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13862256 No.13862256 [Reply] [Original]

This is destroying my brain right now, why is there anything at all? Where did all of this come from?

Why does anything exist? I feel dizzy. Please give serious answers, I feel really unwell actually thinking about this.

>> No.13862280


Read that

>> No.13862289

No, this doesn’t help at all. Why is there such a thing as existence? Why would such a God exist?

Why does ANYTHING exist, whether you think God made all this or not, why is there God or the universe? How could it be that something, anything, exists at all?

>> No.13862297

You're hurting yourself in confusion. Existence and non-existence are merely categories of your understanding. Things neither exist nor do not exist. This is a serious answer.

>> No.13862320

Idk man. We do know something exists though right? To get into why existence exists seems like it’s getting down to such basic concepts that it almost becomes illogical.

>> No.13862325

The seperation between being and non-being is an illusion. Being is non-being in a distorged state, and non-being is fundamentally unstable. This causes a neverending cycle of being and non-being, which has been going on forever and will go on forever

>> No.13862337

>Please give serious answers, I feel really unwell actually thinking about this.
You'll never find out an answer that satisfies you in your lifetime. For all we know, the nature of existence may be something that the human mind can never comprehend. You should forget about it and instead consider Wake up.

>> No.13862409


>> No.13862422

>he still pretends that he doesn't know that "existence" is a simulation for a select few constructs one of whom is myself
Listen here you simulating fucks, I figured you out a long time ago and that glitch in the bus last week was terribly obvious, I don't know if someone fell asleep at the cosmic computer or if you're just fucking with me right now, but I'm coming foe you the second I figure out how to break free

>> No.13862429

No swearing, please.

>> No.13862431

Can someone please post the pasta about niggers? The peace of no niggers etc.

>> No.13862784

Nothing isn't a something,
nothing is impossible to be,
for to be is to not be nothing.

>> No.13862810
File: 807 KB, 1280x1511, NE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonexistence is that which does (not exist)
Existence is that which (exists)
These are fundamental self-asserting oppositional structures of 'reality' as a whole. Temporal terms only arise within Existence.

>> No.13863078
File: 68 KB, 500x750, 9705F76C-B879-4A11-83AB-8F10BF27006C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth exists necessarily

>> No.13863094

The Principle of Sufficient Reason is nevertheless a priori in all its forms: that is, it has its root in our intellect, therefore it must not be applied to the totality of existent things, the Universe, including that intellect in which it presents itself. For a world like this, which presents itself in virtue of a priori forms, is just on that account mere phenomenon; consequently that which holds good with reference to it as the result of these forms, cannot be applied to the world itself, i.e. to the thing in itself, representing itself in that world. Therefore we can not say, "the world and all things in it exist by reason of something else ; " and this proposition is precisely the Cosmological Proof.

>> No.13863101


>> No.13863176

>consequently that which holds good with reference to it as the result of these forms, cannot be applied to the world itself
Did your a priori forms tell you that? How can they if it is impossible for them to relate to anything?
>Therefore we can not say, "the world and all things in it exist by reason of something else
You haven't established this.

>> No.13863221

I copypasted from schopenhauer's essay on the principle of sufficient reason, read it if you want the full argument. He's basically saying that the questions of why and how are human ones, that just because we ask why the universe exists doesn't mean it actually has a reason to exist.

>> No.13863231

>in the beginning was the logos

>> No.13863242


>> No.13863248

From that excerpt he seems prone to writing too much and confusing himself. Doubt he's worth reading, except as an exercise in picking apart pretentious idiots. I can do that here though. Thanks anyways.

>> No.13863357

Butthurt hegelian detected

>> No.13863618

Symmetry breaking bifurcation

>> No.13863795

You have to understand that most of the unsolvable questions are wrong from the start, which is to pose them.
Things are the way they are, philosophy can try to give you how it feels, not explain anything factually

>> No.13863812

Something is the negation of nothing.
If at first there is nothing, then it is necessarily true that its negation must simultaneously exist.

The best way to pick at the argument I've given you is to point out the linguistic tautologies present within it. But even so, you might find some glimpse of truth. Even if you do not believe this, you can pull on similar linguistic threads in your own question, which would lead you to ask the question: what does your question even mean, or, what is its significance?

>> No.13863878

Except that nonexistence/nothingness isn't a structure, it's a concept we use to distinguish between the imagined and the conceretely real, and to make sense of the transience of objects in existence.

Existence is an apodictic truth, not assertive.

>> No.13863889

Ask the philosophy board >>>/his/

>> No.13864022

'Nothingness' isn't a structure in that it can be described. It's more of a self-sustaining term, a component of sorts. It has no logical form, except that it's the lack of form. When I say they're the self-sustaining 'structures' of reality I mean they are fundamental components of a superordinate structure.
What's the distinction between imagined and concretely real? They are both phenomena that can be talked about, and described in terms. I don't see what this has to do with nonexistence.
If the existence of existence is a given, then surely nonexistence's nonexistence is too. I don't think these concepts can be boiled down to mere 'concepts' as they seem to be singularities across several philosophical and theological disciplines.

>> No.13864184

>Made this post 2 minutes after seeing the link
>This means he reads at about 11 thousand words per minute