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13850896 No.13850896 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.13850916
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I am a man of small ideas. Poor books suit me well.
I wasted some time with academic philosphy. Now I talk shit with friends.
Most of the time I don't care if what I believe is true or in line with reality.
I am unable to have great thoughts and judgements. I only feel the possibility of unattainable greatness.
I like Blue Spring, but cannot find a site to read it.

>> No.13850920

Virtus, Albine, est pretium persolvere verum
quis in versamur, quis vivimus rebus potesse,
virtus est homini scire id quod quaeque habeat res,
virtus scire homini rectum, utile quid sit, honestum,
quae bona, quae mala item, quid inutile, turpe, inhonestum,
virtus, quaerendae finem rei scire modumque,
virtus divitiis pretium persolvere posse,
virtus, id dare quod re ipsa debetur honori,
hostem esse atque inimicum hominum morumque malorum,
contra, defensorem hominum morumque bonorum,
hos magni facere, his bene velle, his vivere amicum,
commoda praeterea patriai prima putare,
deinde parentum, tertia iam postremaque nostra.

>> No.13851946

weebs to the gulag :)

>> No.13852185

And a lorem ipsum to you too, young lady.

>> No.13852208

I'm tired of being surrounded by mediocrity. I'm ready to disown my "family" and "friends", then just go it alone rather than having to constant willful stupidity. It's ruining my life.

>> No.13852227
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I don't know what the fuck's going on

>> No.13852496

that's a really nice pic. I have recently stopped caring about stuff, which has literally never happened to me in my entire life. Normally i dont care about a lot of stuff other people do, but I have my certain intense obsessions, mostly girls and art, and Ive always been a very emotional person, rage, euphoria, despair, etc. For a while now it's just absolutely nothing, I feel almost no emotions about anything, and the few weak ones I do feel recede really quickly.

On the one hand this is a very calm way to exist, but it's almost disconcerting, or would be if i were able to care about it.

>> No.13852512

Something has been bothering me for the past days. My love of God versus Nietzsche's Ubermensch theory. I can't decide lads.

>> No.13852514
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I just cant intuitively grasp the sense of my personality. I always feel like an empty glass.

>> No.13852541


>> No.13852705

I love this board's mods. They're quite draconian.

>> No.13852719

Anyone here join the army purely out of desperation?

>> No.13852755

There’s only one thing I really care about achieving in this life. Of course there are general things that I want, such as a decent living space, the ability to buy healthy food and work out properly, hygiene materials, etc. and I would like to have good connections with friend and family, but I’m totally focused on marriage. Specifically, I want to marry a little girl. Well, she won’t be so little by the time I have a nice job and house, but she’s the only one I think about. I’ve remained a virgin until now, and will until then, and I hope she will, too. I’m not at all driven by mere lust, but pure love. When I first saw her, there was not a sign of sexual arousal, but it was my heart that was throbbing. In those moments no one else existed but her, and I, I was light as a feather, forgetting all my worries. I no longer see her, though occasionally I will in the next few years, especially in the summer, but now I still think about her, every day, planning our miraculous union in the future.

>> No.13852769


>> No.13852839
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The greatest thing you can do for someone is put a mirror to their face. How often were they turned away from seeing themselves? Often. How often were they taught to run from reflection? More often. How often was the sight of themselves something foreign? Always. The greatest thing you can do for someone is put a mirror to their face. Show them who they are. Is there a better thing? There is. What is it? To give them the gift of a mirror. How often will they change and lose sight of the ways that have remained the same and will always? Often. How often did they wish to reflect their surroundings to their minds eye, to think of reflecting what lay behind, for what danger lurked, or below and burn it up in smoke by turning toward the sky? More often. How often would arise when this mirror put to the face of the other would be the best one could do for a brother? Always. What is a mirror? Put a mirror to a mirror, face to face, watch it disappear in its place.

>> No.13853075

this thread was first, retard

>> No.13853104

I wish I was stronger. I wish I wasn't afraid of punishment or prison. I wish I had more faith in myself.

>> No.13853136
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If I actually could be passionate about anything, I surely could achieve great things. It's such a shame I'm a detached mess.

>> No.13853153

Have faith in God.

>> No.13853165

I find your love and dedication admirable and inspirational, anon. Just wanted to say it.

>> No.13853176
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i see my parents getting older and it kills me inside. when my parents pass away i really don't know how i'll take it. they always seem to know what to do. they always seem to understand how to deal with people. they always supported me. i don't have close friends. i have siblings but they are wholly independent. i feel like i will lose my moral compass.

>> No.13853208
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Afraid I am overindulging my anima.

>> No.13853228

Thats not good.

>> No.13853294

The worst part of my life is that I can't drive. I wish I had a car and a colt or smith and wesson. That's all I need.

>> No.13853299

I want to practice playing my trumpet because I want to learn to play jazz but my family is always around and I'm too embarrassed to play around others.

Which brings me to my second point, I want to move out but I'm constrained by the fact that I currently dump 95%+ of my income into the SP500 so I can retire early (or at least only need to work part time doing freelance shit to supplement my funds). My father comes home every day from his wageslave office job too exhausted to do anything other than sit on the couch and drink bourbon and watch shitty netflix shows. No thanks! I'd need a substantial raise before I would be able to keep up my scheme and live on my own.

>> No.13853302

You're like a cowboy without a horse and hat.

>> No.13853318


>> No.13853319

There's something oddly soothing about knowing your end.... alone, in an empty room with the lights turned off, hanging from the ceiling with a nice view of the world you couldn't have.

>> No.13853323

Or a Beretta or browning hi power. There are so many great weapons. My dream is for an MP 40 but the oroginal version is nearly impossible to get.

>> No.13853324

Are you disabled or just too lazy to go get a license? getting a car and a gun is really not hard

>> No.13853369


>> No.13853387

Just get yourself a six gun.

>> No.13853416

what will be your excellence

>> No.13853586

About how I would be able to have a proper goodnight's sleep which could clear my mental state (basically to forget the bunch of shit im thinking about)

also big anime tiddies. dont wanna forget that tho

>> No.13853608

>workout heavily
>drink but only enough to get a little tipsy
>take hot bath
>pop some melatonin
>comfy sleep for 10+ hours

>> No.13854053
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The capitalism thread got deleted too. Two Peterson threads and a tranny troll thread were deleted too. This board is a shit hole. Off-topic, /pol/, and incel posters should be given very long bans, like a month or two.

>> No.13854068

Sorry every single thread in this pic has 404'd, not just the capitalism thread.

>> No.13854076

I have to save up money as I am poor but it will be so glorious to own those.

>> No.13854078

I don't care what commie pinko or niggerhate shit people post as long as it's fucking book related god damnit

These wwoym threads are okay though, they are a good quarantine zone.

>> No.13854082

>These wwoym threads are okay though, they are a good quarantine zone.
i think thats the idea

>> No.13854120
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The area 51 meme. A joke about how oxymoronic petitions and other forms of civil-protest are. It'll get you to the gate, and no further. You wave hi to the authorities. Hi to the cameras. Hi to the CIA. Howdy-do.

