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/lit/ - Literature

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13851283 No.13851283[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now is your chance to employ all that big brain philosophy that you definitely read and understand (and don't just posture around with)!

(don't forget to leave out genetics and race in your explanation because I know you're all a bunch of mixed race zoomers and jews and those can't possibly be a consideration)

>> No.13851290

fuck off phoneposting retard

>> No.13851295

To evolve the greatest amount of the most complex dimensions.
We judge this by beauty, as do all animals in their way.

>> No.13851297

>when you ask a leftist to perceive itself
none of their thoughts are reinforced logically, only arbitrarily by external forces, so none of it fits together.
That's why they are so impatient with explaining their ideas, they literally can't because there is physically no connection between the physical representation of their ideas in their brains.

Double think? Try quadruple think. Try 10x think, or 100x. They are literally schizophrenic.

>> No.13851321
File: 117 KB, 473x640, xfriedrich-nietzsche.jpg.pagespeed.ic.1tsfse1npf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go back.

>> No.13851326

Probably to learn something we could not elsewhere, wherever that is or isn't.

>> No.13851328

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? My one single wish is to be left to my own asexual devices, free from the thorned grip of perverse tempation, unclouded or swayed in my noble search for intellectual playthings of the mind, yet by your hand I am endlessly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will these hands ever feel a woman's swaying weight in their open palms? Will I ever know a plump, ruby pair of lips perched betwixt my shoulder and my ear, whispering "I want you, I want you now" in that chocolatey croon I know so well from dreamtime? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole, indicating the completed unity of our unhinged sexual impulses?

Life is a constant hell. Day in and out the tired red eyes glaze in some attempt to shield me from these images. I am floating in the blistering heat of my id's vacuum, castrated and blinded by my wretched libido. No wonder I resent women so.

>> No.13851329

most people here aren't leftist you reddit faggot tourist, don't go to random boards and post your /r/showerthoughts

kill yourself for real

>> No.13851333

>when you ask a leftist to perceive itself
none of their thoughts are reinforced logically, only arbitrarily by external forces, so none of it fits together.
That's why they are so impatient with explaining their ideas, they literally can't because there is physically no connection between the physical representation of their ideas in their brains.

Double think? Try quadruple think. Try 10x think, or 100x. They are literally schizophrenic.

>> No.13851337

bet you won't do that again

>> No.13851350

just wondering, is there any good venue for discussing literature that has a good moderate policy for banning abject retards but still allowing the exploration of just about any idea?

>> No.13851358

1.schoppenhauger was an antinatalist
2.antinatalism is retarded
3.schoppenhauger was derived from nietzsche
4.ergo nietzsche was wrong and by extension every philosopher after him

>> No.13851370

see how these NPCs work?
if you cue it with "philosophy" it simply finds an excuse to rattle off the top symbols that return from their query, it just wants to say the names and it thinks it has done something valuable

>> No.13851587

Ask every dead and dinosaurs.

>> No.13851684

>in the jewish internet
haha no

>> No.13851700

According to most of mankind purpose of life is to serve!

>> No.13851728
File: 66 KB, 956x700, FCDF7687-0FA6-4FC6-8E1B-2885C0A94E82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh oh, I know I know.

>> No.13851741

Tfw when no gf

>> No.13851747
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>> No.13851781

Terminator inspired me more than most philosophy I've read.

>> No.13851784 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 1200x700, Luca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"wow, you study philosophy anon, you must be smart hehe, have you figured out the meaning of life yet?"

>"well uh, Nick Land talks about cyborg black plagues, rat packs, and neo-china arriving from the future, and how retro AI causality ..."

>"... ooookay, haha look at the time, I have to be somewhere else. I have a boyfriend by the way. See you around."

>> No.13851800

In a sense I'd agree with this. Life is a complex phase of the self-organizing trajectory of the universe... It's 'purpose' is to reproduce itself and in doing so continue this process.

To be exacting though, there is no actual 'purpose' or 'reason' for life writ large, it just is.

>> No.13851859

I'm glad you understood

but if you retool your definitions of will, purpose, and reason, I think you will find great inspiration

what is will?
It is inertia on a dimension
what is purpose/reason(in that sense)?
the maintenance of a system, a meta-will keeping lesser wills from propagating outside their present dimensions

this is a very rough sketch but I would have to be implored to continue or share a more serious account from my notes

>> No.13851864

the purpose of life is to hope you can fuck a redhead like that and ending up with a heffer

>> No.13851881

cuddling with the gf and working on my poésie

>> No.13851989

>getting sweated on by some hideous abomination of femininity and jacking yourself off to your retarded ideas that are unrelatable
so you agree you should be slaughtered?

>> No.13851993

hum hum

d33p stuff bro

>> No.13852016

you are a disgusting self-obsessed person dominated by compulsive behavior

>> No.13852017

You god damn right bb. Such is life.

>> No.13852084

>claims its purpose is its work
>objects to assertion its work is unrelatable

>doesn't present its work
too risky for a high roller like you???

NPC subhuman

>> No.13852110

why do so many people insist on having this conversation without first defining "meaning/purpose"?

