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/lit/ - Literature

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13856701 No.13856701 [Reply] [Original]

Well, do you agree, /lit/?

>> No.13856704

>burger politics
Who gives a hoot about faux-ass nonsense, mon frère ?

>> No.13856716

Couldn't they donate the books somewhere? Maybe somebody else would have enjoyed them.

>> No.13856724

Who wants 500 copies of The Ox-Bow Incident?

>> No.13856732

Old people love Westerns, donate them there.

>> No.13856734



>> No.13856735

its just a scheme from the college book store to get people to buy new books instead of used.

>> No.13856740
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>why care
Because America, for the last few decades, has been like a glimpse into the future for Europeans. Whatever malicious and eroding shit is conjured in the American universities/colleges will be imported to Europe in a few years.

>> No.13856745

yea yea, sure

this one was written for you, enjoy :

>> No.13856754
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>he deletes his account

>> No.13857496

Nice lower caps fag. He happens to be right.

>> No.13857510


>> No.13857511

Gorski is a jew and nuked his account after getting called out for this.

>> No.13857520

Unfortunately this

>> No.13857523

I don't care.

>> No.13857533

It's interesting seeing people engage so enthusiastically in these acts of cultural suicide.

>> No.13857558

Gorski is jewish, it's not his culture. Thus from his perspective he destroying the culture of his tribal enemy.

>> No.13857610

I can think of literature I like from every ethnicity on Earth except for black people. I guess the closest would be Dumas but he was only like 1/4 black. I’m not even actively trying to avoid reading anything written by them, it’s just that every book by blacks that I see touted is infallibly about racism or slavery, something which does not interest me at all

>> No.13857616

You are anglo. Full stop.

>> No.13857619

Based and Alex Jones pilled

>> No.13857624

Derek Walcott. Patrick Chamoiseau. Édouard Glissant. Senghor. Basedinka (which is quite literally too hard for this board).

Etc etc

>> No.13857625

It’s a demonic possession sweeping the nation there, they’re anti intellectual, anti straight man,
>Let’s record two people who got the first Ipohne 11 and cheer about it

Good fucking god America needs a proper cull

>> No.13857626

Jfc this board baseding the place

Wole So-yinka


>> No.13857628

Don't care, literature wasn't meant to be studied in lecture halls, it's meant to be engaged with friends and stout or dark beer.

>> No.13857637

Sure, but there's never any viable plan of action introduced by those that oppose the perceived corruption permeating the institutions, businesses and other organizations that have the "taint".

There's no organization, or even a grassroots movement that can possibly contend with them currently, the entirety of the zeitgeist is completely opposed to anything that would curb such actions.

I just don't see any way in which this situation changes without some form of catastrophic destruction of the world as we know it, whether that be ideologically, socio-economically, physically or so on.

>> No.13857646
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I work at a library. We unceremoniously dump hundreds of books into the trash each week. Huge piles, as in OP pic.

It was a cause of a certain consternation and emotional turmoil, but time has deadened those feelings. Have reached the it-is-what-it-is phase.

>> No.13857684

>be italian
>try to warn people about the madness that's coming from burgerland
>they don't believe you and don't even realize how bad things already are

So, this is what Cassandra must have felt like...

>> No.13857689

A matter of storage, I assume ? What books are usually being thrown away ?

>> No.13857694


>> No.13857699

no, i do not agree
it's fine to be interesting in anything but the idea that you should have to declare something else as boring or shit just to make space for it in your mind is silly

>> No.13857707

LMFAO remember when there were like dozens of gaslighting /lit/ leftists here arguing thread upon thread over the years about how this stuff never impacts the real world AND TO GO OUTSIDE. DUDE JUST SHUT YOUR EYES. THIS ISN'T HAPPENING. IT DOESN'T EXIST, AND IF IT DOES IT'S ABOUT BASIC HUMAN DECENCY. THE PEOPLE COMPLAINING ABOUT SJWS ARE AS BAD AS SJWS.