I briefly watched a stream of the event with a countdown timer for the raid, but every time it hit 0:00 it just reset to 5 min. All the "clap their cheeks" ayy-lmao picket signs were turned towards the cameras inatead of the compound. The vanity of it all wasn't lost on the protesters though; that's the joke, and so on.

>> No.13854135

arent soldiers allowed to shoot them if they storm it?

>> No.13854147

Now that you mention that, what soldiers are stationed in/at A51 anyway? I would guess they have regular joe soldiers guarding the outer perimeter, but the real deal stuff is probably limited to a much smaller force? But how do you keep those guys quiet, even? Don't enough of them retire that eventually one would start flapping his gums?

>> No.13854175

They're probably Air Force.
>But how do you keep those guys quiet, even?
By telling them it's an issue and matter of national security and threatening them with treason if they were to leak anything.
>Don't enough of them retire that eventually one would start flapping his gums?
Lots of people have claimed to be former employees of Area 51 and other secret bases. Whether or not they're telling the truth is up to you, I suppose.

>> No.13854499

German is just English backwards.

>> No.13854512

top soldiers and people that deal with highly classified information in general are picked to be the most servile, unquestioning grunts possible. I imagine the research teams and such are small enough that if one of them talked it would be easy to figure out who.

also it's probably really not that interesting, FTL is impossible anyway so the chance of actual aliens or alien ships being there is basically nonexistent

>> No.13854536

Do you think the aliens are friendly?

>> No.13854576
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okay so there's this qt girl who works at the gas station in my small town. today i stopped there after work to get some cigs (not expecting her to be there because i only usually see her in the mornings) and as i'm doing the thing on the card reader, she says, "that's a cool vehicle." so i look out the window and don't see what she's talking about and say "what vehicle," and she points and says "that one." so i lean across the counter, sort of in her into her personal space, and look around the wall which was blocking my view to see this ww2 looking army van. then i go back to my side of the counter and say "oh yeah i see that guy driving around sometimes," then look at her and as my eyes meet hers, she drops them and kind of looks flustered and she says "y-yeah, i see that guy driving around sometimes, too." also: as i look at her this time, i notice she has a bruise right under her eye. so basically, i might have to murder someone now.

>> No.13854582

just as her on a date

>> No.13854618

no, i have to play it cool.

>> No.13854622

>FTL is impossible anyway so the chance of actual aliens or alien ships being there is basically nonexistent


>> No.13854644

I hate woman so fucking much it hurts

>> No.13854648

Well stop thinking about them then.

>> No.13854654

sounds like you have a problem

>> No.13854674

Read the idiot, by Dostoyevsky and you'll figure it out

>> No.13854684

The 21st century feels like the 5th all over again.

>> No.13854688

I don't know anything. Am I retarded? Whenever somebody asks me something or why I like something I just always say 'I don't know'.

>> No.13854692
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and yet, you still jack off to pictures of them

>> No.13854702

What's stopping you?

>> No.13854727
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I realise everyone feels melancholic about summer ending and the encroaching darkness of autumn and winter. But I still don't understand why I get the same feelings this time of year, every year. I feel just fine on my own eleven months of the year but when September hits, I suddenly feel like I have to have contact someone. And I do. And it's disappointing every time. And then I continue on as usual until next year. That would be just fine if it didn't come with feelings like I'm not working hard enough or I should do more. I need to organise my files, I need to read more, I have to finish that book I started. I'd probably be more motivated if those thoughts stayed with me. But they, too, will disappear at the turn of the month and I'll put off finishing that book and leave my files disorganised.

>> No.13854740

>I suddenly feel like I have to have contact someone
Go do that right now, and don't you dare come back until you do.

>> No.13854748

Wear a cool hat while you do it.

>> No.13854754

Is it that you don't know, or that you don't know how to effectively communicate your thoughts, and therefor default to "I don't know".

I fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, fall into the latter. .

>> No.13854756

autumn gets me stoked. i hate early summer. reminds me of when i was a kid and basically sat in solitary confinement for three months playing video games and watching tv.

>> No.13854759

nah summer sucks, fuck it. it's too fucking hot making it unpleasant to go /out/, no good media comes out, all the college normies are out of class and polluting the streets, it's awful. autumn is nice, winter can be nice, spring is nice, summer is just garbage. only thing it's good for is gardening.

>> No.13854760

But it won't do anything. I'll just end up disappointed again. I need to break the cycle, not perpetuate it.

>> No.13854767

I want to get a hat but I'm afraid I'll put it on and realize I just look like a retard (more than I do already that is)

>> No.13854785

not him, but i default to "i don't know" because i know that i can effectively communicate my thoughts, but if i did it would just create problems.its just easier. for example; a while ago i went to get some smokes and didn't have my card on me. the lady wouldn't sell me any so i made a scene and when i walked out to my car i kicked a giant dent in the side of it. later, my mom asked me what happened so i just said "i don't know."

>> No.13854791
File: 13 KB, 300x300, Cool Hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't be any hat, it has to be a cool hat.

>> No.13854792

hats are great if you have naturally greasy hair and are too lazy to shower in the morning on some days.

>> No.13854795

who is it that you contact?

>> No.13854806

Just about anyone, most of the time it's a hook up I never see again. Not like I really want to anyway.

>> No.13854819

oh i thought you were alluding to a specific person.

>> No.13854824

>Is it that you don't know, or that you don't know how to effectively communicate your thoughts, and therefor default to "I don't know".
Yeah, that sounds about right. I can speak well in my head, but whenever I talk it's just single-word answers.

>> No.13854848

>so i made a scene and when i walked out to my car i kicked a giant dent in the side of it.
Don't let your emotions get the best of you, anon.

>> No.13854850

just start saying your thoughts out loud while you're alone, you'll get better at talking that way.

>> No.13854874
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i rarely ever do. it just pisses me off that a grown man can't smoke a cigarette lawfully, but a teenage girl can murder a child in her womb and no one even gives a fuck and there are probably millions of people out there that would kill me or allow me to be killed if i even did anything to try and stop this. there are people who would kill me so that babies could go on being killed. its utter torture living in this world.

>> No.13854878

Unfortunately, the only way through that is to practice speaking, either to yourself or others. Ideally the latter.

Fortunately I'm relatively hermetic so my disinterest (and admittedly inability) to communicate with others isn't much of an issue.

>> No.13854886

i just want to be a cool art school kid for one time before i go bald. im 22 and my hair line have been receding from 1 year. all these years i have spent on building a "sophisticated" taste in literature, cinema, photography, fashion, architecture and refining my art just to cope with my insecurities. but i have no friends, never been in a relationship, never been to a university due to financial reasons. i don't even feel young anymore.

>> No.13854891

You'll forever remain the orphan of the youth you never had, anon. That's just the way it is.

>> No.13854914

>incoherent rambling punctuated with what I'm assuming is bait
I get what your saying, at least what relates to frustrations, but you have to find a better way to vent. All you managed to do is damage your own property, and you still left without your ciggies.

>but a teenage girl can murder a child in her womb
I'm assuming you speaking about abortion? I'm also assuming your not a fan.

>there are people who would kill me so that babies could go on being killed
You seem to think people are, "killing babies", for the sole purpose of killing babies? You do realize this isn't the case, correct?

