854, 1566248749362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger detected.

>> No.13871842


>> No.13872207

op here. oh pee ere I am. wet me here oh bunny hare opressor am i op?

>> No.13872412
File: 181 KB, 1440x1217, per-xijinping-01-810459054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm... without announcing support for this man's argument I urge that he be listened to and taken seriously, yes

>> No.13872453

Here's your response to your troll thread, OP.

It won't fill the void.

>> No.13872695
File: 23 KB, 221x240, 5763428843_ce57f1f3a9_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was I supposed to
Massive brainlet detected.

>> No.13873388

Good catch, common misconception about 1984 was that Orwell was describing his society as undesirable, he was a leftie after all.

>> No.13873396

This. The only book of consequence that you should legitimately not know how to feel about is Don Quixote.

>> No.13873438

Also OP, I agree that Winston was a pussy and I would add also a hypocrite (book itself points this out) and you're not supposed to find him a hero or idolize him, but how does that therefore mean the society presented in 1984 is good? Rather I would ask you, why do you find the society in 1984 to be preferable?

>> No.13873445

Because all of the negative aspects of humanity are stripped and we can enjoy life as part of a whole.

>> No.13873458

What parts of humanity would say are negative and stripped away in this society?
"Enjoying life as part of a whole", you may have a point there. In the end Winston does seem happy but he's also completely brainwashed. Do you not find this troubling? Not trying to paint a loaded question btw just no other way to phrase it. I don't think being brainwashed is inherently good or bad for the purposes of this question, all humans are brainwashed to some degree.