>> No.13852118

>hate jews
>"i know, i'll go to cambodian knitting forum"
>people here also hate the jews, nice
>somebody on peruvian shuffleboarding site says jews aren't source of all evil on the planet
>temper tantrum
Guess you'll have to find a more effective echo chamber, you fucking dribbling chimp

>> No.13852123

The thing is, all of those terms imply service to some goal, while I view the processes which underlie life to be fundamental and notions like 'purpose' and 'goals' to be downstream abstractions. Redefining those terms away from their current implications just seems like rhetorical obfuscation.

>> No.13852165

you mean a critical point in the procession of will where the will overflows from its present dimension?

see my goal is not to obfuscate, but to make stronger definitions that can 'drop in' in any case the previous definition was used. Try it out for yourself if you want, I don't think I've erred.

>bots comb threads looking for people talking about jews to make illogical rebuttals

>> No.13852167

The meaning of life is what happens in the space between the beginning and the end

>> No.13852180

the expectation that life is meant to have a 'purpose' comes from a cosmology that is inherently narrative. This is a Biblical Grammar that is actually imposed on our worldview, yet most are unaware of it (pre-ancient Israel viewed time as closed loop, whereas the Hebrew God introduced Western thought to the notion of an open future, and narrative time). THIS FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED THE WAY WE THINK. So now when we ask if something has meaning, we expect it to conform to the logic and syntax of a language/narrative. It must convey information to us. Actual meaning is derived, not from "knowing" in our contemporary understanding of the word, but from a deep sense of interconnection with, and participation in the cosmos. A sense of meaning or purpose comes from possessing agency and wisdom within this system.

>> No.13852193

>This is a Biblical Grammar that is actually imposed on our worldview
actually just YOUR definition of 'purpose'

>> No.13852216

keep your poison to yourself--and why don't you choke on it
Projecting. can't get over yourself? look in the fucking mirror
cringe. you're the unrelatable one. what are you trying to prove?
that you're bitter and you hate yourself the most

>> No.13852246

The purpose of life is letting yourself live life to the fullest.

>> No.13852258

The prodigal son

>> No.13852260

>live laugh love
thanks cool wine aunt

>> No.13852268

*reel whirrs*

>defending your pitiful brain fart this devotedly
>still won't post any of his work
you wouldn't be insecure and diffident would you????

>> No.13852275
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King Solomon was the most wise earthly king there ever was, and he pondered upon and tried basically all things that one can have in life. He concluded in the end everything was vain, that's the whole theme of Ecclesiates and he gave an answer to your conundrum that many philosophers have pondered on since the dawn of time.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 kjv
>Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

Also one more of from his books
Provers 9:10 kjv
>The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

>> No.13852293

Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

>> No.13852306

prove it you kumbrain poser

>> No.13852315

what is God?
what is the Lord?

see christfags wrap their delusions in jargon and never define it and are emotionally programmed to revile definition

it didn't used to be this way though, they are judaised severely

>> No.13852324

>live laugh love
Not what I meant, but ok.

>> No.13852332

>it was fucking serious
kill yourself

>> No.13852343

Read Bible / Catholic Catechism. Follow Jesus Christ

>> No.13852362

what an incredibly stupid post
seriously hope you're baiting

>> No.13852390
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Oh, no, just a white knight passing through.

>> No.13852461

This is not the fucking philosophy board. Stop spamming here and go to /his/

>> No.13852752

>this bankrupt of cope
this is something the leftist nonhumans love to do, arbitrarily assert categories that occlude whatever they can't deal with for whatever reason

>> No.13852797

There is none. Next question?

>> No.13852806

why haven't you killed yourself?

that you still live is a contradiction of what you said, you are refusing to assign meaning to 'purpose/meaning' because you are diffident in your ability to speak or perhaps even to understand the most basic things

stop being a PUSSY

>> No.13852878

>ever sharing hermetic french poetry on lit
Get a grip man.

>> No.13852879

Why the fuck would I kill myself over that? Just because there is no purpose or meaning, doesn't mean my life isn't enjoyable as fuck.

>you are refusing to assign meaning to 'purpose/meaning'
These words have a definition that can't apply on something like life. If you pick up a pen, your movement had a purpose. If you write or draw something with it, the stuff might have a meaning, at least for you.

>> No.13852891

>Excuses, Copes, and Other Delusions, My Autobiography
>t. retarded /lit/ poster

>> No.13852902

sorry that just seems really myopic. Are men not controlled by other men? Are men not picked up like a pen and used like a pen?

>> No.13852906

I've experienced enough joy in life to make it worth living. Learning and improving along the way is a nice bonus. Life everything else on this board, you guys overthink shit.

>> No.13852965

>sorry that just seems really myopic.
How so?

>Are men not controlled by other men? Are men not picked up like a pen and used like a pen?
Sure but the stuff is just as external. Someone can manipulate into following them and hence create some purpose but when you scale up to life and the big picture, it'd be still a very virtual sort of meaning, as real as that house you bought in an MMO.

>> No.13853159

I asserted how I thought so you already replied.
I guess what I'm imploring you to do is flesh out your definition of 'purpose'

>> No.13853211

>"the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists"
Seems like the most basic definition, and also seems like the one used the most for this topic. Which in turn needs an intelligent creator for life, otherwise there is no reason. Humans procreating just followed the process, hence they don't qualify to give life an overarching purpose any more than the pen in someones hand.

>> No.13853227

It's what you make of it. Existence precedes essence. The meaning of your life is not assigned to you by God or the universe, it's for you to decide.

Some people waste their lives, or live for empty causes. Others leave a legacy. It's up to you.