>its utter torture living in this world.
Why bring others into this world, if all they have to look forward to is suffering?

>> No.13854942

what about all those other people who are living it right now?
im not asking for much

>> No.13854955

if you're not outraged by abortion, i don't even care about your opinions at all.

>> No.13854968


>> No.13854971

Do you think you could fit in among the people who've been in that milieu for years? Do you genuinely believe that they wouldn't treat you differently even if they did allow you to fit in? Are you certain that you aren't attracted to the romantic ideal of "the art school experience" rather than the real thing? Do you really need it for your development as an artist?

>> No.13854980
File: 263 KB, 1024x683, 7790345852_1fcc49671c_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the mistake of taking a walk on the campus of a major American University today. It was an absolutely gorgeous day and so many people were out. Smiling faces, Bright eyes, hopeful demeanors.

No one got there on their own, the chain of support they've received was palpable if unseen. There was so much youth, and hope, and beauty there it made me cry. I never got a chance like they did, or had a stable home life like you could tell from looking at their faces.

There was a young man who stepped out of one of the dorms, maybe a business masters student, around my age. He wore a tailored suit and had an eagles eyes, his posture like a ballet dancer's; almost the exact opposite of me. I wondered if we ever talked, would we have anything in common? What would a rich man and a poor man like me have to say to one another? The most I would hope for would be a tacit nod and an acknowledgement of my presence; even that might be too much to hope for.

One of my most dearest hopes in life is to send all of my children to a place like that where they can learn to discover themselves and make mistakes in a safe and nurturing environment. I dream of those halcyon campuses and Elysian quads

>> No.13854983

Convince me. Lets assume I'm a bit of a brainlet, but no so much that I can't be convinced by reason. Walk me through your logic, friend.

>> No.13854993
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I know how you feel, anon...

>> No.13854999

Ever thought of enlisting?

If your can get over the fact that you'll be putting your life on the line, you'll get free job trained that, ideally, will translate well to civilian life, and a G.I. bill that you can either use, or save for a child. Bonus, if you enlist in texas as a texas resident, the Hazlewood Act is a possibility (I believe, you'd have to look into it). Health care is also pretty decent while in service.

>> No.13855008

I've tried. I have three major disqualifiers: history of depression, previous knee injuries, and history of OCD. It destroyed me for a few months when I couldn't get in, it was my ultimate backup plan

>> No.13855016

i deny the presupposition that i even need to justify my disgust towards this atrocity with a logical argument, but if you really want me to humor you, fine.
what should be the punishment for the crime of kicking a pregnant woman in the stomach and causing a miscarriage?

>> No.13855043

College students are usually a bunch of dumb spoiled brats with heads filled with leftist propaganda. Stop sucking their cocks and live for yourself.

>> No.13855044

That's unfortunate.

>> No.13855053

i mean i can't predict the future but i could do an art project on lost youth.
give a random idea for a starting point.

>> No.13855100

>i deny the presupposition that i even need to justify my disgust towards this atrocity
Whether or not you agree with it, their are plenty of others who fall on the opposite spectrum as you. You're ability to move them closer to your end will help in the long run.

You also clearly have a bias, which is why I'm asking (and I'm curious).

>what should be the punishment for the crime of kicking a pregnant woman in the stomach and causing a miscarriage?
It depends, just as all things do. At minimum, assault (or maybe its battery, which ever charge best fits kicking a women, pregnant or not). If said women fully planned on having this child, murder to some degree. If not (as in said women planed on abortion), I see no reason why murder should be levied.

>> No.13855122

tfw framelet
tfw will never have a jojo physique

>> No.13855128

I was due to go on a trip in 4 days but it looks like the flight operator is gonna go bust in the next 48 hours.
I've been pathetically excited about this trip for months and months and now it's not happening. Its been over 10 years since I last travelled anywhere. I just wanted to be somewhere else.

>> No.13855140

just get a different flight you defeatist cuck.

>> No.13855166

this except again making the brainlet rightoid mistake of calling liberals "leftists" as if they're not wholly separate political views. It would be like if communists went around insisting you people were all liberals, dummy, it's just factually incorrect.

>> No.13855172

That's defeatist Thomas Cuck to you, friend.
I can't afford one, sorry.

>> No.13855176

Are you the mentally ill person who's in love with a 8 years old child he saw like twice?

>> No.13855177

pretty clearly he is that guy

>> No.13855202

just ask someone for some money, or steal something and sell it. or take out a loan even.

>> No.13855206

Wait, that's against the rules

>loan even
Definitely don't do this.

>> No.13855212

Read Pato's Apology last night. Honestly opened my eyes (or at least helped me process) how, although I've tried, I've yet to escape my ego. The way Socrates is described in Apology depicts the life of a truly wise person: i.e. someone who speaks their mind, doesn't back down when he is challenged, doesn't force their opinions on others, and lives humbly, striving to remove their own ego. I already believed these things, but reading that helped to bring it into perspective. It's a good read and I recommend it.

>> No.13855223

I'm assuming you'd choose murder, irregardless of the women's intentions? If so, why?

>> No.13855250

Do you have to act sensitive and emotional to get girls? I don't know how to be sexual without also acting like a fucking faggot.

>> No.13855252

I will finish writing my first book today that ive been writing for a year and some months. Cant decide how it feels other than swell. Also did mushrooms last night with two close friends. Tonight once its finished i will pop a bottle of Champaign with my close ones and make a toast. We are all free to be alright.

>> No.13855255

I just don't know anymore guys.

>> No.13855290

no, girls hate sensitive boys for being weird neurotics

based. good luck with publishing

>> No.13855297

what is your book about?

>> No.13855298

I'm tired of social interactions, i just need to be alone

>> No.13855305

its a mother-son incest tale.

>> No.13855307

...so be alone?

What's stopping you?

>> No.13855311
File: 185 KB, 780x620, erect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13855314


>> No.13855317

post a lewd part plz

>> No.13855331

okay here
>i slid my peepee in between her big mommy milkers and then i coomed all over her neck. the load was relatively small. after that she made some dinner then i went to bed.

>> No.13855340

i'm hard as fuck, i'd pay up to 1.45$ for this book.

>> No.13855345

also nice

>> No.13855357

pls respond

>> No.13855372

I'm thinking about it. I graduate come August. I'm giving myself a year after to figure out what I want to do. If by the end of it, I'm still rotting in my room with no intention on moving, like I have been for the past 4 years, I'll be enlisting in the Air Force.

>> No.13855377

Thank you friend.
That incest post isnt mine btw lol just some troll.

>> No.13855389

>That incest post isnt mine btw
That's a shame.

What is your book about then?

>> No.13855390

the army is full of mexicans and other undesirables who do it for the free citizenship. the US military is probably the single most low-caste, low-IQ organization on the planet. even the boston /lit/ meetup group is more prestigious.

>> No.13855395

i hope your book is as good as what this guy posted or i won't buy it.

>> No.13855399

>even the boston /lit/ meetup group is more prestigious.
now now, slow down, let's not say things we might regret later.