>> No.13857713


>> No.13857719

>caring about humanities
You guys just order translations on Amazon and shitpost here anyway. Who gives a flying fuck, honestly ?

>> No.13857724

>American universities/colleges will be imported to Europe in a few year
t. Never been to a European university nor Europe

Good luck trying to get Germans to pay 50000 dollars a year for an education that was free until the day before

>> No.13857731

I'm a European living in Canada and I can assure you there are no sjws to destroy with facts and logic here, most people are normal

>> No.13857740

Don’t come to Mtl my dear european friend. Just don’t.

>> No.13857747

I didn't even open the image but I'm almost certain I don't.

>> No.13857749

he's being dramatic and you're being an ass

the small vocally loud advocates of what you'd call 'social justice' are pretty much still small after all these years

nobody has been changing curricula at a graduate level and nobody's forcing anyone to take a masters in gender studies

>> No.13857794

What books are in the dumpster?
If they need space, a uni library usually has a lot of old garbage nobody needs and that can be rid of. They're not dumping your beloved Homer

>> No.13857797

Part of me thinks a lot of people who make similar complaints are people who cringe at the mere mention of any kind of “social justice” related topics without taking into account what’s actually being said.

My uni experience has been normal— No book burnings or anything too ideologically biased. The most you get is neutral and descriptive perspectives on the various social justice issues.

That said, I don’t doubt that there are some unis that have gone completely off the deep end.

>> No.13857802
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The Alt-Left are literally the equivalent of Christians burning "witchcraft" books and their culture.
No mention that they are, metaphorically,recreating a burning people like "faggots" by banning them from social media.

>> No.13857814


>> No.13857950

People are changing curricula at undergraduate and graduate levels. School with required humanities courses are increasingly changing those courses from Western Civ/Western Lit courses to more politically fashionable courses. A friend at Reed told me the entire second semester of their required freshman year humanities course is now about the history of Mexico. My mother is a professor who now teaches a required class for freshmen that’s just about racism (it used to be more of a general introduction to critical writing). My girlfriend had a required freshman year class that I think was literally called “introduction to social justice.” I’m one year into an English PhD, and probably a third of the literature I’ve read for class (not on my own) has been by black people, mostly from the 20th century. This is in large part because even at schools without required courses, more and more professors primarily teach this stuff, because more and more professors see reading the western canon as an act of violence. If you only want to read and discuss the canon, you would have to ignore half the department, and then everyone would know you were a racist. And even the other professors feel obligated to include a few politically fashionable books at the end of the semester as a sort of literary affirmative action.

The idea that this stuff doesn’t affect the curriculums is absurd. Does anything in humanities academia affect the “real” world? That’s questionable. But I do worry that we’re raising a generation with no awareness of the history of Western thought, and that without an understanding of the genealogy of their ideas (even the very idea that the Western canon is racist), they will lack a certain degree of critical thinking and be easily bamboozled.

All of the intellectual heroes of the academic left (Fanon, Said, Butler, Sedgwick, and of course, Marx and Foucault) were influenced heavily by the Western philosophical and literary canon. Even people like Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot were influenced by their education in the West! And how can you understand (or criticize) these authors if you don’t have even a basic understanding of the history of Western art, literature, and philosophy—which requires, in turn, an understanding of European history. There are increasingly powerful elements in academia that essentially want to preach a social justice gospel to students as absolute truth, and nothing could be more helpful for this project than the erasure of the contingent historical origins of that gospel.

>> No.13858006

yes, well i'm not american and i wasn't talking about the us. sorry if i didn't make that clear but my post was an indirect reply to that italian freaking out

i don't dispute it's happening in the us, but in europe that stuff gets mostly pushed into the masters programs and it's always presented as a contrast (or compliment) to the already existing canon, after being properly contextualized. it doesn't even make a lot of sense to do so, for example, you can't simply discuss fanon, or his influence, with you proper theoretical and temporal context

there are of course exceptions. countries with more diverse populations feel more pressure to make changes (to varying degrees of 'success') but generally that simply isn't happening. that doesn't mean it will happen in the future though but for now i'm not too bothered or worried

>> No.13858017

Absolutely I agree! Only thing is they should burn those books rather than simply throw them away

>> No.13858034

Its just leftoids scared that these are the kind of people associated with them now

>> No.13858073

>Couldn't they donate the books somewhere?
The point is to get rid of them so that no one can read them; it's destruction of culture before your very eyes

>> No.13858077

This happened in a NJ public school, not a university.

