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File: 1.29 MB, 720x864, Emanuel_Swedenborg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13852465 No.13852465 [Reply] [Original]

Was this nigga right about the afterlife?

>> No.13852492

a lot of what he said has been confirmed by NDE's in modern times

>> No.13852501

>Joke: Atheist
>Broke: Protestant
>Snoke: Catholic
>Bespoke: Orthodox
>Based and redpilled: Swedenborgian

>> No.13852557

OP here, I just discovered him thanks to Borges, apparently Balzac wrote a novel about a guy obsessed with Swedenborg.

>> No.13852562

is this a decent overview? What texts does Swedenborg discuss the afterlife in most?

>> No.13852567
File: 87 KB, 422x437, 1416080622894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it more likely that our minds get locked in at death and we just experience eternally slower and slower stimuli as if the universe is expanding around us until it just becomes nothingness and we form a black continuum of catatonic compliance?

>> No.13852901

>we'll all have perfect wives in the afterlife
was he the original incel?

>> No.13853092

>I’m sorry for my delay in responding to your questions about the Swedenborgian faith. I am not a member of that denomination. What is often called some variation of the “New Church” has a very small membership. It is the belief of this church that Swedenborg was a prophet much in the same way that Joseph Smith was a prophet for the Mormon religion. It is different in that the Swedenborgian church does not have a lot of rules and they embrace the sanctity of other authentic religions. That is one reason that it is small. I personally am a great admirer of Swedenborg due to the fact that he was a scientific, psychological, and spiritual genius. His insights into the intersection of all of these areas are quite profound and healthy minded. It is a puzzle that he has been pretty much discarded by history. Yet at the same time his influence has been immense. It is just under the surface. I am particularly fascinated with the subject of Swedenborg’s influence on and interface with the insights of C.G. Jung, a 20th century Swiss depth psychologist. It is my opinion that there is a lot there that has been neglected by Jungian scholars. I am sorry that I cannot answer your questions about hymns in the Swedenborg church, but I can tell you that they celebrate the usual Christian holidays. There are some excellent websites and Youtube videos where you can find a lot of information about Swedenborg and the Swedenborgian church.


>> No.13853094
File: 1.08 MB, 1444x1452, F65B3815-9FF1-4560-BBDA-81A68936BF2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Our minds die, rot, dry up. No synapses, no thoughts, no more you, whatever “you” were.

>> No.13853101

Not at all.. Don´t worry

>> No.13853147


>> No.13853179

When you die your brain dies. Everyone knows this. This is why the ancients invented the invisible you that has never been proven.
Well, proof?