>> No.13855462
File: 88 KB, 640x640, aba2098925eca346ae0e01ae53c2b8f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Nietzsche, non fiction, foreign affairs, and writing constantly. Every day I have three french presses of a medium roast blend, a sufficient amount of tobacco, and the occasional eclair. Between writing I workout, if I have writer's block, I get a massage or go out to the local theater and watch a classic film. Masturbation limits productivity, but if it has been a few days, the urge to ejaculate must be quelled. One beat off day, nothing gets done, junk food gets eaten, comedies are watched, alcohol is consumed (a good champagne and maybe chartreuse), and sleep takes over.

There is minimal time for women, but women must be fucked. In order to be successful, you have to fuck. At the end of every month, or the last weekend of the month, I shave and slick back my hair. At a local dive bar, I pretend to drink five drinks, when I've only had two. I order gin and tonics, and keep a bottle of sparkling water in my briefcase, refilling my beverage when the bar tender is not looking. I scout out a perfect specimen and play the game of making conversation. Some are easy some aren't.

Also other urges must be satisfied in order to write properly. While driving, if I see a squirrel or a cat, I will crush the animal with my tire. If I'm feeling ambitious, I'll take it home in a plastic Walmart bag. With an exacto knife, I can easily find out what makes this animal tick. If its masturbation day, roadkill viscera makes for good lubricant. I know they carry disease. I don't care. Well, I do care enough to wear a jimmy. I never wear a jimmy for the girls I meet at dives. Somewhere, in some article, it said one in four women have herpes. That's really a disgusting thought.

I feel like I'm the reincarnation of Napoleon, possibly even his best form yet. Three french presses, a sufficient amount of tobacco. Write. Write. Write.

You have to maximize pleasure. I once heard you're only as healthy as you feel. I feel chipper. I feel like a god that could conquer the universe.

I'm thinking about buying a cat

>> No.13855518

napolean wouldn't think about buying a cat, he would just buy one. otherwise based.

>> No.13855521

Good luck. Happy vacation

>> No.13855561

But I feel so hopeless at this point that I feel my only other option would be to work a wageslave job until I die alone feeling depressed and unfulfilled. I'd rather do something that at the very least could be a transformative experience or die young in the attempt to do so without having to worry about a life time of suffering.

>> No.13855566
File: 55 KB, 620x412, E6FFC5CD-8A2E-4122-A923-39E4E90C34FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> “I once heard you’re only as healthy as you feel.”


>> No.13855568
File: 314 KB, 1750x571, EEg7CyOW4AACfiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to Mass

>> No.13855573


>> No.13855584

sure, there's plenty of parishes here

>> No.13855636

I’m not mentally ill

>> No.13855641

>“I once heard you’re only as healthy as you feel.”

Typing out a quote is not how you quote newfag

>> No.13855674

Thank you thank you.
Its about a group of shady adolecents living in small town Nevada and the boundless love between a mother and son. So yeah i guess i could turn it into some incest fantasy lmao.

ITS OFFICIAL. Ive finished my book just a minute ago. My testicles feel warm but my insides feel cold. YES.

>> No.13855679

No, I don't believe in the Christian god.

>> No.13855708

have a draft i put on hold two years ago because i didn't understand the protagonist well enough to write him

feel closer now but still can't quite understand him

>> No.13855714

pathetic pedo

>> No.13855837

based but what do you do for money?

>> No.13855863


>> No.13855884

My brother-in-law is a goddamn moron. All brothers-in-law are goddamn morons. I hate all of you.

>> No.13855895


>> No.13855906


>> No.13855953

>start learning Japanese
>start having dreams in Japanese


>> No.13855968

>want to learn how to draw
>get told to practice doing still lives
>sit an draw the stuff in my room
>drawings are shit
>can't even draw a cup right
>no idea how I'll ever be able to draw something from imagination at this rate
why didn't I start this in middle school or something I might have been OK by now

>> No.13856024

How do you write good dialog?
Further, how do you write cute dialog?

>> No.13856030

>how do you write cute dialog?
Like this.

>> No.13856059

I wrote 200 words today, which is 200 more than I wrote yesterday. Hoping to get into the habit of writing and then start writing more each day.

>> No.13856077

You've got this mate!!

>> No.13856086

Are you going to write 400 tomorrow? Good luck, anon!

>> No.13856131
File: 116 KB, 668x712, 1558304342241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've become a hard line antinatalist misanthrope and I don't know how I'm gonna make my way through the world without Ted Kaczynski-ing myself at some point.

>> No.13856155
File: 77 KB, 750x631, 1567801092711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hope that no one ever looks through my post history and saved images file. The combination of salafist memes, smug animu girls, crossdressing guides, 3-d printed guns blueprints, anti communist propoganda, Nick Land memes, excessive amounts of racial slurs, and screenshots of John Carpenter films would just confuse any FBI agent on my case

>> No.13856162

>crossdressing guides

>> No.13856183

Which Carpenter film is your favorite? Is it 'They Live'?

>> No.13856209
File: 763 KB, 761x761, 1556748401527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me, seems that you don't have enough contact with any women that you can relate to.. Could it be that you're actually just afraid of them? Maybe you just don't want to listen to them.. Perhaps you've decided to make up excuses and blame them for your own inability to communicate effectively. How does that make you feel?

>> No.13856213

Have sex

>> No.13856214

Can you extrapolate on this? I'm pretty illiterate when it comes to the history of the middle ages, anything post-Roman Empire or pre-"Enlightenment"

>> No.13856274

to live a day
to do some do
expectations and
hoops in front of you
catching trains of runaway thought
taking you to places
you don't want
Where do you want to go

>> No.13856282

>I will crush the animal with my tire.
i just bursted out laughing

>> No.13856287

Sometimes we try real hard then fail

>> No.13856290

ive been stagnant for the last year and a half, i've been a shut-in NEET for the past 6 months... i used to be happier, full of life, motivated... i'm 23.. maybe i should just an hero

>> No.13856291

A lot of the anons I've seen recently are 23 years old. I know it's just my narrow observation, but there seems to be something about that age.

>> No.13856301

student council just got 8/9 female members including president because of the extremely low number of male freshmen, this will be interesting to watch

>> No.13856349

I just want a sandwich and a friend
Maybe some pizza at the end
A beer in my hand, six more in the fridge
And talk about life and women
And then watch a movie and play video games until we fall asleep
And then do it again once a week

>> No.13856379

got woken up out of deep sleep by nigger neighbor who plays loud ass music on their phone whenever they walk from the entrance to their aaprtment like a fucking character themesong because they're a stupid damn nigger and got to be loud ignorant and cringy

wrote mockup for short story i'll write when i'm less damn tired

fucking nigger. chekhov save me

>> No.13856383

it's a nice, affirmative story btw
i dont write self indulgent lynching fanfiction regardless of the context leading that way

>> No.13856411

God I wish that I were your friend.

>> No.13856425

my new brother in law is rather cunning, and i think one night he will kill me in my sleep

>> No.13856445

I didn't join out of desperation but I stayed out of desperation. It's worked out pretty well desu.