Instead of Shakespeare and The Odyssey, its going to be Harry's Mom Has A Cock read during Tranny Storytime.

>> No.13858081

The equivalent of book burning. I sincerely hope these people catch a bullet through the teeth.

>> No.13858132

Having just graduated with an English degree, I noticed this in my own university as well. There was a big push in the English department towards classes of "alternate" books to the main Western canon, and even in the classes that should've focused on it, we largely stuck to mid-20th century works - modernists and post-modernists. I think, in my whole time in the program, we read a single Joyce short story, a bit from Faulkner, a bit from Fitzgerald, a single Shakespeare work, and something from the Bronte's; nearly every class, regardless of its basic subject, ended up having a large Af. Am. part of the curriculum and always had a discussion on the prejudices/privileges/etc, of the time/subject. Couldn't get away without it.

But it's not just about identity politics either: The 'importance' of YA novels was pushed hard - I had to take a YA novel class, and we talked about how wonderful it was that adults were reading that because they didn't want to read old, boring, white-guy stuff.

It's an attack on the very foundations of Western thought and tradition from every fucking side.

>> No.13858155

> But it's not just about identity politics either: The 'importance' of YA novels was pushed hard - I had to take a YA novel class, and we talked about how wonderful it was that adults were reading that because they didn't want to read old, boring, white-guy stuff.
You can't be serious.

>> No.13858159

We had this thread already
Fuck off

>> No.13858166

You don't see it because there is none that is probable enough. At this point chink takeover is a good thing.

>> No.13858185

I'd happily see these people swinging from the rafters

>> No.13858267

>There's nothing wrong with YA novels. And look at these stats - people of all ages read them! You don't have to read classic novels to be a reader!
>These are all so relateable. That's what makes them so good

It was awful

>> No.13858350

Also a recent English degree graduate. This is pretty much spot on. I remember for one class Heart of Darkness was on the syllabus and I got a little excited because I'd literally been reading nothing but Beloved (I had it assigned by two different classes in the same term) and identity quota shit like that. I was supremely disappointed when the point of reading HOD was to make a case for burning books and, of course, HOD would be the first book the professor recommend burning. Every time he'd talk about burning books he'd say something like "but of course I wouldn't REALLY suggest that everyone takes their copies and burns them after this class is done" so he always had plausible deniability.
That's just one example. My time at school was hell.

I had a class called American Lit from 1700's to 1880 in which we mostly read YA historical fiction books. A lot of them featured (fictional) strong black characters who actually (fictionally) shaped American history and a white person takes the credit for it.

>> No.13858386

I do not believe you. If you are speaking the truth and this is widespread, then lmao at the humanities.

>> No.13858419
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>Noooo don't bring attention to the havoc that our liberal lunacy is wreaking on our society.

>> No.13858447


it's spelled basedinka, lass

>> No.13858468

This is just an American thing, right?

The English classes I took were nothing like this. We had read a decent chunk of the entry level Romantics and Modernists by the end of it and our only “diversity” book was Things Fall Apart.

>> No.13858495

>This is just an American thing, right?
For now. It probably helps that America doesn't have a ton of contributions to the canon as it is, and that most of them are more contemporary or new than others. We have less of a 'connection' to it (outside of our great thinkers, all of whom were inspired by it) than Europe does. But who knows how long that'll last?

>> No.13858502
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Fucking coal burning cunt.

>> No.13858537

I don't know why I'd lie about this.

I don't know. My hope is that it's only relegated to the coasts.