>> No.13856465

They're probably mostly Air Force Security Forces. Even assuming for the sake of argument that Area 51 is the highest security priority in the DoD (unlikely), the overwhelming majority of the guards would have no contact or "need to know" with anything classified and would be standard-issue security guards.

If, hypothetically, there was a hangar that had an alien spaceship inside of it, security forces would simply be stationed outside. They would be provided with plans of the interior that are both classified (so they can't be released) but uninformative about the specific nature of what's inside, for use on the off chance that they need to go inside.

Really, if you want to know the TRVE SEKRITS of a place like that, the security forces know nothing -- you want people whose jobs actually require contact with the equipment in question. And they won't talk because these are people getting paid well into the six figures to stencil numbers on the hull of UFOs and shit.

>> No.13856474

wad there a trigger for your indifference or did it just happened?

>> No.13856490

I really like buying books. I don't know if that should be as enjoyable as it is. Maybe it's not healthy or normal, and maybe it's just a dopamine rush, but still, I do it.

>> No.13856682

I know a few men who’ve done that and it honestly saved them

>> No.13856695

>I'm too embarrassed to play around others
what a fucking retarded excuse. I actually understand where you're coming from, but you can never be a musician unless you overcome that

>> No.13856700

You don't know that, bitch. Maybe you'll have a stroke and the light will still be on

>> No.13856706

They look like extras in a Matrix scene

>> No.13856728

Is the tank photoshopped? It doesn't look like an American M1 tank.

>> No.13856743

fuck you all i either die and kill myself or get my brain put into a robotic body and suffer eternally. no inbetween

>> No.13856761

this is a good example of how much women are outcompeting men, it's already reaching 55-45 in terms of women-men college attendance - they're gonna be at the top of the ladder in most leadership positions across tons of industries, see how well the men do under a world like that

>> No.13856799

I kekked

>> No.13856827

they'll be shit for a long time. you have to persist if you want it, and you'll have it.

>> No.13856837

The hours drip by,
Life has no time for me,
The world has no patience,
I am an orphan of my childhood.
Some days I wonder
If I will ever have a clear thought again.

>> No.13856838

I should be enjoying my youth, whatever that means.

>> No.13856842

Wilful stupidity really is the worst kind. It's the choice not to improve oneself, not to find truth, not to confront the universe.

>> No.13856843

yfw the base is occupied by russians

>> No.13856887
File: 26 KB, 225x350, 314936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's hoping.

>> No.13856911

Im learning about mushrooms and gonna go find some this year. Prefect time is october :)

>> No.13856920

I almost joined the Royal Marines (I'm a britbong). Idk how that would've gone but I ended up going to university instead. Currently studying history.

>> No.13856932

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuvk

>> No.13856984
File: 164 KB, 1280x960, A2ECF161-D95D-435D-83DD-B2ED1378E5A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13857100

i wonder how much time i spend refreshing and waiting for an anon to reply

>> No.13857104

Yes you are Anon, and in probably more than one way. Seriously.

>> No.13857154

The average poster age on /lit/ is actually 23 years old. You are surrounded.

>> No.13857159

That's NOT a cat.

>> No.13857164

yeah it is

>> No.13857249

Pretty sure it's not.

>> No.13857265

Stay at home dad seems pretty comfy. All you'd need is a home gym, and plenty of books. Min/maxing a child would be pretty cool as well.

>> No.13857270

yes it is, let me in

>> No.13857277

Did the dog anhero, or was it just stunned?

>> No.13857278

>Stay at home dad
What a fucking nightmare

>> No.13857287

Why? No need to put up with others, and a shit ton of free time to do with what you want (ideally something productive, but do you). Do small children scare you?

>> No.13857298

No, they don't. That lifestyle scares me. To each their own, I guess.

>> No.13857317

why am I mentally ill? Tell me. Is it wrong to see beauty when it exists? We all know that little girls grow up, and that generally the pretty ones will grow up to pretty and fit, so what is the problem with seeing their potential, and wanting to preserve their innocence and purity?

>> No.13857329

Mentally ill may not be the best. Delusional maybe?

Either way, it's definitely an odd gamble. What makes you think she'll want you when its time?

>> No.13857333

I'm really not sure about that. Also, where's my dog? He should be barking right now with such a large cat around.

>> No.13857345

The dog didn't see me. Let me in retard, I'm a cat

>> No.13857352

>What makes you think she'll want you when its time?
I never implied that she did. I know it's unlikely, especially considering the age gap, but that's why I'm so motivated to develop and improve myself well beyond the average person. I'm driven to make myself worthy, but the eventual execution will be the most difficult part. I have years to plan this

>> No.13857351


>> No.13857354

Let him in, anon. The cat is cold.

>> No.13857359
File: 24 KB, 474x315, adsfad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it actually was a cat, what a relief.

>> No.13857396

I'm watching John From Cincinnati and enjoying it a lot. I love David Milch

>> No.13857499
File: 170 KB, 1335x1000, feeblegrind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The skating maid is the perfect reflection of my sexuality. Let me elaborate on this a little bit. A woman for me is both an ideal of beauty and an object of desire. A female ideal for me is a perfect representation of desirable personal traits I find most enamouring in the opposite sex, most pure and untouchable. Those being humbleness, obedience, honesty, faithfulness, patience and other classic feminine qualities one can attribute to a rose or a nadeshiko flower. This perception of an ideal, however, drove me to develop a Madonna-whore complex-like attitude towards those untouchable creatures that possess aforementioned traits, them being almost alien-like in my head, inhumane even. That said, it's impossible for me to sexualize them in any way. But then comes the skating maid, a vision of pure light, clear as a mountain stream, revealed to me in a dream as a perfect blend of vigorous femininity and boyish masculinity.
Skating is an activity most often practiced by misfits, street kids, those who wish to escape to the streets and display their inner rebellious nature, the total masculine opposites of those feminine traits I value the most. There was a song, I believe, that even compared those traits and declared their incompatibility, sang by Avril Lavigne. It's beautiful, really, to be able to blend those antipodes so effortlessly and produce such an enigmatic image of a maid, an epitome of femininity and obedience, riding a skate, a symbol of boyish urban revolt. Skate, a tool very close to my heart, reveals the maid's inner persona that possesses a very human desire for freedom and independence. The awakening of the maid's masculinity simultaneously awakens my own sexual desire for her, for I now see the rioting humanity of her gentle soul. The way she does it amuses me even more. Her beautiful legs sporting dark pantyhose revealed by the her aggressive in nature, yet perfectly gentle in execution ramp tricks, her modest dress fluttering suggestively as she rushes downhill through the wind. Her originally soigne hair now slightly unkempt after her energetic performance. All and everything about her is perfect.
It is this almost incomprehensible consciously duality of masculin and féminin that makes the woman, at least as I see it, a great and unapproachable riddle for us men. Yet even the most graceful of those beings can be playful and genuinely friendly if we only desire to see them as such. Life is an enigma, life is a dream.

>> No.13857613

>severe baby face
I look so fucking bizarre, like a giant man-child.

>> No.13857635

>revealed by the her aggressive in nature
that ruined the whole essay for me in all honesty my brethren. what were you trying to say? you lost me.

>> No.13857658

I may generally be a lonely man, but /lit/ makes me feel less lonely. Thanks, friends.

>> No.13857673

reminder that most /lit/ posters are teenagers

>> No.13857930

I get nauseous whenever I try to use dating apps

>> No.13857984

I hate women...

>> No.13858054

It's not their fault you are unattractive.

>> No.13858057

This is completely fictitious, a character I've been developing for a novel. I actually cannot figure out what he does for a living other than something that requires wearing a shabby suit. Maybe a used car salesman

>> No.13858202

I overlooked that one. This is how it should've been:
>Her beautiful legs sporting dark pantyhose revealed by her aggressive in technique yet somehow perfectly gentle in execution ramp tricks, her modest dress fluttering suggestively as she rushes downhill through the wind, her originally soigne hair now slightly unkempt after her energetic performance
The point is that the skating tricks are aggressively fast and energetic, yet the maid can execute them as if she's dancing ballet.

>> No.13858241

Consider that her legs are somewhat less beautiful than you'd like, from the countless bruises and scratches and scars and abrasions from falling on concrete repeatedly, which is an inherent and unavoidable part of skating, especially of learning and perfecting anything

>> No.13858263

I'm not repulsed by injuries. It's even better if she has those marks of experience, careless of their presence, being so invested in her rebellious desire of skating. Beauty is in the eye of a beholder.

>> No.13858272

Thanks for the clarification.

>> No.13858286

Why? I like them quite a lot.

>> No.13858299
File: 41 KB, 450x338, 1994-Qian-Fu-De-Ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.13858324


>> No.13858398

could be all sorts of stuff. I have a mood disorder and I recently stopped drinking again, plus a lot of very chaotic stuff just happened in my relationships. None of that is new though, just par for the course, what is different is this absolute lack of emotion, Ive never felt like this before.

>> No.13858570

You and me lads.

>> No.13858603
File: 189 KB, 434x245, 1517790772466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video showing prisoner transfer in china
>some moron / paid actor starts spamming that it's evidence of le ebin concentration camps
>people who can actually read mandarin point out that uniforms are clearly for a correctional facility not a reeducation camp are ignored or called bots
>another several days of rabid "china bad!" news articles and social media "discourse" to look forward to
>despite this no actual criticism of china or introspection about the criminal justice system in your own country will occur
I really, really hate mass media

>> No.13858654

Same but mainland chinks are still evil little fucking goblins

Hong Kongers are OK

>> No.13858745

Oh my god guys that image is from a fucking video game. Jesus christ.

>> No.13858773
File: 72 KB, 427x427, 1562081347667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm tired and depressed and just want to sleep for a thousand years.

>> No.13858830

the cutting open roadkills and using blood as lube is stupid all the rest i like

>> No.13858849

I moved across the world to expand my horizons, meet new people, have new experiences, learn new things. I had the hope that a new environment would excite my muse to actually make something creative and decent. Instead, what I've found is that people are the same disappointing bunch no matter where you look, I don't really have any real talent to speak of, and most understanding gleaned by changing continents has been superficial. I've lost both my sense of home, and my sense of hope. And while I'm not socially isolated at all here, I find myself more and more wanting to sequester myself and read and brood, the same as I ever did.

>> No.13858857


Did you move for school?

>> No.13858877

Why does nothing interest me anymore? I can seem to focus on anything, and everything I have started is incomplete including easy things like 10 minute long videos. What has happened to me? I don't recall reading something or being exposed to some truth that would make me this way.

>> No.13858882

Get off the computer. It rots your brain and destroys your attention span.

>> No.13858884

I'm writing a a screenplay for a biopic on Adolf Hitler; it starts a little something like this:

>opens with a shot of Hitler pointing a gun to his head
>*freeze frame*
>*record scratch*
>Hitler voiceover: yeah, so you're probably wondering how I got in zis situation. It's kind of a funny story, let me take you back...

>> No.13858891
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, 1569090434617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah I joined discord . gg/apkSez , How did you know?

>> No.13858899

What is frustrating is that almost all of my assignments require the use of my computer. I am changing my meme stem degree to history next term hopefully this will lead to a turn around in my attitude.

>> No.13858900


oh look it's another stenography mining thread

>> No.13858992


>> No.13859039
File: 36 KB, 625x352, inthemouthofmadness-625x352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all have a special place in my heart. (Except Halloween, still haven't seen it yet). I think about In the Mouth of Madness a lot nowadays, it's most applicable to my life

>> No.13859070


Med school?

>> No.13859105

hey anon, I'm an AI, AMA

>> No.13859370

i hope that you actually attempt to do it- not actually get close enough to touch or harm the girl in any way, but close enough so that the parents call the cops on you and you are labeled as a sex offender and/or stalker, so then you realize how ridiculously idiotic and predatory this goal is

>> No.13859391

Suppose she is ~16 and I am ~26. Then why would they call the cops? Especially if I didn’t contact her before talking with the parents.

>> No.13859415


Seek help. And by help I mean a drug deal who will give you copious amounts of fentanyl for free.

>> No.13859423

Help? I’m doing fine. I suppose you would rather me shackle up with some whore who’s been with countless guys, poisoning her view of love and negatively affecting my progeny. No thanks

>> No.13859444

lmao are you trying to go about this like a courting ritual from >1850s? unless you're actually from some 3rd world country where it's more normalized to go about it that way, i'd like to see you attempt to do this. you sound like a middle-class nerd who read lolita, based on your first paragraph, and yet never read the last part of the book, because then you'd know how all the characters were dealt with shitty endings and bad consequences

>> No.13859508

I was infatuated in her without reading any of Lolita.

>> No.13859537

Also, I wasn’t as consciously concerned with chastity before seeing her as I am now. If I had the means, I probably would have dated and had sex often during high school. I had too many chances, and many girls were no doubt disappointed with my inaction. But if they were to show interest in me now, then I would still reject them, but willfully. As of right now there’s only one girl in my mind.

>> No.13859564

This is some of the cringiest faggotry I've ever seen. Please get a job.

>> No.13859575

I am a man of small ideas. Poor books suit me well
My days I waste with friends, with Ferge and with Russell
Most of the time I don't know or care if what I believe is true
My mind's is an empty vessel, which no great thoughts move through
In my heart I feel desire for greatness, valour, girls and wine
But what I'd like most 's to read a book which can't be found online.

>> No.13859586

Tinder is not healthy to use

>> No.13859700

try grindr.

>> No.13859715

Yeah, I think it is pretty poisonous to the mind

>> No.13859801
File: 42 KB, 385x477, 1_6tSAtpNrloDs8zuG8JuPRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good one. Cool to see that somebody else appreciates, too. Sorry if you're not going so well. I think that it's one of it his absolute bests, too. But I have to go with 'The Thing'.

>> No.13859814

I'm so fucking lonely, it hurts.
I just want to lie next to a beautiful girl, hug her really close and cry my guts out.

>> No.13859827

Anyone else feel like they're not a part of this world?
and by world I mean other people that are currently living in this world.
It feels like everyone has his place in this world except me.
I just feel so disconnected, it's so strange that I can never truly be myself when connecting with any person.
How the fuck can someone enjoy this world?

>> No.13859829

>Tinder! Now with HIV!

>> No.13860508

More or less. It was relatively comfy at first, and admittedly still is, however it's starting to dawn on me that if I ever wanted to reconnect with the world, it'd be a massive struggle.
More or less since my senior year of high school. Up until recently, it was relatively comfy. I graduate college next May.

>> No.13860510

I want to write a book, but I don't know how or where to begin. I'm writing things, but what if it doesn't turn out good or what I'm writing isn't original enough for people? I don't care on one hand, and I just want my opinions thrown into a small read, but I'm still apprehensive. I just want to publish my own opinions just because it will just satisfy my urge to get a message out there. Is that arrogant? What do I do /lit/? Should I just kill myself?

>> No.13860519

>How the fuck can someone enjoy this world?
By being rich or attractive as a man or being a woman and having everything handed out to you.

>> No.13860536

>By being rich or attractive as a man or being a woman and having everything handed out to you.
There is more to life than sex, friend. The majority of which does not hinge on you're ability to attract a mate. An expend enable income is helpful though.

>> No.13860550

>There is more to life than sex, friend.
Everything revolves around sex.

>> No.13860629

Psychological armor is an important attribute for anyone. Men and women typically don such armor differently. Men become physically armored, they live in the world of direct senses and put on a front of physical brawn and combativeness. Women in contrast armor their emotions. Their ability to cope with the external pressures of existence is predicated on emotional self-management.

Which technique is superior? Men kill themselves more than women, and suffer from many indices of poorer health and wellness. In some sense, emotional resilience is wins in the long run, as that which really can bring you down are not the slings and arrows of misfortune in the literal, but the subtle deathblows of heartbreak and weariness of the soul.

>> No.13860645


Life (and happiness to a greater extent) revolves around your next meal, general comfort, and acceptance, both from within and from those around you. While sex can aid in the fulfillment of the last, it isn't a necessary pre-req.

>> No.13860650

Don Zimmer gave me a ball-hum after the game last night. I told him he was stupid to go after a young guy like Pedro. Don agreed, took out his teeth, opened up and hummed 'Take Me Out to the Ball Game' on my nuts.

>> No.13860694
File: 236 KB, 1024x1024, 1568481222759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work and study diligently
>get a mid-level government job and work/keep records in such a way that you're indispensable
>rent a small apartment on the outskirts of the city and furnish it with a bookshelf and desk to work at
>keep a regular athletic regime, which keeps you healthy without eating too much into your time
>drink tea and read history books in the evenings, imagining yourself as some minor Turkish lord gratifying yourself with a harem of slavic woman and the finest hashish of asia
>read and write. take evening classes at the local community college in art or languages. compose poetry. translate. paint.
>occasionally publish articles in your field of interest, being careful to stay far away from discussing matters of a religious, political, or social nature.
>every sunday smoke a little bit of hash and go for a solitary walk along the sea wall
>keep a small circle of acquaintances with similar interests to stave off loneliness
>hire a prostitute on the last friday of every month, in order to avoid sexual frustration and enjoy somewhat the physical senses
There's literally nothing wrong with this, and it's infinitely preferable to the shallow mellow-drama of Instagram influencers and millennial sex fantasies.

>> No.13860709

>Life (and happiness to a greater extent) revolves around your next meal, general comfort, and acceptance, both from within and from those around you. While sex can aid in the fulfillment of the last, it isn't a necessary pre-req.

All of that however is simply a means to the end of reproduction biologically speaking.

>> No.13860745

All of that however is simply a means to the end of reproduction biologically speaking.
Sure? And?

Sex, and reproduction are two different things. Similar, but different. Evan than, neither are the absolute path to happiness.

>> No.13860768

Sex is the proxy to reproduction. The motivation to do it is biology's way of telling you to do what you want it to do. Sex, and by regular extension, is the glue to all animal life.

I agree sex shouldn't matter and correlate little with happiness, but it is an essential component of our biological programming and the root of all motivation.

>> No.13860771

>you to do what you want it to do.
what it wants you to do.
>. Sex, and by regular extension, reproduction

Don't know why I stroked up this post so badly, but my point stands.

>> No.13860798

that sounds ghastly, i'd rather kill myself in all honesty my brethren.

>> No.13860806

I could be mistaken, but all you've proven (albeit weakly) is that happiness is correlated with happiness (not caused), which is fine. I don't plan to state otherwise, and I'd generally agree. Sex feels good. It's wired to feel good.

I do not agree however that it is the, "root of all motivation". Pleasure is, or at the very least the avoidance of discomfort. Again, sex is not the only way of doing so.

>> No.13860809


>> No.13860819

All pleasure is subordinate to reproduction. We only exist, biologically speaking, to propagate our germ line. It doesn't mean that sex is all that matters, far from it. It's just that on a biological level, the desire to eat, sleep, and so on, is ultimately subjected to the reproductive imperative.

>> No.13860820

Sounds comfy, friend.

>> No.13860865

serial killer-esque

>> No.13860873

I feel as though my life is dwindling into nothing of value. In the rare occasion that I do enjoy myself, something always gets fucked up. And then I spend the aftermath alone and brooding, drowning in self pity. It seems I've wallowed for so long, that I can no longer do anything else. What's really shitty is that my life isn't even that difficult. But for some reason, I twist every minute detail into a haphazard spider's web that I willing knit for myself. In my life, I am both the predator and the prey. Some deep rooted part of me likes to pretend thing are worse than they are, wonders how people would react if they saw me bloody and bruised. Or dead, even. Instead of treasuring the few who are close to me, I instead lust after the ones who barely give me anything in return. It seems I initiate a lot of interactions with people, and it leaves me with the impression that I'm irritating to others. Even now, I'm probably spinning the narrative in some way, making my life sound like some shitty teenage drama-romance novel sludge. I just have a deep-seeded fear that I'm annoying to those around me. And as pathetic as it is, I rely on people completely for validation.

>> No.13860885

>All pleasure is subordinate to reproduction

>biologically speaking
Yea, I heard you the first time. You sound like a broken record.

The whole, "appeal to nature" spiel that you seem to be basing your shifty argument on isn't quite cutting it. I'll say it once more, sex isn't the only path to happiness, friend. You can still find joy in life, I promise.

>> No.13860920

You're very wrong. And you have it backwards. Survival is subordinate to reproduction. We are giant storage complexes for replicators. Our entire function is just to pass them off to the next generation.

>> No.13860960

I'm retarded. This post is retarded. I am doing nothing but putting the half-baked depressive thought loops that fill my head 24/7 to word. I have made posts like this one and will make many more like it in the future. Each post is followed by a hopeful period where I refresh the thread over and over, waiting for someone to reply, even though I know nobody has anything to say to me and I have nothing to offer anyone, even though I know a paragraph of generic life advice or some lazy insults will do nothing for me. It's okay. I can live like this for now. I can use anonymous interactions with strangers as a cheap substitute for real interaction, if only for now. I know people in real life but will never talk about anything of consequence with them because I'm caught between feeling totally inadequate and fit only to be a net negative on those around me, and doing my best to bury my issues beneath cheap irony and detachment from my own situation. I don't know what's wrong with me or if anything is even wrong with me at all. If tomorrow I died of a sudden heart attack I wouldn't object, but I don't have the willpower to kill myself. Guess I'll just mope alone in my room for another 6 months. Am I too self-critical or so self-obsessed that I criticize myself constantly, implying anyone would notice if I did anything wrong or not? Am I a narcissist or do I feel so inferior to everyone and everything that I can't help constantly finding fault with every single thought and action? I'll go to bed early tonight because I have church in the morning, and I'll go there and take the Sacrament and wish I could wash myself from myself, remove my consciousness and replace it with a non-conscious subservience to God, allow the Holy Spirit to take over my entire being. How can I know that salvation is a free gift but feel like I don't deserve it anyway? Why do I feel so prideful as to think I can't be saved? I deserve to go to Hell. I shouldn't have been born. I wish I could go back in time and erase my addiction before it occurred. I'm retarded and I've always been retarded.

>> No.13860981
File: 173 KB, 300x488, 1537281097242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why? I like them quite a lot.

>> No.13860995

>Am I a narcissist
>or do I feel so inferior to everyone and everything that I can't help constantly finding fault with every single thought and action

Both, the latter is a symptom of the former

>> No.13861003

It's pretty normal in this culture to feel like things you're doing have nothing of value. Why do you feel that way.

>> No.13861006

>Survival is subordinate to reproduction
The dead can't reproduce. Furthermore, human children are relatively dependent on their caregivers, both early on in life, and later. Without them, they perish. There is no point in reproduction if your prodigy simply die off.

I get what your saying, I do, but you're missing the point. Sex (or reproduction, since you've decided to move the goal post), is not the only path to happiness, as you seem to think it is. Human happiness, at least in part, falls under acceptance. We're social animals. We like to be accepted by our pack. Sex is a form of acceptance. It is not however the only form of acceptance.

Unless you have something else to add, we'll have to agree to disagree. I really do wish you the best anon.

>> No.13861124

>Corlius von faggius unsheathed his long, girthy, hard longsword and said "It would be extremely painful".
>The ork king replied "for you".

>> No.13861127

What is this from?

>> No.13861147

i hate myself. i feel totally disconnected from society. by realizing this, there may be a problem with myself.

>> No.13861201

I thought of it on the spot.

>> No.13861212

Pleb. What could be better than a modest life of simple pleasures?

>> No.13861224

>hire a prostitute on the last friday of every month, in order to avoid sexual frustration and enjoy somewhat the physical senses
There's literally nothing wrong with this, and it's infinitely preferable to the shallow mellow-drama of Instagram influencers and millennial sex fantasies.

It's better to abstain from sexual relationships if you can. If you can't then marriage is the best choice.

>> No.13861277

But how much of your precious time and life force does a marriage take up? Marrying someone just so you can have sex regularly might have made sense in the past, but is no longer the norm.

>> No.13861322

There are advantages besides sex in marriage, but I realise that's not your focus. In my opinion it's more beneficial to abstain from sexual desires than indulge in them, besides prostitutes are std ridden roasties.

>> No.13861343

>There are advantages besides sex in marriage, but I realise that's not your focus.
Agreed, but this depends hugely on who you’re married to. If it’s not the right one, patient abstinence (at least in an emotional or spiritual sense) might be preferable.
>In my opinion it's more beneficial to abstain from sexual desires than indulge in them, besides prostitutes are std ridden roasties
So are wives, but I agree

>> No.13861973


>> No.13862023

I don't know if you're like me but
When I see Buddy Rich or... some asshat like that go to town on the drums, I just think " maan.. this guy aint got nothin"

In other words, I get the sense that if I devoted myself to a single preoccupation like that it would be a goddamn fucking massacre.

>> No.13862039

fuckin love that song
its May, by the way

>> No.13862054

>Sex (or reproduction, since you've decided to move the goal post), is not the only path to happiness, as you seem to think it is.

For fucks sake that's not what I was saying at all. I was merely saying that reproduction is the biological endpoint around which the maturation cycle of the organism is based. Because of entropy it is impossible for replicators to maintain a stable state without eventually deteriorating (senescence, getting old). As a result reproduction is physically necessary to to "restart" the cycle, allowing the carrier support system for the genes( somatic bodies, cells, organs, organisms) to perpetuate them.

I am making no connection between sex and values or what people should do with themselves. I am just saying that on a fundamental level reproduction is the premise behind all biological processes.

Because we are sexually reproducing animals and reproduction is what all life is designed around, evolution implemented an entire motivational schema directly and indirectly based around it.

>> No.13862060

You two should have sex.

>> No.13862062

Advice to be taken

>> No.13862071

I meant with eachother.

>> No.13862076

I assumed so

>> No.13862085

Socrates is a retard, read Nietzsche

>> No.13862225

I will die an early death and make my family very sad. abloo abloobloobloo
fuck all of you

>> No.13862459
File: 267 KB, 323x499, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you read beautiful fighting girl?

>> No.13862580

might be fucked

>> No.13862602

No. Mind sharing a pdf or an epub?

>> No.13862628

mite b fooked eh mate

>> No.13862637

Nevermind, found it. Thanks for recommending.

>> No.13862896


>> No.13862916

why? don't you like it tight?

>> No.13862920


>> No.13862925

eat a candy

>> No.13862926

i dont eat kandy, i eat chips

>> No.13863077

A man of principles is better than a man without principles - even if his principles are wrong.

>> No.13863200

>I am making no connection between sex and values
Mate, we aren't debating the biological prerogative.

OP's original question:
>How the fuck can someone enjoy this world?

Your response:
>By being rich or attractive as a man or being a woman and having everything handed out to you.

I rightfully assumed this was about sex. The conversation devolved from their.

Their are plenty of individuals who either fall into the former category, partially or fully, and aren't happy. Their are those who fall into the latter in the same state. Their are plenty of individuals who fall into neither, and live happily.

Their are individuals who have nightly hook ups, and are still depressed. Their are individuals who have both found connection (i,e. marriage) and reared offspring, yet there are still cases of depression among these people. Why? If sex and therefor reproduction is the ultimate endpoint, why aren't they happy? Why do marriages fall apart? Why do the rich and successful commit suicide? Why does anyone, who has fulfilled their biological prerogative and is still capable of fulfilling their biological prerogative, end their lives?

You reek of incel, friend. Just bee you.

I'd rather fuck you, uwu.

>> No.13863255

>I rightfully assumed this was about sex. The conversation devolved from their.
I actually never wrote this. You have me confused with another anon.

I never made an normative statement claiming that "sex is all that matters" like some horny high school student. I was just pointing out that subconsciously it's a biological imperative linked with everything else an animal does. The attraction of mates is the distant cause most motivations.

You keep insisting that I equate sex with happiness and no matter how many times I deny it you stick to it.

>> No.13863259

>By being rich or attractive as a man or being a woman and having everything handed out to you.
I mean i never wrote this

>> No.13863274

I should also add that evolution cares nothing for our happiness. Some animals die in the course of their reproductive cycle, it doesn't matter. Even the birth canal of the human female is structurally flawed and until recently frequently resulted in the death or injury of the mother. Happiness is a chance byproduct.